// -------------------------------------------------------
QString Subcircuit::getSubcircuitFile()
  // construct full filename
  QString FileName = Props.getFirst()->Value;
  return properAbsFileName(FileName);
// -------------------------------------------------------
QString Subcircuit::getSubcircuitFile()
  // construct full filename
  QString FileName = Props.getFirst()->Value;

  if (FileName.isEmpty())
      return properAbsFileName(FileName);

  QFileInfo FileInfo(FileName);

  if (FileInfo.exists())
      // the file must be an absolute path to a schematic file
     return FileInfo.absoluteFilePath();
    // get the complete base name (everything except the last '.'
    // and whatever follows
    QString baseName = FileInfo.completeBaseName();

    // if only a file name is supplied, first check if it is in the
    // same directory as the schematic file it is a part of
    if (FileInfo.fileName () == FileName)
        // the file has no path information, just the file name
        if (containingSchematic)
            // check if a file of the same name is in the same directory
            // as the schematic file, if we have a pointer to it, in
            // which case we use this one
            QFileInfo schematicFileInfo = containingSchematic->getFileInfo ();
            QFileInfo localFIleInfo (schematicFileInfo.canonicalPath () + "/" + baseName + ".sch");
            if (localFIleInfo.exists ())
                // return the subcircuit saved in the same directory
                // as the schematic file
                return localFIleInfo.absoluteFilePath();

    // look up the hash table for the schematic file as
    // it does not seem to be an absolute path, this will also
    // search the home directory which is always hashed
    QMutex mutex;
    QString hashsearchresult = QucsMain->schNameHash.value(baseName);

    if (hashsearchresult.isEmpty())
        // the schematic was not found in the hash table, return
        // what would always have been returned in this case
        return properAbsFileName(FileName);
        // we found an entry in the hash table, check it actually still exists

        if (FileInfo.exists())
            // it does exist so return the absolute file path
            return FileInfo.absoluteFilePath();
            // the schematic file does not actually exist, return
            // what would always have been returned in this case
            return properAbsFileName(FileName);

