void PromotionTaskMenu::slotEditPromoteTo()
    // Check whether invoked over a promotable widget
    QDesignerFormWindowInterface *fw = formWindow();
    QDesignerFormEditorInterface *core = fw->core();
    const QString base_class_name = WidgetFactory::classNameOf(core, m_widget);
    // Show over promotable widget
    QString promoteToClassName;
    QDialog *promotionEditor = 0;
    if (QDesignerLanguageExtension *lang = languageExtension(core))
        promotionEditor = lang->createPromotionDialog(core, base_class_name, &promoteToClassName, fw);
    if (!promotionEditor)
        promotionEditor = new QDesignerPromotionDialog(core, fw, base_class_name, &promoteToClassName);
    if (promotionEditor->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && !promoteToClassName.isEmpty()) {
        promoteTo(fw, promoteToClassName);
    delete promotionEditor;
void  PromotionTaskMenu::slotPromoteToCustomWidget(const QString &customClassName)
    promoteTo(formWindow(), customClassName);
	void RemotePlayer::handleMessage(Json::Value msg)
		// TODO: Revise when multiplayer for the native game is implemented
		if (msg[MSG_TYPE].asString() != MsgType::GAME_MSG)
			throw runtime_error("this message should be handled outside the game (message type "
				+ msg[MSG_TYPE].asString() + ")");

		const auto& msgData = msg[MSG_DATA];
		const auto& param = msgData[PARAM];

		const auto& action = msgData[ACTION].asString();

		if (action == GameMsgAction::SET_OPENING_ARRAY)
			const auto& pieces = json::pieceMap(param);

			for (const auto& it : pieces)
				for (const auto& coord : it.second)
					// TODO: Move this somewhere else (probably cyvmath)
					if (it.first == PieceType::KING)

					m_pieceCache.push_back(make_shared<RenderedPiece>(it.first, coord, m_color, m_match));

			m_setupComplete = true;
		else if (action == GameMsgAction::SET_IS_READY)
		{ }
		else if (action == GameMsgAction::MOVE)
			auto movement = json::movement(param);

			if (movement.pieceType == PieceType::UNDEFINED)
				throw runtime_error("move of undefined piece " + PieceTypeToStr(movement.pieceType) + " requested");

			auto it = m_match.getActivePieces().find(movement.oldPos);
			if (it == m_match.getActivePieces().end())
				throw runtime_error("move of non-existent piece at " + movement.oldPos.toString() + " requested");

			auto piece = it->second;

			if (piece->getType() != movement.pieceType)
				throw runtime_error(
					"remote client requested move of " + PieceTypeToStr(movement.pieceType) + ", but there is " +
					PieceTypeToStr(piece->getType()) + " at " + movement.oldPos.toString()

			m_match.tryMovePiece(piece, movement.newPos);
		else if (action == GameMsgAction::MOVE_CAPTURE)
			auto movement = json::moveCapture(param);

			if (movement.atkPT == PieceType::UNDEFINED)
				throw runtime_error("move of undefined piece " + PieceTypeToStr(movement.atkPT) + " requested");
			if (movement.defPT == PieceType::UNDEFINED)
				throw runtime_error("capture of undefined piece " + PieceTypeToStr(movement.atkPT) + " requested");

			auto it = m_match.getActivePieces().find(movement.oldPos);

			if (it == m_match.getActivePieces().end())
				throw runtime_error("move of non-existent piece at " + movement.oldPos.toString() + " requested");
			if (it->second->getType() != movement.atkPT)
				throw runtime_error(
					"move of " + PieceTypeToStr(movement.atkPT) + " requested, but there is " +
					PieceTypeToStr(it->second->getType()) + " at " + movement.oldPos.toString()

			auto piece = it->second;

			it = m_match.getActivePieces().find(movement.defPiecePos);

			if (it == m_match.getActivePieces().end())
				throw runtime_error("capture of non-existent piece at " + movement.defPiecePos.toString() + " requested");
			if (it->second->getType() != movement.defPT)
				throw runtime_error(
					"capture of " + PieceTypeToStr(movement.defPT) + " requested, but there is " +
					PieceTypeToStr(it->second->getType()) + " at " + movement.defPiecePos.toString()

			m_match.tryMovePiece(piece, movement.newPos);
		else if (action == GameMsgAction::PROMOTE)
			auto promotion = json::promotion(param);

			if (m_fortress->isRuined)
				throw runtime_error("requested promotion of a piece although the fortress is ruined");

			auto piece = m_match.getPieceAt(m_fortress->getCoord());
			if (!piece)
				throw runtime_error("requested promotion of a piece although there is no piece on the fortress");

			if (piece->getType() != promotion.origType)
				throw runtime_error("requested promotion of " + PieceTypeToStr(promotion.origType) + ", but there is a "
					+ PieceTypeToStr(piece->getType()) + " piece in the fortress.");

				case PieceType::RABBLE:
					if (!(promotion.newType == PieceType::CROSSBOWS ||
						promotion.newType == PieceType::SPEARS ||
						promotion.newType == PieceType::LIGHT_HORSE))
						throw runtime_error("requested promotion from rabble to " + PieceTypeToStr(promotion.newType));

				case PieceType::CROSSBOWS:
					if (promotion.newType != PieceType::TREBUCHET)
						throw runtime_error("requested promotion from crossbows to " + PieceTypeToStr(promotion.newType));

				case PieceType::SPEARS:
					if (promotion.newType != PieceType::ELEPHANT)
						throw runtime_error("requested promotion from spears to " + PieceTypeToStr(promotion.newType));

				case PieceType::LIGHT_HORSE:
					if (promotion.newType != PieceType::HEAVY_HORSE)
						throw runtime_error("requested promotion from light horse to " + PieceTypeToStr(promotion.newType));

				case PieceType::TREBUCHET:
				case PieceType::ELEPHANT:
				case PieceType::HEAVY_HORSE:
					if (promotion.newType != PieceType::KING)
						throw runtime_error("requested promotion from " + PieceTypeToStr(promotion.origType) +
							" to " + PieceTypeToStr(promotion.newType));
					else if (!m_kingTaken)
						throw runtime_error("requested promotion to king when there still is a king");

					throw runtime_error("requested promotion of unknown piece");

		//else if (action == GameMsgAction::RESIGN)
			throw runtime_error("got a json request with action set to " + msg[ACTION].asString());