void MovePicker::score_captures() {
  // Winning and equal captures in the main search are ordered by MVV/LVA.
  // Suprisingly, this appears to perform slightly better than SEE based
  // move ordering. The reason is probably that in a position with a winning
  // capture, capturing a more valuable (but sufficiently defended) piece
  // first usually doesn't hurt. The opponent will have to recapture, and
  // the hanging piece will still be hanging (except in the unusual cases
  // where it is possible to recapture with the hanging piece). Exchanging
  // big pieces before capturing a hanging piece probably helps to reduce
  // the subtree size.
  // In main search we want to push captures with negative SEE values to
  // badCaptures[] array, but instead of doing it now we delay till when
  // the move has been picked up in pick_move_from_list(), this way we save
  // some SEE calls in case we get a cutoff (idea from Pablo Vazquez).
  Move m;

  for (MoveStack* it = moves; it != end; ++it)
      m = it->move;
      it->score =  PieceValue[Mg][pos.piece_on(to_sq(m))]
                 - type_of(pos.piece_moved(m));

      if (type_of(m) == PROMOTION)
          it->score += PieceValue[Mg][promotion_type(m)];
void MovePicker::score<CAPTURES>() {
  // Winning and equal captures in the main search are ordered by MVV/LVA.
  // Suprisingly, this appears to perform slightly better than SEE based
  // move ordering. The reason is probably that in a position with a winning
  // capture, capturing a more valuable (but sufficiently defended) piece
  // first usually doesn't hurt. The opponent will have to recapture, and
  // the hanging piece will still be hanging (except in the unusual cases
  // where it is possible to recapture with the hanging piece). Exchanging
  // big pieces before capturing a hanging piece probably helps to reduce
  // the subtree size.
  // In main search we want to push captures with negative SEE values to the
  // badCaptures[] array, but instead of doing it now we delay until the move
  // has been picked up in pick_move_from_list(). This way we save some SEE
  // calls in case we get a cutoff.
  Move m;

  for (ExtMove* it = moves; it != end; ++it)
      m = it->move;
      it->value =  PieceValue[MG][pos.piece_on(to_sq(m))]
                 - Value(type_of(pos.moved_piece(m)));
      if (type_of(m) == ENPASSANT)
          it->value += PieceValue[MG][PAWN];
      else if (type_of(m) == PROMOTION)
          it->value += PieceValue[MG][promotion_type(m)] - PieceValue[MG][PAWN];