文件: puzzle.c 项目: ccasin/hpuz
 * puz_size - calculate the size of a puzzle as a PUZ file
 * @puz: a pointer to the struct puzzle_t to size
 * This function is used to calculate the size of the PUZ file for a
 * given puzzle.
 * Return value: -1 on error, a positive (non-zero) integer size on
 * success.
int puz_size(struct puzzle_t *puz) {
  int i, sz;

    return -1;

  int board_size = puz_width_get(puz) * puz_height_get(puz);

  sz = 0x34; // header
  sz += board_size;
  sz += board_size;
  sz += Sstrlen(puz_title_get(puz)) + 1;  // title
  sz += Sstrlen(puz_author_get(puz)) + 1; // author
  sz += Sstrlen(puz_copyright_get(puz)) + 1; // copyright

  for(i = 0; i < puz_clue_count_get(puz); i++) {
    sz += Sstrlen(puz_clue_get(puz, i)) + 1;

    sz += puz->notes_sz;
  sz += 1; // NULL terminated

  if (puz_has_rebus(puz)) {
    sz += 4; // GRBS
    sz += 2; // board size
    sz += 2; // checksum
    sz += board_size; // rebus grid
    sz += 1; // NULL

    sz += 4; // RTBL
    sz += 2; // size
    sz += 2; // checksum

    for (i = 0; i < puz_rebus_count_get(puz); i++) {
      sz += Sstrlen(puz_rtbl_get(puz, i)) + 1;
    sz += 1; // NULL

  if (puz_has_timer(puz)) {
    sz += 4; //LTIM
    sz += 4; // size and checksum
    sz += Sstrlen(puz->ltim); //timer string

    sz += 1; // NULL

  if (puz_has_extras(puz)) {
    sz += 4; // GEXT
    sz += 2; // size
    sz += 2; // checksum
    sz += board_size; // extras grid
    sz += 1; // NULL

  if (puz_has_rusr(puz)) {
    sz += 4; // RUSR
    sz += 2; // size
    sz += 2; // checksum
    sz += puz->rusr_sz; //data
    sz++;  // NULL

  return sz;
文件: readpuz.c 项目: kobolabs/puz
/* ************************************************************************
   **** */
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  int fd;

  void *base;

  struct stat buf;
  int i, sz;

  struct puzzle_t p;

  char *destfile = NULL;

  if(argc < 2) {
    printf("Usage: %s <file.puz>\n", argv[0]);
    return 0;

  if(argc == 3) {
    destfile = argv[2];
    printf("Will regurgitate into %s as binary after reading\n", argv[2]);

  i = stat(argv[1], &buf);
  if(i != 0) {
    return -1;

  sz = buf.st_size;

  if(!(fd = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY))) {
    return -1;

  if(!(base = mmap(NULL, sz, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0))) {
    return -1;

  if(NULL == puz_load(&p, PUZ_FILE_UNKNOWN, base, sz)) {
    printf("There was an error loading the puzzle file.  See above for details\n");
    return -1;


  i = puz_cksums_check(&p);

  if(i != 00) {
    printf("*** Error: %d errors in checksums.\n", i);
	return -1;

	const char* separator = "myuniquelibpuzseparator";
	printf("%s", separator);
	printf("%s", puz_title_get(&p));
	printf("%s", separator);
	printf("%s", puz_author_get(&p));
	printf("%s", separator);
	printf("%s", puz_notes_get(&p));
	printf("%s", separator);
	printf("%d", puz_width_get(&p));
	printf("%s", separator);
	printf("%d", puz_height_get(&p));
	printf("%s", separator);
	printf("%s", puz_grid_get(&p));
	printf("%s", separator);
	printf("%s", puz_solution_get(&p));
	int numClues = puz_clue_count_get(&p);
	int clueNum = 0;
	for (; clueNum < numClues; clueNum++) {
		printf("%s", separator);
		printf("%s", puz_clue_get(&p, clueNum));
  return 0;