Build the object structure.
void  lutzsort(infostruct *info, objliststruct *objlist)

  objstruct  *obj = objlist->obj+objlist->nobj;

  memset(obj, 0, (size_t)sizeof(objstruct));
  obj->firstpix = info->firstpix;
  obj->lastpix = info->lastpix;
  obj->flag = info->flag;
  objlist->npix += info->pixnb;

  preanalyse(objlist->nobj, objlist, ANALYSE_FAST);


build the object structure.
void  sortit(picstruct *field, picstruct *dfield, picstruct *wfield,
	picstruct *dwfield, infostruct *info, objliststruct *objlist,
	     PIXTYPE *cdwscan, PIXTYPE *wscan)

   picstruct		*cfield;
   objliststruct	objlistout, *objlist2;
   static objstruct	obj;
   objstruct		*cobj;
   pliststruct		*pixel;
   int 			i,j,n;

  cfield = dfield? dfield: field;

  pixel = objlist->plist;
  objlistout.obj = NULL;
  objlistout.plist = NULL;
  objlistout.nobj = objlistout.npix = 0;

/*----- Allocate memory to store object data */

  objlist->obj = &obj;
  objlist->nobj = 1;

  memset(&obj, 0, (size_t)sizeof(objstruct));
  objlist->npix = info->pixnb;
  obj.firstpix = info->firstpix;
  obj.lastpix = info->lastpix;
  obj.flag = info->flag;
  obj.dthresh = objlist->dthresh;
  obj.thresh = objlist->thresh;

  preanalyse(0, objlist, ANALYSE_FAST);

/*----- Check if the current strip contains the lower isophote... */
  if ((int)obj.ymin < cfield->ymin)
    obj.flag |= OBJ_ISO_PB;

  if (!(obj.flag & OBJ_OVERFLOW) && (createsubmap(objlist, 0) == RETURN_OK))
    if (parcelout(objlist, &objlistout) == RETURN_OK)
      objlist2 = &objlistout;
      objlist2 = objlist;
      for (i=0; i<objlist2->nobj; i++)
        objlist2->obj[i].flag |= OBJ_DOVERFLOW;
      sprintf(gstr, "%.0f,%.0f", obj.mx+1, obj.my+1);
      warning("Deblending overflow for detection at ", gstr);
    objlist2 = objlist;

  for (i=0; i<objlist2->nobj; i++)
    preanalyse(i, objlist2, ANALYSE_FULL|ANALYSE_ROBUST);
    if (prefs.ext_maxarea && objlist2->obj[i].fdnpix > prefs.ext_maxarea)
    analyse(field, dfield, i, objlist2);
    cobj = objlist2->obj + i;
    if (prefs.blank_flag)
      if (createblank(objlist2,i) != RETURN_OK)
/*------ Not enough mem. for the BLANK vignet: flag the object now */
        cobj->flag |= OBJ_OVERFLOW;
        cobj->blank = cobj->dblank = NULL;
        sprintf(gstr, "%.0f,%.0f", cobj->mx+1, cobj->my+1);
        warning("Memory overflow during masking for detection at ", gstr);

    if ((n=cleanobjlist->nobj) >= prefs.clean_stacksize)
       objstruct	*cleanobj;
       int		ymin, ymax, victim=0;

      ymin = 2000000000;	/* No image is expected to be that tall ! */
      cleanobj = cleanobjlist->obj;
      for (j=0; j<n; j++, cleanobj++)
        if (cleanobj->ycmax < ymin)
          victim = j;
          ymin = cleanobj->ycmax;

/*---- Warn if there is a possibility for any aperture to be truncated */
      if (field->ymax < field->height)
        cleanobj = &cleanobjlist->obj[victim];
        if ((ymax=cleanobj->ycmax) > field->ymax)
          sprintf(gstr, "Object at position %.0f,%.0f ",
		cleanobj->mx+1, cleanobj->my+1);
          QWARNING(gstr, "may have some apertures truncated:\n"
		"          You might want to increase MEMORY_OBJSTACK");
        else if (ymax>field->yblank && prefs.blank_flag)
          sprintf(gstr, "Object at position %.0f,%.0f ",
		cleanobj->mx+1, cleanobj->my+1);
          QWARNING(gstr, "may have some unBLANKed neighbours\n"
		"          You might want to increase MEMORY_OBJSTACK");

      endobject(field, dfield, wfield, dwfield, victim, cleanobjlist);

/* Only add the object if it is not swallowed by cleaning */
    if (!prefs.clean_flag || clean(field, dfield, i, objlist2))


文件: analyse.c 项目: RTS2/rts2
void  analyse(int no, objliststruct *objlist, int robust, double gain)
  objstruct	*obj = &objlist->obj[no];
  pliststruct	*pixel = objlist->plist, *pixt;
  PIXTYPE	peak, val, cval;
  double	thresh,thresh2, t1t2,darea,
                mx,my, mx2,my2,mxy, rv, rv2, tv,
		xm,ym, xm2,ym2,xym,
                temp,temp2, theta,pmx2,pmy2,
                errx2, erry2, errxy, cvar, cvarsum;
  int		x, y, xmin, ymin, area2, dnpix;

  preanalyse(no, objlist);
  dnpix = 0;
  mx = my = tv = 0.0;
  mx2 = my2 = mxy = 0.0;
  cvarsum = errx2 = erry2 = errxy = 0.0;
  thresh = obj->thresh;
  peak = obj->dpeak;
  rv = obj->fdflux;
  rv2 = rv * rv;
  thresh2 = (thresh + peak)/2.0;
  area2 = 0;
  xmin = obj->xmin;
  ymin = obj->ymin;

  for (pixt=pixel+obj->firstpix; pixt>=pixel; pixt=pixel+PLIST(pixt,nextpix))
      x = PLIST(pixt,x)-xmin;  /* avoid roundoff errors on big images */
      y = PLIST(pixt,y)-ymin;  /* avoid roundoff errors on big images */
      cval = PLISTPIX(pixt, cdvalue);
      tv += (val = PLISTPIX(pixt, value));
      if (val>thresh)
      if (val > thresh2)
      mx += cval * x;
      my += cval * y;
      mx2 += cval * x*x;
      my2 += cval * y*y;
      mxy += cval * x*y;


  /* compute object's properties */
  xm = mx / rv;    /* mean x */
  ym = my / rv;    /* mean y */

  /* In case of blending, use previous barycenters */
  if ((robust) && (obj->flag & SEP_OBJ_MERGED))
      double xn, yn;
      xn = obj->mx-xmin;
      yn = obj->my-ymin;
      xm2 = mx2 / rv + xn*xn - 2*xm*xn;
      ym2 = my2 / rv + yn*yn - 2*ym*yn;
      xym = mxy / rv + xn*yn - xm*yn - xn*ym;
      xm = xn;
      ym = yn;
      xm2 = mx2 / rv - xm * xm;	 /* variance of x */
      ym2 = my2 / rv - ym * ym;	 /* variance of y */
      xym = mxy / rv - xm * ym;	 /* covariance */


  /* Calculate the errors on the variances */
  for (pixt=pixel+obj->firstpix; pixt>=pixel; pixt=pixel+PLIST(pixt,nextpix))
      x = PLIST(pixt,x)-xmin;  /* avoid roundoff errors on big images */
      y = PLIST(pixt,y)-ymin;  /* avoid roundoff errors on big images */

      cvar = PLISTEXIST(var)? PLISTPIX(pixt, var): 0.0;
      if (gain > 0.0) {  /* add poisson noise if given */
        cval = PLISTPIX(pixt, cdvalue);
        if (cval > 0.0) cvar += cval / gain;

      /* Note that this works for both blended and non-blended cases
       * because xm is set to xn above for the blended case. */
      cvarsum += cvar;
      errx2 += cvar * (x - xm) * (x - xm);
      erry2 += cvar * (y - ym) * (y - ym);
      errxy += cvar * (x - xm) * (y - ym);
  errx2 /= rv2;
  erry2 /= rv2;
  errxy /= rv2;

  /* Handle fully correlated x/y (which cause a singularity...) */
  if ((temp2=xm2*ym2-xym*xym)<0.00694)
      xm2 += 0.0833333;
      ym2 += 0.0833333;
      temp2 = xm2*ym2-xym*xym;
      obj->flag |= SEP_OBJ_SINGU;

      /* handle it for the error parameters */
      cvarsum *= 0.08333/rv2;
      if (errx2*erry2 - errxy * errxy < cvarsum * cvarsum) {
        errx2 += cvarsum;
        erry2 += cvarsum;

  if ((fabs(temp=xm2-ym2)) > 0.0)
    theta = atan2(2.0 * xym, temp) / 2.0;
    theta = PI/4.0;

  temp = sqrt(0.25*temp*temp+xym*xym);
  pmy2 = pmx2 = 0.5*(xm2+ym2);
  obj->dnpix = (LONG)dnpix;
  obj->dflux = tv;
  obj->mx = xm+xmin;	/* add back xmin */
  obj->my = ym+ymin;	/* add back ymin */
  obj->mx2 = xm2;
  obj->errx2 = errx2;
  obj->my2 = ym2;
  obj->erry2 = erry2;
  obj->mxy = xym;
  obj->errxy = errxy;
  obj->a = (float)sqrt(pmx2);
  obj->b = (float)sqrt(pmy2);
  obj->theta = theta;
  obj->cxx = (float)(ym2/temp2);
  obj->cyy = (float)(xm2/temp2);
  obj->cxy = (float)(-2*xym/temp2);
  darea = (double)area2 - dnpix;
  t1t2 = thresh/thresh2;

  /* debugging */
  /*if (t1t2>0.0 && !PLISTEXIST(thresh)) */  /* was: prefs.dweight_flag */
  if (t1t2 > 0.0)
      obj->abcor = (darea<0.0?darea:-1.0)/(2*PI*log(t1t2<1.0?t1t2:0.99)
      if (obj->abcor>1.0)
	obj->abcor = 1.0;
      obj->abcor = 1.0;

