QString Human::filterString() const
    std::stringstream completeString;

    completeString <<        name().toStdString()
                   << " " << profession().toStdString();
    return (QString(completeString.str().c_str()));
  Returns a rich text formatted QString representing the contents the contact.
QString OPimContact::toRichText() const
    QString text;
    QString value, comp, state;
    QString str;
    bool marker = false;

    Config cfg( "qpe" );
    cfg.setGroup( "Appearance" );
    int addressformat = cfg.readNumEntry( "AddressFormat", Zip_City_State );

    // name, jobtitle and company
    if ( !( value = fullName() ).isEmpty() )
        text += "<b><h3><img src=\"addressbook/AddressBook\"> " + Qtopia::escapeString( value ) + "</h3></b>";

    if ( !( value = jobTitle() ).isEmpty() )
        text += Qtopia::escapeString( value ) + " ";

    comp = company();
    if ( !( value = department() ).isEmpty() )
        text += Qtopia::escapeString( value );
        if ( comp )
            text += ", " + Qtopia::escapeString( comp );
    else if ( comp )
        text += "<br>" + Qtopia::escapeString( comp );
    text += "<br><hr>";

    // defailt email
    QString defEmail = defaultEmail();
    if ( !defEmail.isEmpty() )
        text += "<b><img src=\"addressbook/email\"> " + QObject::tr( "Default Email: " ) + "</b>"
                + Qtopia::escapeString( defEmail );
        marker = true;

    // business address
    if ( !businessStreet().isEmpty() || !businessCity().isEmpty() ||
            !businessZip().isEmpty() || !businessCountry().isEmpty() )
        text += QObject::tr( "<br><b>Work Address:</b>" );
        marker = true;

    if ( !( value = businessStreet() ).isEmpty() )
        text += "<br>" + Qtopia::escapeString( value );
        marker = true;

    switch ( addressformat )
    case Zip_City_State:
        { //  Zip_Code City, State
            state = businessState();
            if ( !( value = businessZip() ).isEmpty() )
                text += "<br>" + Qtopia::escapeString( value ) + " ";
                marker = true;

            if ( !( value = businessCity() ).isEmpty() )
                marker = true;
                if ( businessZip().isEmpty() && !businessStreet().isEmpty() )
                    text += "<br>";
                text += Qtopia::escapeString( value );
                if ( state )
                    text += ", " + Qtopia::escapeString( state );
            else if ( !state.isEmpty() )
                text += "<br>" + Qtopia::escapeString( state );
                marker = true;
    case City_State_Zip:
        { // City, State Zip_Code
            state = businessState();
            if ( !( value = businessCity() ).isEmpty() )
                marker = true;
                text += "<br>" + Qtopia::escapeString( value );
                if ( state )
                    text += ", " + Qtopia::escapeString( state );
            else if ( !state.isEmpty() )
                text += "<br>" + Qtopia::escapeString( state );
                marker = true;
            if ( !( value = businessZip() ).isEmpty() )
                text += " " + Qtopia::escapeString( value );
                marker = true;

    if ( !( value = businessCountry() ).isEmpty() )
        text += "<br>" + Qtopia::escapeString( value );
        marker = true;

    // rest of Business data
    str = office();
    if ( !str.isEmpty() )
        text += "<br><b>" + QObject::tr( "Office: " ) + "</b>"
                + Qtopia::escapeString( str );
        marker = true;
    str = businessWebpage();
    if ( !str.isEmpty() )
        text += "<br><b><img src=\"addressbook/webpagework\"> " + QObject::tr( "Business Web Page: " ) + "</b>"
                + Qtopia::escapeString( str );
        marker = true;
    str = businessPhone();
    if ( !str.isEmpty() )
        text += "<br><b><img src=\"addressbook/phonework\"> " + QObject::tr( "Business Phone: " ) + "</b>"
                + Qtopia::escapeString( str );
        marker = true;
    str = businessFax();
    if ( !str.isEmpty() )
        text += "<br><b><img src=\"addressbook/faxwork\"> " + QObject::tr( "Business Fax: " ) + "</b>"
                + Qtopia::escapeString( str );
        marker = true;
    str = businessMobile();
    if ( !str.isEmpty() )
        text += "<br><b><img src=\"addressbook/mobilework\"> " + QObject::tr( "Business Mobile: " ) + "</b>"
                + Qtopia::escapeString( str );
        marker = true;
    str = businessPager();
    if ( !str.isEmpty() )
        text += "<br><b>" + QObject::tr( "Business Pager: " ) + "</b>"
                + Qtopia::escapeString( str );
        marker = true;

    // text += "<br>";

    // home address
    if ( !homeStreet().isEmpty() || !homeCity().isEmpty() ||
            !homeZip().isEmpty() || !homeCountry().isEmpty() )
        text += QObject::tr( "<br><b>Home Address:</b>" );
        marker = true;

    if ( !( value = homeStreet() ).isEmpty() )
        text += "<br>" + Qtopia::escapeString( value );
        marker = true;

    switch ( addressformat )
    case Zip_City_State:
        { //  Zip_Code City, State
            state = homeState();
            if ( !( value = homeZip() ).isEmpty() )
                text += "<br>" + Qtopia::escapeString( value ) + " ";
                marker = true;
            if ( !( value = homeCity() ).isEmpty() )
                marker = true;
                if ( homeZip().isEmpty() && !homeStreet().isEmpty() )
                    text += "<br>";
                text += Qtopia::escapeString( value );
                if ( !state.isEmpty() )
                    text += ", " + Qtopia::escapeString( state );
            else if ( !state.isEmpty() )
                text += "<br>" + Qtopia::escapeString( state );
                marker = true;
    case City_State_Zip:
        { // City, State Zip_Code
            state = homeState();
            if ( !( value = homeCity() ).isEmpty() )
                marker = true;
                text += "<br>" + Qtopia::escapeString( value );
                if ( state )
                    text += ", " + Qtopia::escapeString( state );
            else if ( !state.isEmpty() )
                text += "<br>" + Qtopia::escapeString( state );
                marker = true;
            if ( !( value = homeZip() ).isEmpty() )
                text += " " + Qtopia::escapeString( value );
                marker = true;

    if ( !( value = homeCountry() ).isEmpty() )
        text += "<br>" + Qtopia::escapeString( value );
        marker = true;

    // rest of Home data
    str = homeWebpage();
    if ( !str.isEmpty() )
        text += "<br><b><img src=\"addressbook/webpagehome\"> " + QObject::tr( "Home Web Page: " ) + "</b>"
                + Qtopia::escapeString( str );
        marker = true;
    str = homePhone();
    if ( !str.isEmpty() )
        text += "<br><b><img src=\"addressbook/phonehome\"> " + QObject::tr( "Home Phone: " ) + "</b>"
                + Qtopia::escapeString( str );
        marker = true;
    str = homeFax();
    if ( !str.isEmpty() )
        text += "<br><b><img src=\"addressbook/faxhome\"> " + QObject::tr( "Home Fax: " ) + "</b>"
                + Qtopia::escapeString( str );
        marker = true;
    str = homeMobile();
    if ( !str.isEmpty() )
        text += "<br><b><img src=\"addressbook/mobilehome\"> " + QObject::tr( "Home Mobile: " ) + "</b>"
                + Qtopia::escapeString( str );
        marker = true;

    if ( marker )
        text += "<br><hr>";

    // the rest...
    str = emails();
    if ( !str.isEmpty() && ( str != defEmail ) )
        text += "<br><b>" + QObject::tr( "All Emails: " ) + "</b>"
                + Qtopia::escapeString( str );
    str = profession();
    if ( !str.isEmpty() )
        text += "<br><b>" + QObject::tr( "Profession: " ) + "</b>"
                + Qtopia::escapeString( str );
    str = assistant();
    if ( !str.isEmpty() )
        text += "<br><b>" + QObject::tr( "Assistant: " ) + "</b>"
                + Qtopia::escapeString( str );
    str = manager();
    if ( !str.isEmpty() )
        text += "<br><b>" + QObject::tr( "Manager: " ) + "</b>"
                + Qtopia::escapeString( str );
    str = gender();
    if ( !str.isEmpty() && str.toInt() != 0 )
        text += "<br>";
        if ( str.toInt() == 1 )
            str = QObject::tr( "Male" );
        else if ( str.toInt() == 2 )
            str = QObject::tr( "Female" );
        text += "<b>" + QObject::tr( "Gender: " ) + "</b>" + str;
    str = spouse();
    if ( !str.isEmpty() )
        text += "<br><b>" + QObject::tr( "Spouse: " ) + "</b>"
                + Qtopia::escapeString( str );
    if ( birthday().isValid() )
        str = TimeString::numberDateString( birthday() );
        text += "<br><b>" + QObject::tr( "Birthday: " ) + "</b>"
                + Qtopia::escapeString( str );
    if ( anniversary().isValid() )
        str = TimeString::numberDateString( anniversary() );
        text += "<br><b>" + QObject::tr( "Anniversary: " ) + "</b>"
                + Qtopia::escapeString( str );
    str = children();
    if ( !str.isEmpty() )
        text += "<br><b>" + QObject::tr( "Children: " ) + "</b>"
                + Qtopia::escapeString( str );

    str = nickname();
    if ( !str.isEmpty() )
        text += "<br><b>" + QObject::tr( "Nickname: " ) + "</b>"
                + Qtopia::escapeString( str );

    // categories
    if ( categoryNames( "Contacts" ).count() )
        text += "<br><b>" + QObject::tr( "Category:" ) + "</b> ";
        text += categoryNames( "Contacts" ).join( ", " );

    // notes last
    if ( !( value = notes() ).isEmpty() )
        text += "<br><hr><b>" + QObject::tr( "Notes:" ) + "</b> ";
        QRegExp reg( "\n" );

        //QString tmp = Qtopia::escapeString(value);
        QString tmp = QStyleSheet::convertFromPlainText( value );
        //tmp.replace( reg, "<br>" );
        text += "<br>" + tmp + "<br>";
    return text;
void Human::print()
    qDebug() << name() << "-" << profession();
    qDebug() << "   Exp:" << experience() << "  Health:" << health();
QVariant Human::data(int role) const
    switch(role) {
    case IdRole:
        return (unsigned int)id();
    case FilterStringRole:
        return filterString();

    case ProfessionRole:
        return profession();
    case PosXRole:
        return posX();
    case PosYRole:
        return posY();
    case PosZRole:
        return posZ();
    case NameRole:
        return name();

    case ArcherLevelRole:
        return archerLevel();
    case BlacksmithLevelRole:
        return blacksmithLevel();
    case BuilderLevelRole:
        return builderLevel();
    case CarpenterLevelRole:
        return carpenterLevel();
    case EngineerLeveRole:
        return engineerLevel();
    case FarmerLevelRole:
        return farmerLevel();
    case FishermanLevelRole:
        return fishermanLevel();
    case ForagerLevelRole:
        return foragerLevel();
    case InfantryLevelRole:
        return infantryLevel();
    case MinerLevelRole:
        return minerLevel();
    case StoneMasonLevelRole:
        return stoneMasonLevel();
    case WoodChopperLevelRole:
        return woodChopperLevel();
    case TailorLevelRole:
        return tailorLevel();
    case TraderLevelRole:
        return traderLevel();
    case HerderLevelRole:
        return herderLevel();
    case AdventurerLevelRole:
        return adventurerLevel();
    case Unknown1Role:
        return unknown1Level();
    case Unknown2Role:
        return unknown2Level();
    case Unknown3Role:
        return unknown3Level();
    case Unknown4Role:
        return unknown4Level();

    case ExperienceRole:
        return experience();

    case AutoChopTreesRole:
        return autoChop();
    case GatherBerriesRole:
        return gatherBerries();
    case HuntChickenRole:
        return huntChicken();
    case HuntBoarRole:
        return huntBoar();
    case ShowBowRangeRole:
        return showBowRange();
    case TrainNearTargetRole:
        return trainNearTarget();

    case RotationRole:
        return rotation();

    case EquipHandRole:
        return equipHand();
    case EquipOffhandRole:
        return equipOffhand();
    case EquipHeadRole:
        return equipHead();
    case EquipBodyRole:
        return equipBody();
    case EquipFeetRole:
        return equipFeet();

    case HealthRole:
        return health();

    case MoraleRole:
        return morale();
    case FatigueRole:
        return fatigue();
    case HungerRole:
        return hunger();

        return QVariant();
 * @brief Write the Human data back to a file.
void Human::writeToFile( QFile &unitFile )
    QTextStream unitStream(&unitFile);

    unitStream << profession() << "/"
               << QString("%1").arg(posX(),0,'g',8) << "/"
               << QString("%1").arg(posY(),0,'g',8) << "/"
               << QString("%1").arg(posZ(),0,'g',8) << "/"
               << name() << "/";

    unitStream << "/"; unitStream.flush();

    unitStream << "/"; unitStream.flush();

    unitStream << QString(autoChop()?"True":"False") << "/"
               << QString(gatherBerries()?"True":"False") << "/"
               << QString(huntChicken()?"True":"False") << "/"
               << QString(huntBoar()?"True":"False") << "/"
               << QString(showBowRange()?"True":"False") << "/";

    unitStream << QString(trainNearTarget()?"True":"False") << "/";

    unitStream << QString("%1").arg(rotation(),0,'g',8) << "/";

    unitStream << "/"; unitStream.flush();
    unitStream << "/"; unitStream.flush();
    unitStream << "/"; unitStream.flush();
    unitStream << "/"; unitStream.flush();
    unitStream << "/"; unitStream.flush();
    unitStream << "/"; unitStream.flush();

    // Dump some of the options in the file.
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i<52; i++) {
        unitStream << QString(option(i)?"True":"False") << "/";
    unitStream << timeToEat() << "/"
               << morale() << "/"
               << fatigue() << "/"
               << hunger() << "/";

    // Dump more options in the file.
    for (unsigned int i = 52; i<52+12; i++) {
        unitStream << QString(option(i)?"True":"False") << "/";

    // Inventory Preferences
    for (int i = 0; i<inventoryPreferences()->length(); i++) {
        unitStream << inventoryPreferences()->at(i) << "/";

    // Inventory Items
    unitStream << inventoryItems()->length() << "/";
    for (int i = 0; i<inventoryItems()->length(); i++) {
        unitStream << inventoryItems()->at(i) << "/";

    // Spare Inventory
    unitStream << spareInventory()->length() << "/";
    for (int i = 0; i<spareInventory()->length(); i++) {
        unitStream << spareInventory()->at(i) << "/";

    // Patrol
    unitStream << patrolSetpoints()->length() << "/";
    for (int i = 0; i<patrolSetpoints()->length(); i++) {
        unitStream << patrolSetpoints()->at(i) << "/";
    unitStream << patrolIndex() << "/";

    unitStream << guardedUnit() << "/";

    // Profession Experience
    for (int i = 0; i<professionEXP()->length(); i++) {
        unitStream << professionEXP()->at(i) << "/";

    unitStream << maxWeight() << "/";

    unitStream << endl;
