static void _character_dump(doc_ptr doc)
    spell_info spells[MAX_SPELLS];
    int        ct = _get_spells(spells, MAX_SPELLS);

    py_display_spells(doc, spells, ct);
static void _character_dump(doc_ptr doc)
    int ct = _count_open_terrain();
    bool disrupt = heavy_armor();

    if (!disrupt && p_ptr->lev >= 5)
        spell_info spells[MAX_SPELLS];
        int        ct = _get_spells(spells, MAX_SPELLS);

        py_display_spells(doc, spells, ct);

    doc_printf(doc, "<topic:Abilities>================================== <color:keypress>A</color>bilities ==================================\n\n");

    /* Hack: Heavy Armor negates advantages of being in the open, and
       actually incurs penalties for being entrenched! */
    if (disrupt)
        doc_printf(doc, "  * Your talents are disrupted by the weight of your armor.\n");
        ct = 0;
        if (ct >= 6)
            doc_printf(doc, "  * You are out in the open (%d adjacent open squares).\n", ct);
        else if (ct >= 3)
            doc_printf(doc, "  * You are somewhat confined (%d adjacent open squares).\n", ct);
            doc_printf(doc, "  * You are very confined (%d adjacent open squares).\n", ct);

    /* Unfettered Body */
    if (p_ptr->lev >= 1)
        int amt = _unfettered_body(ct);
        if (amt > 0)
            doc_printf(doc, "  * You gain %+d to your AC being out in the open.\n", amt);
        else if (amt < 0)
            doc_printf(doc, "  * You lose %+d to your AC being so confined.\n", amt);

    /* Unfettered Mind */
    if (p_ptr->lev >= 1)
        int amt = _unfettered_mind(ct);
        if (amt > 0)
            doc_printf(doc, "  * You gain %+d to your Saving Throws being out in the open.\n", amt);
        else if (amt < 0)
            doc_printf(doc, "  * You lose %+d to your Saving Throws being so confined.\n", amt);

    if (!disrupt && p_ptr->lev >= 20)
        doc_printf(doc, "  * You ambush sleeping monsters for extra damage.\n");

    if (!disrupt && p_ptr->lev >= 50)
        doc_printf(doc, "  * You have Peerless Stealth and will never aggravate monsters.\n");

static void _character_dump(doc_ptr doc)
    spell_info spells[MAX_SPELLS];
    int        ct = 0, i;

    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        ct += _get_spells_imp(spells + ct, MAX_SPELLS - ct, i);

    py_display_spells(doc, spells, ct);
static void _character_dump(doc_ptr doc)
    if (_weapon_check() && p_ptr->lev >= 5)
        spell_info spells[MAX_SPELLS];
        int        ct = _get_spells(spells, MAX_SPELLS);

        py_display_spells(doc, spells, ct);