void stress_test() {
	boost::posix_time::time_duration d;
		std::vector<int> v;
		for(int i = 0; i < 4000000; ++i)
		boost::posix_time::ptime t1=boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();
		tpie::parallel_sort_impl<std::vector<int>::iterator, std::less<int>, 42> s(0);
		s(v.begin(), v.end());
		boost::posix_time::ptime t2=boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();

	boost::rand48 prng(42);
	while(true) {
		size_t size = (1 << (prng()%18)) + prng()%100;
		std::vector<int> v1;
		std::vector<int> v2;
		for (size_t i=0; i < size; ++i) {
		std::cout << size << " ";

		boost::posix_time::ptime t1=boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();
		std::sort(v1.begin(), v1.end());
		boost::posix_time::ptime t2=boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();
		tpie::parallel_sort_impl<std::vector<int>::iterator, std::less<int>, 42> s(0);
		s(v2.begin(), v2.end());
		boost::posix_time::ptime t3=boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();
		if(v1 != v2) {std::cerr << "Failed" << std::endl; return;}
		std::cout << "std: " << (t2-t1) << " ours: " << t3-t2 << std::endl;
		if( std::max(d,(t2-t1)*3) < (t3-t2)  ) {std::cerr << "Too slow" << std::endl; return;}
void ateach_scattered(
  size_t seed,
  size_t x_scale,
  size_t y_scale,
  int x_strength,
  int y_strength,
  ptrdiff_t x_min, ptrdiff_t x_max,
  ptrdiff_t y_min, ptrdiff_t y_max,
  void *arg,
  void (*f)(int, int, void *)
) {
  int x, y;
  int xi = 0, yi = 0; // grid indices
  for (xi = x_min/x_scale; xi <= x_max/x_scale; xi += 1) {
    for (yi = y_min/y_scale; yi <= y_max/y_scale; yi += 1) {
      x = xi*x_scale;
      x += (prng(seed*xi + xi + yi)) % (2*x_strength) - x_strength;
      y = yi*y_scale;
      y += (prng(seed*yi + xi - yi)) % (2*y_strength) - y_strength;
      if (x >= x_min && x < x_max && y >= x_min && y < y_max) {
        f(x, y, arg);
// Common random decisions and setup for herb leaves/stems: hash setup,
// nstalks, and spread.
static inline void herb_setup(
  herb_leaves_filter_args *hlfargs,
  ptrdiff_t *hash,
  float *noise,
  int *nstalks,
  float *spread,
  leaf_filter_args *lfargs
) {
  *hash = prng(hlfargs->seed);
  *noise = 0.7 + 0.6 * ptrf(*hash); // [0.7, 1.3]
  *hash = prng(*hash);
  *nstalks = (int) (hlfargs->count * (*noise) + 0.5);
  if (*nstalks < 1) {
    *nstalks = 1;
  *noise = 0.75 + 0.5 * ptrf(*hash); // [0.75, 1.25]
  *hash = prng(*hash);
  *spread = hlfargs->spread * (*noise);
  if (*spread > MAX_BULB_SPREAD) {
    *spread = MAX_BULB_SPREAD;
  *spread *= BLOCK_TEXTURE_SIZE / 2.0;

  lfargs->main_color = hlfargs->main_color;
  lfargs->vein_color = hlfargs->vein_color;
  lfargs->dark_color = hlfargs->dark_color;
  lfargs->bend = hlfargs->bend;
  lfargs->length = hlfargs->length;
  lfargs->width = hlfargs->width;
  lfargs->stem_length = 0;
  // shape is set differently for leaves/stems
void rustle_sheet(
  tectonic_sheet *ts,
  float strength,
  float scale,
  ptrdiff_t seed
) {
  int i, j, idx;
  vector *p;
  ptrdiff_t oseed;
  seed = prng(seed + 71);
  oseed = prng(seed + 30);

  for (i = 0; i < sheet_pwidth(ts); ++i) {
    for (j = 0; j < sheet_pheight(ts); ++j) {
      idx = sheet_pidx(ts, i, j);
      p = &(ts->points[idx]);
      p->x += strength * sxnoise_2d(
        p->x * scale,
        p->y * scale,
      p->y += strength * sxnoise_2d(
        p->x * scale,
        p->y * scale,
  static MatrixPtrType apply(int n,
                             int seed=-1) {

    /** 0. If there is no good seed given, use a good random seed */
    if (0>seed) seed = detail::generate_seed();

    /** 1. Generate a uniformly random ([0,1]) matrix A */
     * Note: There is a random function (MatrixXd::Random(m,n), but I don't
     * know what kind of random numbers they are using. So, we will use
     * boost::random to fill in the entries. Change it later when we 
     * understand * Random() better.
    uni_real_prng_type prng ((engine_type(seed)), (uni_real_type()));
    MatrixPtrType A = MatrixPtrType(new MatrixType(n,n));
    for (int j=0; j<n; ++j) { 
      for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) { 
        A->operator()(i,j) = prng(); 
    MatrixPtrType A_trans = MatrixPtrType(new MatrixType(A->transpose()));

    /** 2. Compute A = A+A^T, which makes A symmetric  */
    (*A) += (*A_trans);

    /** 3. As A(i,j) is originally (0,1), we can add n*I to make it PSD */ 
    for (int i=0; i<A->rows(); ++i) A->operator()(i,i) += n;

    return A;
species create_new_herb_species(ptrdiff_t seed) {
  species result = create_herb_species();
  herb_species* hsp = get_herb_species(result);

  determine_new_plant_materials(&(hsp->materials), seed);
  seed = prng(seed);

  determine_new_herb_appearance(&(hsp->appearance), seed);
  seed = prng(seed);

  hsp->growth.seed_growth.grammar = BIO_CG_SPROUT_IN_SOIL;
  hsp->growth.seed_growth.sprout_time = (
    posmod(prng(seed + 1771), 5)
  + posmod(prng(seed + 311), 8)
  seed = prng(seed);

  // TODO: Real values here...
  hsp->growth.seed_growth_resist = 5;
  hsp->growth.growth_resist = 10;
  hsp->growth.growth_strength = 8;

  determine_new_herb_core_growth(&(hsp->growth.core_growth), seed);

  return result;
void add_continents_to_sheet(
  tectonic_sheet *ts,
  float strength,
  float scale,
  float dstr,
  float dscale,
  ptrdiff_t seed
) {
  size_t i, j, idx;
  size_t pw, ph;
  float fx, fy;
  vector *p;
  ptrdiff_t dxseed, dyseed;
  float xphase, yphase;

  dxseed = prng(seed);
  dyseed = prng(dxseed);

  seed = prng(seed + 18291);
  xphase = ptrf(seed);
  seed = prng(seed + 6546);
  yphase = ptrf(seed);

  pw = sheet_pwidth(ts);
  ph = sheet_pwidth(ts);

  // Only pass: add continent height
  for (i = 0; i < pw; ++i) {
    for (j = 0; j < ph; ++j) {
      idx = sheet_pidx(ts, i, j);
      p = &(ts->points[idx]);
      fx = p->x;
      fy = p->y;

      // distortion
      fx += dstr * sxnoise_2d(
        p->x * dscale,
        p->y * dscale,
      fy += dstr * sxnoise_2d(
        p->x * dscale,
        p->y * dscale,

      // scaling:
      fx *= scale;
      fy *= scale;

      // sin/cos continents:
      p->z += strength * (
        sin(2.0 * M_PI * (fx + xphase))
        cos(2.0 * M_PI * (fy + yphase))
  static SparseMatrixPtrType apply(int n, int nnz, int seed=-1) {

    /** If there is no good seed given, use a good random seed */
    if (0>seed) seed = detail::generate_seed();

    /** 0. Generate the dense matrix */
    DenseMatrixPtrType A_dense = rand_psd_t<DenseMatrixType>::apply(n, seed);

     * 1. We will generate a sparse matrix in the following way:
     *  - Leave the diagonal as is --- this takes care of n entries. So we 
     *  have *  (n-nnz) non-zero entries left. This means that we have 
     *  n*n-n+nnz entries to zero out. 
     *  - Since we are dealing with symmetric matrices, exactly half of these
     *  entries should be in the UPPER triangle and then we can simply reflect
     *  everything about the diagonal. 
     *  - Go through each element in the UPPER triangle and choose to keep it
     *  with a probability of (nnz)/(n*n-n).
     *    Caveat: 
     *    All this assumes the following: (nnz>n and nnz<(n*n))
    if (nnz<n) {
      /** error */
    } else if (nnz>(n*n)) {
      /** error */

    const double p = static_cast<double>(nnz-n) / 
                     static_cast<double>((n*n) - n);
    int true_nnz = n;
    bernoulli_real_prng_type prng ((engine_type(seed)), 
    std::vector<TripletType> nnz_entries;

    for (int j=0; j<n; ++j) {
      for (int i=j; i<n; ++i) { 
        if (i==j) nnz_entries.push_back
        else if (prng()) {
        } else {
          /** zeroed out */

     * Now, simply create the SparseMatrix that we need from this DenseMatrix 
    SparseMatrixPtrType A(new SparseMatrixType(n,n));
    A->setFromTriplets(nnz_entries.begin(), nnz_entries.end());

    return A;
void fltr_leaves_helper(int x, int y, void * arg) {
  struct leaves_helper_args_s *lhargs = (struct leaves_helper_args_s *) arg;
  // Scramble the leaf filter seed:
  lhargs->lfargs->seed = prng(prng(lhargs->lfargs->seed + x) * y);
  // Render a single randomized leaf into the leaf texture:
  fltr_leaf(lhargs->leaf, lhargs->lfargs);
  // Draw the fresh leaf onto the main texture at the given position:
  tx_draw_wrapped(lhargs->tx, lhargs->leaf, x, y);
uint8_t Chargen(unsigned char *Data, uint8_t DataLen, unsigned char *Response, uint8_t *ResponseLen) {
	uint8_t NumBytes;
	uint8_t i;

	NumBytes = prng() % 127;
	for (i = 0; i < NumBytes; i++) {
		Response[i] = prng() % 256;
	*ResponseLen = NumBytes;

void fltr_herb_stems(texture *tx, void const * const fargs) {
  herb_leaves_filter_args *hlfargs = (herb_leaves_filter_args *) fargs;
  ptrdiff_t hash;
  int i = 0;
  float noise;
  int nstalks;
  float spread;
  leaf_filter_args lfargs; // stores individual leaf parameters
  curve c; // stores individual leaf shapes
  c.from.y = BLOCK_TEXTURE_SIZE;
  c.to.y = 0;
  c.from.z = 0;
  c.come_from.z = 0;
  c.go_towards.z = 0;
  c.to.z = 0;

  herb_setup(hlfargs, &hash, &noise, &nstalks, &spread, &lfargs);
  lfargs.shape = LS_LINEAR;

  float th_base = 0;
  float mid = (BLOCK_TEXTURE_SIZE / 2);

  for (i = 0; i < nstalks; ++i) {
    // generate x in [mid - spread, mid + spread]
    // for stems, we use the same top/bottom values so that they'll fit
    // together vertically.
    c.from.x = mid - spread;
    c.from.x += 2 * spread * ptrf(hash + i);
    c.to.x = c.from.x;
    hash = prng(hash + i + c.from.x);
    // pick the same starting angle that leaves use [-1, 1]
    noise = 1.0 - 2 * ptrf(hash);
    hash = prng(hash + i);
    th_base = hlfargs->angle * noise;
    // An extra hash to maintain stride with fltr_herb_leaves:
    hash = prng(hash + i);
    // stems use the same angle at the top and bottom so that they can stack.
    c.come_from.x = c.to.x - sinf(th_base) * hlfargs->length*hlfargs->shape;
    c.come_from.y = c.to.y + cosf(th_base) * hlfargs->length*hlfargs->shape;
    c.go_towards.x = c.from.x + sinf(th_base) * hlfargs->length*hlfargs->shape;
    c.go_towards.y = c.from.y - cosf(th_base) * hlfargs->length*hlfargs->shape;
    // pick a base width in [0.75, 1.25]
    noise = 0.75 + 0.5 * ptrf(hash);
    hash = prng(hash + i);
    lfargs.width = hlfargs->width * noise;

    // draw the leaf:
    draw_leaf(tx, &c, &lfargs);
文件: hash.cpp 项目: mavam/libbf
hasher make_hasher(size_t k, size_t seed, bool double_hashing) {
  assert(k > 0);
  std::minstd_rand0 prng(seed);
  if (double_hashing) {
    auto h1 = default_hash_function(prng());
    auto h2 = default_hash_function(prng());
    return double_hasher(k, std::move(h1), std::move(h2));
  } else {
    std::vector<hash_function> fns(k);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < k; ++i)
      fns[i] = default_hash_function(prng());
    return default_hasher(std::move(fns));
bool basic1() {
	boost::rand48 prng(42);
	std::vector<int> v1;
	std::vector<int> v2;
	for (size_t i=0; i < 1234567; ++i) {
		int x = prng();
	std::sort(v1.begin(), v1.end());
	tpie::parallel_sort_impl<std::vector<int>::iterator, std::less<int>, 42> s(0);
	s(v2.begin(), v2.end());
	if(v1 != v2) {std::cerr << "Failed" << std::endl; return false;}
	return true;
TEST_F(RangeTest, testRangeTree) {
  NumericRangeTree *t = NewNumericRangeTree();

  for (size_t i = 0; i < 50000; i++) {

    NumericRangeTree_Add(t, i + 1, (double)(1 + prng() % 5000));
  ASSERT_EQ(t->numRanges, 16);
  ASSERT_EQ(t->numEntries, 50000);

  struct {
    double min;
    double max;
  } rngs[] = {{0, 100}, {10, 1000}, {2500, 3500}, {0, 5000}, {4999, 4999}, {0, 0}};

  for (int r = 0; rngs[r].min || rngs[r].max; r++) {

    Vector *v = NumericRangeTree_Find(t, rngs[r].min, rngs[r].max);
    ASSERT_TRUE(Vector_Size(v) > 0);
    // printf("Got %d ranges for %f..%f...\n", Vector_Size(v), rngs[r].min, rngs[r].max);
    for (int i = 0; i < Vector_Size(v); i++) {
      NumericRange *l;
      Vector_Get(v, i, &l);
      // printf("%f...%f\n", l->minVal, l->maxVal);
      ASSERT_FALSE(l->minVal > rngs[r].max);
      ASSERT_FALSE(l->maxVal < rngs[r].min);
// static
void GPolynomial::test()
	GRand prng(0);
	GPolynomial poly(prng);
	poly.basicTest(0.78, -1.0/*skip it*/);
文件: rc4.c 项目: juanfmolina/RC4
/* Encrypt or Decrypt */
void rc4(u_char *key, u_char *input, u_char *output, int keylen, int msglen) {
    int i;
    u_char State[256];
    u_char *keystream;


    ksa(State, key, keylen);
    printf("\n--- Tamaño del mensaje %d\n", msglen);
    keystream = prng(State, msglen);

    for(i=0; i<msglen; i++)
        output[i] = input[i] ^ keystream[i];

    printf("\n--- Key Generation ---\nKey: %s\n\n", key);

    for(i=0; i<msglen; i++) {
        if(i%16==0) {
            printf("%d:\t", i);
            printf("0%x ", keystream[i]);
            printf("%x ", keystream[i]);
// static
void GLinearRegressor::test()
	GRand prng(0);
	GAutoFilter af(new GLinearRegressor ());
	af.basicTest(0.76, 0.93);
cg_expansion* pick_expansion(
  cell_grammar *cg,
  chunk_neighborhood* nbh,
  block_index base,
  ptrdiff_t seed
) {
  size_t i;
  int success;
  cg_expansion *exp;
  list *options = create_list();
  block root_block = *nb_block(nbh, base);
  for (i = 0; i < l_get_length(cg->expansions); ++i) {
    exp = (cg_expansion*) l_get_item(cg->expansions, i);
    success = check_expansion(exp, nbh, base, root_block);
    if (success) {
      l_append_element(options, (void*) exp);
  if (l_is_empty(options)) {
    return NULL;
  // Choose an option based on our seed:
  i = posmod(prng(seed + 819991), l_get_length(options));
  exp = (cg_expansion*) l_get_item(options, i);
  return exp;
文件: main.cpp 项目: CCJY/coliru
int main() {
    actor<int> main_actor{[] (decltype(main_actor)& self) {
        actor<std::string> logger_actor{[] (decltype(logger_actor)& self) {
            for (;;) {
                auto message = self.receive();
                std::cout << self.receive() << '\n';
        actor<std::tuple<actor<int>*, int, int>> random_number_generator_actor{[] (decltype(random_number_generator_actor)& self) {
            std::mt19937 prng(std::time(nullptr));
            for (;;) {
                auto message = self.receive();
                std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(std::get<1>(message), std::get<2>(message));
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
            random_number_generator_actor.send(std::make_tuple(&self, 0, 10));
            int x = self.receive();
void ecc_gen_private_key(NN_DIGIT *PrivateKey)
  NN_UINT order_digit_len;
  NN_UINT order_bit_len;
  char done = FALSE;
  uint8_t ri;
  NN_DIGIT digit_mask;

  order_bit_len = NN_Bits(param.r, NUMWORDS);
  order_digit_len = NN_Digits(param.r, NUMWORDS);

  while (!done) {
	  prng((uint8_t *)PrivateKey, order_digit_len * sizeof(NN_Digits));

      for (ri = order_digit_len; ri < NUMWORDS; ri++) {
          PrivateKey[ri] = 0;

      if (order_bit_len % NN_DIGIT_BITS != 0) {
          digit_mask = MAX_NN_DIGIT >> (NN_DIGIT_BITS - order_bit_len % NN_DIGIT_BITS);
          PrivateKey[order_digit_len - 1] = PrivateKey[order_digit_len - 1] & digit_mask;
      NN_ModSmall(PrivateKey, param.r, NUMWORDS);

      if (NN_Zero(PrivateKey, NUMWORDS) != 1) {
        done = TRUE;
void GPriorityQueue::test()
	int* buf = new int[TEST_SIZE];
	std::unique_ptr<int[]> hBuf(buf);
	int i, t, r;
	for(i = 0; i < TEST_SIZE; i++)
		buf[i] = i;
	GRand prng(0);
	for(i = TEST_SIZE; i > 2; i--)
		r = (int)prng.next(i);
		t = buf[r];
		buf[r] = buf[i - 1];
		buf[i - 1] = t;
	GPriorityQueue q(GPriorityQueueTestComparer, NULL);
	for(i = 0; i < TEST_SIZE; i++)
		q.insert(buf + i);
	int* pInt;
	for(i = 0; i < (TEST_SIZE / 2); i++)
		pInt = (int*)q.minimum();
		if(*pInt != i)
			throw Ex("wrong answer");
		pInt = (int*)q.maximum();
		if(*pInt != (TEST_SIZE - 1) - i)
			throw Ex("wrong answer");
 * Test that nextCanonicalDouble() always returns values between 0 and 1.
TEST(RandomTest, NextCanonicalWithinRange) {
    PseudoRandom prng(10);
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        double next = prng.nextCanonicalDouble();
        ASSERT_LTE(0.0, next);
        ASSERT_LT(next, 1.0);
 * NAME:  dither()
 * DESCRIPTION: dither and scale sample
static __inline
signed int dither(mad_fixed_t sample, struct dither *dither)
	unsigned int scalebits;
	mad_fixed_t output, mask, random;
		MAX =  MAD_F_ONE - 1
	/* noise shape */
	sample += dither->error[0] - dither->error[1] + dither->error[2];
	dither->error[2] = dither->error[1];
	dither->error[1] = dither->error[0] / 2;
	/* bias */
	output = sample + (1L << (MAD_F_FRACBITS + 1 - SAMPLE_DEPTH - 1));
	scalebits = MAD_F_FRACBITS + 1 - SAMPLE_DEPTH;
	mask = (1L << scalebits) - 1;
	/* dither */
	random  = prng(dither->random);
	output += (random & mask) - (dither->random & mask);
	dither->random = random;
	/* clip */
	if (output > MAX)
		output = MAX;
		if (sample > MAX)
			sample = MAX;
	else if (output < MIN)
		output = MIN;
		if (sample < MIN)
			sample = MIN;
	/* quantize */
	output &= ~mask;
	/* error feedback */
	dither->error[0] = sample - output;
	/* scale */
	return output >> scalebits;
文件: gghost.c 项目: kivan117/gghost
 * \brief Performs setup and re-initialization needed before each new game.
 * Resets the player score, resets variables for drawing columns, sets a new random ghost color, moves the player back to the starting position, erases columns from last game,
 * turns scrolling back on and makes the player visible again.
static void gameSetup()
	//fill screen with tile 1 again to erase menu

	for(u8 i = 0; i < 4; i++) //reset column data with 0's to start fresh
		pipe_x[i] = 0;
		pipe_y[i] = 0;
	for(u8 k = 0; k < 32; k++)
		bg[k] = 1;

	//reset all score data from last game to 0
	score = 0;//score = 0;

	fake_x = 80; //reset how far we've flown
	player_x = 80; //reset player position
	player_y = 40;
	yspeed = 0; //make sure we start at 0 speed

	//draw the background
	for(u8 i = 0; i < VRAM_TILES_H; i++)
		pipe_alarm=2; //make sure we never draw a column while we're drawing the starting screen
		loadNextStripe(); //go through each column and draw the background

	//select a random color for the ghost and set the appropriate sprite
	ghost_color=(prng()%3); //the ghost has 3 frames and 3 color options, so we set the active sprite to the frame count (0 - 2) + the color (0, 3, or 6) to get the correct sprite
	current_sprite = player_sprites[current_frame+ghost_color];
	//assign and move the player image to start the new game
	//make player visible

	//reset variables to draw new columns correctly
	pipe_alarm = 1;
	pipe_col_drawn = 0;

	//turn scrolling on to begin the game

frequent_species pick_appropriate_frequent_species(
  list *sp_list,
  block substrate,
  ptrdiff_t seed
) {
  float weight;
  float total_weight = 0;
  float choice;
  float rare_smoothing;
  size_t i;
  frequent_species fqsp = 0;
  list *weights = create_list();

  if (l_is_empty(sp_list)) {
    // Return an invalid species...
    frequent_species_set_species_type(&fqsp, SPT_NO_SPECIES);
    frequent_species_set_species(&fqsp, SP_INVALID);
    frequent_species_set_frequency(&fqsp, 0.0);
    return fqsp;

  rare_smoothing = expdist(ptrf(seed + 31376), BIO_RARE_SPECIES_SMOOTHING_EXP);

  for (i = 0; i < l_get_length(sp_list); ++i) {
    fqsp = (frequent_species) l_get_item(sp_list, i);
    weight = (
      species_compatability(fqsp, substrate)
    * frequent_species_frequency(fqsp)
    ) + rare_smoothing;
    l_append_element(weights, f_as_p(weight));
    total_weight += weight;

  choice = ptrf(prng(seed + 866859)) * total_weight;

  for (i = 0; i < l_get_length(sp_list); ++i) {
    fqsp = (frequent_species) l_get_item(sp_list, i);
    choice -= p_as_f(l_get_item(weights, i));
    if (choice < 0) {
      return fqsp;
#ifdef DEBUG
  printf("Error: Ran out of appropriate species to pick from!\n");
  // Just arbitrarily return the first item (this shouldn't be reachable):
  return (frequent_species) l_get_item(sp_list, 0);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    printf("%d arguments\n", argc);
    for (int idx = 0; idx < argc; idx++)
        printf("Argument %d: %s\n", idx, argv[idx]);
    const size_t num_points = (argc >= 2) ? (size_t)(atoi(argv[1])) : 1000;
    std::cout << "Generating " << num_points << " random points..." << std::endl;
    const auto seed = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
    std::mt19937_64 prng(seed);
    std::uniform_real_distribution<double> dist(0.0, 10.0);
    EigenHelpers::VectorVector3d random_points(num_points);
    std::vector<size_t> indices(num_points);
    for (size_t idx = 0; idx < num_points; idx++)
        const double x = dist(prng);
        const double y = dist(prng);
        random_points[idx] = Eigen::Vector3d(x, y, 0.0);
        indices[idx] = idx;
    std::cout << "Clustering " << num_points << " points..." << std::endl;
    std::function<double(const Eigen::Vector3d&, const Eigen::Vector3d&)> distance_fn = [] (const Eigen::Vector3d& v1, const Eigen::Vector3d& v2) { return EigenHelpers::Distance(v1, v2); };
    const Eigen::MatrixXd distance_matrix = arc_helpers::BuildDistanceMatrixParallel(random_points, distance_fn);
    const std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> clusters = simple_hierarchical_clustering::SimpleHierarchicalClustering::Cluster(indices, distance_matrix, 1.0, simple_hierarchical_clustering::COMPLETE_LINK).first;
    for (size_t cluster_idx = 0; cluster_idx < clusters.size(); cluster_idx++)
        const std::vector<size_t>& current_cluster = clusters[cluster_idx];
        const double cluster_num = 1.0 + (double)cluster_idx;
        for (size_t element_idx = 0; element_idx < current_cluster.size(); element_idx++)
            const size_t index = current_cluster[element_idx];
            random_points[index].z() = cluster_num;
    std::cout << "Saving to CSV..." << std::endl;
    const std::string log_file_name = (argc >=3 ) ? std::string(argv[2]) : "/tmp/test_hierarchical_clustering.csv";
    std::ofstream log_file(log_file_name, std::ios_base::out);
    if (!log_file.is_open())
        std::cerr << "\x1b[31;1m Unable to create folder/file to log to: " << log_file_name << "\x1b[0m \n";
        throw std::invalid_argument("Log filename must be write-openable");
    for (size_t idx = 0; idx < num_points; idx++)
        const Eigen::Vector3d& point = random_points[idx];
        log_file << point.x() << "," << point.y() << "," << point.z() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Done saving, you can import into matlab and draw with \"scatter3(x, y, z, 50, z, '.')\"" << std::endl;
    return 0;
coap_pdu_t* CACreatePDUforRequestWithPayload(const code_t code, coap_list_t *options,
        const char* payload)
    OIC_LOG(DEBUG, TAG, "CACreatePDUforRequestWithPayload");

    coap_pdu_t *pdu;
    coap_list_t *opt;
    unsigned char _token_data[8];
    str the_token =
    { 0, _token_data };

    if (!(pdu = coap_new_pdu()))
        return NULL;

    /* initialize message id */
    unsigned short message_id;
    prng((unsigned char *)&message_id, sizeof(unsigned short));

    pdu->hdr->type = msgtype;
    pdu->hdr->id = htons(++message_id);
    pdu->hdr->code = code;

    pdu->hdr->token_length = the_token.length;
    if (!coap_add_token(pdu, the_token.length, the_token.s))
        OIC_LOG(DEBUG, TAG,"cannot add token to request");

    for (opt = options; opt; opt = opt->next)
        coap_add_option(pdu, COAP_OPTION_KEY(*(coap_option *)opt->data),
                COAP_OPTION_LENGTH(*(coap_option *)opt->data),
                COAP_OPTION_DATA(*(coap_option *)opt->data));

    if (NULL != payload)
        uint32_t len = strlen(payload);
        if ((flags & CA_FLAGS_BLOCK) == 0)
            OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, TAG, "coap_add_data, payload: %s", payload);
            coap_add_data(pdu, len, payload);
            OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, TAG, "coap_add_block, payload: %s", payload);
            coap_add_block(pdu, len, payload, block.num, block.szx);
    return pdu;
static FLaC__INLINE FLAC__int32 linear_dither(unsigned source_bps, unsigned target_bps, FLAC__int32 sample, dither_state *dither, const FLAC__int32 MIN, const FLAC__int32 MAX)
	unsigned scalebits;
	FLAC__int32 output, mask, random;

	FLAC__ASSERT(source_bps < 32);
	FLAC__ASSERT(target_bps <= 24);
	FLAC__ASSERT(target_bps <= source_bps);

	/* noise shape */
	sample += dither->error[0] - dither->error[1] + dither->error[2];

	dither->error[2] = dither->error[1];
	dither->error[1] = dither->error[0] / 2;

	/* bias */
	output = sample + (1L << (source_bps - target_bps - 1));

	scalebits = source_bps - target_bps;
	mask = (1L << scalebits) - 1;

	/* dither */
	random = (FLAC__int32)prng(dither->random);
	output += (random & mask) - (dither->random & mask);

	dither->random = random;

	/* clip */
	if(output > MAX) {
		output = MAX;

		if(sample > MAX)
			sample = MAX;
	else if(output < MIN) {
		output = MIN;

		if(sample < MIN)
			sample = MIN;

	/* quantize */
	output &= ~mask;

	/* error feedback */
	dither->error[0] = sample - output;

	/* scale */
	return output >> scalebits;
/* code from madplay */
static inline signed int dither( mad_fixed_t sample, audio_dither *dither )
    unsigned int scalebits;
    mad_fixed_t output, mask, random;

        MIN = -MAD_F_ONE,
        MAX =  MAD_F_ONE - 1

    /* noise shape */
    sample += dither->error[0] - dither->error[1] + dither->error[2];

    dither->error[2] = dither->error[1];
    dither->error[1] = dither->error[0] / 2;

    /* bias */
    output = sample + (1L << (MAD_F_FRACBITS + 1 - 16 - 1));

    scalebits = MAD_F_FRACBITS + 1 - 16;
    mask = (1L << scalebits) - 1;

    /* dither */
    random  = prng(dither->random);
    output += (random & mask) - (dither->random & mask);

    dither->random = random;

    /* clip */
    /* TODO: better clipping function */
    if (sample >= MAD_F_ONE)
        sample = MAD_F_ONE - 1;
    else if (sample < -MAD_F_ONE)
        sample = -MAD_F_ONE;
    if (output >= MAD_F_ONE)
        output = MAD_F_ONE - 1;
    else if (output < -MAD_F_ONE)
        output = -MAD_F_ONE;

    /* quantize */
    output &= ~mask;

    /* error feedback */
    dither->error[0] = sample - output;

    /* scale */
    return output >> scalebits;
// Generate an unsigned integer in the range min to max, inclusive. 
uint32_t random_in_range(uint32_t min, uint32_t max)
	if (max <= min)
		return 0;
	unsigned int range = max - min + 1;
	unsigned int scale_factor = 0xffffffff / range;
	unsigned int rand_uint;
		rand_uint = prng();
	} while (rand_uint >= scale_factor * range); // Discard numbers that would cause bias
	return (rand_uint / scale_factor + min);