void push_data_to_kafka(char *push_data)
	int partition = 0;
	const char* topic = "test";
	//strcpy(push_data, "helloworld");

	wrapper_Info test_info;
	if (PRODUCER_INIT_SUCCESS == producer_init(partition, topic, "", &test_msg_delivered, &test_info))
		printf("producer init success!\n");
		printf("producer init failed\n");

	size_t len = strlen(push_data);
	if (push_data[len - 1] == '\n')
		push_data[--len] = '\0';

	if (PUSH_DATA_SUCCESS == producer_push_data(push_data, strlen(push_data), &test_info))
		printf("push data success: %s\n", push_data);
		printf("push data failed %s\n", push_data);


bool keysig_search(int method, uint8_t *enc_buf, size_t buf_sz,
    keysig_notify_fn_t notify, void *user, int nr_threads)
    /* init producer */
    /* init search */
    pthread_mutex_init(&g_keysig_search.mutex, NULL);
    g_keysig_search.enc_buf = enc_buf;
    g_keysig_search.enc_buf_sz = buf_sz;
    g_keysig_search.found_keysig = false;
    /* get methods */
    routine_t worker_fn = NULL;
    routine_t producer_fn = NULL;
    if(method == KEYSIG_SEARCH_ASCII_HEX)
        worker_fn = hex_worker;
        producer_fn = hex_producer;
    /* create workers */
    pthread_t *worker = malloc(sizeof(pthread_t) * nr_threads);
    pthread_t producer;
    for(int i = 0; i < nr_threads; i++)
        pthread_create(&worker[i], NULL, worker_fn, NULL);
    pthread_create(&producer, NULL, producer_fn, NULL);
    /* wait for all threads */
    pthread_join(producer, NULL);
    for(int i = 0; i < nr_threads; i++)
        pthread_join(worker[i], NULL);
        notify(user, g_keysig_search.key, g_keysig_search.sig);
    return g_keysig_search.found_keysig;
//Create Producer client and set producer group name
void m_producer_init( char* producerName){
 * Main Producer Loop
 * ------------------
producer(const char *fullTopicName, const char *backupTopicName,
		const char *fname, const char *pipe_fname)
	int ret_val;
	char key_content[keySize];
	FILE *fp, *pipe_fp;
	int pipe_fd;
	char *line = NULL;
	size_t len = 0;
	ssize_t read;
	int msg_idx = 0;
	char *linebuf = NULL;
	char *keybuf = NULL;
	struct timeval now, last_now;
	int newrate, rate = STARTING_RATE;
	int n_sent_this_sec = 0;
	long tdiff;
	const char *cur_topic = fullTopicName;
	char namebuf[100];
	streams_topic_partition_t topic;
	streams_config_t config;
	streams_producer_t producer;

	ret_val = producer_init(cur_topic, &topic, &config, &producer);
	if (EXIT_SUCCESS != ret_val) {
		DPRINTF("producer_init() failed\n");
		return (ret_val);

	fp = fopen(fname, "ro");
	if (fp == NULL) {
		DPRINTF("open of file %s failed\n", fname);
		return (-1);
	DPRINTF("opening pipe %s\n", pipe_fname);
	pipe_fd = open(pipe_fname, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK);
	if (pipe_fd < 0) {
		DPRINTF("open of file %s failed\n", pipe_fname);
		return (-1);
	pipe_fp = fdopen(pipe_fd, "r");

	DPRINTF("\nSTEP 4: The producer will create, send, "
	    "and flush now\n");

	/* send initial metrics */
	ret_val = send_metrics(cur_topic, fullTopicName, backupTopicName, rate);
	if (EXIT_SUCCESS != ret_val) {
		IPRINTF("send_metrics() failed\n");
		return (ret_val);

	gettimeofday(&last_now, NULL);
	while ((read = getline(&line, &len, fp)) != -1) {
		 * check if we've sent enough,
		 * if so wait it out so we keep to the specified rate
		if (n_sent_this_sec >= rate) {

			/* send new metrics */
			ret_val = send_metrics(cur_topic, fullTopicName, backupTopicName, rate);
			if (EXIT_SUCCESS != ret_val) {
				IPRINTF("send_metrics() failed\n");
				return (ret_val);

			gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
			tdiff = tvdiff(&last_now, &now);
			printf("time diff %lu rate %d\n", tdiff, rate);
			if (tdiff < 1000) {
				DPRINTF("produced %d messages in %lums, sleeping\n",
				    rate, tdiff);
				usleep((1000 - tdiff) * 1000);
			} else if (tdiff >= 1000) {
				DPRINTF("warning:  falling behind, took %lums to write"
				    " %d messages\n", tdiff, rate);
			gettimeofday(&last_now, NULL);
			n_sent_this_sec = 0;

			/* check the pipe for a rate change */
			DPRINTF("checking pipe\n");
			ret_val = is_pipe_ready(fileno(pipe_fp));
			if (ret_val < 0) {
				IPRINTF("is_pipe_ready() failed\n");
				return (ret_val);
			if (ret_val > 0) {
				(void) fscanf(pipe_fp, "%d", &newrate);
				IPRINTF("new rate: %d\n", newrate);

				/* if we need to failover, toggle connection to the other cluster */
				if (newrate == FAIL_OVER_CODE || newrate == FAIL_BACK_CODE) {
					IPRINTF("failing over to %s cluster\n",
					    newrate == FAIL_OVER_CODE ? "backup" : "primary");
					ret_val = producer_shutdown(&topic, &config, &producer);
					if (EXIT_SUCCESS != ret_val) {
						DPRINTF("trying to failover: shutdown() failed\n");
						return (ret_val);
					cur_topic =
					    newrate == FAIL_OVER_CODE ? backupTopicName : fullTopicName;
					ret_val = producer_init(cur_topic, &topic, &config, &producer);
					if (EXIT_SUCCESS != ret_val) {
						DPRINTF("trying to failover: init() failed\n");
						return (ret_val);
					/* this was an out-of-band code so leave rate unchanged */
				} else {
					/* this was a rate request, set the new rate to it */
					rate = newrate;

					/* send new metrics */
					ret_val =
					    fullTopicName, backupTopicName, rate);
					if (EXIT_SUCCESS != ret_val) {
						IPRINTF("send_metrics() failed\n");
						return (ret_val);
		printf("sending inc %d\n", n_sent_this_sec);

		/* DPRINTF("Retrieved line of length %zu :\n", read); */
		/* DPRINTF("%s", line); */

		/* Create a unique key and value for each message. */
		char key_content[keySize];
		sprintf(key_content, "Key_%d", msg_idx);

		linebuf = malloc(strlen(line) + 1);
		keybuf = malloc(strlen(key_content) + 1);
		strcpy(keybuf, key_content);
		strcpy(linebuf, line);

		/* Create a record that contains the message. */
		streams_producer_record_t record;
		ret_val = streams_producer_record_create(
		    topic, keybuf, strlen(keybuf) + 1,
		    linebuf, strlen(linebuf) + 1, &record);

		if (EXIT_SUCCESS != ret_val) {
			DPRINTF("streams_producer_record_create() failed\n");
			return (ret_val);

		/* Buffer the message. */
		/* DPRINTF("calling streams_producer_send()\n"); */
		ret_val =
		    record, producerCallback, NULL);
		if (EXIT_SUCCESS != ret_val) {
			DPRINTF("streams_producer_send() failed\n");
			return (ret_val);
		/* Flush the message.
		 * this is the synchronous approach but reduces throughput
		ret_val = streams_producer_flush(producer);
		if (EXIT_SUCCESS != ret_val) {
			DPRINTF("streams_producer_flush() failed\n");
			return (ret_val);
		DPRINTF("Produced: MESSAGE %d: ", msg_idx);
	if (line)

	/* send 0 metric now that we're shuttong down */
	ret_val = send_metrics(cur_topic, fullTopicName, backupTopicName, 0);
	if (EXIT_SUCCESS != ret_val) {
		IPRINTF("send_metrics() failed\n");
		return (ret_val);
	return (EXIT_SUCCESS);