    const char         *source,
    uint32_t            track_number,
    int                 threads,
    int                 seek_mode,
    uint32_t            forward_seek_threshold,
    int                 direct_rendering,
    int                 stacked_format,
    enum AVPixelFormat  pixel_format,
    IScriptEnvironment *env
    memset( &vi,  0, sizeof(VideoInfo) );
    memset( &vdh, 0, sizeof(libavsmash_video_decode_handler_t) );
    memset( &voh, 0, sizeof(libavsmash_video_output_handler_t) );
    format_ctx                 = NULL;
    vdh.seek_mode              = seek_mode;
    vdh.forward_seek_threshold = forward_seek_threshold;
    as_video_output_handler_t *as_vohp = (as_video_output_handler_t *)lw_malloc_zero( sizeof(as_video_output_handler_t) );
    if( !as_vohp )
        env->ThrowError( "LSMASHVideoSource: failed to allocate the AviSynth video output handler." );
    as_vohp->vi  = &vi;
    as_vohp->env = env;
    voh.private_handler      = as_vohp;
    voh.free_private_handler = as_free_video_output_handler;
    get_video_track( source, track_number, threads, env );
    lsmash_discard_boxes( vdh.root );
    prepare_video_decoding( direct_rendering, stacked_format, pixel_format, env );
static int get_video_track( lsmash_handler_t *h, video_option_t *opt )
    avs_handler_t *hp = (avs_handler_t *)h->video_private;
    if( hp->vi->num_frames <= 0 || hp->vi->width <= 0 || hp->vi->height <= 0 )
        return -1;
    hp->av_frame = av_frame_alloc();
    if( !hp->av_frame )
        return -1;
    hp->bit_depth = opt->avs.bit_depth;
    return prepare_video_decoding( h, opt );
void VS_CC vs_libavsmashsource_create( const VSMap *in, VSMap *out, void *user_data, VSCore *core, const VSAPI *vsapi )
    /* Get file name. */
    const char *file_name = vsapi->propGetData( in, "source", 0, NULL );
    if( !file_name )
        vsapi->setError( out, "lsmas: failed to get source file name." );
    /* Allocate the handler of this plugin. */
    lsmas_handler_t *hp = alloc_handler();
    if( !hp )
        vsapi->setError( out, "lsmas: failed to allocate the handler." );
    libavsmash_video_decode_handler_t *vdhp = hp->vdhp;
    libavsmash_video_output_handler_t *vohp = hp->vohp;
    vs_video_output_handler_t *vs_vohp = vs_allocate_video_output_handler( vohp );
    if( !vs_vohp )
        free_handler( &hp );
        vsapi->setError( out, "lsmas: failed to allocate the VapourSynth video output handler." );
    vohp->private_handler      = vs_vohp;
    vohp->free_private_handler = lw_free;
    /* Set up VapourSynth error handler. */
    vs_basic_handler_t vsbh = { 0 };
    vsbh.out       = out;
    vsbh.frame_ctx = NULL;
    vsbh.vsapi     = vsapi;
    /* Set up log handler. */
    lw_log_handler_t lh = { 0 };
    lh.level    = LW_LOG_FATAL;
    lh.priv     = &vsbh;
    lh.show_log = set_error;
    /* Open source file. */
    uint32_t number_of_tracks = open_file( hp, file_name, &lh );
    if( number_of_tracks == 0 )
        vs_filter_free( hp, core, vsapi );
    /* Get options. */
    int64_t track_number;
    int64_t threads;
    int64_t seek_mode;
    int64_t seek_threshold;
    int64_t variable_info;
    int64_t direct_rendering;
    int64_t fps_num;
    int64_t fps_den;
    const char *format;
    const char *preferred_decoder_names;
    set_option_int64 ( &track_number,            0,    "track",          in, vsapi );
    set_option_int64 ( &threads,                 0,    "threads",        in, vsapi );
    set_option_int64 ( &seek_mode,               0,    "seek_mode",      in, vsapi );
    set_option_int64 ( &seek_threshold,          10,   "seek_threshold", in, vsapi );
    set_option_int64 ( &variable_info,           0,    "variable",       in, vsapi );
    set_option_int64 ( &direct_rendering,        0,    "dr",             in, vsapi );
    set_option_int64 ( &fps_num,                 0,    "fpsnum",         in, vsapi );
    set_option_int64 ( &fps_den,                 1,    "fpsden",         in, vsapi );
    set_option_string( &format,                  NULL, "format",         in, vsapi );
    set_option_string( &preferred_decoder_names, NULL, "decoder",        in, vsapi );
    set_preferred_decoder_names_on_buf( hp->preferred_decoder_names_buf, preferred_decoder_names );
    libavsmash_video_set_seek_mode              ( vdhp, CLIP_VALUE( seek_mode,      0, 2 ) );
    libavsmash_video_set_forward_seek_threshold ( vdhp, CLIP_VALUE( seek_threshold, 1, 999 ) );
    libavsmash_video_set_preferred_decoder_names( vdhp, tokenize_preferred_decoder_names( hp->preferred_decoder_names_buf ) );
    vohp->vfr2cfr = (fps_num > 0 && fps_den > 0);
    vohp->cfr_num = (uint32_t)fps_num;
    vohp->cfr_den = (uint32_t)fps_den;
    vs_vohp->variable_info               = CLIP_VALUE( variable_info,  0, 1 );
    vs_vohp->direct_rendering            = CLIP_VALUE( direct_rendering,  0, 1 ) && !format;
    vs_vohp->vs_output_pixel_format = vs_vohp->variable_info ? pfNone : get_vs_output_pixel_format( format );
    if( track_number && track_number > number_of_tracks )
        vs_filter_free( hp, core, vsapi );
        set_error_on_init( out, vsapi, "lsmas: the number of tracks equals %"PRIu32".", number_of_tracks );
    libavsmash_video_set_log_handler( vdhp, &lh );
    /* Get video track. */
    if( libavsmash_video_get_track( vdhp, track_number ) < 0 )
        vs_filter_free( hp, core, vsapi );
    /* Set up decoders for this track. */
    threads = threads >= 0 ? threads : 0;
    if( prepare_video_decoding( hp, threads, out, core, vsapi ) < 0 )
        vs_filter_free( hp, core, vsapi );
    lsmash_discard_boxes( libavsmash_video_get_root( vdhp ) );
    vsapi->createFilter( in, out, "LibavSMASHSource", vs_filter_init, vs_filter_get_frame, vs_filter_free, fmUnordered, nfMakeLinear, hp, core );
void VS_CC vs_lwlibavsource_create( const VSMap *in, VSMap *out, void *user_data, VSCore *core, const VSAPI *vsapi )
    /* Get file path. */
    const char *file_path = vsapi->propGetData( in, "source", 0, NULL );
    if( !file_path )
        vsapi->setError( out, "lsmas: failed to get source file name." );
    /* Allocate the handler of this filter function. */
    lwlibav_handler_t *hp = alloc_handler();
    if( !hp )
        vsapi->setError( out, "lsmas: failed to allocate the LW-Libav handler." );
    lwlibav_file_handler_t         *lwhp = &hp->lwh;
    lwlibav_video_decode_handler_t *vdhp = hp->vdhp;
    lwlibav_video_output_handler_t *vohp = hp->vohp;
    vs_video_output_handler_t *vs_vohp = vs_allocate_video_output_handler( vohp );
    if( !vs_vohp )
        free_handler( &hp );
        vsapi->setError( out, "lsmas: failed to allocate the VapourSynth video output handler." );
    vohp->private_handler      = vs_vohp;
    vohp->free_private_handler = lw_free;
    /* Set up VapourSynth error handler. */
    vs_basic_handler_t vsbh = { 0 };
    vsbh.out       = out;
    vsbh.frame_ctx = NULL;
    vsbh.vsapi     = vsapi;
    /* Set up log handler. */
    lw_log_handler_t lh = { 0 };
    lh.level    = LW_LOG_FATAL;
    lh.priv     = &vsbh;
    lh.show_log = set_error;
    /* Get options. */
    int64_t stream_index;
    int64_t threads;
    int64_t cache_index;
    int64_t seek_mode;
    int64_t seek_threshold;
    int64_t variable_info;
    int64_t direct_rendering;
    int64_t fps_num;
    int64_t fps_den;
    int64_t apply_repeat_flag;
    int64_t field_dominance;
    const char *format;
    const char *preferred_decoder_names;
    set_option_int64 ( &stream_index,           -1,    "stream_index",   in, vsapi );
    set_option_int64 ( &threads,                 0,    "threads",        in, vsapi );
    set_option_int64 ( &cache_index,             1,    "cache",          in, vsapi );
    set_option_int64 ( &seek_mode,               0,    "seek_mode",      in, vsapi );
    set_option_int64 ( &seek_threshold,          10,   "seek_threshold", in, vsapi );
    set_option_int64 ( &variable_info,           0,    "variable",       in, vsapi );
    set_option_int64 ( &direct_rendering,        0,    "dr",             in, vsapi );
    set_option_int64 ( &fps_num,                 0,    "fpsnum",         in, vsapi );
    set_option_int64 ( &fps_den,                 1,    "fpsden",         in, vsapi );
    set_option_int64 ( &apply_repeat_flag,       0,    "repeat",         in, vsapi );
    set_option_int64 ( &field_dominance,         0,    "dominance",      in, vsapi );
    set_option_string( &format,                  NULL, "format",         in, vsapi );
    set_option_string( &preferred_decoder_names, NULL, "decoder",        in, vsapi );
    set_preferred_decoder_names_on_buf( hp->preferred_decoder_names_buf, preferred_decoder_names );
    /* Set options. */
    lwlibav_option_t opt;
    opt.file_path         = file_path;
    opt.threads           = threads >= 0 ? threads : 0;
    opt.av_sync           = 0;
    opt.no_create_index   = !cache_index;
    opt.force_video       = (stream_index >= 0);
    opt.force_video_index = stream_index >= 0 ? stream_index : -1;
    opt.force_audio       = 0;
    opt.force_audio_index = -1;
    opt.apply_repeat_flag = apply_repeat_flag;
    opt.field_dominance   = CLIP_VALUE( field_dominance, 0, 2 );    /* 0: Obey source flags, 1: TFF, 2: BFF */    = fps_num > 0 && fps_den > 0 ? 1 : 0;
    opt.vfr2cfr.fps_num   = fps_num;
    opt.vfr2cfr.fps_den   = fps_den;
    lwlibav_video_set_seek_mode              ( vdhp, CLIP_VALUE( seek_mode,      0, 2 ) );
    lwlibav_video_set_forward_seek_threshold ( vdhp, CLIP_VALUE( seek_threshold, 1, 999 ) );
    lwlibav_video_set_preferred_decoder_names( vdhp, tokenize_preferred_decoder_names( hp->preferred_decoder_names_buf ) );
    vs_vohp->variable_info          = CLIP_VALUE( variable_info,     0, 1 );
    vs_vohp->direct_rendering       = CLIP_VALUE( direct_rendering,  0, 1 ) && !format;
    vs_vohp->vs_output_pixel_format = vs_vohp->variable_info ? pfNone : get_vs_output_pixel_format( format );
    /* Set up progress indicator. */
    progress_indicator_t indicator;   = NULL;
    indicator.update = NULL;
    indicator.close  = NULL;
    /* Construct index. */
    int ret = lwlibav_construct_index( lwhp, vdhp, vohp, hp->adhp, hp->aohp, &lh, &opt, &indicator, NULL );
    lwlibav_audio_free_decode_handler_ptr( &hp->adhp );
    lwlibav_audio_free_output_handler_ptr( &hp->aohp );
    if( ret < 0 )
        vs_filter_free( hp, core, vsapi );
        set_error_on_init( out, vsapi, "lsmas: failed to construct index." );
    /* Get the desired video track. */
    lwlibav_video_set_log_handler( vdhp, &lh );
    if( lwlibav_video_get_desired_track( lwhp->file_path, vdhp, lwhp->threads ) < 0 )
        vs_filter_free( hp, core, vsapi );
    /* Set average framerate. */
    hp->vi.numFrames = vohp->frame_count;
    hp->vi.fpsNum    = 25;
    hp->vi.fpsDen    = 1;
    lwlibav_video_setup_timestamp_info( lwhp, vdhp, vohp, &hp->vi.fpsNum, &hp->vi.fpsDen );
    /* Set up decoders for this stream. */
    if( prepare_video_decoding( hp, out, core, vsapi ) < 0 )
        vs_filter_free( hp, core, vsapi );
    vsapi->createFilter( in, out, "LWLibavSource", vs_filter_init, vs_filter_get_frame, vs_filter_free, fmUnordered, nfMakeLinear, hp, core );