void NiutHumanReader::updateJoint(int i, int j, Joint& curJoint, int toasterId, std::vector<int>& trackedJoints, const niut_msgs::niut_HUMAN_LIST::ConstPtr& msg) {

    std::map<int, std::string> niutToString;
    niutToString[0] = "HEAD";
    niutToString[3] = "TORSO";
    niutToString[9] = "L_HAND";
    niutToString[15] = "R_HIP";
    niutToString[22] = "R_HAND";

    double x, y, z;
    int niutJoint = trackedJoints[j];
    std::string jointString = niutToString[niutJoint];

    //Allocate Joint if needed
    if (lastConfig_[toasterId]->skeleton_[jointString] == NULL) {
        Joint* tmpJoint = new Joint(10001 + j, toasterId);
        lastConfig_[toasterId]->skeleton_[jointString] = tmpJoint;

    x = msg->filtered_users[i].skeleton.joint[niutJoint].position.x;
    y = msg->filtered_users[i].skeleton.joint[niutJoint].position.y;
    z = msg->filtered_users[i].skeleton.joint[niutJoint].position.z;
    projectJoint(curJoint, kinectPos_);
int main(int argc, char** argv){

  ros::init(argc, argv, "humanMonitor");
  ros::NodeHandle node;

  HumanReader humanRd(node);
  double far = 2.5;
  double close = 1.3;
  double distBodies = 0.0;
  double distLHandToGripper = 0.0;
  double distRHandToGripper = 0.0;

  tf::TransformListener listener;
  int niut_TORSO = 3;
  int niut_LEFT_HAND = 9;
  int niut_RIGHT_HAND = 15;
  std::string humanTorso = "torso";
  std::string humanLHand = "l_hand";
  std::string humanRHand = "r_hand";

  std::string robotTorso = "torso_lift_link";
  std::string robotLGripper = "l_gripper_l_finger_link";
  std::string robotRGripper = "r_gripper_l_finger_link";
  humanMonitor::niut_JOINT_STR rHandJoint;
  humanMonitor::niut_JOINT_STR lHandJoint;
  humanMonitor::niut_JOINT_STR torsoJoint;
  humanMonitor::niut_JOINT_STR rHandJointW;
  humanMonitor::niut_JOINT_STR lHandJointW;
  humanMonitor::niut_JOINT_STR torsoJointW;
  double kinectPos[6];
  //TODO: Move this in a service
  kinectPos[0] = 7.25;
  kinectPos[1] = 6.55;
  kinectPos[2] = 2.2;
  kinectPos[3] = 0;
  kinectPos[4] = 0.84;
  kinectPos[5] = -1.57;

  while( node.ok() ){

    // For now we focus on human with trackedId = 0.
      std::cout << "[Fact] Human is present!" << std::endl;
      //Get Human joints in kinect frame
      rHandJoint = humanRd.m_LastConfig[0].skeleton.joint[niut_RIGHT_HAND];
      lHandJoint = humanRd.m_LastConfig[0].skeleton.joint[niut_LEFT_HAND];
      torsoJoint = humanRd.m_LastConfig[0].skeleton.joint[niut_TORSO];

      //Get joints in same frame
      if(rHandJoint.position.x != 0.0){
        projectJoint(rHandJoint, kinectPos, rHandJointW);
        m_HumanLastConfig[humanRHand] = rHandJointW;
      if(lHandJoint.position.x != 0.0){
        projectJoint(lHandJoint, kinectPos, lHandJointW);
        m_HumanLastConfig[humanLHand] = lHandJointW;
      if(torsoJoint.position.x != 0.0){
        projectJoint(torsoJoint, kinectPos, torsoJointW);
        m_HumanLastConfig[humanTorso] = torsoJointW;
      m_HumanRBuffer.push_back(humanRd.m_LastTime, m_HumanLastConfig);

      //Compute human motion:
      long timeThreshold = pow(10,9);               // 1sec
      double distanceThreshold = 0.2;               // 10 cms
      if( isMoving(m_HumanRBuffer, humanTorso, timeThreshold, distanceThreshold, 2) ){
        std::cout << "[Fact] Human is moving!" << std::endl;
        if( isMoving(m_HumanRBuffer, humanRHand, timeThreshold, distanceThreshold*4/3, 3) ){
            std::cout << "[Fact] Human right hand is moving" << std::endl;
        if( isMoving(m_HumanRBuffer, humanLHand, timeThreshold, distanceThreshold*4/3, 3) ){
            std::cout << "[Fact] Human left hand is moving" << std::endl;


      //Compute relative distances (human / robot):
      std::cout << "Human Torso x: " << torsoJointW.position.x << "y: " << torsoJointW.position.y << std::endl;
      std::cout << "Robot Torso x: " << m_RobotLastConfig[robotTorso].position.x << "y: " <<  m_RobotLastConfig[robotTorso].position.y << std::endl;

      if(torsoJoint.position.x != 0.0){
        distBodies = dist2D(torsoJointW, m_RobotLastConfig[robotTorso]);
        std::cout << "Dist human robot: " << distBodies << std::endl;

        if( distBodies > far ){
          std::cout << "[Fact] Human is far" << std::endl;

        }else if(distBodies > close){
          std::cout << "[Fact] Human is near" << std::endl;

          //We compute the hand to gripper distance in NEAR case.
          //Left gripper:
          distLHandToGripper = dist3D(lHandJointW, m_RobotLastConfig[robotLGripper]);
          distRHandToGripper = dist3D(rHandJointW, m_RobotLastConfig[robotLGripper]);
          if( (distLHandToGripper < 0.5) || (distRHandToGripper < 0.5)){
            std::cout << "[Fact] Danger! Human hand is close to left gripper!" << std::endl;

          //Right gripper
          distLHandToGripper = dist3D(lHandJointW, m_RobotLastConfig[robotRGripper]);
          distRHandToGripper = dist3D(rHandJointW, m_RobotLastConfig[robotRGripper]);
          if( (distLHandToGripper < 0.5) || (distRHandToGripper < 0.5)){
             std::cout << "[Fact] Danger! Human hand is close to right gripper!" << std::endl;

          std::cout << "[Fact] Human is too close!" << std::endl;
          std::cout << "Human Torso not available " << std::endl;
        std::cout << "[Fact] Human is not present" << std::endl;