void SpectrogramComponent::process()
  //Get a DataSet from the input DataBuffer
  DataSet< complex<float> >* readDataSet = NULL;
  getInputDataSet("input1", readDataSet);
  std::size_t size = readDataSet->data.size();

  //Fill windows and push to spectrogram
  CplxVecIt it = readDataSet->data.begin();
  for(;it != readDataSet->data.end(); ++it)
    if(window_.size() == windowLength_x)

  if(!isSink_x && isProbe_x)
    //Pass data through
    DataSet< complex<float> >* writeDataSet = NULL;
    getOutputDataSet("output1", writeDataSet, size);
    writeDataSet->data = readDataSet->data;
    writeDataSet->sampleRate = readDataSet->sampleRate;
    writeDataSet->timeStamp = readDataSet->timeStamp;
    releaseOutputDataSet("output1", writeDataSet);

  releaseInputDataSet("input1", readDataSet);
  void processRecord(CtxPtr ctx, bolt::FrameworkRecord &&r) override {
    // Close any existing full windows
    while(!windows_.empty() && isWindowFull(windows_.front())) {
      processWindow(windows_.front(), ctx);

    // Create new window if count is within slide
    if(isNextWindowReady()) {

    // In the case of tumbling windows there may be spaces of time where
    // we aggregate into no buckets.
    if(!windows_.empty()) {
      auto recordPtr = std::make_shared<bolt::FrameworkRecord>(r);
      for(auto &w : windows_) {
 * Counts all kmers contained in the "sequence" and store its frequences in the "feature array".
 * Kmers are computed only from the substrings that contain "AaTtGgCc", i.e. substrings that contain
 * any other character are not counted. Indices of kmers correspond to the number representation using base 4,
 * where A~0,T~1,G~2,C~3 (e.g. index of kmer TGAC will be: 1*4^3 + 2*4^2 + 0*4^1 + 3*4^0 = 99 in the feature
 * array) If kmers of different length are stored in the feature array, indices of short kmers are stored
 * first, i.e. to store counts of kmers of length 1,2, and 3: kmers of length 1 will occupy indices 0-3
 * of the feature array, kmers of length 2 will occupy indices 4-19; and kmers of length 3 will occupy
 * indices 20-83. Each entry of the feature array correspond to the number - how many times a particular
 * kmer is contained in the sequence. The maximum kmer length is defined in the header.
 * (Kmer is a string that contain [ACGTacgt]of a specific length)
 * @param sequence: an array of characters that correspond to a DNA sequence
 * @param seqLen: length of the sequence (max. unsigned long)
 * @param kmerArray: array of kmer lengths in ascending order! (e.g. [4,5,6])
 * @param kmerArrayLen: length of the kmerArray (e.g. 3)
 * @param featureArray: output array to store feature counts (max. unsigned long)
 * @param featureArrayLen: the length of the featureArray (max. unsigned long)
 * (@param featureShuffleTable: store mapping: feature internal index -> feature required index TODO if needed)
 *  */
inline int kmerCounterCountKmers(KmerCounter * kmerCounter, DNASeq * seq, KmerFeatureVector * featureVector){

	double * featureArray = kmerFeatureGetFeatureArray(featureVector);
	unsigned long featureArrayLen = kmerFeatureGetFeatureArrayLen(featureVector);
	/*unsigned long * kmerCounterLong =  kmerFeatureGetKmerCounterLong(featureVector);*/
	char * sequence = seqGetSeq(seq);
	unsigned long seqLen = seqGetSeqLen(seq);

	KCounter * kc = (KCounter *)kmerCounter;
	if (kc == NULL){
		return 1;
	if (sequence == NULL){
		printf("kmerCounterCountKmers: sequence = NULL\n");
		return 1;
	if (seqLen <= 0){
		printf("kmerCounterCountKmers: seq_len = %lu\n", seqLen);
		return 1;
	if (featureArray == NULL){
		printf("kmerCounterCountKmers: feature_array = NULL\n");
		return 1;
	/*if (kmerCounterLong == NULL){
		printf("kmerCounterCountKmers: kmerCounterLong = NULL\n");
		return 1;
	if ((kc->kmerArray[kc->kmerArrayLen-1]) > seqLen){
		printf("kmerCounterCountKmers: the longest kmer (%d) is longer than the sequence (%lu)\n",
				(kc->kmerArray[kc->kmerArrayLen-1]), seqLen);
		return 1;
	if (kc->featureArrayRequiredLen != featureArrayLen){
		printf("kmerCounterCountKmers: the length of the feature_array provided"
				" (%lu) is different from the length of the array needed %lu\n",
				featureArrayLen, kc->featureArrayRequiredLen);
		return 1;

	/* init feature array */
	//unsigned long i;
	//for (i=0; i<featureArrayLen; i++){
	//	featureArray[i] = 0.0;

	/* init param */
	unsigned long window; //sliding window that represents the biggest kmer
	unsigned long windowNBmp;//sliding window that represents bitmap of undefined characters
	int maxKmer = kc->kmerArray[kc->kmerArrayLen-1];//length of the maximum kmer
	int maxKmerMinus1 = maxKmer -1;
	int twoTimesMaxKmerMinus1 = maxKmerMinus1 << 1;
	int minKmer = kc->kmerArray[0];//length of the minimum kmer
	//unsigned long kmerOffsetArray[kc->kmerArrayLen];//for each kmer length compute offset in the feature array
	//getKmerOffsetArray(kmerOffsetArray, kmerArray, kmerArrayLen);

	/* init window with the first longest kmer */
	initWindow(sequence, maxKmer, &window, &windowNBmp);

	/* increment indices of all kmers in the window that start at index 0 */
	processWindow(kc, &window, &windowNBmp, featureArray/*, kmerCounterLong*/);
	//printf("%d %d\n", window, windowNBmp);

	/* go with the sliding window till the end of the sequence */
	unsigned long index;
	for (index = maxKmer; index < seqLen; index++){

		/* update the window by reading one more character on the right (removing one on the left) */
		updateWindow(sequence[index], maxKmerMinus1, twoTimesMaxKmerMinus1, &window, &windowNBmp);

		/* increment kmers` indices */
		processWindow(kc, &window, &windowNBmp, featureArray/*, kmerCounterLong*/);
		//printf("%d %d\n", window, windowNBmp);

	/* go with the sliding window beyond the end of the sequence to count shorter kmers */
	for (index=0; index < (maxKmer - minKmer); index++){
		updateWindow('N', maxKmerMinus1, twoTimesMaxKmerMinus1, &window, &windowNBmp);
		processWindow(kc, &window, &windowNBmp, featureArray/*, kmerCounterLong*/);
		//printf("%d %d\n", window, windowNBmp);

	return 0;