int main()

    // open data files
    pImuFile = fopen ("IMU.txt","r");
    pMagFile = fopen ("MAG.txt","r");
    pGpsFile = fopen ("GPS.txt","r");
    pAhrsFile = fopen ("ATT.txt","r");
    pAdsFile = fopen ("NTUN.txt","r");
    pTimeFile = fopen ("timing.txt","r");
    pStateOutFile = fopen ("StateDataOut.txt","w");
    pEulOutFile = fopen ("EulDataOut.txt","w");
    pCovOutFile = fopen ("CovDataOut.txt","w");
    pRefPosVelOutFile = fopen ("RefVelPosDataOut.txt","w");
    pVelPosFuseFile = fopen ("VelPosFuse.txt","w");
    pMagFuseFile = fopen ("MagFuse.txt","w");
    pTasFuseFile = fopen ("TasFuse.txt","w");
    pGpsRawINFile = fopen ("GPSraw.txt","r");
    pGpsRawOUTFile = fopen ("GPSrawOut.txt","w");

    memset(gpsRaw, 0, sizeof(gpsRaw));

    // read test data from files for first timestamp

    while (!endOfData)
        if ((IMUmsec >= msecStartTime) && (IMUmsec <= msecEndTime))
            // Initialise states, covariance and other data
            if ((IMUmsec > msecAlignTime) && !statesInitialised && (GPSstatus == 3))

            // If valid IMU data and states initialised, predict states and covariances
            if (statesInitialised)
                // Run the strapdown INS equations every IMU update
                // debug code - could be tunred into a filter mnitoring/watchdog function
                float tempQuat[4];
                for (uint8_t j=0; j<=3; j++) tempQuat[j] = states[j];
                quat2eul(eulerEst, tempQuat);
                for (uint8_t j=0; j<=2; j++) eulerDif[j] = eulerEst[j] - ahrsEul[j];
                if (eulerDif[2] > pi) eulerDif[2] -= 2*pi;
                if (eulerDif[2] < -pi) eulerDif[2] += 2*pi;
                // store the predicted states for subsequent use by measurement fusion
                // Check if on ground - status is used by covariance prediction
                // sum delta angles and time used by covariance prediction
                summedDelAng = summedDelAng + correctedDelAng;
                summedDelVel = summedDelVel + correctedDelVel;
                dt += dtIMU;
                // perform a covariance prediction if the total delta angle has exceeded the limit
                // or the time limit will be exceeded at the next IMU update
                if ((dt >= (covTimeStepMax - dtIMU)) || (summedDelAng.length() > covDelAngMax))
                    summedDelAng =;
                    summedDelVel =;
                    dt = 0.0f;

            // Fuse GPS Measurements
            if (newDataGps && statesInitialised)
                // Convert GPS measurements to Pos NE, hgt and Vel NED
                calcvelNED(velNED, gpsCourse, gpsGndSpd, gpsVelD);
                calcposNED(posNED, gpsLat, gpsLon, gpsHgt, latRef, lonRef, hgtRef);
                posNE[0] = posNED[0];
                posNE[1] = posNED[1];
                hgtMea =  -posNED[2];
                // set fusion flags
                fuseVelData = true;
                fusePosData = true;
                fuseHgtData = true;
                // recall states stored at time of measurement after adjusting for delays
                RecallStates(statesAtVelTime, (IMUmsec - msecVelDelay));
                RecallStates(statesAtPosTime, (IMUmsec - msecPosDelay));
                RecallStates(statesAtHgtTime, (IMUmsec - msecHgtDelay));
                // run the fusion step
                fuseVelData = false;
                fusePosData = false;
                fuseHgtData = false;

            // Fuse Magnetometer Measurements
            if (newDataMag && statesInitialised)
                fuseMagData = true;
                RecallStates(statesAtMagMeasTime, (IMUmsec - msecMagDelay)); // Assume 50 msec avg delay for magnetometer data
                fuseMagData = false;
            if (statesInitialised) FuseMagnetometer();

            // Fuse Airspeed Measurements
            if (newAdsData && statesInitialised && VtasMeas > 8.0f)
                fuseVtasData = true;
                RecallStates(statesAtVtasMeasTime, (IMUmsec - msecTasDelay)); // assume 100 msec avg delay for airspeed data
                fuseVtasData = false;

            // debug output
            //printf("Euler Angle Difference = %3.1f , %3.1f , %3.1f deg\n", rad2deg*eulerDif[0],rad2deg*eulerDif[1],rad2deg*eulerDif[2]);
        // read test data from files for next timestamp
        if (IMUmsec > msecEndTime)
            endOfData = true;
// Main get_nav filter function
void get_nav(struct sensordata *sensorData_ptr, struct nav *navData_ptr, struct control *controlData_ptr){
	double tnow, imu_dt;
	double dq[4], quat_new[4];

	// compute time-elapsed 'dt'
	// This compute the navigation state at the DAQ's Time Stamp
	tnow = sensorData_ptr->imuData_ptr->time;
	imu_dt = tnow - tprev;
	tprev = tnow;		
	// ==================  Time Update  ===================
	// Temporary storage in Matrix form
	quat[0] = navData_ptr->quat[0];
	quat[1] = navData_ptr->quat[1];
	quat[2] = navData_ptr->quat[2];
	quat[3] = navData_ptr->quat[3];
	a_temp31[0][0] = navData_ptr->vn; a_temp31[1][0] = navData_ptr->ve;
	a_temp31[2][0] = navData_ptr->vd;
	b_temp31[0][0] = navData_ptr->lat; b_temp31[1][0] = navData_ptr->lon;
	b_temp31[2][0] = navData_ptr->alt;
	// AHRS Transformations
	C_N2B = quat2dcm(quat, C_N2B);
	C_B2N = mat_tran(C_N2B, C_B2N);
	// Attitude Update
	// ... Calculate Navigation Rate
	nr = navrate(a_temp31,b_temp31,nr);
	dq[0] = 1;
	dq[1] = 0.5*om_ib[0][0]*imu_dt;
	dq[2] = 0.5*om_ib[1][0]*imu_dt;
	dq[3] = 0.5*om_ib[2][0]*imu_dt;
	quat[0] = quat_new[0]/sqrt(quat_new[0]*quat_new[0] + quat_new[1]*quat_new[1] + quat_new[2]*quat_new[2] + quat_new[3]*quat_new[3]);
	quat[1] = quat_new[1]/sqrt(quat_new[0]*quat_new[0] + quat_new[1]*quat_new[1] + quat_new[2]*quat_new[2] + quat_new[3]*quat_new[3]);
	quat[2] = quat_new[2]/sqrt(quat_new[0]*quat_new[0] + quat_new[1]*quat_new[1] + quat_new[2]*quat_new[2] + quat_new[3]*quat_new[3]);
	quat[3] = quat_new[3]/sqrt(quat_new[0]*quat_new[0] + quat_new[1]*quat_new[1] + quat_new[2]*quat_new[2] + quat_new[3]*quat_new[3]);
    if(quat[0] < 0) {
        // Avoid quaternion flips sign
        quat[0] = -quat[0];
        quat[1] = -quat[1];
        quat[2] = -quat[2];
        quat[3] = -quat[3];
	navData_ptr->quat[0] = quat[0];
	navData_ptr->quat[1] = quat[1];
	navData_ptr->quat[2] = quat[2];
	navData_ptr->quat[3] = quat[3];
	// Velocity Update
	dx = mat_mul(C_B2N,f_b,dx);
	dx = mat_add(dx,grav,dx);
	navData_ptr->vn += imu_dt*dx[0][0];
	navData_ptr->ve += imu_dt*dx[1][0];
	navData_ptr->vd += imu_dt*dx[2][0];
	// Position Update
	dx = llarate(a_temp31,b_temp31,dx);
	navData_ptr->lat += imu_dt*dx[0][0];
	navData_ptr->lon += imu_dt*dx[1][0];
	navData_ptr->alt += imu_dt*dx[2][0];
	F = mat_fill(F, ZERO_MATRIX);
	// ... pos2gs
	F[0][3] = 1.0; 	F[1][4] = 1.0; 	F[2][5] = 1.0;
	// ... gs2pos
	F[5][2] = -2*g/EARTH_RADIUS;
	// ... gs2att
	temp33 = sk(f_b,temp33);
	atemp33 = mat_mul(C_B2N,temp33,atemp33);
	F[3][6] = -2.0*atemp33[0][0]; F[3][7] = -2.0*atemp33[0][1]; F[3][8] = -2.0*atemp33[0][2];
	F[4][6] = -2.0*atemp33[1][0]; F[4][7] = -2.0*atemp33[1][1]; F[4][8] = -2.0*atemp33[1][2];
	F[5][6] = -2.0*atemp33[2][0]; F[5][7] = -2.0*atemp33[2][1]; F[5][8] = -2.0*atemp33[2][2];
	// ... gs2acc
	F[3][9] = -C_B2N[0][0]; F[3][10] = -C_B2N[0][1]; F[3][11] = -C_B2N[0][2];
	F[4][9] = -C_B2N[1][0]; F[4][10] = -C_B2N[1][1]; F[4][11] = -C_B2N[1][2];
	F[5][9] = -C_B2N[2][0]; F[5][10] = -C_B2N[2][1]; F[5][11] = -C_B2N[2][2];
	// ... att2att
	temp33 = sk(om_ib,temp33);
	F[6][6] = -temp33[0][0]; F[6][7] = -temp33[0][1]; F[6][8] = -temp33[0][2];
	F[7][6] = -temp33[1][0]; F[7][7] = -temp33[1][1]; F[7][8] = -temp33[1][2];
	F[8][6] = -temp33[2][0]; F[8][7] = -temp33[2][1]; F[8][8] = -temp33[2][2];
	// ... att2gyr
	F[6][12] = -0.5;
	F[7][13] = -0.5;
	F[8][14] = -0.5;
	// ... Accel Markov Bias
	F[9][9] = -1.0/TAU_A; 	F[10][10] = -1.0/TAU_A;	F[11][11] = -1.0/TAU_A;
	F[12][12] = -1.0/TAU_G; F[13][13] = -1.0/TAU_G;	F[14][14] = -1.0/TAU_G;
	//fprintf(stderr,"Jacobian Created\n");
	// State Transition Matrix: PHI = I15 + F*dt;
	temp1515 = mat_scalMul(F,imu_dt,temp1515);
	PHI = mat_add(I15,temp1515,PHI);
	// Process Noise
	G = mat_fill(G, ZERO_MATRIX);
	G[3][0] = -C_B2N[0][0];	G[3][1] = -C_B2N[0][1]; G[3][2] = -C_B2N[0][2];
	G[4][0] = -C_B2N[1][0];	G[4][1] = -C_B2N[1][1]; G[4][2] = -C_B2N[1][2];
	G[5][0] = -C_B2N[2][0];	G[5][1] = -C_B2N[2][1]; G[5][2] = -C_B2N[2][2];
	G[6][3] = -0.5;
	G[7][4] = -0.5;
	G[8][5] = -0.5;
	G[9][6] = 1.0; 			G[10][7] = 1.0; 		G[11][8] = 1.0;
	G[12][9] = 1.0; 		G[13][10] = 1.0; 		G[14][11] = 1.0;
	//fprintf(stderr,"Process Noise Matrix G is created\n");
	// Discrete Process Noise
	temp1512 = mat_mul(G,Rw,temp1512);
	temp1515 = mat_transmul(temp1512,G,temp1515);	// Qw = G*Rw*G'
	Qw = mat_scalMul(temp1515,imu_dt,Qw);			// Qw = dt*G*Rw*G'
	Q = mat_mul(PHI,Qw,Q);						// Q = (I+F*dt)*Qw
	temp1515 = mat_tran(Q,temp1515);
	Q = mat_add(Q,temp1515,Q);
	Q = mat_scalMul(Q,0.5,Q);				// Q = 0.5*(Q+Q')
	//fprintf(stderr,"Discrete Process Noise is created\n");
	// Covariance Time Update
	temp1515 = mat_mul(PHI,P,temp1515);
	P = mat_transmul(temp1515,PHI,P); 		// P = PHI*P*PHI'
	P = mat_add(P,Q,P);						// P = PHI*P*PHI' + Q
	temp1515 = mat_tran(P, temp1515);
	P = mat_add(P,temp1515,P);
	P = mat_scalMul(P,0.5,P);				// P = 0.5*(P+P')
	//fprintf(stderr,"Covariance Updated through Time Update\n");
	navData_ptr->Pp[0] = P[0][0]; navData_ptr->Pp[1] = P[1][1]; navData_ptr->Pp[2] = P[2][2];
	navData_ptr->Pv[0] = P[3][3]; navData_ptr->Pv[1] = P[4][4]; navData_ptr->Pv[2] = P[5][5];
	navData_ptr->Pa[0] = P[6][6]; navData_ptr->Pa[1] = P[7][7]; navData_ptr->Pa[2] = P[8][8];
	navData_ptr->Pab[0] = P[9][9]; navData_ptr->Pab[1] = P[10][10]; navData_ptr->Pab[2] = P[11][11];
	navData_ptr->Pgb[0] = P[12][12]; navData_ptr->Pgb[1] = P[13][13]; navData_ptr->Pgb[2] = P[14][14];
	navData_ptr->err_type = TU_only;
	//fprintf(stderr,"Time Update Done\n");
	// ==================  DONE TU  ===================
		// ==================  GPS Update  ===================
		sensorData_ptr->gpsData_ptr->newData = 0; // Reset the flag
		// Position, converted to NED
		a_temp31[0][0] = navData_ptr->lat;
		a_temp31[1][0] = navData_ptr->lon; a_temp31[2][0] = navData_ptr->alt;
		pos_ins_ecef = lla2ecef(a_temp31,pos_ins_ecef);
		a_temp31[2][0] = 0.0;
		//pos_ref = lla2ecef(a_temp31,pos_ref);
		pos_ref = mat_copy(a_temp31,pos_ref);
		pos_ins_ned = ecef2ned(pos_ins_ecef,pos_ins_ned,pos_ref);
		pos_gps[0][0] = sensorData_ptr->gpsData_ptr->lat*D2R;
		pos_gps[1][0] = sensorData_ptr->gpsData_ptr->lon*D2R;
		pos_gps[2][0] = sensorData_ptr->gpsData_ptr->alt;
		pos_gps_ecef = lla2ecef(pos_gps,pos_gps_ecef);
		pos_gps_ned = ecef2ned(pos_gps_ecef,pos_gps_ned,pos_ref);
		// Create Measurement: y
		y[0][0] = pos_gps_ned[0][0] - pos_ins_ned[0][0];
		y[1][0] = pos_gps_ned[1][0] - pos_ins_ned[1][0];
		y[2][0] = pos_gps_ned[2][0] - pos_ins_ned[2][0];
		y[3][0] = sensorData_ptr->gpsData_ptr->vn - navData_ptr->vn;
		y[4][0] = sensorData_ptr->gpsData_ptr->ve - navData_ptr->ve;
		y[5][0] = sensorData_ptr->gpsData_ptr->vd - navData_ptr->vd;
		//fprintf(stderr,"Measurement Matrix, y, created\n");
		// Kalman Gain
		temp615 = mat_mul(H,P,temp615);
		temp66 = mat_transmul(temp615,H,temp66);
		atemp66 = mat_add(temp66,R,atemp66);
		temp66 = mat_inv(atemp66,temp66); // temp66 = inv(H*P*H'+R)
		//fprintf(stderr,"inv(H*P*H'+R) Computed\n");
		temp156 = mat_transmul(P,H,temp156); // P*H'
		//fprintf(stderr,"P*H' Computed\n");
		K = mat_mul(temp156,temp66,K);	   // K = P*H'*inv(H*P*H'+R)
		//fprintf(stderr,"Kalman Gain Computed\n");
		// Covariance Update
		temp1515 = mat_mul(K,H,temp1515);
		ImKH = mat_sub(I15,temp1515,ImKH);	// ImKH = I - K*H
		temp615 = mat_transmul(R,K,temp615);
		KRKt = mat_mul(K,temp615,KRKt);		// KRKt = K*R*K'
		temp1515 = mat_transmul(P,ImKH,temp1515);
		P = mat_mul(ImKH,temp1515,P);		// ImKH*P*ImKH'
		temp1515 = mat_add(P,KRKt,temp1515);
		P = mat_copy(temp1515,P);			// P = ImKH*P*ImKH' + KRKt
		//fprintf(stderr,"Covariance Updated through GPS Update\n");
		navData_ptr->Pp[0] = P[0][0]; navData_ptr->Pp[1] = P[1][1]; navData_ptr->Pp[2] = P[2][2];
		navData_ptr->Pv[0] = P[3][3]; navData_ptr->Pv[1] = P[4][4]; navData_ptr->Pv[2] = P[5][5];
		navData_ptr->Pa[0] = P[6][6]; navData_ptr->Pa[1] = P[7][7]; navData_ptr->Pa[2] = P[8][8];
		navData_ptr->Pab[0] = P[9][9]; navData_ptr->Pab[1] = P[10][10]; navData_ptr->Pab[2] = P[11][11];
		navData_ptr->Pgb[0] = P[12][12]; navData_ptr->Pgb[1] = P[13][13]; navData_ptr->Pgb[2] = P[14][14];
		// State Update
		x = mat_mul(K,y,x);
		denom = (1.0 - (ECC2 * sin(navData_ptr->lat) * sin(navData_ptr->lat)));
		denom = sqrt(denom*denom);

		Re = EARTH_RADIUS / sqrt(denom);
		Rn = EARTH_RADIUS*(1-ECC2) / denom*sqrt(denom);
		navData_ptr->alt = navData_ptr->alt - x[2][0];
		navData_ptr->lat = navData_ptr->lat + x[0][0]/(Re + navData_ptr->alt);
		navData_ptr->lon = navData_ptr->lon + x[1][0]/(Rn + navData_ptr->alt)/cos(navData_ptr->lat);
		navData_ptr->vn = navData_ptr->vn + x[3][0];
		navData_ptr->ve = navData_ptr->ve + x[4][0];
		navData_ptr->vd = navData_ptr->vd + x[5][0];
		quat[0] = navData_ptr->quat[0];
		quat[1] = navData_ptr->quat[1];
		quat[2] = navData_ptr->quat[2];
		quat[3] = navData_ptr->quat[3];
		// Attitude correction
		dq[0] = 1.0;
		dq[1] = x[6][0];
		dq[2] = x[7][0];
		dq[3] = x[8][0];
		quat[0] = quat_new[0]/sqrt(quat_new[0]*quat_new[0] + quat_new[1]*quat_new[1] + quat_new[2]*quat_new[2] + quat_new[3]*quat_new[3]);
		quat[1] = quat_new[1]/sqrt(quat_new[0]*quat_new[0] + quat_new[1]*quat_new[1] + quat_new[2]*quat_new[2] + quat_new[3]*quat_new[3]);
		quat[2] = quat_new[2]/sqrt(quat_new[0]*quat_new[0] + quat_new[1]*quat_new[1] + quat_new[2]*quat_new[2] + quat_new[3]*quat_new[3]);
		quat[3] = quat_new[3]/sqrt(quat_new[0]*quat_new[0] + quat_new[1]*quat_new[1] + quat_new[2]*quat_new[2] + quat_new[3]*quat_new[3]);
		navData_ptr->quat[0] = quat[0];
		navData_ptr->quat[1] = quat[1];
		navData_ptr->quat[2] = quat[2];
		navData_ptr->quat[3] = quat[3];
		navData_ptr->ab[0] = navData_ptr->ab[0] + x[9][0];
		navData_ptr->ab[1] = navData_ptr->ab[1] + x[10][0];
		navData_ptr->ab[2] = navData_ptr->ab[2] + x[11][0];
		navData_ptr->gb[0] = navData_ptr->gb[0] + x[12][0];
		navData_ptr->gb[1] = navData_ptr->gb[1] + x[13][0];
		navData_ptr->gb[2] = navData_ptr->gb[2] + x[14][0];
		navData_ptr->err_type = gps_aided;
		//fprintf(stderr,"Measurement Update Done\n");
	// Remove current estimated biases from rate gyro and accels
	sensorData_ptr->imuData_ptr->p -= navData_ptr->gb[0];
	sensorData_ptr->imuData_ptr->q -= navData_ptr->gb[1];
	sensorData_ptr->imuData_ptr->r -= navData_ptr->gb[2];
	sensorData_ptr->imuData_ptr->ax -= navData_ptr->ab[0];
	sensorData_ptr->imuData_ptr->ay -= navData_ptr->ab[1];
	sensorData_ptr->imuData_ptr->az -= navData_ptr->ab[2];

	// Get the new Specific forces and Rotation Rate,
	// use in the next time update
	f_b[0][0] = sensorData_ptr->imuData_ptr->ax;
	f_b[1][0] = sensorData_ptr->imuData_ptr->ay;
	f_b[2][0] = sensorData_ptr->imuData_ptr->az;

	om_ib[0][0] = sensorData_ptr->imuData_ptr->p;
	om_ib[1][0] = sensorData_ptr->imuData_ptr->q;
	om_ib[2][0] = sensorData_ptr->imuData_ptr->r;

	_mavlink_fd = open(MAVLINK_LOG_DEVICE, 0);

	_ekf = new AttPosEKF();
	float dt = 0.0f; // time lapsed since last covariance prediction
	_filter_start_time = hrt_absolute_time();

	if (!_ekf) {
		errx(1, "OUT OF MEM!");

	 * do subscriptions
	_baro_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(sensor_baro));
	_airspeed_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(airspeed));
	_gps_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_gps_position));
	_vstatus_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_status));
	_params_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(parameter_update));
	_home_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(home_position));

	/* rate limit vehicle status updates to 5Hz */
	orb_set_interval(_vstatus_sub, 200);


	_gyro_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(sensor_gyro));
	_accel_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(sensor_accel));
	_mag_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(sensor_mag));

	/* rate limit gyro updates to 50 Hz */
	/* XXX remove this!, BUT increase the data buffer size! */
	orb_set_interval(_gyro_sub, 4);
	_sensor_combined_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(sensor_combined));
	/* XXX remove this!, BUT increase the data buffer size! */
	orb_set_interval(_sensor_combined_sub, 9);

	/* sets also parameters in the EKF object */

	Vector3f lastAngRate;
	Vector3f lastAccel;

	/* wakeup source(s) */
	struct pollfd fds[2];

	/* Setup of loop */
	fds[0].fd = _params_sub;
	fds[0].events = POLLIN;
	fds[1].fd = _gyro_sub;
	fds[1].events = POLLIN;
	fds[1].fd = _sensor_combined_sub;
	fds[1].events = POLLIN;

	bool newDataGps = false;
	bool newHgtData = false;
	bool newAdsData = false;
	bool newDataMag = false;

	float posNED[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; // North, East Down position (m)

	uint64_t last_gps = 0;
	_gps.vel_n_m_s = 0.0f;
	_gps.vel_e_m_s = 0.0f;
	_gps.vel_d_m_s = 0.0f;

	while (!_task_should_exit) {

		/* wait for up to 500ms for data */
		int pret = poll(&fds[0], (sizeof(fds) / sizeof(fds[0])), 100);

		/* timed out - periodic check for _task_should_exit, etc. */
		if (pret == 0)

		/* this is undesirable but not much we can do - might want to flag unhappy status */
		if (pret < 0) {
			warn("POLL ERR %d, %d", pret, errno);


		/* only update parameters if they changed */
		if (fds[0].revents & POLLIN) {
			/* read from param to clear updated flag */
			struct parameter_update_s update;
			orb_copy(ORB_ID(parameter_update), _params_sub, &update);

			/* update parameters from storage */

		/* only run estimator if gyro updated */
		if (fds[1].revents & POLLIN) {

			/* check vehicle status for changes to publication state */
			bool prev_hil = (_vstatus.hil_state == HIL_STATE_ON);

			bool accel_updated;
			bool mag_updated;


			/* Reset baro reference if switching to HIL, reset sensor states */
			if (!prev_hil && (_vstatus.hil_state == HIL_STATE_ON)) {
				/* system is in HIL now, wait for measurements to come in one last round */

				orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_gyro), _gyro_sub, &_gyro);
				orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_accel), _accel_sub, &_accel);
				orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_mag), _mag_sub, &_mag);
				/* now read all sensor publications to ensure all real sensor data is purged */
				orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_combined), _sensor_combined_sub, &_sensor_combined);

				/* set sensors to de-initialized state */
				_gyro_valid = false;
				_accel_valid = false;
				_mag_valid = false;

				_baro_init = false;
				_gps_initialized = false;
				_last_sensor_timestamp = hrt_absolute_time();
				_last_run = _last_sensor_timestamp;

				_ekf->dtIMU = 0.01f;
				_filter_start_time = _last_sensor_timestamp;

				/* now skip this loop and get data on the next one, which will also re-init the filter */


			/* load local copies */
			orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_gyro), _gyro_sub, &_gyro);

			orb_check(_accel_sub, &accel_updated);

			if (accel_updated) {
				orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_accel), _accel_sub, &_accel);

			_last_sensor_timestamp = _gyro.timestamp;
			IMUmsec = _gyro.timestamp / 1e3f;

			float deltaT = (_gyro.timestamp - _last_run) / 1e6f;
			_last_run = _gyro.timestamp;

			/* guard against too large deltaT's */
			if (!isfinite(deltaT) || deltaT > 1.0f || deltaT < 0.000001f) {
				deltaT = 0.01f;

			// Always store data, independent of init status
			/* fill in last data set */
			_ekf->dtIMU = deltaT;

			if (isfinite(_gyro.x) &&
				isfinite(_gyro.y) &&
				isfinite(_gyro.z)) {
				_ekf->angRate.x = _gyro.x;
				_ekf->angRate.y = _gyro.y;
				_ekf->angRate.z = _gyro.z;

				if (!_gyro_valid) {
					lastAngRate = _ekf->angRate;

				_gyro_valid = true;

			if (accel_updated) {
				_ekf->accel.x = _accel.x;
				_ekf->accel.y = _accel.y;
				_ekf->accel.z = _accel.z;

				if (!_accel_valid) {
					lastAccel = _ekf->accel;

				_accel_valid = true;

			_ekf->dAngIMU = 0.5f * (angRate + lastAngRate) * dtIMU;
			_ekf->lastAngRate = angRate;
			_ekf->dVelIMU = 0.5f * (accel + lastAccel) * dtIMU;
			_ekf->lastAccel = accel;

			orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_combined), _sensor_combined_sub, &_sensor_combined);

			static hrt_abstime last_accel = 0;
			static hrt_abstime last_mag = 0;

			if (last_accel != _sensor_combined.accelerometer_timestamp) {
				accel_updated = true;
			} else {
				accel_updated = false;

			last_accel = _sensor_combined.accelerometer_timestamp;

			// Copy gyro and accel
			_last_sensor_timestamp = _sensor_combined.timestamp;
			IMUmsec = _sensor_combined.timestamp / 1e3f;

			float deltaT = (_sensor_combined.timestamp - _last_run) / 1e6f;

			/* guard against too large deltaT's */
			if (!isfinite(deltaT) || deltaT > 1.0f || deltaT < 0.000001f) {
				deltaT = 0.01f;

			_last_run = _sensor_combined.timestamp;

			// Always store data, independent of init status
			/* fill in last data set */
			_ekf->dtIMU = deltaT;

			if (isfinite(_sensor_combined.gyro_rad_s[0]) &&
				isfinite(_sensor_combined.gyro_rad_s[1]) &&
				isfinite(_sensor_combined.gyro_rad_s[2])) {
				_ekf->angRate.x = _sensor_combined.gyro_rad_s[0];
				_ekf->angRate.y = _sensor_combined.gyro_rad_s[1];
				_ekf->angRate.z = _sensor_combined.gyro_rad_s[2];

				if (!_gyro_valid) {
					lastAngRate = _ekf->angRate;

				_gyro_valid = true;

			if (accel_updated) {
				_ekf->accel.x = _sensor_combined.accelerometer_m_s2[0];
				_ekf->accel.y = _sensor_combined.accelerometer_m_s2[1];
				_ekf->accel.z = _sensor_combined.accelerometer_m_s2[2];

				if (!_accel_valid) {
					lastAccel = _ekf->accel;

				_accel_valid = true;

			_ekf->dAngIMU = 0.5f * (_ekf->angRate + lastAngRate) * _ekf->dtIMU;
			lastAngRate = _ekf->angRate;
			_ekf->dVelIMU = 0.5f * (_ekf->accel + lastAccel) * _ekf->dtIMU;
			lastAccel = _ekf->accel;

			if (last_mag != _sensor_combined.magnetometer_timestamp) {
				mag_updated = true;
				newDataMag = true;

			} else {
				newDataMag = false;

			last_mag = _sensor_combined.magnetometer_timestamp;


			//warnx("dang: %8.4f %8.4f dvel: %8.4f %8.4f", _ekf->dAngIMU.x, _ekf->dAngIMU.z, _ekf->dVelIMU.x, _ekf->dVelIMU.z);

			bool airspeed_updated;
			orb_check(_airspeed_sub, &airspeed_updated);

			if (airspeed_updated) {
				orb_copy(ORB_ID(airspeed), _airspeed_sub, &_airspeed);

				_ekf->VtasMeas = _airspeed.true_airspeed_m_s;
				newAdsData = true;

			} else {
				newAdsData = false;

			bool gps_updated;
			orb_check(_gps_sub, &gps_updated);

			if (gps_updated) {

				last_gps = _gps.timestamp_position;

				orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_gps_position), _gps_sub, &_gps);

				if (_gps.fix_type < 3) {
					newDataGps = false;

				} else {

					/* store time of valid GPS measurement */
					_gps_start_time = hrt_absolute_time();

					/* check if we had a GPS outage for a long time */
					if (hrt_elapsed_time(&last_gps) > 5 * 1000 * 1000) {

					/* fuse GPS updates */

					//_gps.timestamp / 1e3;
					_ekf->GPSstatus = _gps.fix_type;
					_ekf->velNED[0] = _gps.vel_n_m_s;
					_ekf->velNED[1] = _gps.vel_e_m_s;
					_ekf->velNED[2] = _gps.vel_d_m_s;

					// warnx("GPS updated: status: %d, vel: %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f", (int)GPSstatus, velNED[0], velNED[1], velNED[2]);

					_ekf->gpsLat = math::radians( / (double)1e7);
					_ekf->gpsLon = math::radians(_gps.lon / (double)1e7) - M_PI;
					_ekf->gpsHgt = _gps.alt / 1e3f;

					// if (_gps.s_variance_m_s > 0.25f && _gps.s_variance_m_s < 100.0f * 100.0f) {
					// 	_ekf->vneSigma = sqrtf(_gps.s_variance_m_s);
					// } else {
					// 	_ekf->vneSigma = _parameters.velne_noise;
					// }

					// if (_gps.p_variance_m > 0.25f && _gps.p_variance_m < 100.0f * 100.0f) {
					// 	_ekf->posNeSigma = sqrtf(_gps.p_variance_m);
					// } else {
					// 	_ekf->posNeSigma = _parameters.posne_noise;
					// }

					// warnx("vel: %8.4f pos: %8.4f", _gps.s_variance_m_s, _gps.p_variance_m);

					newDataGps = true;



			bool baro_updated;
			orb_check(_baro_sub, &baro_updated);

			if (baro_updated) {
				orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_baro), _baro_sub, &_baro);

				_ekf->baroHgt = _baro.altitude;

				if (!_baro_init) {
					_baro_ref = _baro.altitude;
					_baro_init = true;
					warnx("ALT REF INIT");


				newHgtData = true;
			} else {
				newHgtData = false;

			orb_check(_mag_sub, &mag_updated);

			if (mag_updated) {

				_mag_valid = true;


				orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_mag), _mag_sub, &_mag);

				// XXX we compensate the offsets upfront - should be close to zero.
				// 0.001f
				_ekf->magData.x = _mag.x;
				_ekf->magBias.x = 0.000001f; // _mag_offsets.x_offset

				_ekf->magData.y = _mag.y;
				_ekf->magBias.y = 0.000001f; // _mag_offsets.y_offset

				_ekf->magData.z = _mag.z;
				_ekf->magBias.z = 0.000001f; // _mag_offsets.y_offset


				// XXX we compensate the offsets upfront - should be close to zero.
				// 0.001f
				_ekf->magData.x = _sensor_combined.magnetometer_ga[0];
				_ekf->magBias.x = 0.000001f; // _mag_offsets.x_offset

				_ekf->magData.y = _sensor_combined.magnetometer_ga[1];
				_ekf->magBias.y = 0.000001f; // _mag_offsets.y_offset

				_ekf->magData.z = _sensor_combined.magnetometer_ga[2];
				_ekf->magBias.z = 0.000001f; // _mag_offsets.y_offset


				newDataMag = true;

			} else {
				newDataMag = false;

			if (hrt_elapsed_time(&_filter_start_time) < FILTER_INIT_DELAY) {

			 *    We run the filter only once all data has been fetched

			if (_baro_init && _gyro_valid && _accel_valid && _mag_valid) {

				float initVelNED[3];

				/* Initialize the filter first */
				if (!_gps_initialized && _gps.fix_type > 2 && _gps.eph < _parameters.pos_stddev_threshold && _gps.epv < _parameters.pos_stddev_threshold) {

					// GPS is in scaled integers, convert
					double lat = / 1.0e7;
					double lon = _gps.lon / 1.0e7;
					float gps_alt = _gps.alt / 1e3f;

					initVelNED[0] = _gps.vel_n_m_s;
					initVelNED[1] = _gps.vel_e_m_s;
					initVelNED[2] = _gps.vel_d_m_s;

					// Set up height correctly
					orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_baro), _baro_sub, &_baro);
					_baro_ref_offset = _ekf->states[9]; // this should become zero in the local frame
					_baro_gps_offset = _baro.altitude - gps_alt;
					_ekf->baroHgt = _baro.altitude;
					_ekf->hgtMea = 1.0f * (_ekf->baroHgt - (_baro_ref));

					// Set up position variables correctly
					_ekf->GPSstatus = _gps.fix_type;

					_ekf->gpsLat = math::radians(lat);
					_ekf->gpsLon = math::radians(lon) - M_PI;
					_ekf->gpsHgt = gps_alt;

					// Look up mag declination based on current position
					float declination = math::radians(get_mag_declination(lat, lon));

					_ekf->InitialiseFilter(initVelNED, math::radians(lat), math::radians(lon) - M_PI, gps_alt, declination);

					// Initialize projection
					_local_pos.ref_lat = lat;
					_local_pos.ref_lon = lon;
					_local_pos.ref_alt = gps_alt;
					_local_pos.ref_timestamp = _gps.timestamp_position;

					map_projection_init(&_pos_ref, lat, lon);
					mavlink_log_info(_mavlink_fd, "[ekf] ref: LA %.4f,LO %.4f,ALT %.2f", lat, lon, (double)gps_alt);

					#if 0
					warnx("HOME/REF: LA %8.4f,LO %8.4f,ALT %8.2f V: %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f", lat, lon, (double)gps_alt,
						(double)_ekf->velNED[0], (double)_ekf->velNED[1], (double)_ekf->velNED[2]);
					warnx("BARO: %8.4f m / ref: %8.4f m / gps offs: %8.4f m", (double)_ekf->baroHgt, (double)_baro_ref, (double)_baro_ref_offset);
					warnx("GPS: eph: %8.4f, epv: %8.4f, declination: %8.4f", (double)_gps.eph, (double)_gps.epv, (double)math::degrees(declination));

					_gps_initialized = true;

				} else if (!_ekf->statesInitialised) {

					initVelNED[0] = 0.0f;
					initVelNED[1] = 0.0f;
					initVelNED[2] = 0.0f;
					_ekf->posNE[0] = posNED[0];
					_ekf->posNE[1] = posNED[1];

					_local_pos.ref_alt = _baro_ref;
					_baro_ref_offset = 0.0f;
					_baro_gps_offset = 0.0f;

					_ekf->InitialiseFilter(initVelNED, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0f, 0.0f);
				} else if (_ekf->statesInitialised) {

					// We're apparently initialized in this case now

					int check = check_filter_state();

					if (check) {
						// Let the system re-initialize itself

					// Run the strapdown INS equations every IMU update
	#if 0
					// debug code - could be tunred into a filter mnitoring/watchdog function
					float tempQuat[4];

					for (uint8_t j = 0; j <= 3; j++) tempQuat[j] = states[j];

					quat2eul(eulerEst, tempQuat);

					for (uint8_t j = 0; j <= 2; j++) eulerDif[j] = eulerEst[j] - ahrsEul[j];

					if (eulerDif[2] > pi) eulerDif[2] -= 2 * pi;

					if (eulerDif[2] < -pi) eulerDif[2] += 2 * pi;

					// store the predicted states for subsequent use by measurement fusion
					// Check if on ground - status is used by covariance prediction
					// sum delta angles and time used by covariance prediction
					_ekf->summedDelAng = _ekf->summedDelAng + _ekf->correctedDelAng;
					_ekf->summedDelVel = _ekf->summedDelVel + _ekf->dVelIMU;
					dt += _ekf->dtIMU;

					// perform a covariance prediction if the total delta angle has exceeded the limit
					// or the time limit will be exceeded at the next IMU update
					if ((dt >= (_ekf->covTimeStepMax - _ekf->dtIMU)) || (_ekf->summedDelAng.length() > _ekf->covDelAngMax)) {
						dt = 0.0f;

					// Fuse GPS Measurements
					if (newDataGps && _gps_initialized) {
						// Convert GPS measurements to Pos NE, hgt and Vel NED

						float gps_dt = (_gps.timestamp_position - last_gps) / 1e6f;

						// Calculate acceleration predicted by GPS velocity change
						if (((fabsf(_ekf->velNED[0] - _gps.vel_n_m_s) > FLT_EPSILON) ||
							(fabsf(_ekf->velNED[1] - _gps.vel_e_m_s) > FLT_EPSILON) ||
							(fabsf(_ekf->velNED[2] - _gps.vel_d_m_s) > FLT_EPSILON)) && (gps_dt > 0.00001f)) {

							_ekf->accelGPSNED[0] = (_ekf->velNED[0] - _gps.vel_n_m_s) / gps_dt;
							_ekf->accelGPSNED[1] = (_ekf->velNED[1] - _gps.vel_e_m_s) / gps_dt;
							_ekf->accelGPSNED[2] = (_ekf->velNED[2] - _gps.vel_d_m_s) / gps_dt;

						_ekf->velNED[0] = _gps.vel_n_m_s;
						_ekf->velNED[1] = _gps.vel_e_m_s;
						_ekf->velNED[2] = _gps.vel_d_m_s;
						_ekf->calcposNED(posNED, _ekf->gpsLat, _ekf->gpsLon, _ekf->gpsHgt, _ekf->latRef, _ekf->lonRef, _ekf->hgtRef);

						_ekf->posNE[0] = posNED[0];
						_ekf->posNE[1] = posNED[1];
						// set fusion flags
						_ekf->fuseVelData = true;
						_ekf->fusePosData = true;
						// recall states stored at time of measurement after adjusting for delays
						_ekf->RecallStates(_ekf->statesAtVelTime, (IMUmsec - _parameters.vel_delay_ms));
						_ekf->RecallStates(_ekf->statesAtPosTime, (IMUmsec - _parameters.pos_delay_ms));
						// run the fusion step

					} else if (_ekf->statesInitialised) {
						// Convert GPS measurements to Pos NE, hgt and Vel NED
						_ekf->velNED[0] = 0.0f;
						_ekf->velNED[1] = 0.0f;
						_ekf->velNED[2] = 0.0f;

						_ekf->posNE[0] = 0.0f;
						_ekf->posNE[1] = 0.0f;
						// set fusion flags
						_ekf->fuseVelData = true;
						_ekf->fusePosData = true;
						// recall states stored at time of measurement after adjusting for delays
						_ekf->RecallStates(_ekf->statesAtVelTime, (IMUmsec - _parameters.vel_delay_ms));
						_ekf->RecallStates(_ekf->statesAtPosTime, (IMUmsec - _parameters.pos_delay_ms));
						// run the fusion step

					} else {
						_ekf->fuseVelData = false;
						_ekf->fusePosData = false;

					if (newHgtData && _ekf->statesInitialised) {
						// Could use a blend of GPS and baro alt data if desired
						_ekf->hgtMea = 1.0f * (_ekf->baroHgt - _baro_ref);
						_ekf->fuseHgtData = true;
						// recall states stored at time of measurement after adjusting for delays
						_ekf->RecallStates(_ekf->statesAtHgtTime, (IMUmsec - _parameters.height_delay_ms));
						// run the fusion step

					} else {
						_ekf->fuseHgtData = false;

					// Fuse Magnetometer Measurements
					if (newDataMag && _ekf->statesInitialised) {
						_ekf->fuseMagData = true;
						_ekf->RecallStates(_ekf->statesAtMagMeasTime, (IMUmsec - _parameters.mag_delay_ms)); // Assume 50 msec avg delay for magnetometer data

						_ekf->magstate.obsIndex = 0;

					} else {
						_ekf->fuseMagData = false;

					// Fuse Airspeed Measurements
					if (newAdsData && _ekf->statesInitialised && _ekf->VtasMeas > 8.0f) {
						_ekf->fuseVtasData = true;
						_ekf->RecallStates(_ekf->statesAtVtasMeasTime, (IMUmsec - _parameters.tas_delay_ms)); // assume 100 msec avg delay for airspeed data

					} else {
						_ekf->fuseVtasData = false;

					// Output results
					math::Quaternion q(_ekf->states[0], _ekf->states[1], _ekf->states[2], _ekf->states[3]);
					math::Matrix<3, 3> R = q.to_dcm();
					math::Vector<3> euler = R.to_euler();

					for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
							_att.R[i][j] = R(i, j);

					_att.timestamp = _last_sensor_timestamp;
					_att.q[0] = _ekf->states[0];
					_att.q[1] = _ekf->states[1];
					_att.q[2] = _ekf->states[2];
					_att.q[3] = _ekf->states[3];
					_att.q_valid = true;
					_att.R_valid = true;

					_att.timestamp = _last_sensor_timestamp;
					_att.roll = euler(0);
					_att.pitch = euler(1);
					_att.yaw = euler(2);

					_att.rollspeed = _ekf->angRate.x - _ekf->states[10];
					_att.pitchspeed = _ekf->angRate.y - _ekf->states[11];
					_att.yawspeed = _ekf->angRate.z - _ekf->states[12];
					// gyro offsets
					_att.rate_offsets[0] = _ekf->states[10];
					_att.rate_offsets[1] = _ekf->states[11];
					_att.rate_offsets[2] = _ekf->states[12];

					/* lazily publish the attitude only once available */
					if (_att_pub > 0) {
						/* publish the attitude setpoint */
						orb_publish(ORB_ID(vehicle_attitude), _att_pub, &_att);

					} else {
						/* advertise and publish */
						_att_pub = orb_advertise(ORB_ID(vehicle_attitude), &_att);

					if (_gps_initialized) {
						_local_pos.timestamp = _last_sensor_timestamp;
						_local_pos.x = _ekf->states[7];
						_local_pos.y = _ekf->states[8];
						// XXX need to announce change of Z reference somehow elegantly
						_local_pos.z = _ekf->states[9] - _baro_ref_offset;

						_local_pos.vx = _ekf->states[4];
						_local_pos.vy = _ekf->states[5];
						_local_pos.vz = _ekf->states[6];

						_local_pos.xy_valid = _gps_initialized;
						_local_pos.z_valid = true;
						_local_pos.v_xy_valid = _gps_initialized;
						_local_pos.v_z_valid = true;
						_local_pos.xy_global = true;

						_velocity_xy_filtered = 0.95f*_velocity_xy_filtered + 0.05f*sqrtf(_local_pos.vx*_local_pos.vx + _local_pos.vy*_local_pos.vy);
						_velocity_z_filtered = 0.95f*_velocity_z_filtered + 0.05f*fabsf(_local_pos.vz);
						_airspeed_filtered = 0.95f*_airspeed_filtered + + 0.05f*_airspeed.true_airspeed_m_s;

						/* crude land detector for fixedwing only,
						* TODO: adapt so that it works for both, maybe move to another location
						if (_velocity_xy_filtered < 5
							&& _velocity_z_filtered < 10
							&& _airspeed_filtered < 10) {
							_local_pos.landed = true;
						} else {
							_local_pos.landed = false;

						_local_pos.z_global = false;
						_local_pos.yaw = _att.yaw;

						/* lazily publish the local position only once available */
						if (_local_pos_pub > 0) {
							/* publish the attitude setpoint */
							orb_publish(ORB_ID(vehicle_local_position), _local_pos_pub, &_local_pos);

						} else {
							/* advertise and publish */
							_local_pos_pub = orb_advertise(ORB_ID(vehicle_local_position), &_local_pos);

						_global_pos.timestamp = _local_pos.timestamp;

						if (_local_pos.xy_global) {
							double est_lat, est_lon;
							map_projection_reproject(&_pos_ref, _local_pos.x, _local_pos.y, &est_lat, &est_lon); = est_lat;
							_global_pos.lon = est_lon;
							_global_pos.time_gps_usec = _gps.time_gps_usec;
							_global_pos.eph = _gps.eph;
							_global_pos.epv = _gps.epv;

						if (_local_pos.v_xy_valid) {
							_global_pos.vel_n = _local_pos.vx;
							_global_pos.vel_e = _local_pos.vy;
						} else {
							_global_pos.vel_n = 0.0f;
							_global_pos.vel_e = 0.0f;

						/* local pos alt is negative, change sign and add alt offsets */
						_global_pos.alt = _baro_ref + (-_local_pos.z) - _baro_gps_offset;

						if (_local_pos.v_z_valid) {
							_global_pos.vel_d = _local_pos.vz;

						_global_pos.yaw = _local_pos.yaw;

						_global_pos.eph = _gps.eph;
						_global_pos.epv = _gps.epv;

						_global_pos.timestamp = _local_pos.timestamp;

						/* lazily publish the global position only once available */
						if (_global_pos_pub > 0) {
							/* publish the global position */
							orb_publish(ORB_ID(vehicle_global_position), _global_pos_pub, &_global_pos);

						} else {
							/* advertise and publish */
							_global_pos_pub = orb_advertise(ORB_ID(vehicle_global_position), &_global_pos);

						if (hrt_elapsed_time(&_wind.timestamp) > 99000) {
							_wind.timestamp = _global_pos.timestamp;
							_wind.windspeed_north = _ekf->states[14];
							_wind.windspeed_east = _ekf->states[15];
							_wind.covariance_north = 0.0f; // XXX get form filter
							_wind.covariance_east = 0.0f;

							/* lazily publish the wind estimate only once available */
							if (_wind_pub > 0) {
								/* publish the wind estimate */
								orb_publish(ORB_ID(wind_estimate), _wind_pub, &_wind);

							} else {
								/* advertise and publish */
								_wind_pub = orb_advertise(ORB_ID(wind_estimate), &_wind);




				if (hrt_elapsed_time(&_wind.timestamp) > 99000) {
					_wind.timestamp = _global_pos.timestamp;
					_wind.windspeed_north = _ekf->states[14];
					_wind.windspeed_east = _ekf->states[15];
					_wind.covariance_north = _ekf->P[14][14];
					_wind.covariance_east = _ekf->P[15][15];

					/* lazily publish the wind estimate only once available */
					if (_wind_pub > 0) {
						/* publish the wind estimate */
						orb_publish(ORB_ID(wind_estimate), _wind_pub, &_wind);

					} else {
						/* advertise and publish */
						_wind_pub = orb_advertise(ORB_ID(wind_estimate), &_wind);




	_estimator_task = -1;