int float_vectors(float vector1[], float vector2[], int size)
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++){
        if ((vector1[i] >= (vector2[i] + 0.0005)) || (vector1[i] <= (vector2[i] - 0.0005))){ 
            print_float_vector(vector1, size);
            print_float_vector(vector2, size);
            printf("%f != %f\n", vector1[i], vector2[i]);
std::string JSON_printer::print_float_vec_vector(std::vector<std::vector<float>> vec) {
    std::string out_string = "[";
    for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) {
        out_string = out_string + print_float_vector(vec[i]);
        if (i  != vec.size() - 1) {
            out_string = out_string + ",";
    return out_string;
std::string JSON_printer::print_vectors_with_info(std::string graph_name, int num_nodes, int num_edges, std::vector<std::vector<float>> rel_counts, std::vector<std::vector<int> > abs_counts) {
    std::vector<int> two_graphletsABS = abs_counts[0];
    std::vector<int> three_graphletsABS = abs_counts[1];
    std::vector<int> four_graphletsABS = abs_counts[2];
    std::vector<int> five_graphletsABS = abs_counts[3];
    std::vector<float> two_graphletsNORM = rel_counts[0];
    std::vector<float> three_graphletsNORM = rel_counts[1];
    std::vector<float> four_graphletsNORM = rel_counts[2];
    std::vector<float> five_graphletsNORM = rel_counts[3];
    std::string quot_marks = "\"";
    std::string out_str = "{ \"Graphname\" : " + quot_marks + graph_name + quot_marks + ", \"Number of vertices\" : " +  std::to_string(num_nodes) + ", ";
    out_str = out_str + "\"Number of edges\" : " + std::to_string(num_edges) + ", ";
    std::string abs_str = "\"Absolute Counts\" : { ";
    std::string norm_str = "\"Normalized Counts\" : { ";
    if (two_graphletsABS.empty()) {
        abs_str += "\"2-graphlets\" : null, ";
    } else {
        abs_str += "\"2-graphlets\" : " + print_int_vector(two_graphletsABS) + ", ";
    if (three_graphletsABS.empty()) {
        abs_str += "\"3-graphlets\" : null, ";
    } else {
        abs_str += "\"3-graphlets\" : " + print_int_vector(three_graphletsABS) + ", ";
    if (four_graphletsABS.empty()) {
        abs_str += "\"4-graphlets\" : null, ";
    } else {
        abs_str += "\"4-graphlets\" : " + print_int_vector(four_graphletsABS) + ", ";
    if (five_graphletsABS.empty()) {
        abs_str += "\"5-graphlets\" : null}";
    } else {
        abs_str += "\"5-graphlets\" : " + print_int_vector(five_graphletsABS) + "}, ";
    out_str += abs_str;
    if (two_graphletsNORM.empty()) {
        norm_str += "\"2-graphlets\" : null, ";
    } else {
        norm_str += "\"2-graphlets\" : " + print_float_vector(two_graphletsNORM) + ", ";
    if (three_graphletsNORM.empty()) {
        norm_str += "\"3-graphlets\" : null, ";
    } else {
        norm_str += "\"3-graphlets\" : " + print_float_vector(three_graphletsNORM) + ", ";
    if (four_graphletsNORM.empty()) {
        norm_str += "\"4-graphlets\" : null, ";
    } else {
        norm_str += "\"4-graphlets\" : " + print_float_vector(four_graphletsNORM) + ", ";
    if (two_graphletsNORM.empty()) {
        norm_str += "\"5-graphlets\" : null}";
    } else {
        norm_str += "\"5-graphlets\" : " + print_float_vector(five_graphletsNORM) + "}";
    out_str += norm_str + "}";
    return out_str;