void QgsRendererRange::toSld( QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &element, QgsStringMap props, bool firstRange ) const
  if ( !mSymbol || props.value( QStringLiteral( "attribute" ), QLatin1String( "" ) ).isEmpty() )

  QString attrName = props[ QStringLiteral( "attribute" )];

  QDomElement ruleElem = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "se:Rule" ) );
  element.appendChild( ruleElem );

  QDomElement nameElem = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "se:Name" ) );
  nameElem.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( mLabel ) );
  ruleElem.appendChild( nameElem );

  QDomElement descrElem = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "se:Description" ) );
  QDomElement titleElem = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "se:Title" ) );
  QString descrStr = QStringLiteral( "range: %1 - %2" ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( mLowerValue ), qgsDoubleToString( mUpperValue ) );
  titleElem.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( !mLabel.isEmpty() ? mLabel : descrStr ) );
  descrElem.appendChild( titleElem );
  ruleElem.appendChild( descrElem );

  // create the ogc:Filter for the range
  QString filterFunc = QStringLiteral( "\"%1\" %2 %3 AND \"%1\" <= %4" )
                       .arg( attrName.replace( '\"', QLatin1String( "\"\"" ) ),
                             firstRange ? QStringLiteral( ">=" ) : QStringLiteral( ">" ),
                             qgsDoubleToString( mLowerValue ),
                             qgsDoubleToString( mUpperValue ) );
  QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createFunctionElement( doc, ruleElem, filterFunc );

  mSymbol->toSld( doc, ruleElem, props );
void QgsMapCoordsDialog::maybeSetXY( const QgsPoint & xy, Qt::MouseButton button )
  // Only LeftButton should set point
  if ( Qt::LeftButton == button )
    QgsPoint mapCoordPoint = xy;
    if ( mQgisCanvas && mSnapToBackgroundLayerBox->isChecked() )
      QgsPointLocator::Match m = mQgisCanvas->snappingUtils()->snapToMap( xy );
      if ( m.isValid() )
        mapCoordPoint = m.point();

    leXCoord->setText( qgsDoubleToString( mapCoordPoint.x() ) );
    leYCoord->setText( qgsDoubleToString( mapCoordPoint.y() ) );


  mPointFromCanvasPushButton->setChecked( false );
  buttonBox->button( QDialogButtonBox::Ok )->setFocus();
void QgsVectorLayerSimpleLabeling::toSld( QDomNode &parent, const QgsStringMap &props ) const

  if ( mSettings->drawLabels )
    QDomDocument doc = parent.ownerDocument();

    QDomElement ruleElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "se:Rule" ) );
    parent.appendChild( ruleElement );

    // scale dependencies
    if ( mSettings->scaleVisibility )
      QgsStringMap scaleProps = QgsStringMap();
      // tricky here, the max scale is expressed as its denominator, but it's still the max scale
      // in other words, the smallest scale denominator....
      scaleProps.insert( "scaleMinDenom", qgsDoubleToString( mSettings->maximumScale ) );
      scaleProps.insert( "scaleMaxDenom", qgsDoubleToString( mSettings->minimumScale ) );
      QgsSymbolLayerUtils::applyScaleDependency( doc, ruleElement, scaleProps );

    writeTextSymbolizer( ruleElement, *mSettings, props );

QString QgsPostgresFeatureIterator::whereClauseRect()
  QgsRectangle rect = mRequest.filterRect();
  if ( mSource->mSpatialColType == sctGeography )
    rect = QgsRectangle( -180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0 ).intersect( &rect );

  if ( !rect.isFinite() )
    QgsMessageLog::logMessage( QObject::tr( "Infinite filter rectangle specified" ), QObject::tr( "PostGIS" ) );
    return "false";

  QString qBox;
  if ( mConn->majorVersion() < 2 )
    qBox = QString( "setsrid('BOX3D(%1)'::box3d,%2)" )
           .arg( rect.asWktCoordinates() )
           .arg( mSource->mRequestedSrid.isEmpty() ? mSource->mDetectedSrid : mSource->mRequestedSrid );
    qBox = QString( "st_makeenvelope(%1,%2,%3,%4,%5)" )
           .arg( qgsDoubleToString( rect.xMinimum() ) )
           .arg( qgsDoubleToString( rect.yMinimum() ) )
           .arg( qgsDoubleToString( rect.xMaximum() ) )
           .arg( qgsDoubleToString( rect.yMaximum() ) )
           .arg( mSource->mRequestedSrid.isEmpty() ? mSource->mDetectedSrid : mSource->mRequestedSrid );

  QString whereClause = QString( "%1 && %2" )
                        .arg( QgsPostgresConn::quotedIdentifier( mSource->mGeometryColumn ) )
                        .arg( qBox );
  if ( mRequest.flags() & QgsFeatureRequest::ExactIntersect )
    whereClause += QString( " AND %1(%2%3,%4)" )
                   .arg( mConn->majorVersion() < 2 ? "intersects" : "st_intersects" )
                   .arg( QgsPostgresConn::quotedIdentifier( mSource->mGeometryColumn ) )
                   .arg( mSource->mSpatialColType == sctGeography ? "::geometry" : "" )
                   .arg( qBox );

  if ( !mSource->mRequestedSrid.isEmpty() && ( mSource->mRequestedSrid != mSource->mDetectedSrid || mSource->mRequestedSrid.toInt() == 0 ) )
    whereClause += QString( " AND %1(%2%3)=%4" )
                   .arg( mConn->majorVersion() < 2 ? "srid" : "st_srid" )
                   .arg( QgsPostgresConn::quotedIdentifier( mSource->mGeometryColumn ) )
                   .arg( mSource->mSpatialColType == sctGeography ? "::geography" : "" )
                   .arg( mSource->mRequestedSrid );

  if ( mSource->mRequestedGeomType != QGis::WKBUnknown && mSource->mRequestedGeomType != mSource->mDetectedGeomType )
    whereClause += QString( " AND %1" ).arg( QgsPostgresConn::postgisTypeFilter( mSource->mGeometryColumn, mSource->mRequestedGeomType, mSource->mSpatialColType == sctGeography ) );

  return whereClause;
QString QgsRectangle::asWktCoordinates() const
  QString rep =
    qgsDoubleToString( xmin ) + ' ' + qgsDoubleToString( ymin ) + ", " +
    qgsDoubleToString( xmax ) + ' ' + qgsDoubleToString( ymax );

  return rep;
QString QgsMargins::toString() const
  if ( isNull() )
    return QString();
    return QStringLiteral( "%1,%2,%3,%4" ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( mLeft ), qgsDoubleToString( mTop ),
           qgsDoubleToString( mRight ), qgsDoubleToString( mBottom ) );
QString QgsSpatiaLiteFeatureIterator::mbr( const QgsRectangle& rect )
  return QString( "%1, %2, %3, %4" )
         .arg( qgsDoubleToString( rect.xMinimum() ),
               qgsDoubleToString( rect.yMinimum() ),
               qgsDoubleToString( rect.xMaximum() ),
               qgsDoubleToString( rect.yMaximum() ) );
void QgsAnnotationItem::_writeXml( QDomDocument& doc, QDomElement& itemElem ) const
  if ( itemElem.isNull() )
  QDomElement annotationElem = doc.createElement( "AnnotationItem" );
  annotationElem.setAttribute( "mapPositionFixed", mMapPositionFixed );
  annotationElem.setAttribute( "mapPosX", qgsDoubleToString( mMapPosition.x() ) );
  annotationElem.setAttribute( "mapPosY", qgsDoubleToString( mMapPosition.y() ) );
  if ( mMapPositionCrs.isValid() )
    mMapPositionCrs.writeXml( annotationElem, doc );
  annotationElem.setAttribute( "offsetX", qgsDoubleToString( mOffsetFromReferencePoint.x() ) );
  annotationElem.setAttribute( "offsetY", qgsDoubleToString( mOffsetFromReferencePoint.y() ) );
  annotationElem.setAttribute( "frameWidth", qgsDoubleToString( mFrameSize.width() ) );
  annotationElem.setAttribute( "frameHeight", qgsDoubleToString( mFrameSize.height() ) );
  QPointF canvasPos = pos();
  annotationElem.setAttribute( "canvasPosX", qgsDoubleToString( canvasPos.x() ) );
  annotationElem.setAttribute( "canvasPosY", qgsDoubleToString( canvasPos.y() ) );
  annotationElem.setAttribute( "frameBorderWidth", qgsDoubleToString( mFrameBorderWidth ) );
  annotationElem.setAttribute( "frameColor", mFrameColor.name() );
  annotationElem.setAttribute( "frameColorAlpha", mFrameColor.alpha() );
  annotationElem.setAttribute( "frameBackgroundColor", mFrameBackgroundColor.name() );
  annotationElem.setAttribute( "frameBackgroundColorAlpha", mFrameBackgroundColor.alpha() );
  annotationElem.setAttribute( "visible", isVisible() );
  if ( mMarkerSymbol )
    QDomElement symbolElem = QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::saveSymbol( "marker symbol", mMarkerSymbol, doc );
    if ( !symbolElem.isNull() )
      annotationElem.appendChild( symbolElem );
  itemElem.appendChild( annotationElem );
QString QgsLineStringV2::asKML( int precision ) const
  QString kml;
  if ( isRing() )
    kml.append( "<LinearRing>" );
    kml.append( "<LineString>" );
  bool z = is3D();
  kml.append( "<altitudeMode>" );
  if ( z )
    kml.append( "absolute" );
    kml.append( "clampToGround" );
  kml.append( "</altitudeMode>" );
  kml.append( "<coordinates>" );

  int nPoints = mCoords.size();
  for ( int i = 0; i < nPoints; ++i )
    if ( i > 0 )
      kml.append( " " );
    kml.append( qgsDoubleToString( mCoords[i].x(), precision ) );
    kml.append( "," );
    kml.append( qgsDoubleToString( mCoords[i].y(), precision ) );
    if ( z )
      kml.append( "," );
      kml.append( qgsDoubleToString( mZ[i], precision ) );
      kml.append( ",0" );
  kml.append( "</coordinates>" );
  if ( isRing() )
    kml.append( "</LinearRing>" );
    kml.append( "</LineString>" );
  return kml;
QString QgsWFSCapabilities::uriGetFeature( QString typeName, QString crsString, QString filter, QgsRectangle bBox ) const
  //get CRS
  if ( !crsString.isEmpty() )
    crsString.prepend( "&SRSNAME=" );

  QString filterString;

  //if the xml comes from the dialog, it needs to be a string to pass the validity test
  if ( filter.startsWith( "'" ) && filter.endsWith( "'" ) && filter.size() > 1 )
    filter.chop( 1 );
    filter.remove( 0, 1 );

  if ( !filter.isEmpty() )
    //test if filterString is already an OGC filter xml
    QDomDocument filterDoc;
    if ( !filterDoc.setContent( filter ) )
      //if not, if must be a QGIS expression
      QgsExpression filterExpression( filter );
      QDomElement filterElem = QgsOgcUtils::expressionToOgcFilter( filterExpression, filterDoc );
      if ( !filterElem.isNull() )
        filterDoc.appendChild( filterElem );

    filterString = "&FILTER=" + filterDoc.toString();

  QString bBoxString;
  if ( !bBox.isEmpty() )
    bBoxString = QString( "&BBOX=%1,%2,%3,%4" )
                 .arg( qgsDoubleToString( bBox.xMinimum() ) )
                 .arg( qgsDoubleToString( bBox.yMinimum() ) )
                 .arg( qgsDoubleToString( bBox.xMaximum() ) )
                 .arg( qgsDoubleToString( bBox.yMaximum() ) );

  QString uri = mBaseUrl;

  //add a wfs layer to the map
  uri += "SERVICE=WFS&VERSION=1.0.0&REQUEST=GetFeature&TYPENAME=" + typeName + crsString + bBoxString + filterString;
  QgsDebugMsg( uri );
  return uri;
QString QgsRectangle::asWktPolygon() const
  QString rep =
    QString( "POLYGON((" ) +
    qgsDoubleToString( xmin ) + ' ' + qgsDoubleToString( ymin ) + ", " +
    qgsDoubleToString( xmax ) + ' ' + qgsDoubleToString( ymin ) + ", " +
    qgsDoubleToString( xmax ) + ' ' + qgsDoubleToString( ymax ) + ", " +
    qgsDoubleToString( xmin ) + ' ' + qgsDoubleToString( ymax ) + ", " +
    qgsDoubleToString( xmin ) + ' ' + qgsDoubleToString( ymin ) +
    QString( "))" );

  return rep;
QString QgsSpatiaLiteFeatureIterator::whereClauseRect()
  QgsRectangle rect = mRequest.filterRect();
  QString whereClause;

  if ( mRequest.flags() & QgsFeatureRequest::ExactIntersect )
    // we are requested to evaluate a true INTERSECT relationship
    whereClause += QString( "Intersects(%1, BuildMbr(%2)) AND " ).arg( QgsSpatiaLiteProvider::quotedIdentifier( mSource->mGeometryColumn ), mbr( rect ) );
  if ( mSource->mVShapeBased )
    // handling a VirtualShape layer
    whereClause += QString( "MbrIntersects(%1, BuildMbr(%2))" ).arg( QgsSpatiaLiteProvider::quotedIdentifier( mSource->mGeometryColumn ), mbr( rect ) );
  else if ( rect.isFinite() )
    if ( mSource->spatialIndexRTree )
      // using the RTree spatial index
      QString mbrFilter = QString( "xmin <= %1 AND " ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( rect.xMaximum() ) );
      mbrFilter += QString( "xmax >= %1 AND " ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( rect.xMinimum() ) );
      mbrFilter += QString( "ymin <= %1 AND " ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( rect.yMaximum() ) );
      mbrFilter += QString( "ymax >= %1" ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( rect.yMinimum() ) );
      QString idxName = QString( "idx_%1_%2" ).arg( mSource->mIndexTable, mSource->mIndexGeometry );
      whereClause += QString( "%1 IN (SELECT pkid FROM %2 WHERE %3)" )
                     .arg( quotedPrimaryKey(),
                           QgsSpatiaLiteProvider::quotedIdentifier( idxName ),
                           mbrFilter );
    else if ( mSource->spatialIndexMbrCache )
      // using the MbrCache spatial index
      QString idxName = QString( "cache_%1_%2" ).arg( mSource->mIndexTable, mSource->mIndexGeometry );
      whereClause += QString( "%1 IN (SELECT rowid FROM %2 WHERE mbr = FilterMbrIntersects(%3))" )
                     .arg( quotedPrimaryKey(),
                           QgsSpatiaLiteProvider::quotedIdentifier( idxName ),
                           mbr( rect ) );
      // using simple MBR filtering
      whereClause += QString( "MbrIntersects(%1, BuildMbr(%2))" ).arg( QgsSpatiaLiteProvider::quotedIdentifier( mSource->mGeometryColumn ), mbr( rect ) );
    whereClause = "1";
  return whereClause;
//the format defaults to "PNG" if not specified
void QgsMapCanvas::saveAsImage( const QString& theFileName, QPixmap * theQPixmap, const QString& theFormat )
  //check if the optional QPaintDevice was supplied
  if ( theQPixmap != NULL )
    // render
    QPainter painter;
    painter.begin( theQPixmap );
    QgsMapRendererCustomPainterJob job( mSettings, &painter );
    emit renderComplete( &painter );

    theQPixmap->save( theFileName, theFormat.toLocal8Bit().data() );
  else //use the map view
    mMap->contentImage().save( theFileName, theFormat.toLocal8Bit().data() );
  //create a world file to go with the image...
  QgsRectangle myRect = mapSettings().visibleExtent();
  QString myHeader;
  // note: use 17 places of precision for all numbers output
  //Pixel XDim
  myHeader += qgsDoubleToString( mapUnitsPerPixel() ) + "\r\n";
  //Rotation on y axis - hard coded
  myHeader += "0 \r\n";
  //Rotation on x axis - hard coded
  myHeader += "0 \r\n";
  //Pixel YDim - almost always negative - see
  myHeader += '-' + qgsDoubleToString( mapUnitsPerPixel() ) + "\r\n";
  //Origin X (center of top left cell)
  myHeader += qgsDoubleToString( myRect.xMinimum() + ( mapUnitsPerPixel() / 2 ) ) + "\r\n";
  //Origin Y (center of top left cell)
  myHeader += qgsDoubleToString( myRect.yMaximum() - ( mapUnitsPerPixel() / 2 ) ) + "\r\n";
  QFileInfo myInfo  = QFileInfo( theFileName );
  // allow dotted names
  QString myWorldFileName = myInfo.absolutePath() + '/' + myInfo.completeBaseName() + '.' + theFormat + 'w';
  QFile myWorldFile( myWorldFileName );
  if ( !myWorldFile.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly ) ) //don't use QIODevice::Text
  QTextStream myStream( &myWorldFile );
  myStream << myHeader;
} // saveAsImage
文件: qgscircle.cpp 项目: ndavid/QGIS
QString QgsCircle::toString( int pointPrecision, int radiusPrecision, int azimuthPrecision ) const
  QString rep;
  if ( isEmpty() )
    rep = QStringLiteral( "Empty" );
    rep = QStringLiteral( "Circle (Center: %1, Radius: %2, Azimuth: %3)" )
          .arg( mCenter.asWkt( pointPrecision ), 0, 's' )
          .arg( qgsDoubleToString( mSemiMajorAxis, radiusPrecision ), 0, 'f' )
          .arg( qgsDoubleToString( mAzimuth, azimuthPrecision ), 0, 'f' );

  return rep;

QString QgsRegularPolygon::toString( int pointPrecision, int radiusPrecision, int anglePrecision ) const
  QString rep;
  if ( isEmpty() )
    rep = QStringLiteral( "Empty" );
    rep = QStringLiteral( "RegularPolygon (Center: %1, First Vertex: %2, Radius: %3, Azimuth: %4)" )
          .arg( mCenter.asWkt( pointPrecision ), 0, 's' )
          .arg( mFirstVertex.asWkt( pointPrecision ), 0, 's' )
          .arg( qgsDoubleToString( mRadius, radiusPrecision ), 0, 'f' )
          .arg( qgsDoubleToString( mCenter.azimuth( mFirstVertex ), anglePrecision ), 0, 'f' );
  // TODO: inclination
  // .arg( qgsDoubleToString( mCenter.inclination(mFirstVertex), anglePrecision ), 0, 'f' );

  return rep;
void QgsMapSettings::writeXML( QDomNode& theNode, QDomDocument& theDoc )
  // units
  theNode.appendChild( QgsXmlUtils::writeMapUnits( mapUnits(), theDoc ) );

  // Write current view extents
  theNode.appendChild( QgsXmlUtils::writeRectangle( extent(), theDoc ) );

  // Write current view rotation
  QDomElement rotNode = theDoc.createElement( "rotation" );
    theDoc.createTextNode( qgsDoubleToString( rotation() ) )
  theNode.appendChild( rotNode );

  // projections enabled
  QDomElement projNode = theDoc.createElement( "projections" );
  projNode.appendChild( theDoc.createTextNode( QString::number( hasCrsTransformEnabled() ) ) );
  theNode.appendChild( projNode );

  // destination CRS
  QDomElement srsNode = theDoc.createElement( "destinationsrs" );
  theNode.appendChild( srsNode );
  destinationCrs().writeXML( srsNode, theDoc );

  //render map tile
  QDomElement renderMapTileElem = theDoc.createElement( "rendermaptile" );
  QDomText renderMapTileText = theDoc.createTextNode( testFlag( QgsMapSettings::RenderMapTile ) ? "1" : "0" );
  renderMapTileElem.appendChild( renderMapTileText );
  theNode.appendChild( renderMapTileElem );

  mDatumTransformStore.writeXML( theNode, theDoc );
void QgsMapSettings::writeXml( QDomNode &node, QDomDocument &doc )
  // units
  node.appendChild( QgsXmlUtils::writeMapUnits( mapUnits(), doc ) );

  // Write current view extents
  node.appendChild( QgsXmlUtils::writeRectangle( extent(), doc ) );

  // Write current view rotation
  QDomElement rotNode = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "rotation" ) );
    doc.createTextNode( qgsDoubleToString( rotation() ) )
  node.appendChild( rotNode );

  // destination CRS
  if ( mDestCRS.isValid() )
    QDomElement srsNode = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "destinationsrs" ) );
    node.appendChild( srsNode );
    mDestCRS.writeXml( srsNode, doc );

  //render map tile
  QDomElement renderMapTileElem = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "rendermaptile" ) );
  QDomText renderMapTileText = doc.createTextNode( testFlag( QgsMapSettings::RenderMapTile ) ? "1" : "0" );
  renderMapTileElem.appendChild( renderMapTileText );
  node.appendChild( renderMapTileElem );
void QgsMapCoordsDialog::maybeSetXY( const QgsPoint & xy, Qt::MouseButton button )
  // Only LeftButton should set point
  if ( Qt::LeftButton == button )
    QgsPoint mapCoordPoint = xy;
    if ( mQgisCanvas && mSnapToBackgroundLayerBox->isChecked() )
      const QgsMapToPixel* mtp = mQgisCanvas->getCoordinateTransform();
      if ( mtp )
        QgsPoint canvasPos = mtp->transform( xy.x(), xy.y() );
        QPoint snapStartPoint( canvasPos.x(), canvasPos.y() );
        QgsMapCanvasSnapper snapper( mQgisCanvas );
        QList<QgsSnappingResult> snapResults;
        if ( snapper.snapToBackgroundLayers( snapStartPoint, snapResults ) == 0 )
          if ( snapResults.size() > 0 )
            mapCoordPoint = snapResults.at( 0 ).snappedVertex;

    leXCoord->setText( qgsDoubleToString( mapCoordPoint.x() ) );
    leYCoord->setText( qgsDoubleToString( mapCoordPoint.y() ) );


  mPointFromCanvasPushButton->setChecked( false );
  buttonBox->button( QDialogButtonBox::Ok )->setFocus();
QDomElement QgsXmlUtils::writeRectangle( const QgsRectangle& rect, QDomDocument& doc )
  QDomElement xMin = doc.createElement( "xmin" );
  QDomElement yMin = doc.createElement( "ymin" );
  QDomElement xMax = doc.createElement( "xmax" );
  QDomElement yMax = doc.createElement( "ymax" );

  QDomText xMinText = doc.createTextNode( qgsDoubleToString( rect.xMinimum() ) );
  QDomText yMinText = doc.createTextNode( qgsDoubleToString( rect.yMinimum() ) );
  QDomText xMaxText = doc.createTextNode( qgsDoubleToString( rect.xMaximum() ) );
  QDomText yMaxText = doc.createTextNode( qgsDoubleToString( rect.yMaximum() ) );

  xMin.appendChild( xMinText );
  yMin.appendChild( yMinText );
  xMax.appendChild( xMaxText );
  yMax.appendChild( yMaxText );

  QDomElement extentNode = doc.createElement( "extent" );
  extentNode.appendChild( xMin );
  extentNode.appendChild( yMin );
  extentNode.appendChild( xMax );
  extentNode.appendChild( yMax );
  return extentNode;
void QgsAnnotation::_writeXml( QDomElement &itemElem, QDomDocument &doc, const QgsReadWriteContext &context ) const
  if ( itemElem.isNull() )
  QDomElement annotationElem = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "AnnotationItem" ) );
  annotationElem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "mapPositionFixed" ), mHasFixedMapPosition );
  annotationElem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "mapPosX" ), qgsDoubleToString( mMapPosition.x() ) );
  annotationElem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "mapPosY" ), qgsDoubleToString( mMapPosition.y() ) );
  if ( mMapPositionCrs.isValid() )
    mMapPositionCrs.writeXml( annotationElem, doc );
  annotationElem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "offsetX" ), qgsDoubleToString( mOffsetFromReferencePoint.x() ) );
  annotationElem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "offsetY" ), qgsDoubleToString( mOffsetFromReferencePoint.y() ) );
  annotationElem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "frameWidth" ), qgsDoubleToString( mFrameSize.width() ) );
  annotationElem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "frameHeight" ), qgsDoubleToString( mFrameSize.height() ) );
  annotationElem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "canvasPosX" ), qgsDoubleToString( mRelativePosition.x() ) );
  annotationElem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "canvasPosY" ), qgsDoubleToString( mRelativePosition.y() ) );
  annotationElem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "contentsMargin" ), mContentsMargins.toString() );
  annotationElem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "visible" ), isVisible() );
  if ( mMapLayer )
    annotationElem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "mapLayer" ), mMapLayer->id() );
  if ( mMarkerSymbol )
    QDomElement symbolElem = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::saveSymbol( QStringLiteral( "marker symbol" ), mMarkerSymbol.get(), doc, context );
    if ( !symbolElem.isNull() )
      annotationElem.appendChild( symbolElem );
  if ( mFillSymbol )
    QDomElement fillElem = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "fillSymbol" ) );
    QDomElement symbolElem = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::saveSymbol( QStringLiteral( "fill symbol" ), mFillSymbol.get(), doc, context );
    if ( !symbolElem.isNull() )
      fillElem.appendChild( symbolElem );
      annotationElem.appendChild( fillElem );
  itemElem.appendChild( annotationElem );
void QgsMapRenderer::adjustExtentToSize()
  double myHeight = mSize.height();
  double myWidth = mSize.width();

  QgsMapToPixel newCoordXForm;

  if ( !myWidth || !myHeight )
    mScale = 1.0;
    newCoordXForm.setParameters( 0, 0, 0, 0 );

  // calculate the translation and scaling parameters
  // mapUnitsPerPixel = map units per pixel
  double mapUnitsPerPixelY = mExtent.height() / myHeight;
  double mapUnitsPerPixelX = mExtent.width() / myWidth;
  mMapUnitsPerPixel = mapUnitsPerPixelY > mapUnitsPerPixelX ? mapUnitsPerPixelY : mapUnitsPerPixelX;

  // calculate the actual extent of the mapCanvas
  double dxmin, dxmax, dymin, dymax, whitespace;

  if ( mapUnitsPerPixelY > mapUnitsPerPixelX )
    dymin = mExtent.yMinimum();
    dymax = mExtent.yMaximum();
    whitespace = (( myWidth * mMapUnitsPerPixel ) - mExtent.width() ) * 0.5;
    dxmin = mExtent.xMinimum() - whitespace;
    dxmax = mExtent.xMaximum() + whitespace;
    dxmin = mExtent.xMinimum();
    dxmax = mExtent.xMaximum();
    whitespace = (( myHeight * mMapUnitsPerPixel ) - mExtent.height() ) * 0.5;
    dymin = mExtent.yMinimum() - whitespace;
    dymax = mExtent.yMaximum() + whitespace;

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Map units per pixel (x,y) : %1, %2" ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( mapUnitsPerPixelX ) ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( mapUnitsPerPixelY ) ) );
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Pixmap dimensions (x,y) : %1, %2" ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( myWidth ) ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( myHeight ) ) );
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Extent dimensions (x,y) : %1, %2" ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( mExtent.width() ) ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( mExtent.height() ) ) );
  QgsDebugMsg( mExtent.toString() );

  // update extent
  mExtent.setXMinimum( dxmin );
  mExtent.setXMaximum( dxmax );
  mExtent.setYMinimum( dymin );
  mExtent.setYMaximum( dymax );

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Adjusted map units per pixel (x,y) : %1, %2" ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( mExtent.width() / myWidth ) ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( mExtent.height() / myHeight ) ) );

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Recalced pixmap dimensions (x,y) : %1, %2" ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( mExtent.width() / mMapUnitsPerPixel ) ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( mExtent.height() / mMapUnitsPerPixel ) ) );

  // update the scale

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Scale (assuming meters as map units) = 1:%1" ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( mScale ) ) );

  newCoordXForm.setParameters( mMapUnitsPerPixel, dxmin, dymin, myHeight );
  mRenderContext.setMapToPixel( newCoordXForm );
  mRenderContext.setExtent( mExtent );
QUrl QgsWFSFeatureDownloader::buildURL( int startIndex, int maxFeatures, bool forHits )
  QUrl getFeatureUrl( mShared->mURI.baseURL() );
  getFeatureUrl.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral( "REQUEST" ), QStringLiteral( "GetFeature" ) );
  getFeatureUrl.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral( "VERSION" ),  mShared->mWFSVersion );

  QString typenames;
  if ( mShared->mLayerPropertiesList.isEmpty() )
    typenames = mShared->mURI.typeName();
    Q_FOREACH ( const QgsOgcUtils::LayerProperties layerProperties, mShared->mLayerPropertiesList )
      if ( !typenames.isEmpty() )
        typenames += QLatin1String( "," );
      typenames += layerProperties.mName;
  if ( mShared->mWFSVersion.startsWith( QLatin1String( "2.0" ) ) )
    getFeatureUrl.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral( "TYPENAMES" ),  typenames );
    getFeatureUrl.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral( "TYPENAME" ),  typenames );
  if ( forHits )
    getFeatureUrl.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral( "RESULTTYPE" ), QStringLiteral( "hits" ) );
  else if ( maxFeatures > 0 )
    if ( mSupportsPaging )
      // Note: always include the STARTINDEX, even for zero, has some (likely buggy)
      // implementations do not return the same results if STARTINDEX=0 is specified
      // or not.
      // For example http://demo.opengeo.org/geoserver/wfs?SERVICE=WFS&REQUEST=GetFeature&VERSION=2.0.0&TYPENAMES=ne:ne_10m_admin_0_countries&STARTINDEX=0&COUNT=253
      // doesn't include ne_10m_admin_0_countries.99, as expected since it is
      // at index 254.
      getFeatureUrl.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral( "STARTINDEX" ), QString::number( startIndex ) );
    if ( mShared->mWFSVersion.startsWith( QLatin1String( "2.0" ) ) )
      getFeatureUrl.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral( "COUNT" ), QString::number( maxFeatures ) );
      getFeatureUrl.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral( "MAXFEATURES" ), QString::number( maxFeatures ) );
  QString srsName( mShared->srsName() );
  if ( !srsName.isEmpty() && !forHits )
    getFeatureUrl.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral( "SRSNAME" ), srsName );

  // In case we must issue a BBOX and we have a filter, we must combine
  // both as a single filter, as both BBOX and FILTER aren't supported together
  if ( !mShared->mRect.isNull() && !mShared->mWFSFilter.isEmpty() )
    double minx = mShared->mRect.xMinimum();
    double miny = mShared->mRect.yMinimum();
    double maxx = mShared->mRect.xMaximum();
    double maxy = mShared->mRect.yMaximum();
    QString filterBbox( QStringLiteral( "intersects_bbox($geometry, geomFromWKT('LINESTRING(%1 %2,%3 %4)'))" ).
                        arg( minx ).arg( miny ).arg( maxx ).arg( maxy ) );
    QgsExpression bboxExp( filterBbox );
    QgsOgcUtils::GMLVersion gmlVersion;
    QgsOgcUtils::FilterVersion filterVersion;
    bool honourAxisOrientation = false;
    if ( mShared->mWFSVersion.startsWith( QLatin1String( "1.0" ) ) )
      gmlVersion = QgsOgcUtils::GML_2_1_2;
      filterVersion = QgsOgcUtils::FILTER_OGC_1_0;
    else if ( mShared->mWFSVersion.startsWith( QLatin1String( "1.1" ) ) )
      honourAxisOrientation = !mShared->mURI.ignoreAxisOrientation();
      gmlVersion = QgsOgcUtils::GML_3_1_0;
      filterVersion = QgsOgcUtils::FILTER_OGC_1_1;
      honourAxisOrientation = !mShared->mURI.ignoreAxisOrientation();
      gmlVersion = QgsOgcUtils::GML_3_2_1;
      filterVersion = QgsOgcUtils::FILTER_FES_2_0;
    QDomDocument doc;
    QString geometryAttribute( mShared->mGeometryAttribute );
    if ( mShared->mLayerPropertiesList.size() > 1 )
      geometryAttribute = mShared->mURI.typeName() + "/" + geometryAttribute;
    QDomElement bboxElem = QgsOgcUtils::expressionToOgcFilter( bboxExp, doc,
                           gmlVersion, filterVersion, geometryAttribute, mShared->srsName(),
                           honourAxisOrientation, mShared->mURI.invertAxisOrientation() );
    doc.appendChild( bboxElem );
    QDomNode bboxNode = bboxElem.firstChildElement();
    bboxNode = bboxElem.removeChild( bboxNode );

    QDomDocument filterDoc;
    ( void )filterDoc.setContent( mShared->mWFSFilter, true );
    QDomNode filterNode = filterDoc.firstChildElement().firstChildElement();
    filterNode = filterDoc.firstChildElement().removeChild( filterNode );

    QDomElement andElem = doc.createElement( ( filterVersion == QgsOgcUtils::FILTER_FES_2_0 ) ? "fes:And" : "ogc:And" );
    andElem.appendChild( bboxNode );
    andElem.appendChild( filterNode );
    doc.firstChildElement().appendChild( andElem );

    getFeatureUrl.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral( "FILTER" ), sanitizeFilter( doc.toString() ) );
  else if ( !mShared->mRect.isNull() )
    bool invertAxis = false;
    if ( !mShared->mWFSVersion.startsWith( QLatin1String( "1.0" ) ) && !mShared->mURI.ignoreAxisOrientation() &&
         mShared->mSourceCRS.hasAxisInverted() )
      invertAxis = true;
    if ( mShared->mURI.invertAxisOrientation() )
      invertAxis = !invertAxis;
    QString bbox( QString( ( invertAxis ) ? "%2,%1,%4,%3" : "%1,%2,%3,%4" )
                  .arg( qgsDoubleToString( mShared->mRect.xMinimum() ),
                        qgsDoubleToString( mShared->mRect.yMinimum() ),
                        qgsDoubleToString( mShared->mRect.xMaximum() ),
                        qgsDoubleToString( mShared->mRect.yMaximum() ) ) );
    // Some servers like Geomedia need the srsname to be explicitly appended
    // otherwise they are confused and do not interpret it properly
    if ( !mShared->mWFSVersion.startsWith( QLatin1String( "1.0" ) ) )
      // but it is illegal in WFS 1.0 and some servers definitely not like
      // it. See #15464
      bbox += "," + mShared->srsName();
    getFeatureUrl.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral( "BBOX" ),  bbox );
  else if ( !mShared->mWFSFilter.isEmpty() )
    getFeatureUrl.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral( "FILTER" ), sanitizeFilter( mShared->mWFSFilter ) );

  if ( !mShared->mSortBy.isEmpty() && !forHits )
    getFeatureUrl.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral( "SORTBY" ), mShared->mSortBy );

  if ( !forHits && !mShared->mURI.outputFormat().isEmpty() )
    getFeatureUrl.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral( "OUTPUTFORMAT" ), mShared->mURI.outputFormat() );
  else if ( !forHits && mShared->mWFSVersion.startsWith( QLatin1String( "1.0" ) ) )
    QStringList list;
    list << QStringLiteral( "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.2.1" );
    list << QStringLiteral( "application/gml+xml; version=3.2" );
    list << QStringLiteral( "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1" );
    list << QStringLiteral( "application/gml+xml; version=3.1" );
    list << QStringLiteral( "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.0.1" );
    list << QStringLiteral( "application/gml+xml; version=3.0" );
    list << QStringLiteral( "GML3" );
    Q_FOREACH ( const QString &format, list )
      if ( mShared->mCaps.outputFormats.contains( format ) )
        getFeatureUrl.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral( "OUTPUTFORMAT" ),
                                    format );
void QgsMapSettings::updateDerived()
  QgsRectangle extent = mExtent;

  if ( extent.isEmpty() || !extent.isFinite() )
    mValid = false;

  // Don't allow zooms where the current extent is so small that it
  // can't be accurately represented using a double (which is what
  // currentExtent uses). Excluding 0 avoids a divide by zero and an
  // infinite loop when rendering to a new canvas. Excluding extents
  // greater than 1 avoids doing unnecessary calculations.

  // The scheme is to compare the width against the mean x coordinate
  // (and height against mean y coordinate) and only allow zooms where
  // the ratio indicates that there is more than about 12 significant
  // figures (there are about 16 significant figures in a double).

  if ( extent.width()  > 0 &&
       extent.height() > 0 &&
       extent.width()  < 1 &&
       extent.height() < 1 )
    // Use abs() on the extent to avoid the case where the extent is
    // symmetrical about 0.
    double xMean = ( qAbs( extent.xMinimum() ) + qAbs( extent.xMaximum() ) ) * 0.5;
    double yMean = ( qAbs( extent.yMinimum() ) + qAbs( extent.yMaximum() ) ) * 0.5;

    double xRange = extent.width() / xMean;
    double yRange = extent.height() / yMean;

    static const double minProportion = 1e-12;
    if ( xRange < minProportion || yRange < minProportion )
      mValid = false;

  double myHeight = mSize.height();
  double myWidth = mSize.width();

  if ( !myWidth || !myHeight )
    mValid = false;

  // calculate the translation and scaling parameters
  double mapUnitsPerPixelY = mExtent.height() / myHeight;
  double mapUnitsPerPixelX = mExtent.width() / myWidth;
  mMapUnitsPerPixel = mapUnitsPerPixelY > mapUnitsPerPixelX ? mapUnitsPerPixelY : mapUnitsPerPixelX;

  // calculate the actual extent of the mapCanvas
  double dxmin = mExtent.xMinimum(), dxmax = mExtent.xMaximum(),
                 dymin = mExtent.yMinimum(), dymax = mExtent.yMaximum(), whitespace;

  if ( mapUnitsPerPixelY > mapUnitsPerPixelX )
    whitespace = (( myWidth * mMapUnitsPerPixel ) - mExtent.width() ) * 0.5;
    dxmin -= whitespace;
    dxmax += whitespace;
    whitespace = (( myHeight * mMapUnitsPerPixel ) - mExtent.height() ) * 0.5;
    dymin -= whitespace;
    dymax += whitespace;

  mVisibleExtent.set( dxmin, dymin, dxmax, dymax );

  // update the scale
  mScaleCalculator.setDpi( mDpi );
  mScale = mScaleCalculator.calculate( mVisibleExtent, mSize.width() );

  mMapToPixel.setParameters( mapUnitsPerPixel(),
                             mRotation );

#if 1 // set visible extent taking rotation in consideration
  if ( mRotation )
    QgsPoint p1 = mMapToPixel.toMapCoordinates( QPoint( 0, 0 ) );
    QgsPoint p2 = mMapToPixel.toMapCoordinates( QPoint( 0, myHeight ) );
    QgsPoint p3 = mMapToPixel.toMapCoordinates( QPoint( myWidth, 0 ) );
    QgsPoint p4 = mMapToPixel.toMapCoordinates( QPoint( myWidth, myHeight ) );
    dxmin = std::min( p1.x(), std::min( p2.x(), std::min( p3.x(), p4.x() ) ) );
    dymin = std::min( p1.y(), std::min( p2.y(), std::min( p3.y(), p4.y() ) ) );
    dxmax = std::max( p1.x(), std::max( p2.x(), std::max( p3.x(), p4.x() ) ) );
    dymax = std::max( p1.y(), std::max( p2.y(), std::max( p3.y(), p4.y() ) ) );
    mVisibleExtent.set( dxmin, dymin, dxmax, dymax );

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Map units per pixel (x,y) : %1, %2" ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( mapUnitsPerPixelX ), qgsDoubleToString( mapUnitsPerPixelY ) ) );
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Pixmap dimensions (x,y) : %1, %2" ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( mSize.width() ), qgsDoubleToString( mSize.height() ) ) );
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Extent dimensions (x,y) : %1, %2" ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( mExtent.width() ), qgsDoubleToString( mExtent.height() ) ) );
  QgsDebugMsg( mExtent.toString() );
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Adjusted map units per pixel (x,y) : %1, %2" ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( mVisibleExtent.width() / myWidth ), qgsDoubleToString( mVisibleExtent.height() / myHeight ) ) );
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Recalced pixmap dimensions (x,y) : %1, %2" ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( mVisibleExtent.width() / mMapUnitsPerPixel ), qgsDoubleToString( mVisibleExtent.height() / mMapUnitsPerPixel ) ) );
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Scale (assuming meters as map units) = 1:%1" ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( mScale ) ) );
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Rotation: %1 degrees" ).arg( mRotation ) );

  mValid = true;
void QgsAbstractVectorLayerLabeling::writeTextSymbolizer( QDomNode &parent, QgsPalLayerSettings &settings, const QgsStringMap &props ) const
  QDomDocument doc = parent.ownerDocument();

  // text symbolizer
  QDomElement textSymbolizerElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "se:TextSymbolizer" ) );
  parent.appendChild( textSymbolizerElement );

  // label
  QgsTextFormat format = settings.format();
  QFont font = format.font();
  QDomElement labelElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "se:Label" ) );
  textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( labelElement );
  if ( settings.isExpression )
    labelElement.appendChild( doc.createComment( QStringLiteral( "SE Export for %1 not implemented yet" ).arg( settings.getLabelExpression()->dump() ) ) );
    labelElement.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( "Placeholder" ) );
    if ( font.capitalization() == QFont::AllUppercase )
      appendSimpleFunction( doc, labelElement, QStringLiteral( "strToUpperCase" ), settings.fieldName );
    else if ( font.capitalization() == QFont::AllLowercase )
      appendSimpleFunction( doc, labelElement, QStringLiteral( "strToLowerCase" ), settings.fieldName );
    else if ( font.capitalization() == QFont::Capitalize )
      appendSimpleFunction( doc, labelElement, QStringLiteral( "strCapitalize" ), settings.fieldName );
      QDomElement propertyNameElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "ogc:PropertyName" ) );
      propertyNameElement.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( settings.fieldName ) );
      labelElement.appendChild( propertyNameElement );

  // font
  QDomElement fontElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "se:Font" ) );
  textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( fontElement );
  fontElement.appendChild( QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createSvgParameterElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "font-family" ), font.family() ) );
  double fontSize = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::rescaleUom( format.size(), format.sizeUnit(), props );
  fontElement.appendChild( QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createSvgParameterElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "font-size" ), QString::number( fontSize ) ) );
  if ( format.font().italic() )
    fontElement.appendChild( QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createSvgParameterElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "font-style" ), QStringLiteral( "italic" ) ) );
  if ( format.font().bold() )
    fontElement.appendChild( QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createSvgParameterElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "font-weight" ), QStringLiteral( "bold" ) ) );

  // label placement
  QDomElement labelPlacement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "se:LabelPlacement" ) );
  textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( labelPlacement );
  double maxDisplacement = 0;
  double repeatDistance = 0;
  switch ( settings.placement )
    case QgsPalLayerSettings::OverPoint:
      QDomElement pointPlacement = doc.createElement( "se:PointPlacement" );
      labelPlacement.appendChild( pointPlacement );
      // anchor point
      QPointF anchor = quadOffsetToSldAnchor( settings.quadOffset );
      QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createAnchorPointElement( doc, pointPlacement, anchor );
      // displacement
      if ( settings.xOffset > 0 || settings.yOffset > 0 )
        QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit offsetUnit =  settings.offsetUnits;
        double dx = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::rescaleUom( settings.xOffset, offsetUnit, props );
        double dy = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::rescaleUom( settings.yOffset, offsetUnit, props );
        QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createDisplacementElement( doc, pointPlacement, QPointF( dx, dy ) );
      // rotation
      if ( settings.angleOffset != 0 )
        QDomElement rotation = doc.createElement( "se:Rotation" );
        pointPlacement.appendChild( rotation );
        rotation.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( QString::number( settings.angleOffset ) ) );
    case QgsPalLayerSettings::AroundPoint:
    case QgsPalLayerSettings::OrderedPositionsAroundPoint:
      QDomElement pointPlacement = doc.createElement( "se:PointPlacement" );
      labelPlacement.appendChild( pointPlacement );

      // SLD cannot do either, but let's do a best effort setting the distance using
      // anchor point and displacement
      QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createAnchorPointElement( doc, pointPlacement, QPointF( 0, 0.5 ) );
      QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit distUnit = settings.distUnits;
      double radius = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::rescaleUom( settings.dist, distUnit, props );
      double offset = std::sqrt( radius * radius / 2 ); // make it start top/right
      maxDisplacement = radius + 1; // lock the distance
      QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createDisplacementElement( doc, pointPlacement, QPointF( offset, offset ) );
    case QgsPalLayerSettings::Horizontal:
    case QgsPalLayerSettings::Free:
      // still a point placement (for "free" it's a fallback, there is no SLD equivalent)
      QDomElement pointPlacement = doc.createElement( "se:PointPlacement" );
      labelPlacement.appendChild( pointPlacement );
      QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createAnchorPointElement( doc, pointPlacement, QPointF( 0.5, 0.5 ) );
      QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit distUnit = settings.distUnits;
      double dist = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::rescaleUom( settings.dist, distUnit, props );
      QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createDisplacementElement( doc, pointPlacement, QPointF( 0, dist ) );
    case QgsPalLayerSettings::Line:
    case QgsPalLayerSettings::Curved:
    case QgsPalLayerSettings::PerimeterCurved:
      QDomElement linePlacement = doc.createElement( "se:LinePlacement" );
      labelPlacement.appendChild( linePlacement );

      // perpendicular distance if required
      if ( settings.dist > 0 )
        QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit distUnit = settings.distUnits;
        double dist = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::rescaleUom( settings.dist, distUnit, props );
        QDomElement perpendicular = doc.createElement( "se:PerpendicularOffset" );
        linePlacement.appendChild( perpendicular );
        perpendicular.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( qgsDoubleToString( dist, 2 ) ) );

      // repeat distance if required
      if ( settings.repeatDistance > 0 )
        QDomElement repeat = doc.createElement( "se:Repeat" );
        linePlacement.appendChild( repeat );
        repeat.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( QStringLiteral( "true" ) ) );
        QDomElement gap = doc.createElement( "se:Gap" );
        linePlacement.appendChild( gap );
        repeatDistance = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::rescaleUom( settings.repeatDistance, settings.repeatDistanceUnit, props );
        gap.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( qgsDoubleToString( repeatDistance, 2 ) ) );

      // always generalized
      QDomElement generalize = doc.createElement( "se:GeneralizeLine" );
      linePlacement.appendChild( generalize );
      generalize.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( QStringLiteral( "true" ) ) );

  // halo
  QgsTextBufferSettings buffer = format.buffer();
  if ( buffer.enabled() )
    QDomElement haloElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "se:Halo" ) );
    textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( haloElement );

    QDomElement radiusElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "se:Radius" ) );
    haloElement.appendChild( radiusElement );
    // the SLD uses a radius, which is actually half of the link thickness the buffer size specifies
    double radius = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::rescaleUom( buffer.size(), buffer.sizeUnit(), props ) / 2;
    radiusElement.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( qgsDoubleToString( radius ) ) );

    QDomElement fillElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "se:Fill" ) );
    haloElement.appendChild( fillElement );
    fillElement.appendChild( QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createSvgParameterElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "fill" ), buffer.color().name() ) );
    if ( buffer.opacity() != 1 )
      fillElement.appendChild( QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createSvgParameterElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "fill-opacity" ), QString::number( buffer.opacity() ) ) );

  // fill
  QDomElement fillElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "se:Fill" ) );
  textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( fillElement );
  fillElement.appendChild( QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createSvgParameterElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "fill" ), format.color().name() ) );
  if ( format.opacity() != 1 )
    fillElement.appendChild( QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createSvgParameterElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "fill-opacity" ), QString::number( format.opacity() ) ) );

  // background graphic (not supported by SE 1.1, but supported by the GeoTools ecosystem as an extension)
  QgsTextBackgroundSettings background = format.background();
  if ( background.enabled() )
    std::unique_ptr<QgsMarkerSymbolLayer> layer = backgroundToMarkerLayer( background );
    layer->writeSldMarker( doc, textSymbolizerElement, props );

  // priority and zIndex, the default values are 0 and 5 in qgis (and between 0 and 10),
  // in the GeoTools ecosystem there is a single priority value set at 1000 by default
  if ( settings.priority != 5 || settings.zIndex > 0 )
    QDomElement priorityElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "se:Priority" ) );
    textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( priorityElement );
    int priority = 500 + 1000 * settings.zIndex + ( settings.priority - 5 ) * 100;
    if ( settings.priority == 0 && settings.zIndex > 0 )
      // small adjustment to make sure labels in z index n+1 are all above level n despite the priority value
      priority += 1;
    priorityElement.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( QString::number( priority ) ) );

  // vendor options for text appearance
  if ( font.underline() )
    QDomElement vo = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createVendorOptionElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "underlineText" ), QStringLiteral( "true" ) );
    textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( vo );
  if ( font.strikeOut() )
    QDomElement vo =  QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createVendorOptionElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "strikethroughText" ), QStringLiteral( "true" ) );
    textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( vo );
  // vendor options for text positioning
  if ( maxDisplacement > 0 )
    QDomElement vo =  QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createVendorOptionElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "maxDisplacement" ), qgsDoubleToString( maxDisplacement, 2 ) );
    textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( vo );
  if ( settings.placement == QgsPalLayerSettings::Curved || settings.placement == QgsPalLayerSettings::PerimeterCurved )
    QDomElement vo =  QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createVendorOptionElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "followLine" ), QStringLiteral( "true" ) );
    textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( vo );
    if ( settings.maxCurvedCharAngleIn > 0 || settings.maxCurvedCharAngleOut > 0 )
      // SLD has no notion for this, the GeoTools ecosystem can only do a single angle
      double angle = std::min( std::fabs( settings.maxCurvedCharAngleIn ), std::fabs( settings.maxCurvedCharAngleOut ) );
      QDomElement vo =  QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createVendorOptionElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "maxAngleDelta" ), qgsDoubleToString( angle ) );
      textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( vo );
  if ( repeatDistance > 0 )
    QDomElement vo =  QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createVendorOptionElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "repeat" ), qgsDoubleToString( repeatDistance, 2 ) );
    textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( vo );
  // miscellaneous options
  if ( settings.displayAll )
    QDomElement vo =  QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createVendorOptionElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "conflictResolution" ), QStringLiteral( "false" ) );
    textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( vo );
  if ( settings.upsidedownLabels == QgsPalLayerSettings::ShowAll )
    QDomElement vo =  QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createVendorOptionElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "forceLeftToRight" ), QStringLiteral( "false" ) );
    textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( vo );
  if ( settings.mergeLines )
    QDomElement vo =  QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createVendorOptionElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "group" ), QStringLiteral( "yes" ) );
    textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( vo );
    if ( settings.labelPerPart )
      QDomElement vo =  QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createVendorOptionElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "labelAllGroup" ), QStringLiteral( "true" ) );
      textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( vo );
  // background symbol resize handling
  if ( background.enabled() )
    // enable resizing if needed
    switch ( background.sizeType() )
      case QgsTextBackgroundSettings::SizeBuffer:
        QString resizeType;
        if ( background.type() == QgsTextBackgroundSettings::ShapeRectangle || background.type() == QgsTextBackgroundSettings::ShapeEllipse )
          resizeType = QStringLiteral( "stretch" );
          resizeType = QStringLiteral( "proportional" );
        QDomElement voResize =  QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createVendorOptionElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "graphic-resize" ), resizeType );
        textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( voResize );

        // now hadle margin
        QSizeF size = background.size();
        if ( size.width() > 0 || size.height() > 0 )
          double x = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::rescaleUom( size.width(), background.sizeUnit(), props );
          double y = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::rescaleUom( size.height(), background.sizeUnit(), props );
          // in case of ellipse qgis pads the size generously to make sure the text is inside the ellipse
          // the following seems to do the trick and keep visual output similar
          if ( background.type() == QgsTextBackgroundSettings::ShapeEllipse )
            x += fontSize / 2;
            y += fontSize;
          QString resizeSpec = QString( "%1 %2" ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( x, 2 ), qgsDoubleToString( y, 2 ) );
          QDomElement voMargin =  QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createVendorOptionElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "graphic-margin" ), resizeSpec );
          textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( voMargin );
      case QgsTextBackgroundSettings::SizeFixed:
      case QgsTextBackgroundSettings::SizePercent:
        // nothing to do here
QString QgsGrassRegion::formatResolution( double v )
  return qgsDoubleToString( v, mCrs.mapUnits() == QgsUnitTypes::DistanceDegrees ? 10 : 4 );
QString QgsGrassRegion::formatExtent( double v )
  // format with precision approximately to meters
  // max length of degree of latitude on pole is 111694 m
  return qgsDoubleToString( v, mCrs.mapUnits() == QgsUnitTypes::DistanceDegrees ? 6 : 1 );
bool QgsRenderChecker::runTest( QString theTestName,
                                unsigned int theMismatchCount )
  if ( mExpectedImageFile.isEmpty() )
    qDebug( "QgsRenderChecker::runTest failed - Expected Image File not set." );
    mReport = "<table>"
              "<tr><td>Test Result:</td><td>Expected Result:</td></tr>\n"
              "<tr><td>Nothing rendered</td>\n<td>Failed because Expected "
              "Image File not set.</td></tr></table>\n";
    return false;
  // Load the expected result pixmap
  QImage myExpectedImage( mExpectedImageFile );
  mMatchTarget = myExpectedImage.width() * myExpectedImage.height();
  // Now render our layers onto a pixmap
  mMapSettings.setBackgroundColor( qRgb( 152, 219, 249 ) );
  mMapSettings.setFlag( QgsMapSettings::Antialiasing );
  mMapSettings.setOutputSize( QSize( myExpectedImage.width(), myExpectedImage.height() ) );

  QTime myTime;

  QgsMapRendererSequentialJob job( mMapSettings );

  mElapsedTime = myTime.elapsed();

  QImage myImage = job.renderedImage();

  // Save the pixmap to disk so the user can make a
  // visual assessment if needed
  mRenderedImageFile = QDir::tempPath() + QDir::separator() +
                       theTestName + "_result.png";

  myImage.setDotsPerMeterX( myExpectedImage.dotsPerMeterX() );
  myImage.setDotsPerMeterY( myExpectedImage.dotsPerMeterY() );
  myImage.save( mRenderedImageFile, "PNG", 100 );

  //create a world file to go with the image...

  QFile wldFile( QDir::tempPath() + QDir::separator() + theTestName + "_result.wld" );
  if ( wldFile.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly ) )
    QgsRectangle r = mMapSettings.extent();

    QTextStream stream( &wldFile );
    stream << QString( "%1\r\n0 \r\n0 \r\n%2\r\n%3\r\n%4\r\n" )
    .arg( qgsDoubleToString( mMapSettings.mapUnitsPerPixel() ) )
    .arg( qgsDoubleToString( -mMapSettings.mapUnitsPerPixel() ) )
    .arg( qgsDoubleToString( r.xMinimum() + mMapSettings.mapUnitsPerPixel() / 2.0 ) )
    .arg( qgsDoubleToString( r.yMaximum() - mMapSettings.mapUnitsPerPixel() / 2.0 ) );

  return compareImages( theTestName, theMismatchCount );
/**************************** REGION ********************************/
void QgsGrassNewMapset::setRegionPage()
  QgsDebugMsg( "entered" );

  // Set defaults
  if ( !mRegionModified )

  // Create new projection
  QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem newCrs;
  if ( mProjRadioButton->isChecked() )
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "selectedCrsId() = %1" ).arg( mProjectionSelector->selectedCrsId() ) );

    if ( mProjectionSelector->selectedCrsId() > 0 )
      newCrs.createFromSrsId( mProjectionSelector->selectedCrsId() );
      if ( ! newCrs.isValid() )
        QgsGrass::warning( tr( "Cannot create projection." ) );

  // Reproject previous region if it was modified
  // and if previous and current projection is valid
  if ( mRegionModified && newCrs.isValid() && mCrs.isValid()
       && newCrs.srsid() != mCrs.srsid() )
    QgsCoordinateTransform trans( mCrs, newCrs );

    double n = mNorthLineEdit->text().toDouble();
    double s = mSouthLineEdit->text().toDouble();
    double e = mEastLineEdit->text().toDouble();
    double w = mWestLineEdit->text().toDouble();

    std::vector<QgsPoint> points;

    // TODO: this is not perfect
    points.push_back( QgsPoint( w, s ) );
    points.push_back( QgsPoint( e, n ) );

    bool ok = true;
    for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
        points[i] = trans.transform( points[i] );
      catch ( QgsCsException &cse )
        Q_UNUSED( cse );
        QgsDebugMsg( "Cannot transform point" );
        ok = false;

    if ( ok )
      int precision = newCrs.mapUnits() == QGis::Degrees ? 6 : 1;
      mNorthLineEdit->setText( qgsDoubleToString( points[1].y(), precision ) );
      mSouthLineEdit->setText( qgsDoubleToString( points[0].y(), precision ) );
      mEastLineEdit->setText( qgsDoubleToString( points[1].x(), precision ) );
      mWestLineEdit->setText( qgsDoubleToString( points[0].x(), precision ) );
      QgsGrass::warning( tr( "Cannot reproject previously set region, default region set." ) );

  // Set current region projection
  mCrs = newCrs;

  // Enable / disable region selection widgets
  if ( mNoProjRadioButton->isChecked() )

    QgsRectangle ext = mIface->mapCanvas()->extent();

    if ( ext.xMinimum() >= ext.xMaximum() || ext.yMinimum() >= ext.yMaximum() )
      mCurrentRegionButton->setEnabled( false );


  if ( !mNoProjRadioButton->isChecked() )
QString QgsPoint::wellKnownText() const
  return QStringLiteral( "POINT(%1 %2)" ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( m_x ), qgsDoubleToString( m_y ) );
void QgsMssqlFeatureIterator::BuildStatement( const QgsFeatureRequest& request )
  // build sql statement
  mStatement = QString( "SELECT " );

  mStatement += QString( "[%1]" ).arg( mSource->mFidColName );
  mFidCol = mSource->mFields.indexFromName( mSource->mFidColName );
  mAttributesToFetch.append( mFidCol );

  bool subsetOfAttributes = mRequest.flags() & QgsFeatureRequest::SubsetOfAttributes;
  foreach ( int i, subsetOfAttributes ? mRequest.subsetOfAttributes() : mSource->mFields.allAttributesList() )
    QString fieldname = mSource->mFields[i].name();
    if ( mSource->mFidColName == fieldname )

    mStatement += QString( ",[%1]" ).arg( fieldname );

    mAttributesToFetch.append( i );

  // get geometry col
  if ( !( request.flags() & QgsFeatureRequest::NoGeometry ) && mSource->isSpatial() )
    mStatement += QString( ",[%1]" ).arg( mSource->mGeometryColName );

  mStatement += QString( "FROM [%1].[%2]" ).arg( mSource->mSchemaName, mSource->mTableName );

  bool filterAdded = false;
  // set spatial filter
  if ( request.filterType() == QgsFeatureRequest::FilterRect && mSource->isSpatial() && !request.filterRect().isEmpty() )
    // polygons should be CCW for SqlGeography
    QString r;
    QTextStream foo( &r );

    foo.setRealNumberPrecision( 8 );
    foo.setRealNumberNotation( QTextStream::FixedNotation );
    foo <<  qgsDoubleToString( request.filterRect().xMinimum() ) << " " <<  qgsDoubleToString( request.filterRect().yMinimum() ) << ", "
    <<  qgsDoubleToString( request.filterRect().xMaximum() ) << " " << qgsDoubleToString( request.filterRect().yMinimum() ) << ", "
    <<  qgsDoubleToString( request.filterRect().xMaximum() ) << " " <<  qgsDoubleToString( request.filterRect().yMaximum() ) << ", "
    <<  qgsDoubleToString( request.filterRect().xMinimum() ) << " " <<  qgsDoubleToString( request.filterRect().yMaximum() ) << ", "
    <<  qgsDoubleToString( request.filterRect().xMinimum() ) << " " <<  qgsDoubleToString( request.filterRect().yMinimum() );

    mStatement += QString( " where [%1].STIntersects([%2]::STGeomFromText('POLYGON((%3))',%4)) = 1" ).arg(
                    mSource->mGeometryColName, mSource->mGeometryColType, r, QString::number( mSource->mSRId ) );
    filterAdded = true;

  // set fid filter
  if ( request.filterType() == QgsFeatureRequest::FilterFid && !mSource->mFidColName.isEmpty() )
    QString fidfilter = QString( " [%1] = %2" ).arg( mSource->mFidColName, QString::number( request.filterFid() ) );
    // set attribute filter
    if ( !filterAdded )
      mStatement += " WHERE ";
      mStatement += " AND ";

    mStatement += fidfilter;
    filterAdded = true;

  if ( !mSource->mSqlWhereClause.isEmpty() )
    if ( !filterAdded )
      mStatement += " WHERE (" + mSource->mSqlWhereClause + ")";
      mStatement += " AND (" + mSource->mSqlWhereClause + ")";

  QgsDebugMsg( mStatement );
#if 0
  if ( fieldCount == 0 )
    QgsDebugMsg( "QgsMssqlProvider::select no fields have been requested" );