int main()
	FILE *fp;
	float a1, a2;
	double Aarray[] = { 1,1,-0.1,1 };
	double Harray[] = { 1,1,0,1 };
	Mat *X[100],*Qk,*Rk,*A,*H,*Z,*Pk,*K;
	int iter = 0;
	fopen_s(&fp, "measure.txt", "r");
	Z = mallocMat(2, 1, TYPE_FLOAT);
	X[0] = mallocMat(2, 1, TYPE_FLOAT);
	setVecVal(X[0], 0, 0.1);
	setVecVal(X[0], 1, 0.9);
	A = scanMat(2, 2, TYPE_FLOAT, Aarray);
	H = scanMat(2, 2, TYPE_FLOAT, Harray);
	Qk = identity(2, TYPE_FLOAT);
	Rk = identity(2, TYPE_FLOAT);
	Pk = identity(2, TYPE_FLOAT);
	K = zerosMat(2, 2, TYPE_FLOAT);
	if (!fp)
		return -1;
	while (!feof(fp))
		fscanf_s(fp, "%f %f", &a1, &a2);
		if (iter == 0)
		setVecVal(Z, 0, a1);
		setVecVal(Z, 1, a2);
		X[iter] = mallocMat(2, 1, TYPE_FLOAT);
		predictState(A, X[iter - 1], X[iter]);
		predictErrorVariance(A, Pk, Qk, Pk);
		if (iter % 5 == 0)
			getK(Pk, H, Rk, K);
			stateCorrect(X[iter], K, Z, H, X[iter]);
			varianceCorrect(Pk, K, H, Pk);
	return 1;

文件: ekf.cpp 项目: priseborough/ecl
bool Ekf::update()
	bool ret = false;	// indicates if there has been an update

	if (!_filter_initialised) {
		_filter_initialised = initialiseFilter();

		if (!_filter_initialised) {
			return false;

	// prediction
	if (_imu_updated) {
		ret = true;

	// measurement updates

	if (_mag_buffer.pop_first_older_than(_imu_sample_delayed.time_us, &_mag_sample_delayed)) {
		_mag_fuse_index = (_mag_fuse_index + 1) % 3;

	if (_baro_buffer.pop_first_older_than(_imu_sample_delayed.time_us, &_baro_sample_delayed)) {
		_fuse_height = true;

	if (_gps_buffer.pop_first_older_than(_imu_sample_delayed.time_us, &_gps_sample_delayed)) {
		_fuse_pos = true;
		_fuse_vert_vel = true;
		_fuse_hor_vel = true;

	} else if (_time_last_imu - _time_last_gps > 2000000 && _time_last_imu - _time_last_fake_gps > 70000) {
		// if gps does not update then fake position and horizontal veloctiy measurements
		_fuse_hor_vel = true;	// we only fake horizontal velocity because we still have baro

	if (_fuse_height || _fuse_pos || _fuse_hor_vel || _fuse_vert_vel) {
		_fuse_hor_vel = _fuse_vert_vel = _fuse_pos = _fuse_height = false;

	if (_range_buffer.pop_first_older_than(_imu_sample_delayed.time_us, &_range_sample_delayed)) {

	if (_airspeed_buffer.pop_first_older_than(_imu_sample_delayed.time_us, &_airspeed_sample_delayed)) {


	return ret;
文件: ekf.cpp 项目: 9DSmart/ecl
bool Ekf::update()

	if (!_filter_initialised) {
		_filter_initialised = initialiseFilter();

		if (!_filter_initialised) {
			return false;

	// Only run the filter if IMU data in the buffer has been updated
	if (_imu_updated) {

		// perform state and covariance prediction for the main filter

		// perform state and variance prediction for the terrain estimator
		if (!_terrain_initialised) {
			_terrain_initialised = initHagl();

		} else {

		// control logic

		// measurement updates

		// Fuse magnetometer data using the selected fuson method and only if angular alignment is complete
		if (_mag_buffer.pop_first_older_than(_imu_sample_delayed.time_us, &_mag_sample_delayed)) {
			if (_control_status.flags.mag_3D && _control_status.flags.yaw_align) {

				if (_control_status.flags.mag_dec) {

			} else if (_control_status.flags.mag_2D && _control_status.flags.yaw_align) {

			} else if (_control_status.flags.mag_hdg && _control_status.flags.yaw_align) {
				// fusion of a Euler yaw angle from either a 321 or 312 rotation sequence

			} else {
				// do no fusion at all

		// determine if range finder data has fallen behind the fusin time horizon fuse it if we are
		// not tilted too much to use it
		if (_range_buffer.pop_first_older_than(_imu_sample_delayed.time_us, &_range_sample_delayed)
		    && (_R_prev(2, 2) > 0.7071f)) {
			// if we have range data we always try to estimate terrain height
			_fuse_hagl_data = true;

			// only use range finder as a height observation in the main filter if specifically enabled
			if (_control_status.flags.rng_hgt) {
				_fuse_height = true;

		} else if ((_time_last_imu - _time_last_hgt_fuse) > 2 * RNG_MAX_INTERVAL && _control_status.flags.rng_hgt) {
			// If we are supposed to be using range finder data as the primary height sensor, have missed or rejected measurements
			// and are on the ground, then synthesise a measurement at the expected on ground value
			if (!_in_air) {
				_range_sample_delayed.rng = _params.rng_gnd_clearance;
				_range_sample_delayed.time_us = _imu_sample_delayed.time_us;


			_fuse_height = true;

		// determine if baro data has fallen behind the fuson time horizon and fuse it in the main filter if enabled
		if (_baro_buffer.pop_first_older_than(_imu_sample_delayed.time_us, &_baro_sample_delayed)) {
			if (_control_status.flags.baro_hgt) {
				_fuse_height = true;

			} else {
				// calculate a filtered offset between the baro origin and local NED origin if we are not using the baro  as a height reference
				float offset_error =  _state.pos(2) + _baro_sample_delayed.hgt - _hgt_sensor_offset - _baro_hgt_offset;
				_baro_hgt_offset += 0.02f * math::constrain(offset_error, -5.0f, 5.0f);

		// If we are using GPS aiding and data has fallen behind the fusion time horizon then fuse it
		if (_gps_buffer.pop_first_older_than(_imu_sample_delayed.time_us, &_gps_sample_delayed)) {
			// Only use GPS data for position and velocity aiding if enabled
			if (_control_status.flags.gps) {
				_fuse_pos = true;
				_fuse_vert_vel = true;
				_fuse_hor_vel = true;

			// only use gps height observation in the main filter if specifically enabled
			if (_control_status.flags.gps_hgt) {
				_fuse_height = true;


		// If we are using optical flow aiding and data has fallen behind the fusion time horizon, then fuse it
		if (_flow_buffer.pop_first_older_than(_imu_sample_delayed.time_us, &_flow_sample_delayed)
		    && _control_status.flags.opt_flow && (_time_last_imu - _time_last_optflow) < 2e5
		    && (_R_prev(2, 2) > 0.7071f)) {
			_fuse_flow = true;

		// if we aren't doing any aiding, fake GPS measurements at the last known position to constrain drift
		// Coincide fake measurements with baro data for efficiency with a minimum fusion rate of 5Hz
		if (!_control_status.flags.gps && !_control_status.flags.opt_flow
		    && ((_time_last_imu - _time_last_fake_gps > 2e5) || _fuse_height)) {
			_fuse_pos = true;
			_gps_sample_delayed.pos(0) = _last_known_posNE(0);
			_gps_sample_delayed.pos(1) = _last_known_posNE(1);
			_time_last_fake_gps = _time_last_imu;

		// fuse available range finder data into a terrain height estimator if it has been initialised
		if (_fuse_hagl_data && _terrain_initialised) {
			_fuse_hagl_data = false;

		// Fuse available NED velocity and position data into the main filter
		if (_fuse_height || _fuse_pos || _fuse_hor_vel || _fuse_vert_vel) {
			_fuse_hor_vel = _fuse_vert_vel = _fuse_pos = _fuse_height = false;

		// Update optical flow bias estimates

		// Fuse optical flow LOS rate observations into the main filter
		if (_fuse_flow) {
			_last_known_posNE(0) = _state.pos(0);
			_last_known_posNE(1) = _state.pos(1);
			_fuse_flow = false;

		// TODO This is just to get the logic inside but we will only start fusion once we tested this again
		if (_airspeed_buffer.pop_first_older_than(_imu_sample_delayed.time_us, &_airspeed_sample_delayed) && false) {

	// the output observer always runs

	// check for NaN on attitude states
	if (isnan(_state.quat_nominal(0)) || isnan(_output_new.quat_nominal(0))) {
		return false;

	// We don't have valid data to output until tilt and yaw alignment is complete
	if (_control_status.flags.tilt_align && _control_status.flags.yaw_align) {
		return true;

	} else {
		return false;
 void KalmanFilter::updateMeasurement(double measurement, double variance,
     const Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 2>& C, double timestamp) {
   updateState(measurement, variance, C, predictState(timestamp));
   lastMeasurementTimestamp_ = timestamp;
  // Nothing to do...
  if (mTrack.track.empty ( )) {
    PRINT_WARN ("Empty Track1!");
    return -1;

  KalmanFilterParameter_t kalmanParams;
  size_t hitCount = mTrack.track.size ( );

  kalmanParams.hits = (TrackHit_t*) calloc (hitCount, sizeof (TrackHit_t));
  kalmanParams.fitsForward  = (trackHitData*) calloc (hitCount, sizeof (trackHitData));
  kalmanParams.fitsBackward = (trackHitData*) calloc (hitCount, sizeof (trackHitData));
  kalmanParams.C_Values     = (scalar_t*) calloc (hitCount, ORDER * ORDER * sizeof (scalar_t));
  kalmanParams.C_Inverse    = (scalar_t*) calloc (hitCount, ORDER * ORDER * sizeof (scalar_t));

  for (size_t i = 0; i < hitCount; ++i) {
    kalmanParams.hits[i] =;


  // Initial error covariance matrix estimate
  GSL_MATRIX_SET (mC_k1, 0, 0, 250.);
  GSL_MATRIX_SET (mC_k1, 1, 1, 250.);
  GSL_MATRIX_SET (mC_k1, 2, 2, 0.25);
  GSL_MATRIX_SET (mC_k1, 3, 3, 0.25);
  GSL_MATRIX_SET (mC_k1, 4, 4, 0.000001);

  // Set the transport matrix H_(k)
  GSL_MATRIX_SET (mDim1_H, 0, 0, 1.0);

  GSL_MATRIX_SET (mDim2_H, 0, 0, 1.0);
  GSL_MATRIX_SET (mDim2_H, 1, 1, 1.0);

  for (size_t i = 0; i < hitCount; ++i) {
    GSL_MATRIX_VIEW jacobi;

    // Get the Transport-Jacobians
    jacobi = GSL_MATRIX_VIEW_ARRAY (kalmanParams.hits[i].jacobi, 5, 5);

    predictState (mP_k, &jacobi.matrix, mP_k1);
    predictCovariance (mC_k, &jacobi.matrix, mC_k1);

    scalar_t covVal = GSL_MATRIX_GET(mC_k, 2, 2);
    GSL_MATRIX_SET(mC_k, 2, 2, covVal+kalmanParams.hits[i].sigmaDeltaPhiSquared);
    covVal = GSL_MATRIX_GET(mC_k, 3, 3);
    GSL_MATRIX_SET(mC_k, 3, 3, covVal+kalmanParams.hits[i].sigmaDeltaThetaSquared);
    covVal = GSL_MATRIX_GET(mC_k, 4, 4);
    GSL_MATRIX_SET(mC_k, 4, 4, covVal+kalmanParams.hits[i].sigmaDeltaQoverPSquared);

    if (kalmanParams.hits[i].is2Dim) { 
      scalar_t value1, value2;
      value1 = kalmanParams.hits[i].normal[0] - kalmanParams.hits[i].ref[0];
      value2 = kalmanParams.hits[i].normal[1] - kalmanParams.hits[i].ref[1];

      GSL_VECTOR_SET (mDim2_m, 0, value1);
      GSL_VECTOR_SET (mDim2_m, 1, value2);

      GSL_MATRIX_SET (mDim2_V, 0, 0, kalmanParams.hits[i].err_locX * kalmanParams.hits[i].err_locX);
      GSL_MATRIX_SET (mDim2_V, 0, 1, kalmanParams.hits[i].cov_locXY);
      GSL_MATRIX_SET (mDim2_V, 1, 0, kalmanParams.hits[i].cov_locXY);
      GSL_MATRIX_SET (mDim2_V, 1, 1, kalmanParams.hits[i].err_locY * kalmanParams.hits[i].err_locY);

      correctGain  (mDim2_K, mC_k, mDim2_H, mDim2_V);
      correctState (mP_k1, mP_k, mDim2_K, mDim2_m, mDim2_H);
      correctCovariance (mC_k1, mDim2_K, mDim2_H, mC_k);
    } else {
      scalar_t value;
      value = kalmanParams.hits[i].normal[0] - kalmanParams.hits[i].ref[0];

      GSL_VECTOR_SET (mDim1_m, 0, value);
      GSL_MATRIX_SET (mDim1_V, 0, 0, kalmanParams.hits[i].err_locX * kalmanParams.hits[i].err_locX);

      correctGain  (mDim1_K, mC_k, mDim1_H, mDim1_V);
      correctState (mP_k1, mP_k, mDim1_K, mDim1_m, mDim1_H);
      correctCovariance (mC_k1, mDim1_K, mDim1_H, mC_k);

    /* TODO: implemenent
    for (int c = 0; c < 5; ++c) {
      for (int k = 0; k < 5; ++k)
	kalmanParams.C_Values[c*5+k+i*25] = GSL_MATRIX_GET (mC_k1, c, k);

    for (int c = 0; c < 5; ++c)
      kalmanParams.fitsForward[i].data[c] = GSL_VECTOR_GET (mP_k1, c);

#if DBG_LVL > 0
    std::cout << "P_k1: ";
    printVector (mP_k1);


  /* TODO: implement
  // Initial error covariance matrix estimate
  GSL_MATRIX_SET (mC_k1, 0, 0, 250.);
  GSL_MATRIX_SET (mC_k1, 1, 1, 250.);
  GSL_MATRIX_SET (mC_k1, 2, 2, 0.25);
  GSL_MATRIX_SET (mC_k1, 3, 3, 0.25);
  GSL_MATRIX_SET (mC_k1, 4, 4, 0.000001);

  for (int i = hitCount-1; i >= 0; --i) {
    GSL_MATRIX_VIEW jacobi;

    // Get the Transport-Jacobians
    jacobi = GSL_MATRIX_VIEW_ARRAY (kalmanParams.hits[i].jacobiInverse, 5, 5);

    predictState (mP_k, &jacobi.matrix, mP_k1);
    predictCovariance (mC_k, &jacobi.matrix, mC_k1);

    // add uncertainties from material effects:
    scalar_t covVal = GSL_MATRIX_GET(mC_k, 2, 2);
    GSL_MATRIX_SET(mC_k, 2, 2, covVal+kalmanParams.hits[i].sigmaDeltaPhiSquared);
    covVal = GSL_MATRIX_GET(mC_k, 3, 3);
    GSL_MATRIX_SET(mC_k, 3, 3, covVal+kalmanParams.hits[i].sigmaDeltaThetaSquared);
    covVal = GSL_MATRIX_GET(mC_k, 4, 4);
    GSL_MATRIX_SET(mC_k, 4, 4, covVal+kalmanParams.hits[i].sigmaDeltaQoverPSquared);

    if (kalmanParams.hits[i].is2Dim) { 
      scalar_t value1, value2;
      value1 = kalmanParams.hits[i].normal[0] - kalmanParams.hits[i].ref[0];
      value2 = kalmanParams.hits[i].normal[1] - kalmanParams.hits[i].ref[1];

      GSL_VECTOR_SET (mDim2_m, 0, value1);
      GSL_VECTOR_SET (mDim2_m, 1, value2);

      GSL_MATRIX_SET (mDim2_V, 0, 0, kalmanParams.hits[i].err_locX *
      GSL_MATRIX_SET (mDim2_V, 0, 1, kalmanParams.hits[i].cov_locXY);
      GSL_MATRIX_SET (mDim2_V, 1, 0, kalmanParams.hits[i].cov_locXY);
      GSL_MATRIX_SET (mDim2_V, 1, 1, kalmanParams.hits[i].err_locY *

      correctGain  (mDim2_K, mC_k, mDim2_H, mDim2_V);
      correctState (mP_k1, mP_k, mDim2_K, mDim2_m, mDim2_H);
      correctCovariance (mC_k1, mDim2_K, mDim2_H, mC_k);
    } else {
      scalar_t value;
      value = kalmanParams.hits[i].normal[0] - kalmanParams.hits[i].ref[0];

      GSL_VECTOR_SET (mDim1_m, 0, value);

      GSL_MATRIX_SET (mDim1_V, 0, 0, kalmanParams.hits[i].err_locX *

      correctGain  (mDim1_K, mC_k, mDim1_H, mDim1_V);
      correctState (mP_k1, mP_k, mDim1_K, mDim1_m, mDim1_H);
      correctCovariance (mC_k1, mDim1_K, mDim1_H, mC_k);

    // FIXME: C_Inverse = C values im backward filter? (mit Rene klären)
    for (int c = 0; c < 5; ++c) {
      for (int k = 0; k < 5; ++k)
	kalmanParams.C_Inverse[c*5+k+i*25] = GSL_MATRIX_GET (mC_k1, c, k);

    for (int c = 0; c < 5; ++c)
      kalmanParams.fitsBackward[i].data[c] = GSL_VECTOR_GET (mP_k1, c);

#if DBG_LVL > 0
    std::cout << "P_k1: ";
    printVector (mP_k1);

  GSL_VECTOR *tmpVec;
  tmpVec = GSL_VECTOR_CALLOC(5);

  // Smoothing. FIXME: Save results to a useful struct..
  for (size_t i = 0; i < hitCount; ++i) {
    // Dim5_K = C_f * (C_f + C_b)^-1

    C_f = GSL_MATRIX_VIEW_ARRAY (&kalmanParams.C_Values[i*25], 5, 5);
    C_b = GSL_MATRIX_VIEW_ARRAY (&kalmanParams.C_Inverse[i*25], 5, 5);

    // mC_k = C_f + C_b
    GSL_MATRIX_MEMCPY (mC_k, &C_f.matrix);
    GSL_MATRIX_ADD (mC_k, &C_b.matrix);

    GSL_MATRIX_MEMCPY (mInverse, mC_k);

    // mInverse = (C_f + C_b)^-1
    matrixInverseSymmetric (mInverse);

    // mDim5_K = C_f * (C_f + C_b)^-1
    GSL_BLAS_XGEMM (CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1.0f, &C_f.matrix, mInverse, 0.0f, mDim5_K);

    // P = p_f + K * p_b // SF: BUG!
    // P = p_f + K * (p_b - p_f)
    GSL_VECTOR_VIEW p_f, p_b;

    p_f = GSL_VECTOR_VIEW_ARRAY (kalmanParams.fitsForward[i].data, 5);
    p_b = GSL_VECTOR_VIEW_ARRAY (kalmanParams.fitsBackward[i].data, 5);
    //GSL_BLAS_XGEMV (CblasNoTrans, 1.0, mDim5_K, &p_b.vector, 0.0, mP_k);

    //tmpVec=p_b - p_f
    GSL_VECTOR_MEMCPY(tmpVec, &p_b.vector);
    GSL_VECTOR_SUB (tmpVec, &p_f.vector);

    // mP_k = K * (p_b - p_f)
    GSL_BLAS_XGEMV (CblasNoTrans, 1.0, mDim5_K, tmpVec, 0.0, mP_k);
    // mP_k = p_f + K * (p_b - p_f)
    GSL_VECTOR_ADD (mP_k, &p_f.vector);

#if BENCHMARK == 0
    x->addWert (GSL_VECTOR_GET (mP_k, 0));
    if (kalmanParams.hits[i].is2Dim)
      y->addWert (GSL_VECTOR_GET (mP_k, 1));

    // FIXME: calculation of smoothed covariance missing!
#if DBG_LVL > 2
    std::cout << "C_f: ";
    printMatrix (&C_f.matrix);
    std::cout << "C_b: ";
    printMatrix (&C_b.matrix);
    std::cout << "p_f: ";
    printVector (&p_f.vector);
    std::cout << "p_b: ";
    printVector (&p_b.vector);
    std::cout << "SmoothedP: p_f + (C_f . invert(C_f + C_b)) . p_b;";
    std::cout << "res: ";
    printVector (mP_k);

#if DBG_LVL > 0
    std::cout << "P_k: ";
    printVector (mP_k);

  free (kalmanParams.hits);
  free (kalmanParams.fitsForward);
  free (kalmanParams.fitsBackward);
  free (kalmanParams.C_Values);
  free (kalmanParams.C_Inverse);

  return 0;