static void
test_printable (const char *name, gpointer obj)
    const char *res;

    do_test (qof_object_printable (NULL, NULL) == NULL,
             "object: Printable: NULL, NULL");
    do_test (qof_object_printable (NULL, obj) == NULL,
             "object: Printable: NULL, object");
    do_test (qof_object_printable (name, NULL) == NULL,
             "object: Printable: mod_name, NULL");
    res = qof_object_printable (name, obj);
    do_test (res != NULL, "object: Printable: mod_name, object");
static void
test_qof_object_printable( Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData )
    gint param;

    g_test_message( "Test null checks" );
    g_assert( qof_object_printable( NULL, (gpointer)&param ) == NULL );
    g_assert( qof_object_printable( "test", NULL ) == NULL );

    g_test_message( "Test with non registered object" );
    g_assert( qof_object_printable( "test", (gpointer)&param ) == NULL );

    g_test_message( "Test with registered object and printable not set" );
    g_assert( qof_object_register( fixture->qofobject ) == TRUE );
    g_assert( qof_object_printable( "my type object", (gpointer)&param ) == NULL );

    g_test_message( "Test with registered object and printable set" );
    fixture->qofobject->printable = mock_printable;
    printable_struct.param = (gpointer)&param;
    g_assert_cmpstr( qof_object_printable( "my type object", (gpointer)&param ), == , "printable was called" );
/* The "selection" contents have changed.  Change the text. */
static void
reset_selection_text (GNCGeneralSearch *gsl)
    GNCGeneralSearchPrivate *priv;
    const char *text;

    priv = _PRIVATE(gsl);
    if (gsl->selected_item == NULL)
        text = "";
        text = qof_object_printable (priv->type, gsl->selected_item);

    gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(gsl->entry), text);
static void
create_children (GNCGeneralSearch *gsl,
                 const char       *label,
                 gboolean          text_editable,
                 QofIdTypeConst    type,
                 QofBook          *book)
    GtkListStore *	list_store;
    QofQuery *	q;
    GtkTreeIter iter;
    GList * list, * it;
    GtkEntryCompletion *completion;

    /* Add a text entry box */
    gsl->entry = gtk_entry_new ();
    if (!text_editable)
        gtk_editable_set_editable (GTK_EDITABLE (gsl->entry), FALSE);
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (gsl), gsl->entry, TRUE, TRUE, 0);

    /* Setup a GtkEntryCompletion auxiliary widget for our Entry box
     * This requires an internal table ("model") with the possible
     * auto-completion text entries */

    /* Query for the requested object type */
    q = qof_query_create_for (type);
    qof_query_add_boolean_match(q, g_slist_prepend
                                (NULL, QOF_PARAM_ACTIVE), TRUE, QOF_QUERY_AND);
    qof_query_set_book (q, book);
    list = qof_query_run(q);

    /* Setup the internal model */
    list_store = gtk_list_store_new (GSL_N_COLUMNS, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_OBJECT);
    for (it = list; it != NULL ; it = it->next)
        char * name;

        name = g_strdup(qof_object_printable(type, it->data));
        /* Add a new row to the model */
        if (name)
            gtk_list_store_append (list_store, &iter);
            gtk_list_store_set (list_store, &iter,
                                GSL_COLUMN_TEXT, name,
                                GSL_COLUMN_QOFOBJECT, G_OBJECT(it->data),



    /* Add the GtkEntryCompletion widget */
    completion = gtk_entry_completion_new();
    gtk_entry_completion_set_model(completion, GTK_TREE_MODEL(list_store));
    gtk_entry_completion_set_text_column(completion, 0);
    gtk_entry_completion_set_inline_completion(completion, TRUE);
    gtk_entry_set_completion(GTK_ENTRY(gsl->entry), completion);

    g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (completion), "match_selected",
                      G_CALLBACK (gnc_gsl_match_selected_cb), gsl);
    g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (gsl->entry), "focus-out-event",
                      G_CALLBACK (gnc_gsl_focus_out_cb), gsl);

    gtk_widget_show (gsl->entry);

    /* Add the search button */
    gsl->button = gtk_button_new_with_label (label);
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (gsl), gsl->button, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
    g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (gsl->button), "clicked",
                      G_CALLBACK (search_cb), gsl);
    gtk_widget_show (gsl->button);
/**  The focus left the general search edit widget, so reset the widget to
 *   its last known good value.  If the widget value contained a valid
 *   value then this is a noop.  Otherwise the widget will be reset
 *   to the last user selected value.  This latter state will occur
 *   if the user has typed characters directly into the widget but not
 *   selected a completion.
 *   @param entry The entry widget in which the user is typing.
 *   @param event Unused.
 *   @param gsl A pointer to a general search widget. */
static gboolean
gnc_gsl_focus_out_cb (GtkEntry         *entry,
                      GdkEventFocus    *event,
                      GNCGeneralSearch *gsl)
    const gchar	*text;
    GtkEntryCompletion *completion;
    GtkTreeModel *model;
    GtkTreeIter iter;
    gchar *lc_text, *tree_string, *lc_tree_string;
    gboolean match, valid_iter;
    QofObject *qofobject;
    gpointer selected_item = NULL;

    /* Attempt to match the current text to a qofobject. */
    completion = gtk_entry_get_completion(entry);
    model = gtk_entry_completion_get_model(completion);

    /* Return if completion tree is empty */
    valid_iter = gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first(model, &iter);
    if (!valid_iter)
        return FALSE;

    text = gtk_entry_get_text(entry);
    lc_text = g_utf8_strdown(text, -1);

    /* The last, valid selected entry can match the entered text
     * No need to search further in that case */
    if (gsl->selected_item)
        GNCGeneralSearchPrivate *	priv;

        priv = _PRIVATE(gsl);
        tree_string = g_strdup(qof_object_printable(priv->type, gsl->selected_item));
        lc_tree_string = g_utf8_strdown(tree_string, -1);
        match = g_utf8_collate(lc_text, lc_tree_string) == 0;
        if (match)
            selected_item = gsl->selected_item;

    /* Otherwise, find a match in the completion list */
    while (valid_iter && !selected_item)
        gtk_tree_model_get(model, &iter, GSL_COLUMN_TEXT, &tree_string, -1);
        lc_tree_string = g_utf8_strdown(tree_string, -1);
        match = g_utf8_collate(lc_text, lc_tree_string) == 0;
        if (match)
            gtk_tree_model_get(model, &iter, GSL_COLUMN_QOFOBJECT, &qofobject, -1);
            selected_item = qofobject;
            valid_iter = gtk_tree_model_iter_next(model, &iter);

    gnc_general_search_set_selected (gsl, selected_item);
    return FALSE;
static void
test_employee (void)
    QofBackend *be;
    QofBook *book;
    QofSession *session;
    GncEmployee *employee;

    session = qof_session_new();
    qof_session_begin(session, QOF_STDOUT, FALSE, FALSE);
    book = qof_session_get_book(session);
    /* The book *must* have a backend to pass the test of the 'dirty' flag */
    /* See the README file for details */

    be = qof_book_get_backend (book);

    /* Test creation/destruction */
        do_test (gncEmployeeCreate (NULL) == NULL, "employee create NULL");
        employee = gncEmployeeCreate (book);
        do_test (employee != NULL, "employee create");
        do_test (qof_instance_get_book(QOF_INSTANCE(employee)) == book,

        gncEmployeeBeginEdit (employee);
        gncEmployeeDestroy (employee);
        success ("create/destroy");

    /* Test setting/getting routines; does the active flag get set right? */
        GncGUID guid;

        test_string_fcn (book, "Id", gncEmployeeSetID, gncEmployeeGetID);
        test_string_fcn (book, "Username", gncEmployeeSetUsername, gncEmployeeGetUsername);
        test_string_fcn (book, "Language", gncEmployeeSetLanguage, gncEmployeeGetLanguage);
        test_string_fcn (book, "Acl", gncEmployeeSetAcl, gncEmployeeGetAcl);

        test_numeric_fcn (book, "Workday", gncEmployeeSetWorkday, gncEmployeeGetWorkday);
        test_numeric_fcn (book, "Rate", gncEmployeeSetRate, gncEmployeeGetRate);

        test_bool_fcn (book, "Active", gncEmployeeSetActive, gncEmployeeGetActive);

        do_test (gncEmployeeGetAddr (employee) != NULL, "Addr");

        guid_new (&guid);
        employee = gncEmployeeCreate (book);
        gncEmployeeSetGUID (employee, &guid);
        do_test (guid_equal (&guid, qof_instance_get_guid(QOF_INSTANCE(employee))), "guid compare");
#if 0
        GList *list;

        list = gncBusinessGetList (book, GNC_EMPLOYEE_MODULE_NAME, TRUE);
        do_test (list != NULL, "getList all");
        do_test (g_list_length (list) == count, "correct length: all");
        g_list_free (list);

        list = gncBusinessGetList (book, GNC_EMPLOYEE_MODULE_NAME, FALSE);
        do_test (list != NULL, "getList active");
        do_test (g_list_length (list) == 1, "correct length: active");
        g_list_free (list);
        const char *str = get_random_string();
        const char *res;
        GncAddress *addr;

        addr = gncEmployeeGetAddr (employee);
        gncAddressSetName (addr, str);
        res = qof_object_printable (GNC_ID_EMPLOYEE, employee);
        do_test (res != NULL, "Printable NULL?");
        do_test (safe_strcmp (str, res) == 0, "Printable equals");
static void
test_employee (void)
    QofBook *book;
    GncEmployee *employee;

    book = qof_book_new();

    /* Test creation/destruction */
        do_test (gncEmployeeCreate (NULL) == NULL, "employee create NULL");
        employee = gncEmployeeCreate (book);
        do_test (employee != NULL, "employee create");
        do_test (qof_instance_get_book(QOF_INSTANCE(employee)) == book,

        gncEmployeeBeginEdit (employee);
        gncEmployeeDestroy (employee);
        success ("create/destroy");

    /* Test setting/getting routines; does the active flag get set right? */
        GncGUID guid;

        test_string_fcn (book, "Id", gncEmployeeSetID, gncEmployeeGetID);
        test_string_fcn (book, "Username", gncEmployeeSetUsername, gncEmployeeGetUsername);
        test_string_fcn (book, "Language", gncEmployeeSetLanguage, gncEmployeeGetLanguage);
        test_string_fcn (book, "Acl", gncEmployeeSetAcl, gncEmployeeGetAcl);

        test_numeric_fcn (book, "Workday", gncEmployeeSetWorkday, gncEmployeeGetWorkday);
        test_numeric_fcn (book, "Rate", gncEmployeeSetRate, gncEmployeeGetRate);

        test_bool_fcn (book, "Active", gncEmployeeSetActive, gncEmployeeGetActive);

        do_test (gncEmployeeGetAddr (employee) != NULL, "Addr");

        guid_replace (&guid);
        employee = gncEmployeeCreate (book);
        gncEmployeeSetGUID (employee, &guid);
        do_test (guid_equal (&guid, qof_instance_get_guid(QOF_INSTANCE(employee))), "guid compare");
        GList *list;

        list = gncBusinessGetList (book, GNC_EMPLOYEE_MODULE_NAME, TRUE);
        do_test (list != NULL, "getList all");
        do_test (g_list_length (list) == count, "correct length: all");
        g_list_free (list);

        list = gncBusinessGetList (book, GNC_EMPLOYEE_MODULE_NAME, FALSE);
        do_test (list != NULL, "getList active");
        do_test (g_list_length (list) == 1, "correct length: active");
        g_list_free (list);
        const char *str = get_random_string();
        const char *res;
        GncAddress *addr;

        addr = gncEmployeeGetAddr (employee);
        gncAddressSetName (addr, str);
        res = qof_object_printable (GNC_ID_EMPLOYEE, employee);
        do_test (res != NULL, "Printable NULL?");
        do_test (g_strcmp0 (str, res) == 0, "Printable equals");

    qof_book_destroy (book);
static void
test_customer (void)
    QofBook *book;
    GncCustomer *customer;

    book = qof_book_new ();

    /* Test creation/destruction */
        do_test (gncCustomerCreate (NULL) == NULL, "customer create NULL");
        customer = gncCustomerCreate (book);
        do_test (customer != NULL, "customer create");
        do_test (gncCustomerGetBook (customer) == book, "getbook");

        gncCustomerBeginEdit (customer);
        gncCustomerDestroy (customer);
        success ("create/destroy");

    /* Test setting/getting routines; does the active flag get set right? */
        GncGUID guid;

        test_string_fcn (book, "Id", gncCustomerSetID, gncCustomerGetID);
        test_string_fcn (book, "Name", gncCustomerSetName, gncCustomerGetName);
        test_string_fcn (book, "Notes", gncCustomerSetNotes, gncCustomerGetNotes);

        //test_string_fcn (book, "Terms", gncCustomerSetTerms, gncCustomerGetTerms);

        test_numeric_fcn (book, "Discount", gncCustomerSetDiscount, gncCustomerGetDiscount);
        test_numeric_fcn (book, "Credit", gncCustomerSetCredit, gncCustomerGetCredit);

        test_bool_fcn (book, "Active", gncCustomerSetActive, gncCustomerGetActive);

        do_test (gncCustomerGetAddr (customer) != NULL, "Addr");
        do_test (gncCustomerGetShipAddr (customer) != NULL, "ShipAddr");

        guid_replace (&guid);
        customer = gncCustomerCreate (book);
        gncCustomerSetGUID (customer, &guid);
        do_test (guid_equal (&guid, gncCustomerGetGUID (customer)), "guid compare");
        GList *list;

        list = gncBusinessGetList (book, GNC_ID_CUSTOMER, TRUE);
        do_test (list != NULL, "getList all");
        do_test (g_list_length (list) == count, "correct length: all");
        g_list_free (list);

        list = gncBusinessGetList (book, GNC_ID_CUSTOMER, FALSE);
        do_test (list != NULL, "getList active");
        do_test (g_list_length (list) == 1, "correct length: active");
        g_list_free (list);
        const char *str = get_random_string();
        const char *res;

        res = NULL;
        gncCustomerSetName (customer, str);
        res = qof_object_printable (GNC_ID_CUSTOMER, customer);
        do_test (res != NULL, "Printable NULL?");
        do_test (g_strcmp0 (str, res) == 0, "Printable equals");

    do_test (gncCustomerGetJoblist (customer, TRUE) == NULL, "joblist empty");

    /* Test the Entity Table */
        const GncGUID *guid;

        guid = gncCustomerGetGUID (customer);
        do_test (gncCustomerLookup (book, guid) == customer, "Entity Table");

    /* Note: JobList is tested from the Job tests */
    qof_book_destroy (book);
static void
test_vendor (void)
    QofBook *book;
    GncVendor *vendor;

    book = qof_book_new();

    /* Test creation/destruction */
        do_test (gncVendorCreate (NULL) == NULL, "vendor create NULL");
        vendor = gncVendorCreate (book);
        do_test (vendor != NULL, "vendor create");
        do_test (qof_instance_get_book (QOF_INSTANCE(vendor)) == book,

        gncVendorBeginEdit (vendor);
        gncVendorDestroy (vendor);
        success ("create/destroy");

    /* Test setting/getting routines; does the active flag get set right? */
        GncGUID guid;

        test_string_fcn (book, "Id", gncVendorSetID, gncVendorGetID);
        test_string_fcn (book, "Name", gncVendorSetName, gncVendorGetName);
        test_string_fcn (book, "Notes", gncVendorSetNotes, gncVendorGetNotes);

        //test_string_fcn (book, "Terms", gncVendorSetTerms, gncVendorGetTerms);

        //test_bool_fcn (book, "TaxIncluded", gncVendorSetTaxIncluded, gncVendorGetTaxIncluded);
        test_bool_fcn (book, "Active", gncVendorSetActive, gncVendorGetActive);

        do_test (gncVendorGetAddr (vendor) != NULL, "Addr");

        guid_new (&guid);
        vendor = gncVendorCreate (book);
        gncVendorSetGUID (vendor, &guid);
        do_test (guid_equal (&guid, qof_instance_get_guid(QOF_INSTANCE(vendor))), "guid compare");
        GList *list;

        list = gncBusinessGetList (book, GNC_ID_VENDOR, TRUE);
        do_test (list != NULL, "getList all");
        do_test (g_list_length (list) == count, "correct length: all");
        g_list_free (list);

        list = gncBusinessGetList (book, GNC_ID_VENDOR, FALSE);
        do_test (list != NULL, "getList active");
        do_test (g_list_length (list) == 1, "correct length: active");
        g_list_free (list);
        const char *str = get_random_string();
        const char *res;

        gncVendorSetName (vendor, str);
        res = qof_object_printable (GNC_ID_VENDOR, vendor);
        do_test (res != NULL, "Printable NULL?");
        do_test (g_strcmp0 (str, res) == 0, "Printable equals");

    qof_book_destroy (book);