  Calls the function \a function with the given \a arguments. The
  arguments are first converted into Qt Script datatypes.

  Functions which were passed to evaluate() in previous calls or which
  are defined in the current project, can be called from this

  If \a context is 0 (the default), the function is called in the
  global scope. If a \a context is given, the function is called in
  the scope of that object.

  Interpreters that belong to a project are subject to re-evaluation,
  since the code which has been passed previously into evaluate() gets
  lost when calling one of these functions. This happens when the project
  or the scripts in it are modified.
QSArgument QSInterpreter::call(const QString &function,
                               const QSArgumentList &arguments,
                               QObject *context)
#if defined (QT_THREAD_SUPPORT) && QT_VERSION >= 0x030300
  if (context
      && context->inherits("QWidget")
      && qt_get_application_thread_id() != QThread::currentThread()) {
    qWarning("QSInterpreter::evaluate(), GUI object (%s [%s]) not allowed in non GUI thread",
             context->name(), context->className());
    return QSArgument();
  running = TRUE;
  if (function.isEmpty()) {
#if defined QT_RANGE_CHECK
    qWarning("QSInterpreter::call(), function name is empty");
    return QSArgument();
  QSArgument v = d->interpreter->call(context, function, arguments);
  running = FALSE;
  return v;
  Makes the QObject \a object available to the scripting engine. All child
  named objects of \a object are also made available, recursivly.

  Transient objects added to the interpreter are not persistent. This
  means that when the interpreter is cleared, or when a project is
  re-evaluated, the transient objects are removed.

  Use QSProject::addObject() to add persistent objects to the

  Note on threading; If the interpreter is running in the non-GUI thread,
  \a object cannot be a QWidget subclass.

  \warning Every object passed to this function must have a unique
  name.  If you want to reuse names then you need to call clear() first

  \sa QSProject::addObject()
void QSInterpreter::addTransientObject(QObject *object)
#if defined (QT_THREAD_SUPPORT) && QT_VERSION >= 0x030300
  if (object
      && object->inherits("QWidget")
      && qt_get_application_thread_id() != QThread::currentThread()) {
    qWarning("QSInterpreter::evaluate(), GUI object %s [%s] not allowed in non GUI thread",
             object->name(), object->className());
  Executes the string of Qt Script in \a code and returns any value
  produced by that \a code.

  This function executes the code passed in as \a code. The code can
  use and reference code (functions, classes, variables, etc.) which
  have been passed to this function previously or which are defined in
  the current project, if present. Also, application objects which have
  been added via addObject() can be accessed.

  If \a context is 0 (the default), the code is executed as global
  code. If a \a context is given, the code is executed in the context
  of that object.

  Interpreters that belong to a project are subject to re-evaluation,
  since the code which has been passed previously into evaluate() gets
  lost when calling one of these functions. This happens when the project
  or the scripts in it are modified.

  \a scriptName is used for error reporting and debugging.
QSArgument QSInterpreter::evaluate(const QString &code, QObject *context,
                                   const QString &scriptName)
#if defined (QT_THREAD_SUPPORT) && QT_VERSION >= 0x030300
  if (context
      && context->inherits("QWidget")
      && qt_get_application_thread_id() != QThread::currentThread()) {
    qWarning("QSInterpreter::evaluate(), GUI object %s [%s] not allowed in non GUI thread",
             context->name(), context->className());
    return QSArgument();
  running = TRUE;
  QSArgument v = d->interpreter->execute(context, code, scriptName);
  running = FALSE;
  return v;
QSObject QuickInterpreter::wrap( QObject *o )
    if( !o ) {
	QSList list;
	return env()->nullClass()->construct( list );

#if defined (QT_THREAD_SUPPORT) && QT_VERSION >= 0x030300
    if (qt_get_application_thread_id() != QThread::currentThread()
	&& o->inherits("QWidget")) {
	qWarning("QuickInterpreter::wrap(), GUI object (%s [%s]) cannot be used in non GUI thread",
		 o->name(), o->className());
	return QSObject();

    QSUserData *udata = (QSUserData*) o->userData( userDataId() );
    // set user data in QObject if it's not there, yet
    if( !udata ) {
	udata = new QSUserData( 0 );
	o->setUserData( userDataId(), udata );
    QSWrapperShared *shared = udata->data();
    const QSWrapperClass *cl;
    if ( shared ) {
	// wrapper is already there, reuse it
	cl = shared->wrapperClass();
    } else {
	// create & remember wrapper
	cl = new QSWrapperClass( wrapperClass() );
	shared = cl->createShared( o );
	shared->setObjectType( QSWrapperShared::GlobalObject );
	env()->registerShared( shared );
	wrapperShared->append( shared );
    shared->setUserData( udata );
    udata->setData( shared );
    shared->ref(); // additional ref by either QObject or QSObject
    QSObject obj( cl );
    obj.setVal( shared ); // no ownership needs to be transferred anymore
    return obj;
void QSInterpreter::runtimeError(const QString &message,
                                 const QString &scriptName,
                                 int lineNumber)
  emit error(message, scriptName, lineNumber);
  QObject *ctx = d->interpreter->objectOfSourceId(d->interpreter->debuggerEngine()->sourceId());

  emit error(message, ctx, scriptName, lineNumber);

  if (errorMode() == Notify) {
    if (qApp->type() == QApplication::Tty
#if defined (QT_THREAD_SUPPORT) && QT_VERSION >= 0x030300
        || qt_get_application_thread_id() != QThread::currentThread()
       ) {
      qDebug("Error in script: '%s', line: %d\n  %s\n",
             scriptName.latin1(), lineNumber, message.latin1());
    } else {
      QMessageBox::critical(qApp->mainWidget(), QString::fromLatin1("Error"),
                            QString::fromLatin1("The following error occurred in "
                                                "line <b>%1</b> of  <b>%2</b> while executing "
                                                "the script:<pre><font color=red>%3</font></pre>")
  } else if (errorMode() == AskForDebug) {
    // TODO: Add here code to debug the runtimeError...
    qDebug("Error in script: '%s', line: %d\n  %s\n",
           scriptName.latin1(), lineNumber, message.latin1());
  QMessageBox::critical(qApp->mainWidget(), QString::fromLatin1("Error"),
                        QString::fromLatin1("The following error occurred in "
                                            "line <b>%1</b> of  <b>%2</b> while executing "
                                            "the script:<pre><font color=red>%3</font></pre>")