void analyze_method(std::string method_name, double initial_step, int iterations_count, std::function<double(double, double, double)> calc_next) { std::cout << method_name << std::endl; print_hline(); double step = initial_step; for (int i = 0; i < iterations_count; ++i, step /= 2) { std::cout << "Step: " << step << std::endl; double cur_value = LEFT_END_VALUE; for (double x = SEGMENT_LEFT_END; x < SEGMENT_RIGHT_END - EPS; x += step) { std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(10) << cur_value << std::endl; cur_value = calc_next(step, x, cur_value); } std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(10) << cur_value << std::endl; } print_hline(); }
/** * Get list of supported cameras, walk through it and create some output. */ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { CameraAbilitiesList *al; int i; int count; const char *fmt_str = NULL; parse_command_line (argc, argv); if (do_debug) { gettimeofday (&glob_tv_zero, NULL); CHECK (gp_log_add_func (GP_LOG_ALL, debug_func, NULL)); gp_log (GP_LOG_DEBUG, "main", "test-camera-list start"); } CHECK (gp_abilities_list_new (&al)); CHECK (gp_abilities_list_load (al, NULL)); count = gp_abilities_list_count (al); if (count < 0) { printf("gp_abilities_list_count error: %d\n", count); return(1); } else if (count == 0) { /* Copied from gphoto2-abilities-list.c gp_abilities_list_load() */ const char *camlib_env = getenv(CAMLIBDIR_ENV); const char *camlibs = (camlib_env != NULL)?camlib_env:CAMLIBS; printf("no camera drivers (camlibs) found in camlib dir:\n" " CAMLIBS='%s', default='%s', used=%s\n", camlib_env?camlib_env:"(null)", CAMLIBS, (camlib_env!=NULL)?"CAMLIBS":"default"); return(1); } /* Set output format for file body, * and print opening part of output file. */ switch (format) { case FMT_CSV: fmt_str = "%d,%s,%s,%s\n"; break; case FMT_FLAT_TEXT: fmt_str = "%3d|%-20s|%-20s|%s\n"; break; case FMT_HEADED_TEXT: fmt_str = "%3d|%-20s|%-20s|%s\n"; break; case FMT_XML: fmt_str = " <camera name=\"%4$s\" entry_number=\"%1$d\">\n" " <camlib-name value=\"%2$s\"/>\n" " <driver-name value=\"%3$s\"/>\n" " </camera>\n"; printf("<?xml version=\"%s\" encoding=\"%s\"?>\n" "<camera-list camera-count=\"%d\">\n", "1.0", "us-ascii", count); break; case FMT_FLAT_CAMLIBS: fmt_str = "%2$-28s %3$s\n"; break; case FMT_COUNT: printf("%d\n", count); return(0); break; } /* For each camera in the list, add a text snippet to the * output file. */ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { CameraAbilities abilities; const char *camlib_basename; CHECK (gp_abilities_list_get_abilities (al, i, &abilities)); camlib_basename = path_basename(abilities.library); switch (format) { case FMT_HEADED_TEXT: if ( ((i%25)== 0) && ( (i==0) || ((count-i) > 5) ) ) { print_hline(); print_headline(); print_hline(); } break; case FMT_FLAT_CAMLIBS: break; case FMT_XML: break; case FMT_CSV: break; case FMT_FLAT_TEXT: break; case FMT_COUNT: break; } printf(fmt_str, i+1, camlib_basename, abilities.id, abilities.model); } /* Print closing part of output file. */ switch (format) { case FMT_HEADED_TEXT: print_hline(); print_headline(); print_hline(); break; case FMT_FLAT_CAMLIBS: break; case FMT_XML: printf("</camera-list>\n"); break; case FMT_CSV: break; case FMT_FLAT_TEXT: break; case FMT_COUNT: break; } CHECK (gp_abilities_list_free (al)); return (0); }