void otherContainerLogs() {
    std::map<int, std::string> map_;
    map_.insert (std::pair<int, std::string>(1, "one"));
    map_.insert (std::pair<int, std::string>(2, "two"));
    LOG(INFO) << "Map: " << map_;

    std::queue<int> queue_;
    LOG(INFO) << queue_;

    std::bitset<10> bitset_ (std::string("10110"));
    LOG(INFO) << bitset_;

    int pqueueArr_[]= { 10, 60, 50, 20 };
    std::priority_queue< int, std::vector<int>, std::greater<int> > pqueue (pqueueArr_, pqueueArr_ + 4);
    LOG(INFO) << pqueue;

    std::deque<int> mydeque_ (3,100);
    mydeque_.at(1) = 200;

    std::stack<int> stack_ (mydeque_);
    LOG(INFO) << stack_;

    std::stack<std::string*> stackStr_;
    stackStr_.push (new std::string("test"));
    LOG(INFO) << stackStr_;
    delete stackStr_.top();
void MalisLossLayer<Dtype>::Malis(const Dtype* conn_data,
                                  const int_tp conn_num_dims,
                                  const int_tp* conn_dims,
                                  const int_tp* nhood_data,
                                  const int_tp* nhood_dims,
                                  const Dtype* seg_data, const bool pos,
                                  Dtype* dloss_data, Dtype* loss_out,
                                  Dtype *classerr_out, Dtype *rand_index_out) {
  if ((nhood_dims[1] != (conn_num_dims - 1))
      || (nhood_dims[0] != conn_dims[0])) {
    LOG(FATAL) << "nhood and conn dimensions don't match"
        << " (" << nhood_dims[1] << " vs. " << (conn_num_dims - 1)
        << " and " << nhood_dims[0] << " vs. "
        << conn_dims[conn_num_dims - 1] <<")";

  /* Cache for speed to access neighbors */
  // nVert stores (x * y * z)
  int64_t nVert = 1;
  for (int64_t i = 1; i < conn_num_dims; ++i) {
    nVert *= conn_dims[i];
    // std::cout << i << " nVert: " << nVert << std::endl;

  // prodDims stores x, x*y, x*y*z offsets
  std::vector<int64_t> prodDims(conn_num_dims - 1);
  prodDims[conn_num_dims - 2] = 1;
  for (int64_t i = 1; i < conn_num_dims - 1; ++i) {
    prodDims[conn_num_dims - 2 - i] = prodDims[conn_num_dims - 1 - i]
                                      * conn_dims[conn_num_dims - i];
    // std::cout << conn_num_dims - 2 - i << " dims: "
    //   << prodDims[conn_num_dims - 2 - i] << std::endl;

  /* convert n-d offset vectors into linear array offset scalars */
  // nHood is a vector of size #edges

  std::vector<int32_t> nHood(nhood_dims[0]);
  for (int64_t i = 0; i < nhood_dims[0]; ++i) {
    nHood[i] = 0;
    for (int64_t j = 0; j < nhood_dims[1]; ++j) {
      nHood[i] += (int32_t) nhood_data[j + i * nhood_dims[1]] * prodDims[j];
    // std::cout << i << " nHood: " << nHood[i] << std::endl;

  /* Disjoint sets and sparse overlap vectors */
  std::vector<std::map<int64_t, int64_t> > overlap(nVert);
  std::vector<int64_t> rank(nVert);
  std::vector<int64_t> parent(nVert);
  std::map<int64_t, int64_t> segSizes;
  int64_t nLabeledVert = 0;
  int64_t nPairPos = 0;
  boost::disjoint_sets<int64_t*, int64_t*> dsets(&rank[0], &parent[0]);
  // Loop over all seg data items
  for (int64_t i = 0; i < nVert; ++i) {
    if (0 != seg_data[i]) {
      overlap[i].insert(std::pair<int64_t, int64_t>(seg_data[i], 1));
      nPairPos += (segSizes[seg_data[i]] - 1);

  int64_t nPairTot = (nLabeledVert * (nLabeledVert - 1)) / 2;
  int64_t nPairNeg = nPairTot - nPairPos;
  int64_t nPairNorm;

  if (pos) {
    nPairNorm = nPairPos;
  } else {
    nPairNorm = nPairNeg;

  int64_t edgeCount = 0;
  // Loop over #edges
  for (int64_t d = 0, i = 0; d < conn_dims[0]; ++d) {
    // Loop over Z
    for (int64_t z = 0; z < conn_dims[1]; ++z) {
      // Loop over Y
      for (int64_t y = 0; y < conn_dims[2]; ++y) {
        // Loop over X
        for (int64_t x = 0; x < conn_dims[3]; ++x, ++i) {
          // Out-of-bounds check:
          if (!((z + nhood_data[d * nhood_dims[1] + 0] < 0)
              ||(z + nhood_data[d * nhood_dims[1] + 0] >= conn_dims[1])
              ||(y + nhood_data[d * nhood_dims[1] + 1] < 0)
              ||(y + nhood_data[d * nhood_dims[1] + 1] >= conn_dims[2])
              ||(x + nhood_data[d * nhood_dims[1] + 2] < 0)
              ||(x + nhood_data[d * nhood_dims[1] + 2] >= conn_dims[3]))) {

  /* Sort all the edges in increasing order of weight */
  std::vector<int64_t> pqueue(edgeCount);
  int64_t j = 0;
  // Loop over #edges
  for (int64_t d = 0, i = 0; d < conn_dims[0]; ++d) {
    // Loop over Z
    for (int64_t z = 0; z < conn_dims[1]; ++z) {
      // Loop over Y
      for (int64_t y = 0; y < conn_dims[2]; ++y) {
        // Loop over X
        for (int64_t x = 0; x < conn_dims[3]; ++x, ++i) {
          // Out-of-bounds check:
          if (!((z + nhood_data[d * nhood_dims[1] + 0] < 0)
              ||(z + nhood_data[d * nhood_dims[1] + 0] >= conn_dims[1])
              ||(y + nhood_data[d * nhood_dims[1] + 1] < 0)
              ||(y + nhood_data[d * nhood_dims[1] + 1] >= conn_dims[2])
              ||(x + nhood_data[d * nhood_dims[1] + 2] < 0)
              ||(x + nhood_data[d * nhood_dims[1] + 2] >= conn_dims[3]))) {
            pqueue[j++] = i;


  std::sort(pqueue.begin(), pqueue.end(),

  /* Start MST */
  int64_t minEdge;
  int64_t e, v1, v2;
  int64_t set1, set2;
  int64_t nPair = 0;
  double loss = 0, dl = 0;
  int64_t nPairIncorrect = 0;
  std::map<int64_t, int64_t>::iterator it1, it2;

  /* Start Kruskal's */
  for (int64_t i = 0; i < pqueue.size(); ++i) {
    minEdge = pqueue[i];
    // nVert = x * y * z, minEdge in [0, x * y * z * #edges]

    // e: edge dimension
    e = minEdge / nVert;

    // v1: node at edge beginning
    v1 = minEdge % nVert;

    // v2: neighborhood node at edge e
    v2 = v1 + nHood[e];

    // std::cout << "V1: " << v1 << ", V2: " << v2 << std::endl;

    set1 = dsets.find_set(v1);
    set2 = dsets.find_set(v2);

    if (set1 != set2) {
      dsets.link(set1, set2);

      /* compute the dloss for this MST edge */
      for (it1 = overlap[set1].begin(); it1 != overlap[set1].end(); ++it1) {
        for (it2 = overlap[set2].begin(); it2 != overlap[set2].end(); ++it2) {
          nPair = it1->second * it2->second;

          if (pos && (it1->first == it2->first)) {
            // +ve example pairs
            dl = (Dtype(1.0) - conn_data[minEdge]);
            loss += dl * dl * nPair;
            // Use hinge loss
            dloss_data[minEdge] += dl * nPair;
            if (conn_data[minEdge] <= Dtype(0.5)) {  // an error
              nPairIncorrect += nPair;

          } else if ((!pos) && (it1->first != it2->first)) {
            // -ve example pairs
            dl = (-conn_data[minEdge]);
            loss += dl * dl * nPair;
            // Use hinge loss
            dloss_data[minEdge] += dl * nPair;
            if (conn_data[minEdge] > Dtype(0.5)) {  // an error
              nPairIncorrect += nPair;

      if (nPairNorm > 0) {
        dloss_data[minEdge] /= nPairNorm;
      } else {
        dloss_data[minEdge] = 0;

      if (dsets.find_set(set1) == set2) {
        std::swap(set1, set2);

      for (it2 = overlap[set2].begin();
          it2 != overlap[set2].end(); ++it2) {
        it1 = overlap[set1].find(it2->first);
        if (it1 == overlap[set1].end()) {
          overlap[set1].insert(pair<int64_t, int64_t>
            (it2->first, it2->second));
        } else {
          it1->second += it2->second;
    }  // end link
  }  // end while

  /* Return items */
  double classerr, randIndex;
  if (nPairNorm > 0) {
    loss /= nPairNorm;
  } else {
    loss = 0;

  // std::cout << "nPairIncorrect: " << nPairIncorrect << std::endl;
  // std::cout << "nPairNorm: " << nPairNorm << std::endl;

  *loss_out = loss;
  classerr = static_cast<double>(nPairIncorrect)
      / static_cast<double>(nPairNorm);
  *classerr_out = classerr;
  randIndex = 1.0 - static_cast<double>(nPairIncorrect)
      / static_cast<double>(nPairNorm);
  *rand_index_out = randIndex;
文件: cf.cpp 项目: thejonan/mlpack
void CF::GetRecommendations(const size_t numRecs,
                            arma::Mat<size_t>& recommendations,
                            arma::Col<size_t>& users)
  // We want to avoid calculating the full rating matrix, so we will do nearest
  // neighbor search only on the H matrix, using the observation that if the
  // rating matrix X = W*H, then d(X.col(i), X.col(j)) = d(W H.col(i), W
  // H.col(j)).  This can be seen as nearest neighbor search on the H matrix
  // with the Mahalanobis distance where M^{-1} = W^T W.  So, we'll decompose
  // M^{-1} = L L^T (the Cholesky decomposition), and then multiply H by L^T.
  // Then we can perform nearest neighbor search.
  arma::mat l = arma::chol(w.t() * w);
  arma::mat stretchedH = l * h; // Due to the Armadillo API, l is L^T.

  // Now, we will use the decomposed w and h matrices to estimate what the user
  // would have rated items as, and then pick the best items.

  // Temporarily store feature vector of queried users.
  arma::mat query(stretchedH.n_rows, users.n_elem);

  // Select feature vectors of queried users.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < users.n_elem; i++)
    query.col(i) = stretchedH.col(users(i));

  // Temporary storage for neighborhood of the queried users.
  arma::Mat<size_t> neighborhood;

  // Calculate the neighborhood of the queried users.
  // This should be a templatized option.
  neighbor::KNN a(stretchedH);
  arma::mat resultingDistances; // Temporary storage.
  a.Search(query, numUsersForSimilarity, neighborhood, resultingDistances);

  // Generate recommendations for each query user by finding the maximum numRecs
  // elements in the averages matrix.
  recommendations.set_size(numRecs, users.n_elem);
  arma::mat values(numRecs, users.n_elem);

  for (size_t i = 0; i < users.n_elem; i++)
    // First, calculate average of neighborhood values.
    arma::vec averages;

    for (size_t j = 0; j < neighborhood.n_rows; ++j)
      averages += w * h.col(neighborhood(j, i));
    averages /= neighborhood.n_rows;

    // Let's build the list of candidate recomendations for the given user.
    // Default candidate: the smallest possible value and invalid item number.
    const Candidate def = std::make_pair(-DBL_MAX, cleanedData.n_rows);
    std::vector<Candidate> vect(numRecs, def);
    typedef std::priority_queue<Candidate, std::vector<Candidate>, CandidateCmp>
    CandidateList pqueue(CandidateCmp(), std::move(vect));

    // Look through the averages column corresponding to the current user.
    for (size_t j = 0; j < averages.n_rows; ++j)
      // Ensure that the user hasn't already rated the item.
      if (cleanedData(j, users(i)) != 0.0)
        continue; // The user already rated the item.

      // Is the estimated value better than the worst candidate?
      if (averages[i] > pqueue.top().first)
        Candidate c = std::make_pair(averages[j], j);

    for (size_t p = 1; p <= numRecs; p++)
      recommendations(numRecs - p, i) = pqueue.top().second;
      values(numRecs - p, i) = pqueue.top().first;

    // If we were not able to come up with enough recommendations, issue a
    // warning.
    if (recommendations(numRecs - 1, i) == def.second)
      Log::Warn << "Could not provide " << numRecs << " recommendations "
          << "for user " << users(i) << " (not enough un-rated items)!"
          << std::endl;