  /** Execute the algorithm.
  void CalculateUMatrix::exec()
    double a=this->getProperty("a");
    double b=this->getProperty("b");
    double c=this->getProperty("c");
    double alpha=this->getProperty("alpha");
    double beta=this->getProperty("beta");
    double gamma=this->getProperty("gamma");
    OrientedLattice o(a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma);
    Matrix<double> B=o.getB();

    double H,K,L;

    PeaksWorkspace_sptr ws;
    ws = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<PeaksWorkspace>(AnalysisDataService::Instance().retrieve(this->getProperty("PeaksWorkspace")) );
    if (!ws) throw std::runtime_error("Problems reading the peaks workspace");

    Matrix<double> Hi(4,4),Si(4,4),HS(4,4),zero(4,4);
    for (int i=0;i<ws->getNumberPeaks();i++)
      Peak p=ws->getPeaks()[i];
        V3D Qhkl=B*V3D(H,K,L);
        Hi[0][0]=0.;        Hi[0][1]=-Qhkl.X(); Hi[0][2]=-Qhkl.Y(); Hi[0][3]=-Qhkl.Z();
        Hi[1][0]=Qhkl.X();  Hi[1][1]=0.;        Hi[1][2]=Qhkl.Z();  Hi[1][3]=-Qhkl.Y();
        Hi[2][0]=Qhkl.Y();  Hi[2][1]=-Qhkl.Z(); Hi[2][2]=0.;        Hi[2][3]=Qhkl.X();
        Hi[3][0]=Qhkl.Z();  Hi[3][1]=Qhkl.Y();  Hi[3][2]=-Qhkl.X(); Hi[3][3]=0.;

        V3D Qgon=p.getQSampleFrame();
        Si[0][0]=0.;        Si[0][1]=-Qgon.X(); Si[0][2]=-Qgon.Y(); Si[0][3]=-Qgon.Z();
        Si[1][0]=Qgon.X();  Si[1][1]=0.;        Si[1][2]=-Qgon.Z(); Si[1][3]=Qgon.Y();
        Si[2][0]=Qgon.Y();  Si[2][1]=Qgon.Z();  Si[2][2]=0.;        Si[2][3]=-Qgon.X();
        Si[3][0]=Qgon.Z();  Si[3][1]=-Qgon.Y(); Si[3][2]=Qgon.X(); Si[3][3]=0.;

    //check if HS is 0
    if (HS==zero) throw std::invalid_argument("The peaks workspace is not indexed or something really bad happened");

    Matrix<double> Eval;
    Matrix<double> Diag;
    Mantid::Kernel::Quat qR(Eval[0][0],Eval[1][0],Eval[2][0],Eval[3][0]);//the first column corresponds to the highest eigenvalue
    DblMatrix U(qR.getRotation());

    ws->mutableSample().setOrientedLattice(new OrientedLattice(o));

	Eigen::Quaterniond getQuaternionForAngularChange(double time) {

		const double wn  = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
		const double ang = wn * time / 2;
		const double swn = sin(ang);
		const double cwn = cos(ang);	
		const double wxn = (wn != 0.0) ? x/wn : 0.0;
		const double wyn = (wn != 0.0) ? y/wn : 0.0;
		const double wzn = (wn != 0.0) ? z/wn : 0.0;
		Eigen::Quaterniond qR(cwn, swn*wxn, swn*wyn, swn*wzn);
		return qR;
  /** Execute the algorithm.
  void CalculateUMatrix::exec()
    double a=this->getProperty("a");
    double b=this->getProperty("b");
    double c=this->getProperty("c");
    double alpha=this->getProperty("alpha");
    double beta=this->getProperty("beta");
    double gamma=this->getProperty("gamma");
    OrientedLattice o(a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma);
    Matrix<double> B=o.getB();

    double H,K,L;

    PeaksWorkspace_sptr ws;
    ws = AnalysisDataService::Instance().retrieveWS<PeaksWorkspace>(this->getProperty("PeaksWorkspace") );
    if (!ws) throw std::runtime_error("Problems reading the peaks workspace");

    size_t nIndexedpeaks=0;
    bool found2nc=false;
    V3D old(0,0,0);
    Matrix<double> Hi(4,4),Si(4,4),HS(4,4),zero(4,4);
    for (int i=0;i<ws->getNumberPeaks();i++)
      Peak p=ws->getPeaks()[i];
        if (!found2nc)
          if (nIndexedpeaks==1)
            if (!old.coLinear(V3D(0,0,0),V3D(H,K,L))) found2nc=true;
        V3D Qhkl=B*V3D(H,K,L);
        Hi[0][0]=0.;        Hi[0][1]=-Qhkl.X(); Hi[0][2]=-Qhkl.Y(); Hi[0][3]=-Qhkl.Z();
        Hi[1][0]=Qhkl.X();  Hi[1][1]=0.;        Hi[1][2]=Qhkl.Z();  Hi[1][3]=-Qhkl.Y();
        Hi[2][0]=Qhkl.Y();  Hi[2][1]=-Qhkl.Z(); Hi[2][2]=0.;        Hi[2][3]=Qhkl.X();
        Hi[3][0]=Qhkl.Z();  Hi[3][1]=Qhkl.Y();  Hi[3][2]=-Qhkl.X(); Hi[3][3]=0.;

        V3D Qgon=p.getQSampleFrame();
        Si[0][0]=0.;        Si[0][1]=-Qgon.X(); Si[0][2]=-Qgon.Y(); Si[0][3]=-Qgon.Z();
        Si[1][0]=Qgon.X();  Si[1][1]=0.;        Si[1][2]=-Qgon.Z(); Si[1][3]=Qgon.Y();
        Si[2][0]=Qgon.Y();  Si[2][1]=Qgon.Z();  Si[2][2]=0.;        Si[2][3]=-Qgon.X();
        Si[3][0]=Qgon.Z();  Si[3][1]=-Qgon.Y(); Si[3][2]=Qgon.X(); Si[3][3]=0.;

    //check if enough peaks are indexed or if HS is 0
    if ((nIndexedpeaks<2) || (found2nc==false)) throw std::invalid_argument("Less then two non-colinear peaks indexed");
    if (HS==zero) throw std::invalid_argument("Something really bad happened");

    Matrix<double> Eval;
    Matrix<double> Diag;
    Mantid::Kernel::Quat qR(Eval[0][0],Eval[1][0],Eval[2][0],Eval[3][0]);//the first column corresponds to the highest eigenvalue
    DblMatrix U(qR.getRotation());

    ws->mutableSample().setOrientedLattice(new OrientedLattice(o));

std::vector<simd_vector> HLLC_flux(const conserved_vars& UL, const conserved_vars& UR, const simd_vector& phi,
		dimension dim) {
	std::vector<simd_vector> F(NF, simd_vector (G2));
	integer shear1, shear2;
	if (dim == XDIM) {
		shear1 = s_i + YDIM;
		shear2 = s_i + ZDIM;
	} else if (dim == YDIM) {
		shear1 = s_i + XDIM;
		shear2 = s_i + ZDIM;
	} else {
		shear1 = s_i + XDIM;
		shear2 = s_i + YDIM;
	auto qs = [](real p_star, real ps) {
		real gp1over2g = (fgamma + real(1)) / (real(2) * fgamma);
		const real H = p_star / ps;
		real r;
		if( H < real(1)) {
			r= real(1);
		} else {
			r= std::sqrt(real(1) + gp1over2g * (H- real(1)));
		return r;

	real hf = real(1) / real(2);
	real _1over8 = real(1) / real(8);
	const auto VR = UR.to_primitive();
	const auto VL = UL.to_primitive();
	const simd_vector& uR = VR.v(dim);
	const simd_vector& uL = VL.v(dim);
	const simd_vector& pR = VR.p();
	const simd_vector& pL = VL.p();
	const simd_vector& aR = VR.c();
	const simd_vector& aL = VL.c();
	const simd_vector& rhoR = VR.rho();
	const simd_vector& rhoL = VL.rho();
	simd_vector u_star = hf * (uL + uR) - (real(2) * (pR - pL)) / ((rhoR + rhoL) * (aR + aL));
	simd_vector p_star = hf * (pL + pR) - (_1over8 * (uR - uL) * (rhoR + rhoL) * (aR + aL));
	simd_vector& sM = u_star;
	simd_vector qR(G2), qL(G2);
	for (integer g = 0; g != G2; ++g) {
		qR[g] = qs(p_star[g], pR[g]);
		qL[g] = qs(p_star[g], pL[g]);
	simd_vector sL = uL - aL * qL;
	simd_vector sR = uR + aR * qR;
	for (integer g = 0; g != G2; ++g) {
		sL[g] = std::min(real(0), sL[g]);
		sR[g] = std::max(real(0), sR[g]);
		sM[g] = std::min(sR[g], sM[g]);
		sM[g] = std::max(sL[g], sM[g]);

	const auto fR = UR.flux(VR, dim);
	const auto fL = UL.flux(VL, dim);
	std::vector<simd_vector> Q(NF, simd_vector (G2));
	std::vector<simd_vector> R(NF, simd_vector (G2));
	for (integer f = 0; f != NF; ++f) {
		Q[f] = sL * UL[f] - fL[f];
		R[f] = sR * UR[f] - fR[f];

	std::array < simd_vector, NF > U_starR;
	std::array < simd_vector, NF > U_starL;

	p_star = ((sM * Q[rho_i] - Q[s_i + dim]) + (sM * R[rho_i] - R[s_i + dim])) / real(2);
	p_star /= real(2);
	p_star = (p_star + std::abs(p_star));
	U_starL[rho_i] = Q[rho_i] / (sL - sM);
	U_starR[rho_i] = R[rho_i] / (sR - sM);
	U_starL[s_i + dim] = U_starL[rho_i] * u_star;
	U_starR[s_i + dim] = U_starR[rho_i] * u_star;
	U_starL[shear1] = UL[shear1];
	U_starR[shear1] = UR[shear1];
	U_starL[shear2] = UL[shear2];
	U_starR[shear2] = UR[shear2];
	U_starL[egas_i] = p_star / (fgamma - real(1))
			+ hf
					* (std::pow(U_starL[s_i + XDIM], real(2)) + std::pow(U_starL[s_i + YDIM], real(2))
							+ std::pow(U_starL[s_i + ZDIM], real(2))) / U_starL[rho_i];
	U_starR[egas_i] = p_star / (fgamma - real(1))
			+ hf
					* (std::pow(U_starR[s_i + XDIM], real(2)) + std::pow(U_starR[s_i + YDIM], real(2))
							+ std::pow(U_starR[s_i + ZDIM], real(2))) / U_starR[rho_i];
	U_starL[tau_i] = U_starR[tau_i] = std::pow(p_star / (fgamma - real(1)), real(1) / fgamma);

	for (integer f = 0; f != NF; ++f) {
		for (integer g = 0; g != G2; ++g) {
			assert(sR[g] >= sM[g]);
			assert(sM[g] >= sL[g]);
			if (sL[g] >= real(0) && sM[g] >= real(0)) {
				F[f][g] = fL[f][g];
			} else if (sL[g] < real(0) && sR[g] > real(0)) {
				if (sM[g] >= real(0)) {
					F[f][g] = fL[f][g] + sL[g] * (U_starL[f][g] - UL[f][g]);
				} else if (sM[g] <= real(0)) {
					F[f][g] = fR[f][g] + sR[g] * (U_starR[f][g] - UR[f][g]);
			} else if (sM[g] <= real(0) && sR[g] <= real(0)) {
				F[f][g] = fR[f][g];
			} else {
	const integer f = egas_i;
	for (integer g = 0; g != G2; ++g) {
		assert(sR[g] >= sM[g]);
		assert(sM[g] >= sL[g]);
		if (sL[g] >= real(0) && sM[g] >= real(0)) {
			F[f][g] += UL[s_i + dim][g] * phi[g];
		} else if (sL[g] < real(0) && sR[g] > real(0)) {
			if (sM[g] >= real(0)) {
				F[f][g] += phi[g] * (UL[s_i + dim][g] + sL[g] * (U_starL[rho_i][g] - UL[rho_i][g]));
			} else if (sM[g] <= real(0)) {
				F[f][g] += phi[g] * (UR[s_i + dim][g] + sR[g] * (U_starR[rho_i][g] - UR[rho_i][g]));
		} else if (sM[g] <= real(0) && sR[g] <= real(0)) {
			F[f][g] += UR[s_i + dim][g] * phi[g];
		} else {
	return F;