Q_GUI_EXPORT QMarginsF qt_convertMargins(const QMarginsF &margins, QPageLayout::Unit fromUnits, QPageLayout::Unit toUnits)
    // If the margins have the same units, or are all 0, then don't need to convert
    if (fromUnits == toUnits || margins.isNull())
        return margins;

    // If converting to points then convert and round to 0 decimal places
    if (toUnits == QPageLayout::Point) {
        const qreal multiplier = qt_pointMultiplier(fromUnits);
        return QMarginsF(qRound(margins.left() * multiplier),
                         qRound(margins.top() * multiplier),
                         qRound(margins.right() * multiplier),
                         qRound(margins.bottom() * multiplier));

    // If converting to other units, need to convert to unrounded points first
    QMarginsF pointMargins = fromUnits == QPageLayout::Point ? margins : margins * qt_pointMultiplier(fromUnits);

    // Then convert from points to required units rounded to 2 decimal places
    const qreal multiplier = qt_pointMultiplier(toUnits);
    return QMarginsF(qRound(pointMargins.left() * 100 / multiplier) / 100.0,
                     qRound(pointMargins.top() * 100 / multiplier) / 100.0,
                     qRound(pointMargins.right() * 100 / multiplier) / 100.0,
                     qRound(pointMargins.bottom() * 100 / multiplier) / 100.0);
QWindowsPrintDevice::QWindowsPrintDevice(const QString &id)
    : QPlatformPrintDevice(id),
    // First do a fast lookup to see if printer exists, if it does then open it
    if (!id.isEmpty() && QWindowsPrintDevice::availablePrintDeviceIds().contains(id)) {
        if (OpenPrinter((LPWSTR)m_id.utf16(), &m_hPrinter, NULL)) {
            DWORD needed = 0;
            GetPrinter(m_hPrinter, 2, 0, 0, &needed);
            QScopedArrayPointer<BYTE> buffer(new BYTE[needed]);
            if (GetPrinter(m_hPrinter, 2, buffer.data(), needed, &needed)) {
                PPRINTER_INFO_2 info = reinterpret_cast<PPRINTER_INFO_2>(buffer.data());
                m_name = QString::fromWCharArray(info->pPrinterName);
                m_location = QString::fromWCharArray(info->pLocation);
                m_makeAndModel = QString::fromWCharArray(info->pDriverName); // TODO Check is not available elsewhere
                m_isRemote = info->Attributes & PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_NETWORK;
            m_supportsMultipleCopies = (DeviceCapabilities((LPWSTR)m_id.utf16(), NULL, DC_COPIES, NULL, NULL) > 1);
            m_supportsCollateCopies = DeviceCapabilities((LPWSTR)m_id.utf16(), NULL, DC_COLLATE, NULL, NULL);
            // Min/Max custom size is in tenths of a millimeter
            const qreal multiplier = qt_pointMultiplier(QPageLayout::Millimeter);
            DWORD min = DeviceCapabilities((LPWSTR)m_id.utf16(), NULL, DC_MINEXTENT, NULL, NULL);
            m_minimumPhysicalPageSize = QSize((LOWORD(min) / 10.0) * multiplier, (HIWORD(min) / 10.0) * multiplier);
            DWORD max = DeviceCapabilities((LPWSTR)m_id.utf16(), NULL, DC_MAXEXTENT, NULL, NULL);
            m_maximumPhysicalPageSize = QSize((LOWORD(max) / 10.0) * multiplier, (HIWORD(max) / 10.0) * multiplier);
            m_supportsCustomPageSizes = (m_maximumPhysicalPageSize.width() > 0 && m_maximumPhysicalPageSize.height() > 0);
void QWindowsPrintDevice::loadPageSizes() const
    // Get the number of paper sizes and check all 3 attributes have same count
    DWORD paperCount = DeviceCapabilities((LPWSTR)m_id.utf16(), NULL, DC_PAPERNAMES, NULL, NULL);
    if (int(paperCount) > 0
        && DeviceCapabilities((LPWSTR)m_id.utf16(), NULL, DC_PAPERSIZE, NULL, NULL) == paperCount
        && DeviceCapabilities((LPWSTR)m_id.utf16(), NULL, DC_PAPERS, NULL, NULL) == paperCount) {

        QScopedArrayPointer<wchar_t> paperNames(new wchar_t[paperCount*64]);
        QScopedArrayPointer<POINT> winSizes(new POINT[paperCount*sizeof(POINT)]);
        QScopedArrayPointer<wchar_t> papers(new wchar_t[paperCount]);

        // Get the details and match the default paper size
        if (DeviceCapabilities((LPWSTR)m_id.utf16(), NULL, DC_PAPERNAMES, paperNames.data(), NULL) == paperCount
            && DeviceCapabilities((LPWSTR)m_id.utf16(), NULL, DC_PAPERSIZE, (wchar_t *)winSizes.data(), NULL) == paperCount
            && DeviceCapabilities((LPWSTR)m_id.utf16(), NULL, DC_PAPERS, papers.data(), NULL) == paperCount) {

            // Returned size is in tenths of a millimeter
            const qreal multiplier = qt_pointMultiplier(QPageLayout::Millimeter);
            for (int i = 0; i < int(paperCount); ++i) {
                QSize size = QSize(qRound((winSizes[i].x / 10.0) * multiplier), qRound((winSizes[i].y / 10.0) * multiplier));
                wchar_t *paper = paperNames.data() + (i * 64);
                QString name = QString::fromWCharArray(paper, qwcsnlen(paper, 64));
                m_pageSizes.append(createPageSize(papers[i], size, name));


    m_havePageSizes = true;
static QSizeF qt_convertPointsToUnits(const QSize &size, QPageSize::Unit units)
    if (!size.isValid())
        return QSizeF();
    const qreal multiplier = qt_pointMultiplier(units);
    // Try force to 2 decimal places for consistency
    const int width = qRound(size.width() * 100 / multiplier);
    const int height = qRound(size.height() * 100 / multiplier);
    return QSizeF(width / 100.0, height / 100.0);
QPointF qt_convertPoint(const QPointF &xy, QPageLayout::Unit fromUnits, QPageLayout::Unit toUnits)
    // If the size have the same units, or are all 0, then don't need to convert
    if (fromUnits == toUnits || xy.isNull())
        return xy;

    // If converting to points then convert and round to 0 decimal places
    if (toUnits == QPageLayout::Point) {
        const qreal multiplier = qt_pointMultiplier(fromUnits);
        return QPointF(qRound(xy.x() * multiplier),
                       qRound(xy.y() * multiplier));

    // If converting to other units, need to convert to unrounded points first
    QPointF pointXy = (fromUnits == QPageLayout::Point) ? xy : xy * qt_pointMultiplier(fromUnits);

    // Then convert from points to required units rounded to 2 decimal places
    const qreal multiplier = qt_pointMultiplier(toUnits);
    return QPointF(qRound(pointXy.x() * 100 / multiplier) / 100.0,
                   qRound(pointXy.y() * 100 / multiplier) / 100.0);
static QSizeF qt_convertUnits(const QSizeF &size, QPageSize::Unit fromUnits, QPageSize::Unit toUnits)
    if (!size.isValid())
        return QSizeF();

    // If the units are the same or the size is 0, then don't need to convert
    if (fromUnits == toUnits || (qFuzzyIsNull(size.width()) && qFuzzyIsNull(size.height())))
        return size;

    QSizeF newSize = size;
    // First convert to points
    if (fromUnits != QPageSize::Point) {
        const qreal multiplier = qt_pointMultiplier(fromUnits);
        newSize = newSize * multiplier;
    // Then convert from points to required units
    const qreal multiplier = qt_pointMultiplier(toUnits);
    // Try force to 2 decimal places for consistency
    const int width = qRound(newSize.width() * 100 / multiplier);
    const int height = qRound(newSize.height() * 100 / multiplier);
    return QSizeF(width / 100.0, height / 100.0);
static QSize qt_convertUnitsToPoints(const QSizeF &size, QPageSize::Unit units)
    if (!size.isValid())
        return QSize();
    return QSizeF(size * qt_pointMultiplier(units)).toSize();