void strip_h(int nb, char *name, t_infocube *infos, float percent) { t_color c; float start_y; float size[2]; float x; float y; float z; c.color = color(nb); glColor3ub((c.rgb)[0], (c.rgb)[1], (c.rgb)[2]); start_y = nb * (infos->size * (4.0 / 100.0)) + (nb) * (infos->size * (20.0 / 100)); size[0] = infos->size * percent; size[1] = infos->size * (20.0 / 100); x = infos->x + infos->size; y = infos->y + infos->size - start_y; z = infos->z - infos->size - 1; draw_h(x, y, z, size); printscreen(name, x - 1 - infos->size, y + 0.8, z); printscreen(name, x + 1, y + 0.8, infos->z); glColor3ub((c.rgb)[0], (c.rgb)[1], (c.rgb)[2]); x = infos->x + infos->size; y = infos->y + infos->size - start_y; z = infos->z + 1; draw_h(x, y, z, size); }
// Callback function called when a normal key is pressed. void cbKeyPressed(unsigned char key, int x, int y ) { switch (key) { case 113: case 81: case 27: // Q (Escape) - We're outta here. glutDestroyWindow(Window_ID); exit(1); break; // exit doesn't return, but anyway... /* case 130: case 98: // B - Blending. Blend_On = Blend_On ? 0 : 1; if (!Blend_On) glDisable(GL_BLEND); else glEnable(GL_BLEND); break; */ case 108: case 76: // L - Lighting Light_On = Light_On ? 0 : 1; Alpha_Add = Alpha_Add ? 0 : 1; break; case 109: case 77: // M - Mode of Blending Render_mode++; Render_mode = Render_mode % 5; break; /* case 116: case 84: // T - Texturing. Texture_On = Texture_On ? 0 : 1; break; case 97: case 65: // A - Alpha-blending hack. Alpha_Add = Alpha_Add ? 0 : 1; break; case 102: case 70: // F - Filtering. Filtering_On = Filtering_On ? 0 : 1; break; */ case 112: case 80: // P - printscreen printscreen(); break; case 115: case 83: case 32: // S - change state state = state ? 0 : 1; break; case 114: case 82: // R - reset view X_Rot = 90.0f; Y_Rot = 0.0f; Z_Rot = 0.0f; Z_Off = -70.0f; X_Cam = 0.0f; Y_Cam = 0.0f; break; case 111: case 79: // O - toggle text Text_on = Text_on ? 0 : 1; break; case 120: case 88: // X - extra speed if (offset_on == 1) { offset *= offset_delta; offset_on = 0; offset_off = 1; } else { offset /= offset_delta; offset_on = 1; offset_off = 0; } break; case 105: case 73: // i - macro movie capture plus offset += 0.001f; printscreen(); break; case 117: case 85: // u - macro movie capture negative offset -= 0.001f; printscreen(); break; case 121: case 89: // y - macro rotate capture plus rotate_offset += 5.0f; Z_Rot = 180.0 * rotate_offset/Window_Height - 90.0; printscreen(); break; case 116: case 84: // t - macro rotate capture negative rotate_offset -= 5.0f; Z_Rot = 180.0 * rotate_offset/Window_Height - 90.0; printscreen(); break; default: printf ("KP: No action for %d.\n", key); break; } }
long add2(int n, int m){ printscreen("Helloworld"); return n+m; }
int main(void) { //#ifdef _DEBUG //_CrtSetDbgFlag(_crtDbgFlag|_CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF); //char* pDumMemoryLeak = new char[20]; //::mystrcpy(pDumMemoryLeak,"Dum Leak"); //#endif int i=1; char buffer[LINE_MAX]; char* command=buffer; // check command char tableindex[TABLE_MAX][TABLE_NAME_MAX]={0}; //Index of Table Data*** database = (Data***)malloc(sizeof(Data**) * TABLE_MAX); //Data if(database == NULL) {printf("error in creating Table\n"); exit(1);} int j1=0; for(j1=0;j1<TABLE_MAX;j1++) database[j1] = NULL; //Initialize every table to NULL Column** columnindex= (Column**) malloc( sizeof(Column*) * TABLE_MAX) ; //Index of Column if(database == NULL) {printf("error in creating Column\n"); exit(1);} int j2=0; for(j2=0;j2<TABLE_MAX;j2++) columnindex[j2] = NULL; //Initialize every column to NULL printscreen(); //print screen while(i) { printf("DB1=>"); gets(buffer); command=buffer; while(isspace(*command)){command++;}//ignore ' ' if(*(command)++!='-') { printf("command should be started by - \n"); continue; } if(*command == 'c') //create database { command++; while(isspace((*command))){command++;}//ignore ' ' if(createtable(command,tableindex,columnindex,database) == 0) printf("Error in Initializing the table and create it!\n"); else printf("Succeed in Initializing the table!\n"); continue; } if(*command=='i') // Import DB { command++; while(isspace((*command))){command++;}//ignore ' ' int i=0; char tablename[TABLE_NAME_MAX]; char filename[20]; while(*command!=' ') { tablename[i++]=*(command++); } tablename[i]='\0'; while(isspace((*command))){command++;}//ignore ' ' i=0; while(*command!='\0') { filename[i++]=*(command++); } filename[i]='\0'; printf("%d items has been imported\n", ImportTable(tablename,filename,tableindex,columnindex,database)); continue; } if(*command=='s') { command++; while(isspace((*command))){command++;}///ignore ' ' printf("------%d Items has been searched !--------------\n",tablesearch(command,tableindex,columnindex,database) ); continue; } if(*command == 'u') //ignore ' ' { command++; while(isspace((*command))){command++;}///ignore ' ' printf("-------%d Items has been updated!---------------\n",Updatetable(tableindex,columnindex,database,command)); printf("The result is printed to the File 074090_update.txt \n"); continue; } if(*command == 'd') //delete DB { command++; while(isspace((*command))){command++;}///ignore ' ' printf("-------%d Items has been Deleted!---------------\n",Deletetable(command,tableindex,columnindex,database) ); printf("The result is printed to the File 074090_delete \n"); continue; } if(*command == 'h') //help { help(); continue; } if(*command == 'q') //Quit free Memrory { quit(database,columnindex,tableindex); break; } else { puts("Commands can't ben supported!\n"); } } printf("\nThank you for using!"); return 0; }
// address: 0x80484e5 __size32 add1(__size32 param1) { printscreen("Helloworld"); return param1 + 1; }