/* Allocate a device array for "array'.
 * Emit a max-expression to ensure the device array can contain at least one
 * element if the array's positive size guard expression is not trivial.
static __isl_give isl_printer *allocate_device_array(__isl_take isl_printer *p,
	struct gpu_array_info *array)
	int need_lower_bound;

	p = ppcg_start_block(p);

	p = isl_printer_start_line(p);
	p = isl_printer_print_str(p, "dev_");
	p = isl_printer_print_str(p, array->name);
	p = isl_printer_print_str(p, " = clCreateBuffer(context, ");
	p = isl_printer_print_str(p, "CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, ");

	need_lower_bound = !is_array_positive_size_guard_trivial(array);
	if (need_lower_bound) {
		p = isl_printer_print_str(p, "max(sizeof(");
		p = isl_printer_print_str(p, array->type);
		p = isl_printer_print_str(p, "), ");
	p = gpu_array_info_print_size(p, array);
	if (need_lower_bound)
		p = isl_printer_print_str(p, ")");

	p = isl_printer_print_str(p, ", NULL, &err);");
	p = isl_printer_end_line(p);
	p = isl_printer_start_line(p);
	p = isl_printer_print_str(p, "openclCheckReturn(err);");
	p = isl_printer_end_line(p);

	p = ppcg_end_block(p);

	return p;
/* Given a gpu_prog "prog" and the corresponding transformed AST
 * "tree", print the entire OpenCL code to "p".
static __isl_give isl_printer *print_opencl(__isl_take isl_printer *p,
	struct gpu_prog *prog, __isl_keep isl_ast_node *tree,
	struct gpu_types *types, void *user)
	struct opencl_info *opencl = user;

	opencl->kprinter = isl_printer_set_output_format(opencl->kprinter,
	if (any_double_elements(prog))
		opencl->kprinter = opencl_enable_double_support(
	if (opencl->options->opencl_print_kernel_types)
		opencl->kprinter = gpu_print_types(opencl->kprinter, types,

	if (!opencl->kprinter)
		return isl_printer_free(p);

	p = ppcg_start_block(p);

	p = opencl_print_host_macros(p);

	p = gpu_print_local_declarations(p, prog);
	p = opencl_declare_device_arrays(p, prog);
	p = opencl_setup(p, opencl->input, opencl);
	p = opencl_allocate_device_arrays(p, prog);

	p = opencl_print_host_code(p, prog, tree, opencl);

	p = opencl_release_device_arrays(p, prog);
	p = opencl_release_cl_objects(p, opencl);

	p = ppcg_end_block(p);

	return p;
/* Print the user statement of the host code to "p".
 * The host code may contain original user statements, kernel launches,
 * statements that copy data to/from the device and statements
 * the initialize or clear the device.
 * The original user statements and the kernel launches have
 * an associated annotation, while the other statements do not.
 * The latter are handled by print_device_node.
 * The annotation on the user statements is called "user".
 * In case of a kernel launch, print a block of statements that
 * defines the grid and the block and then launches the kernel.
static __isl_give isl_printer *print_host_user(__isl_take isl_printer *p,
	__isl_take isl_ast_print_options *print_options,
	__isl_keep isl_ast_node *node, void *user)
	isl_id *id;
	int is_user;
	struct ppcg_kernel *kernel;
	struct ppcg_kernel_stmt *stmt;
	struct print_host_user_data *data;


	data = (struct print_host_user_data *) user;

	id = isl_ast_node_get_annotation(node);
	if (!id)
		//p = isl_printer_print_str(p,"marker_NO_ID_CASE");
		return print_device_node(p, node, data->prog);
	is_user = !strcmp(isl_id_get_name(id), "user");
	kernel = is_user ? NULL : isl_id_get_user(id);
	stmt = is_user ? isl_id_get_user(id) : NULL;

	if (is_user)
		return ppcg_kernel_print_domain(p, stmt);

	p = ppcg_start_block(p);

	p = isl_printer_start_line(p);
	p = isl_printer_print_str(p, "dim3 k");
	p = isl_printer_print_int(p, kernel->id);
	p = isl_printer_print_str(p, "_dimBlock");
				kernel->n_block, kernel->block_dim);
	p = isl_printer_print_str(p, ";");
	p = isl_printer_end_line(p);

	p = print_grid(p, kernel);

	p = isl_printer_start_line(p);
	p = isl_printer_print_str(p, "kernel");
	p = isl_printer_print_int(p, kernel->id);
	p = isl_printer_print_str(p, " <<<k");
	p = isl_printer_print_int(p, kernel->id);
	p = isl_printer_print_str(p, "_dimGrid, k");
	p = isl_printer_print_int(p, kernel->id);
	p = isl_printer_print_str(p, "_dimBlock>>> (");
	p = print_kernel_arguments(p, data->prog, kernel, 0);
	p = isl_printer_print_str(p, ");");
	p = isl_printer_end_line(p);

	p = isl_printer_start_line(p);
	p = isl_printer_print_str(p, "cudaCheckKernel();");
	p = isl_printer_end_line(p);

	p = ppcg_end_block(p);

	p = isl_printer_start_line(p);
	p = isl_printer_end_line(p);

	p = copy_data_from_device_to_device(p,kernel); 

	printf("printing kernel");

	print_kernel(data->prog, kernel, data->cuda);

	printf("printing kernel done");

	return p;