 * See header file for description.
BaseType_t xPortStartScheduler( void )
    /* Make PendSV, CallSV and SysTick the same priroity as the kernel. */
    *(portNVIC_SYSPRI2) |= portNVIC_PENDSV_PRI;
    *(portNVIC_SYSPRI2) |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_PRI;

    /* Start the timer that generates the tick ISR.  Interrupts are disabled
    here already. */

    /* Initialise the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */
    uxCriticalNesting = 0;

    /* Start the first task. */

    /* Should never get here as the tasks will now be executing!  Call the task
    exit error function to prevent compiler warnings about a static function
    not being called in the case that the application writer overrides this
    functionality by defining configTASK_RETURN_ADDRESS. */

    /* Should not get here! */
    return 0;
 * See header file for description.
BaseType_t xPortStartScheduler( void )
	/* This port can be used on all revisions of the Cortex-M7 core other than
	the r0p1 parts.  r0p1 parts should use the port from the
	/source/portable/GCC/ARM_CM7/r0p1 directory. */
	configASSERT( SCB->CPUID != portCORTEX_M0_r0p0_ID );

	/* Make PendSV the lowest priority interrupts. */

	/* Start the timer that generates the tick ISR.  Interrupts are disabled
	here already. */

	/* Initialise the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */
	uxCriticalNesting = 0;

	/* Finally this port requires SEVONPEND to be active */

	/* Start the first task. */

	/* Should never get here as the tasks will now be executing!  Call the task
	exit error function to prevent compiler warnings about a static function
	not being called in the case that the application writer overrides this
	functionality by defining configTASK_RETURN_ADDRESS. */

	/* Should not get here! */
	return 0;
文件: port.c 项目: BlueSkyGjj/nRF52
BaseType_t xPortStartScheduler( void )
extern void vPortStartFirstTask( void );
extern void *pxCurrentTCB;

	#if ( configCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW > 2 )
		/* Fill the ISR stack to make it easy to asses how much is being used. */
		memset( ( void * ) xISRStack, portISR_STACK_FILL_BYTE, sizeof( xISRStack ) );
	#endif /* configCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW > 2 */

	/* Clear the software interrupt flag. */

	/* Set software timer priority. */

	/* Enable software interrupt. */

	/* Setup the timer to generate the tick.  Interrupts will have been
	disabled by the time we get here. */

	/* Kick off the highest priority task that has been created so far.
	Its stack location is loaded into uxSavedTaskStackPointer. */
	uxSavedTaskStackPointer = *( UBaseType_t * ) pxCurrentTCB;

	/* Should never get here as the tasks will now be executing!  Call the task
	exit error function to prevent compiler warnings about a static function
	not being called in the case that the application writer overrides this
	functionality by defining configTASK_RETURN_ADDRESS. */

	return pdFALSE;
 * See header file for description.
portBASE_TYPE xPortStartScheduler( void )
    /* configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY must not be set to 0.
    See http://www.FreeRTOS.org/RTOS-Cortex-M3-M4.html */

#if( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )
        volatile unsigned long ulOriginalPriority;
        volatile char * const pcFirstUserPriorityRegister = ( volatile char * const ) ( portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16 + portFIRST_USER_INTERRUPT_NUMBER );
        volatile unsigned char ucMaxPriorityValue;

        /* Determine the maximum priority from which ISR safe FreeRTOS API
        functions can be called.  ISR safe functions are those that end in
        "FromISR".  FreeRTOS maintains separate thread and ISR API functions to
        ensure interrupt entry is as fast and simple as possible.

        Save the interrupt priority value that is about to be clobbered. */
        ulOriginalPriority = *pcFirstUserPriorityRegister;

        /* Determine the number of priority bits available.  First write to all
        possible bits. */
        *pcFirstUserPriorityRegister = portMAX_8_BIT_VALUE;

        /* Read the value back to see how many bits stuck. */
        ucMaxPriorityValue = *pcFirstUserPriorityRegister;

        /* Use the same mask on the maximum system call priority. */
        ucMaxSysCallPriority = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;

        /* Calculate the maximum acceptable priority group value for the number
        of bits read back. */
        ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;
        while( ( ucMaxPriorityValue & portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE ) == portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE ) {
            ucMaxPriorityValue <<= ( unsigned char ) 0x01;

        /* Shift the priority group value back to its position within the AIRCR
        register. */
        ulMaxPRIGROUPValue <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;
        ulMaxPRIGROUPValue &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;

        /* Restore the clobbered interrupt priority register to its original
        value. */
        *pcFirstUserPriorityRegister = ulOriginalPriority;
#endif /* conifgASSERT_DEFINED */

    /* Make PendSV and SysTick the lowest priority interrupts. */

    /* Start the timer that generates the tick ISR.  Interrupts are disabled
    here already. */

    /* Initialise the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */
    uxCriticalNesting = 0;

    /* Start the first task. */

    /* Should never get here as the tasks will now be executing!  Call the task
    exit error function to prevent compiler warnings about a static function
    not being called in the case that the application writer overrides this
    functionality by defining configTASK_RETURN_ADDRESS. */

    /* Should not get here! */
    return 0;
文件: port.c 项目: Eclo/FreeRTOS
 * See header file for description.
BaseType_t xPortStartScheduler( void )
    /* configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY must not be set to 0.
    See http://www.FreeRTOS.org/RTOS-Cortex-M3-M4.html */

    /* This port can be used on all revisions of the Cortex-M7 core other than
    the r0p1 parts.  r0p1 parts should use the port from the
    /source/portable/GCC/ARM_CM7/r0p1 directory. */
    configASSERT( portCPUID != portCORTEX_M7_r0p1_ID );
    configASSERT( portCPUID != portCORTEX_M7_r0p0_ID );

#if( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )
        volatile uint32_t ulOriginalPriority;
        volatile uint8_t * const pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = ( volatile uint8_t * const ) ( portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16 + portFIRST_USER_INTERRUPT_NUMBER );
        volatile uint8_t ucMaxPriorityValue;

        /* Determine the maximum priority from which ISR safe FreeRTOS API
        functions can be called.  ISR safe functions are those that end in
        "FromISR".  FreeRTOS maintains separate thread and ISR API functions to
        ensure interrupt entry is as fast and simple as possible.

        Save the interrupt priority value that is about to be clobbered. */
        ulOriginalPriority = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

        /* Determine the number of priority bits available.  First write to all
        possible bits. */
        *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = portMAX_8_BIT_VALUE;

        /* Read the value back to see how many bits stuck. */
        ucMaxPriorityValue = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

        /* Use the same mask on the maximum system call priority. */
        ucMaxSysCallPriority = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;

        /* Calculate the maximum acceptable priority group value for the number
        of bits read back. */
        ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;
        while( ( ucMaxPriorityValue & portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE ) == portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE )
            ucMaxPriorityValue <<= ( uint8_t ) 0x01;

            /* Check the CMSIS configuration that defines the number of
            priority bits matches the number of priority bits actually queried
            from the hardware. */
            configASSERT( ( portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS - ulMaxPRIGROUPValue ) == __NVIC_PRIO_BITS );

#ifdef configPRIO_BITS
            /* Check the FreeRTOS configuration that defines the number of
            priority bits matches the number of priority bits actually queried
            from the hardware. */
            configASSERT( ( portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS - ulMaxPRIGROUPValue ) == configPRIO_BITS );

        /* Shift the priority group value back to its position within the AIRCR
        register. */
        ulMaxPRIGROUPValue <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;
        ulMaxPRIGROUPValue &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;

        /* Restore the clobbered interrupt priority register to its original
        value. */
        *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = ulOriginalPriority;
#endif /* conifgASSERT_DEFINED */

    /* Make PendSV and SysTick the lowest priority interrupts. */

    /* Start the timer that generates the tick ISR.  Interrupts are disabled
    here already. */

    /* Initialise the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */
    uxCriticalNesting = 0;

    /* Ensure the VFP is enabled - it should be anyway. */

    /* Lazy save always. */
    *( portFPCCR ) |= portASPEN_AND_LSPEN_BITS;

    /* Start the first task. */

    /* Should never get here as the tasks will now be executing!  Call the task
    exit error function to prevent compiler warnings about a static function
    not being called in the case that the application writer overrides this
    functionality by defining configTASK_RETURN_ADDRESS. */

    /* Should not get here! */
    return 0;