int main(int argc, char * argv[] ){ argc-=(argc>0); argv+=(argc>0); // skip program name argv[0] if present option::Stats stats(usage, argc, argv); option::Option options[stats.options_max], buffer[stats.buffer_max]; option::Parser parse(usage, argc, argv, options, buffer); if (parse.error()) return 1; if (options[HELP]) { option::printUsage(std::cout, usage); return 0; } if (options[VERB] && options[VERB].arg) Log::setGlobalVerbosityForAllLoggers(atoi(options[VERB].arg)); int buckets = (options[QP] && options[QP].arg) ? atoi(options[QP].arg) : 0; int limit = (options[LIMIT] && options[LIMIT].arg) ? atoi(options[LIMIT].arg) : CONSTS::MAXD; int offset = (options[OFFSET] && options[OFFSET].arg) ? atoi(options[OFFSET].arg) : 0; int topk = (options[TOPK] && options[TOPK].arg) ? atoi(options[TOPK].arg) : 10; int layer = (options[LAYER] && options[LAYER].arg) ? atoi(options[LAYER].arg) : 0; if(options[BUILD]) { const std::string& trecRawRoot = options[BUILD].arg ? std::string(options[BUILD].arg) : CONSTS::trecRawRoot; std::string outputPath = (options[OUTPATH] && options[OUTPATH].arg) ? std::string(options[OUTPATH].arg): CONSTS::trecRoot; stringIntVectorsPair tmap; //empty one TrecReader* tr = TrecFactory(trecRawRoot); TrecFactory(*tr,outputPath, offset,limit,tmap); delete tr; return 0; } std::string queryFile = (options[QPATH] && options[QPATH].arg) ? std::string(options[QPATH].arg): CONSTS::ikQuery; SingleHashBlocker::expectedBlockSize = (options[OFFSET] && options[OFFSET].arg) ? atoi(options[OFFSET].arg) : 8; //COUT3 << "Expected block size: " << SingleHashBlocker::expectedBlockSize << Log::endl; // togo //togo //std::cout << "########### expected block size: 2^" << SingleHashBlocker::expectedBlockSize << std::endl; if(nice(-3)) {} termsCache Cache; if(options[ONDEMAND] ) onDemandCpool::initPool(CONSTS::STORAGE_CAPACITY); //prepare the cache but load none else { // load different terms_mapping if (layer == 0) Cache.fill_cache(CONSTS::termsMapping.c_str()); //load terms // else Cache.fill_cache(CONSTS::termsMapping_Layer.c_str()); //load terms Layering } QueryProcessing qp(Cache); qp(queryFile.c_str(), buckets, limit, topk, layer); //process the queries qp.printReport(); COUT1 << "start cleanup" << Log::endl; return 0; }
virtual void _init() { if ( qp().scanAndOrderRequired() ) { throw MsgAssertionException( OutOfOrderDocumentsAssertionCode, "order spec cannot be satisfied with index" ); } _c = qp().newCursor(); _capped = _c->capped(); mayAdvance(); }
virtual void _init() { if ( requireIndex_ && strcmp( qp().indexKey().firstElement().fieldName(), "$natural" ) == 0 ) throw MsgAssertionException( 9011 , "Not an index cursor" ); c_ = qp().newCursor(); if ( !c_->ok() ) { setComplete(); } }
virtual void init() { if ( requireIndex_ && strcmp( qp().indexKey().firstElement().fieldName(), "$natural" ) == 0 ) throw MsgAssertionException( 9011 , "Not an index cursor" ); c_ = qp().newCursor(); if ( !c_->ok() ) setComplete(); else matcher_.reset( new CoveredIndexMatcher( qp().query(), qp().indexKey() ) ); }
TEST(QueryPlannerTest, createTripleGraph) { try { { ParsedQuery pq = SparqlParser::parse( "PREFIX : <>\n" "PREFIX ns: <>\n" "PREFIX xxx: <>\n" "SELECT ?x ?z \n " "WHERE \t {?x :myrel ?y. ?y ns:myrel ?z.?y xxx:rel2 " "<>}"); pq.expandPrefixes(); QueryPlanner qp(nullptr); auto tg = qp.createTripleGraph(&pq._rootGraphPattern); ASSERT_EQ( "0 {s: ?x, p: <>, o: ?y} : (1, 2)\n" "1 {s: ?y, p: <>, o: ?z} : (0, 2)\n" "2 {s: ?y, p: <>, o: " "<>} : (0, 1)", tg.asString()); } { ParsedQuery pq = SparqlParser::parse( "SELECT ?x WHERE {?x ?p <X>. ?x ?p2 <Y>. <X> ?p <Y>}"); pq.expandPrefixes(); QueryPlanner qp(nullptr); auto tg = qp.createTripleGraph(&pq._rootGraphPattern); ASSERT_EQ( "0 {s: ?x, p: ?p, o: <X>} : (1, 2)\n" "1 {s: ?x, p: ?p2, o: <Y>} : (0)\n" "2 {s: <X>, p: ?p, o: <Y>} : (0)", tg.asString()); } { ParsedQuery pq = SparqlParser::parse( "SELECT ?x WHERE { ?x <is-a> <Book> . \n" "?x <Author> <Anthony_Newman_(Author)> }"); pq.expandPrefixes(); QueryPlanner qp(nullptr); auto tg = qp.createTripleGraph(&pq._rootGraphPattern); ASSERT_EQ( "0 {s: ?x, p: <is-a>, o: <Book>} : (1)\n" "1 {s: ?x, p: <Author>, o: <Anthony_Newman_(Author)>} : (0)", tg.asString()); } } catch (const ad_semsearch::Exception& e) { std::cout << "Caught: " << e.getFullErrorMessage() << std::endl; FAIL() << e.getFullErrorMessage(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cout << "Caught: " << e.what() << std::endl; FAIL() << e.what(); } }
virtual void init() { query_ = spec_.getObjectField( "query" ); c_ = qp().newCursor(); matcher_.reset( new KeyValJSMatcher( query_, c_->indexKeyPattern() ) ); if ( qp().exactKeyMatch() && ! matcher_->needRecord() ) { query_ = qp().simplifiedQuery( qp().indexKey() ); bc_ = dynamic_cast< BtreeCursor* >( c_.get() ); bc_->forgetEndKey(); } skip_ = spec_["skip"].numberLong(); limit_ = spec_["limit"].numberLong(); }
TEST(QueryPlannerTest, testBFSLeaveOut) { try { { ParsedQuery pq = SparqlParser::parse( "SELECT ?x WHERE {?x ?p <X>. ?x ?p2 <Y>. <X> ?p <Y>}"); pq.expandPrefixes(); QueryPlanner qp(nullptr); auto tg = qp.createTripleGraph(&pq._rootGraphPattern); ASSERT_EQ(3u, tg._adjLists.size()); ad_utility::HashSet<size_t> lo; auto out = tg.bfsLeaveOut(0, lo); ASSERT_EQ(3u, out.size()); lo.insert(1); out = tg.bfsLeaveOut(0, lo); ASSERT_EQ(2u, out.size()); lo.insert(2); out = tg.bfsLeaveOut(0, lo); ASSERT_EQ(1u, out.size()); lo.clear(); lo.insert(0); out = tg.bfsLeaveOut(1, lo); ASSERT_EQ(1u, out.size()); } { ParsedQuery pq = SparqlParser::parse( "SELECT ?x WHERE {<A> <B> ?x. ?x <C> ?y. ?y <X> <Y>}"); pq.expandPrefixes(); QueryPlanner qp(nullptr); auto tg = qp.createTripleGraph(&pq._rootGraphPattern); ad_utility::HashSet<size_t> lo; auto out = tg.bfsLeaveOut(0, lo); ASSERT_EQ(3u, out.size()); lo.insert(1); out = tg.bfsLeaveOut(0, lo); ASSERT_EQ(1u, out.size()); lo.insert(2); out = tg.bfsLeaveOut(0, lo); ASSERT_EQ(1u, out.size()); lo.clear(); lo.insert(0); out = tg.bfsLeaveOut(1, lo); ASSERT_EQ(2u, out.size()); } } catch (const ad_semsearch::Exception& e) { std::cout << "Caught: " << e.getFullErrorMessage() << std::endl; FAIL() << e.getFullErrorMessage(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cout << "Caught: " << e.what() << std::endl; FAIL() << e.what(); } }
TEST(QueryExecutionTreeTest, testFormerSegfaultTriFilter) { try { ParsedQuery pq = SparqlParser::parse( "PREFIX fb: <>\n" "SELECT DISTINCT ?1 ?0 WHERE {\n" "fb:m.0fkvn fb:government.government_office_category.officeholders ?0 " ".\n" "?0 fb:government.government_position_held.jurisdiction_of_office " "fb:m.0vmt .\n" "?0 fb:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?1 .\n" "FILTER (?1 != fb:m.0fkvn) .\n" "FILTER (?1 != fb:m.0vmt) .\n" "FILTER (?1 != fb:m.018mts)" "} LIMIT 300"); pq.expandPrefixes(); QueryPlanner qp(nullptr); QueryExecutionTree qet = qp.createExecutionTree(pq); ASSERT_TRUE(qet.varCovered("?1")); ASSERT_TRUE(qet.varCovered("?0")); } catch (const ad_semsearch::Exception& e) { std::cout << "Caught: " << e.getFullErrorMessage() << std::endl; FAIL() << e.getFullErrorMessage(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cout << "Caught: " << e.what() << std::endl; FAIL() << e.what(); } }
TEST(QueryExecutionTreeTest, testPlantsEdibleLeaves) { try { ParsedQuery pq = SparqlParser::parse( "SELECT ?a \n " "WHERE {?a <is-a> <Plant> . ?c ql:contains-entity ?a. " "?c ql:contains-word \"edible leaves\"} TEXTLIMIT 5"); pq.expandPrefixes(); QueryPlanner qp(nullptr); QueryPlanner::TripleGraph tg = qp.createTripleGraph(&pq._rootGraphPattern); ASSERT_EQ(1u, tg._nodeMap.find(0)->second->_variables.size()); QueryExecutionTree qet = qp.createExecutionTree(pq); ASSERT_EQ( "{\n TEXT OPERATION WITH FILTER: co-occurrence with words: " "\"edible leaves\" and 1 variables with textLimit = 5 " "filtered by\n {\n SCAN POS with P = \"<is-a>\", " "O = \"<Plant>\"\n qet-width: 1 \n }\n filtered on " "column 0\n qet-width: 3 \n}", qet.asString()); } catch (const ad_semsearch::Exception& e) { std::cout << "Caught: " << e.getFullErrorMessage() << std::endl; FAIL() << e.getFullErrorMessage(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cout << "Caught: " << e.what() << std::endl; FAIL() << e.what(); } }
TEST(QueryExecutionTreeTest, testCyclicQuery) { try { ParsedQuery pq = SparqlParser::parse( "SELECT ?x ?y ?m WHERE { ?x <Spouse_(or_domestic_partner)> ?y . " "?x <Film_performance> ?m . ?y <Film_performance> ?m }"); pq.expandPrefixes(); QueryPlanner qp(nullptr); QueryExecutionTree qet = qp.createExecutionTree(pq); ASSERT_EQ( "{\n TWO_COLUMN_JOIN\n {\n ORDER_BY\n {\n JOIN\n" " {\n SCAN PSO with P = \"<Film_performance>\"\n" " qet-width: 2 \n } join-column: [0]\n |X|\n" " {\n " "SCAN PSO with P = \"<Spouse_(or_domestic_partner)>\"\n " " qet-width: 2 \n } join-column: [0]\n " " qet-width: 3 \n } order on asc(2) asc(1) \n" " qet-width: 3 \n }\n join-columns: [2 & 1]\n |X|\n" " {\n SCAN PSO with P = \"<Film_performance>\"\n" " qet-width: 2 \n }\n join-columns: [0 & 1]\n" " qet-width: 3 \n}", qet.asString()); } catch (const ad_semsearch::Exception& e) { std::cout << "Caught: " << e.getFullErrorMessage() << std::endl; FAIL() << e.getFullErrorMessage(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cout << "Caught: " << e.what() << std::endl; FAIL() << e.what(); } }
void testApp :: draw() { //ofQuaternion constructor: angle, ofVec3f axis ofQuaternion qr (roll, Znormal); // quat roll. ofQuaternion qp (pitch, Xnormal); // quat pitch. ofQuaternion qh (heading, Ynormal); // quat heading or yaw. ofQuaternion qt; // quat total. // The order IS IMPORTANT. Apply roll first, then pitch, then heading. qt = qr * qp * qh; ofPushMatrix(); ofTranslate( ofGetWidth() * 0.5, ofGetHeight() * 0.5, 0 ); /******************************/ /* //GYMBAL LOCK!! EulerRot = qt.getEuler(); ofRotateX(EulerRot.x); ofRotateY(EulerRot.y); ofRotateZ(EulerRot.z); */ ofVec3f qaxis; float qangle; qt.getRotate(qangle, qaxis); ofRotate(qangle, qaxis.x, qaxis.y, qaxis.z); ofScale( 200, 200, 200 ); /******************************/ drawCube(); ofPopMatrix(); ofSetColor( 0x000000 ); ofDrawBitmapString ( "fps :: " + ofToString(ofGetFrameRate(), 2) + "\n\n" "incDir :: press i to change :: " + ofToString( incDir ) + "\n\n" "roll :: press 1 to change :: " + ofToString( roll ) + "\n\n" "pitch :: press 2 to change :: " + ofToString( pitch ) + "\n\n" "heading :: press 3 to change :: " + ofToString( heading ) + "\n\n", 20, 20 ); }
TEST(QueryExecutionTreeTest, testBornInEuropeOwCocaine) { try { ParsedQuery pq = SparqlParser::parse( "PREFIX : <>\n" "SELECT ?x ?y TEXT(?c)\n " "WHERE \t {" "?x :Place_of_birth ?y ." "?y :Contained_by :Europe ." "?c ql:contains-entity ?x ." "?c ql:contains-word \"cocaine\" ." "}"); pq.expandPrefixes(); QueryPlanner qp(nullptr); QueryExecutionTree qet = qp.createExecutionTree(pq); ASSERT_EQ( "{\n TEXT OPERATION WITH FILTER: co-occurrence with words: " "\"cocaine\" and 1 variables with textLimit = 1 filtered by\n " "{\n JOIN\n {\n SCAN POS with P = \"<Contained_by>\", " "O = \"<Europe>\"\n qet-width: 1 \n } join-column: [0]\n" " |X|\n {\n SCAN POS with P = \"<Place_of_birth>\"\n" " qet-width: 2 \n } join-column: [0]\n qet-width: 2 \n" " }\n filtered on column 1\n qet-width: 4 \n}", qet.asString()); ASSERT_EQ(0u, qet.getVariableColumn("?c")); ASSERT_EQ(1u, qet.getVariableColumn("SCORE(?c)")); ASSERT_EQ(2u, qet.getVariableColumn("?y")); } catch (const ad_semsearch::Exception& e) { std::cout << "Caught: " << e.getFullErrorMessage() << std::endl; FAIL() << e.getFullErrorMessage(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cout << "Caught: " << e.what() << std::endl; FAIL() << e.what(); } }
void YResourceMgr::initConfig() { // handle ~/.yzis/ QString yzisSuffix = ".yzis"; bool isTmpDir = false; mYzisUserDir = QDir::homePath() + "/" + yzisSuffix + "/"; QDir yzisUserDir(mYzisUserDir); if(! yzisUserDir.exists()) { dbg().SPrintf("User dir does not exist, creating it: %s", qp(mYzisUserDir)); yzisUserDir.cdUp(); if(! yzisUserDir.mkdir(yzisSuffix)) { isTmpDir = true; mYzisUserDir = QDir::tempPath() + "/"; err() << "initConfig(): could not create yzis user directory, falling back on " << mYzisUserDir; } } yzisUserDir.setPath(mYzisUserDir); if((!QFileInfo(mYzisUserDir).isWritable()) && (!isTmpDir)) { mYzisUserDir = QDir::tempPath() + "/"; err() << "initConfig(): yzis user directory is not writable, falling back on " << mYzisUserDir; isTmpDir = true; } if((! QFileInfo(mYzisUserDir).isWritable())) { err() << "initConfig(): yzis user directory " << mYzisUserDir << " is not writable, falling back on " << mYzisUserDir; err() << "initConfig(): Yzis will not function properly" << endl; } dbg() << "initConfig(): yzis user directory set to " << mYzisUserDir << endl; }
TEST(QueryPlannerTest, testActorsBornInEurope) { try { ParsedQuery pq = SparqlParser::parse( "PREFIX : <pre/>\n" "SELECT ?a \n " "WHERE {?a :profession :Actor . ?a :born-in ?c. ?c :in :Europe}\n" "ORDER BY ?a"); pq.expandPrefixes(); QueryPlanner qp(nullptr); QueryExecutionTree qet = qp.createExecutionTree(pq); ASSERT_EQ( "{\n JOIN\n {\n SCAN POS with P = \"<pre/profession>\", " "O = \"<pre/Actor>\"\n qet-width: 1 \n } join-column:" " [0]\n |X|\n {\n SORT on column:1\n {\n " "JOIN\n {\n SCAN POS with P = \"<pre/born-i" "n>\"\n qet-width: 2 \n } join-column: [0]\n " " |X|\n {\n SCAN POS with P = \"<pre/in>\"" ", O = \"<pre/Europe>\"\n qet-width: 1 \n }" " join-column: [0]\n qet-width: 2 \n }\n " "qet-width: 2 \n } join-column: [1]\n qet-width: 2 \n}", qet.asString()); } catch (const ad_semsearch::Exception& e) { std::cout << "Caught: " << e.getFullErrorMessage() << std::endl; FAIL() << e.getFullErrorMessage(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cout << "Caught: " << e.what() << std::endl; FAIL() << e.what(); } }
void VfunctionsTest::testqprodFunction() { mslam::RealType qData[4] = { 0.999981401328104647, 0.00372253651322187237, 0.00480838103813518037, 0.000468179003859795124 }; mslam::RealVector q(qData, 4, true); mslam::RealType pData[4] = { 0.999981400874166759, 0.00372258348858517645, 0.00480843863383016625, 0.000468183526239199406, }; mslam::RealVector p(pData, 4, true); mslam::RealType qpData[4] = { 0.99992560509638384, 0.00744498152555334112, 0.00961664081486704111, 0.000936345103313629347 }; mslam::RealMatrix qp(4, 1, qpData); auto res = mslam::qprod(q, p); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, cv::countNonZero(cv::abs(mslam::v2m(res) - qp) > 1e-15)); }
void Widget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { QPainter qp(this); drawWidget(qp); QFrame::paintEvent(e); }
void Lines::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e){ Q_UNUSED(e); QPainter qp(this); /*Create serial object */ try { // Make a SimpleSerial object with the parameter for your Wunderboard/OS this->tmp = this->wunder->readLine(); /*handles odd SimpleSerial Problems*/ if(this->tmp.length() != 3) adcval = MADC; //send it back to the middle else adcval = atoi(this->tmp.c_str()) - MADC ; } catch(boost::system::system_error& e) { std::cerr<<tmp<<": Error: "<<std::endl;//<<e.what()<<std::endl; } qp.setWindow(0,0, 800, 600); drawBoundary(&qp); drawPaddle(&qp); drawBall(&qp); drawBlocks(&qp); check_collision(); }
TEST(QueryPlannerTest, testStarTwoFree) { try { { ParsedQuery pq = SparqlParser::parse( "PREFIX : <>\n" "PREFIX ns: <>\n" "PREFIX xxx: <>\n" "SELECT ?x ?z \n " "WHERE \t {?x :myrel ?y. ?y ns:myrel ?z. ?y xxx:rel2 " "<>}"); pq.expandPrefixes(); QueryPlanner qp(nullptr); QueryExecutionTree qet = qp.createExecutionTree(pq); ASSERT_EQ( "{\n JOIN\n {\n JOIN\n {\n SCAN POS with P = \"" "<>\"\n qet-width: 2 \n " " } join-column: [0]\n |X|\n {\n SCAN PSO wit" "h P = \"<>\"\n qet-" "width: 2 \n } join-column: [0]\n qet-width: 3 \n " "} join-column: [0]\n |X|\n {\n SCAN POS with P = " "\"<>\", O = \"<http://a" ">\"\n qet-width: 1 \n } join-column: [0]\n qet" "-width: 3 \n}", qet.asString()); } } catch (const ad_semsearch::Exception& e) { std::cout << "Caught: " << e.getFullErrorMessage() << std::endl; FAIL() << e.getFullErrorMessage(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cout << "Caught: " << e.what() << std::endl; FAIL() << e.what(); } }
TEST(QueryExecutionTreeTest, testCoOccFreeVar) { try { ParsedQuery pq = SparqlParser::parse( "PREFIX : <>" "SELECT ?x ?y WHERE {" "?x :is-a :Politician ." "?c ql:contains-entity ?x ." "?c ql:contains-word \"friend*\" ." "?c ql:contains-entity ?y ." "}"); pq.expandPrefixes(); QueryPlanner qp(nullptr); QueryExecutionTree qet = qp.createExecutionTree(pq); ASSERT_EQ( "{\n TEXT OPERATION WITH FILTER: co-occurrence with words: " "\"friend*\" and 2 variables with textLimit = 1 filtered by\n" " {\n SCAN POS with P = \"<is-a>\", O = \"<Politician>" "\"\n qet-width: 1 \n }\n filtered on column 0\n " " qet-width: 4 \n}", qet.asString()); } catch (const ad_semsearch::Exception& e) { std::cout << "Caught: " << e.getFullErrorMessage() << std::endl; FAIL() << e.getFullErrorMessage(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cout << "Caught: " << e.what() << std::endl; FAIL() << e.what(); } }
void AP_TimerProcess::run(void) { // we enable the interrupt again immediately and also enable // interrupts. This allows other time critical interrupts to // run (such as the serial receive interrupt). We catch the // timer calls taking too long using _in_timer_call. // This approach also gives us a nice uniform spacing between // timer calls TCNT2 = _period; sei(); uint32_t tnow = micros(); if (_in_timer_call) { // the timer calls took longer than the period of the // timer. This is bad, and may indicate a serious // driver failure. We can't just call the drivers // again, as we could run out of stack. So we only // call the _failsafe call. It's job is to detect if // the drivers or the main loop are indeed dead and to // activate whatever failsafe it thinks may help if // need be. We assume the failsafe code can't // block. If it does then we will recurse and die when // we run out of stack if (_failsafe != NULL) { _failsafe(tnow); } return; } _in_timer_call = true; if (!_suspended) { // now call the timer based drivers for (int i = 0; i < _pidx; i++) { if (_proc[i] != NULL) { _proc[i](tnow); } } // run any queued processes uint8_t oldSREG = SREG; cli(); ap_procedure qp = _queued_proc; _queued_proc = NULL; SREG = oldSREG; if( qp != NULL ) { _suspended = true; qp(tnow); _suspended = false; } } // and the failsafe, if one is setup if (_failsafe != NULL) { _failsafe(tnow); } _in_timer_call = false; }
TEST(QueryPlannerTest, testSimpleOptional) { try { QueryPlanner qp(nullptr); ParsedQuery pq = SparqlParser::parse( "SELECT ?a ?b \n " "WHERE {?a <rel1> ?b . OPTIONAL { ?a <rel2> ?c }}"); pq.expandPrefixes(); QueryExecutionTree qet = qp.createExecutionTree(pq); ASSERT_EQ( "{\n" " OPTIONAL_JOIN\n" " {\n" " SCAN PSO with P = \"<rel1>\"\n" " qet-width: 2 \n" " } join-columns: [0]\n" " |X|\n" " {\n" " SCAN PSO with P = \"<rel2>\"\n" " qet-width: 2 \n" " } join-columns: [0]\n" " qet-width: 3 \n" "}", qet.asString()); ParsedQuery pq2 = SparqlParser::parse( "SELECT ?a ?b \n " "WHERE {?a <rel1> ?b . " "OPTIONAL { ?a <rel2> ?c }} ORDER BY ?b"); pq2.expandPrefixes(); QueryExecutionTree qet2 = qp.createExecutionTree(pq2); ASSERT_EQ( "{\n" " SORT on column:1\n" " {\n" " OPTIONAL_JOIN\n" " {\n" " SCAN PSO with P = \"<rel1>\"\n" " qet-width: 2 \n" " } join-columns: [0]\n" " |X|\n" " {\n" " SCAN PSO with P = \"<rel2>\"\n" " qet-width: 2 \n" " } join-columns: [0]\n" " qet-width: 3 \n" " }\n" " qet-width: 3 \n" "}", qet2.asString()); } catch (const ad_semsearch::Exception& e) { std::cout << "Caught: " << e.getFullErrorMessage() << std::endl; FAIL() << e.getFullErrorMessage(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cout << "Caught: " << e.what() << std::endl; FAIL() << e.what(); } }
void Reverb1LCD::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event) { (void) event; resizeImageBuffer(); QPainter qp(this); qp.drawImage(0,0,img); }
void QScope::refresh_all(timeref_t t) {// DB modification, extracted from refresh if (t) { qss.endtime = t; nspikes = 0; } QPainter qp(this); drawContents_all(&qp); //drawContents_together(&qp); }
TEST(QueryPlannerTest, threeVarTriplesTCJ) { try { ParsedQuery pq = SparqlParser::parse( "SELECT ?x ?p ?o WHERE {" "<s> ?p ?x . ?x ?p ?o }"); QueryPlanner qp(nullptr); QueryExecutionTree qet = qp.createExecutionTree(pq); ASSERT_EQ( "{\n TWO_COLUMN_JOIN\n {\n " "SCAN FOR FULL INDEX SPO (DUMMY OPERATION)\n qet-width: 3 \n }" "\n join-columns: [0 & 1]\n |X|\n {\n SCAN SOP with S =" " \"<s>\"\n qet-width: 2 \n }\n join-columns: [0 & 1]\n " " qet-width: 3 \n}", qet.asString()); } catch (const ad_semsearch::Exception& e) { std::cout << "Caught: " << e.getFullErrorMessage() << std::endl; FAIL() << e.getFullErrorMessage(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cout << "Caught: " << e.what() << std::endl; FAIL() << e.what(); } try { ParsedQuery pq = SparqlParser::parse( "SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE {" "?s ?p ?o . ?s ?p <x> }"); QueryPlanner qp(nullptr); QueryExecutionTree qet = qp.createExecutionTree(pq); ASSERT_EQ( "{\n TWO_COLUMN_JOIN\n {\n SCAN FOR FULL INDEX SPO" " (DUMMY OPERATION)\n qet-width: 3 \n }\n join-" "columns: [0 & 1]\n |X|\n {\n SCAN OSP with " "O = \"<x>\"\n qet-width: 2 \n }\n join-columns" ": [0 & 1]\n qet-width: 3 \n}", qet.asString()); } catch (const ad_semsearch::Exception& e) { std::cout << "Caught: " << e.getFullErrorMessage() << std::endl; FAIL() << e.getFullErrorMessage(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cout << "Caught: " << e.what() << std::endl; FAIL() << e.what(); } }
virtual bool prepareToYield() { if ( _c && !_cc ) { _cc.reset( new ClientCursor( QueryOption_NoCursorTimeout , _c , qp().ns() ) ); } if ( _cc ) { _posBeforeYield = currLoc(); return _cc->prepareToYield( _yieldData ); } // no active cursor - ok to yield return true; }
void QScope::refresh(timeref_t t) { if (t) { qss.endtime = t; nspikes = 0; } QPainter qp(this); erase(contentsRect()); drawContents(&qp); //drawContents_box(&qp); forall(&QScope::refresh,t); // for satellites i think }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { std::cout << "USAGE:\n\t qppub <sensor-id>" << std::endl; return -1; } int sid = atoi(argv[1]); const int N = 100; /*segment1-start*/ dds::core::QosProvider qp("file://defaults.xml", "DDS DefaultQosProfile"); // create a Domain Participant, -1 defaults to value defined in configuration file dds::domain::DomainParticipant dp(-1); dds::topic::qos::TopicQos topicQos = qp.topic_qos(); dds::topic::Topic<tutorial::TempSensorType> topic(dp, "TempSensor", topicQos); dds::pub::qos::PublisherQos pubQos = qp.publisher_qos(); dds::pub::Publisher pub(dp, pubQos); dds::pub::qos::DataWriterQos dwqos = qp.datawriter_qos(); dds::pub::DataWriter<tutorial::TempSensorType> dw(pub, topic, dwqos); /*segment1-end*/ const float avgT = 25; const float avgH = 0.6; const float deltaT = 5; const float deltaH = 0.15; // Initialize random number generation with a seed srandom(clock()); // Write some temperature randomly changing around a set point float temp = avgT + ((random()*deltaT)/RAND_MAX); float hum = avgH + ((random()*deltaH)/RAND_MAX); tutorial::TempSensorType sensor( sid, temp, hum, tutorial::CELSIUS ); // Write the data for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { dw.write(sensor); std::cout << "DW << " << sensor << std::endl; std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); temp = avgT + ((random()*deltaT)/RAND_MAX); sensor.temp(temp); hum = avgH + ((random()*deltaH)/RAND_MAX); sensor.hum(hum); } return 0; }
void QScope::refresh_together(timeref_t t) {// DB modification, extracted from refresh if (t) { qss.endtime = t; nspikes = 0; } QPainter qp(this); //drawContents_all(&qp); erase(contentsRect()); drawContents_together(&qp); forall(&QScope::refresh_together,t); // for satellites i think }
void KReportPage::renderPage(int page) { d->page = page - 1; d->pixmap.fill(); QPainter qp(&d->pixmap); if (d->reportDocument) { KReportRendererContext cxt; cxt.painter = &qp; d->renderer->render(cxt, d->reportDocument, d->page); } update(); }
void IBConnection::post_recv(struct ibv_recv_wr* wr) { struct ibv_recv_wr* bad_recv_wr; int err = ibv_post_recv(qp(), wr, &bad_recv_wr); if (err) { L_(fatal) << "ibv_post_recv failed: " << strerror(err); throw InfinibandException("ibv_post_recv failed"); } ++total_recv_requests_; }