typename OrderList<T>::iterator 
insert(iterator p, const_reference x)
	typename Parent::iterator p_base = p.get_base();
	OrderType tag = (p_base++)->tag + 1;
	typename Parent::iterator new_base = Parent::insert(p_base, NodeType(x, tag));

	if (p_base->tag != tag)
		return iterator(new_base);

	// Find non-overflowing region
	unsigned int num_elements = 1, maximum = 1, lower = tag, upper = tag, level = 0;
	float inv_density = 1;
	typename Parent::iterator prev = p_base, next = p_base;
	--(--prev); ++next; 		// move prev back twice to skip over the newly inserted element

		lower &= ~(1 << level);
		upper |= (1 << level);
		maximum <<= 1; inv_density *= density_threshold;

		while (prev != Parent::end() && prev->tag >= lower) { --prev; ++num_elements; }
		while (next != Parent::end() && next->tag <= upper) { ++next; ++num_elements; }
	} while (inv_density * num_elements >= maximum);
	++num_elements;			// for the extra element inserted

	rLog(rlOrderList, "%i, %i, %i", num_elements, lower, upper);
	rLog(rlOrderList, "prev is at the end: %i", (prev == Parent::end()));
	rLog(rlOrderList, "next is at the end: %i", (next == Parent::end()));
	// Reorder
	AssertMsg((upper - lower + 1)/num_elements > 0, "Spacing between new tags must be non-zero");
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_elements; ++i)
		(++prev)->tag = lower + i*((upper - lower + 1)/num_elements);
		rLog(rlOrderList, "%i", prev->tag);
		AssertMsg(prev->tag != 0 || prev == Parent::begin(), "Cannot assign 0 tag except at the beginning of OrderList");

	AssertMsg(++prev == next, "prev + num_elements != next in OrderList::insert()");

	return iterator(new_base);
Simulator<FuncKernel_, EventComparison_>::
    if (reached_infinity()) return;
    rLog(rlSimulator, "Queue size: %i", queue_.size());
    Key top = queue_.top();
    Event* e = *top;
    rLog(rlSimulator, "Processing event: %s", intostring(*e).c_str());

    current_ = e->root_stack().top(); e->root_stack().pop();

    // Get the top element out of the queue, put it back depending on what process() says
    if (!(e->process(this)))            { queue_.remove(top);  delete e; }

start_vine(Iter i)
    rLog(rlVineyard, "Starting new vine");
    AssertMsg(i->sign(), "Can only start vines for positive simplices");
    Dimension dim = evaluator->dimension(i);
void Discrete_upper_envelope::sort_and_filter_by_slope(
        OutputIter out, InputIter begin, InputIter end) const {

    typedef std::pair<int, const Line* > Line_pair;
    typedef std::vector< std::pair<int, const Line* > > Line_pair_vec;

    // sort the input by slope
    // we do this by creating a vector where the key is the slope
    // and the value is a pointer to the line.
    Line_pair_vec sort_lines;

    // TODO: @todo once we have counting sort fix slope scaling
    // find min slope to scale keys
    int min_slope = INT_MAX;
    for (InputIter li = begin; li != end ; ++li) {
        min_slope = std::min(min_slope, Line_2::slope(*li));
    int tranlate_slope = (min_slope>=0)?0:-min_slope;
    for (InputIter li = begin; li != end ; ++li) {
        sort_lines.push_back(Line_pair(Line_2::slope(*li)+tranlate_slope, &*li));
    Radix_sort::radix_sort_pair(sort_lines.begin(), sort_lines.end());

    // log the sorted list
    rLog(upper_envelope, "Lines sorted:\n %s",
            pair_vect_x_ptr_to_cstring(sort_lines.begin(), sort_lines.end()));

    // iterate over all the sorted lines
    // if any two lines have the same slope,
    // select only the line with the larger y-intercept value
    // if the line was selected add it to output set of lines
    const Line* best_line = sort_lines[0].second;
    for (typename Line_pair_vec::iterator iter = sort_lines.begin()+1 ;
            iter != sort_lines.end() ; ++iter) {
        const Line* li = iter->second;
        // check if the next line to add has the same
        // slope as the ith line
        // if it does not add it the the return list
        if (line_slope_neq(*best_line, *li)) {
            *out++ = best_line;
            best_line = li;
        } else {
            // lines have sampe slopes,
            // pick the line with the higher y-intercept
            assert (*best_line != *li);  // verify lines are unique
            if (line_y_int_lt(*best_line, *li)) { best_line = li; }
    // add the last best line
    *out++ = best_line;
record_diagram(Iterator bg, Iterator end)
    rLog(rlVineyard, "Entered: record_diagram()");
    AssertMsg(evaluator != 0, "Cannot record diagram with a null evaluator");
    for (Iterator i = bg; i != end; ++i)
        AssertMsg(i->vine() != 0, "Cannot process a null vine in record_diagram");
        if (!i->sign())     continue;
void Convex_hull::Graham_yao::add_helper(Poly_chain_2& chain,
        const Point& q, const Point_2::Orientation& orient,
        bool keep_colinear) {

    // print the chain before adding
    rLog(graham_yao, "Pre-insert, point: %s \n%s\tFrom: %s To: %s",
            vect_to_cstring(chain.vertices_begin(), chain.vertices_end()),
            thing_to_cstring(*from), thing_to_cstring(*to));

    // pop off all points that break the orientation invarient
    while (from != chain.vertices_rend()
            && (Point_2::orientation(*from, *to, q) != orient
                && (!keep_colinear
                    || Point_2::orientation(*from, *to, q) != Point_2::ORIENT_COLINE)) ) {
        rLog(graham_yao, "%s Poping: %s",
                thing_to_cstring(Point_2::orientation(*from, *to, q)),

        // pop the last element and reset the pointers
        to = chain.vertices_rbegin();


    // add to back and set pointers
    from = chain.vertices_rbegin();
    to = chain.vertices_rbegin();

    // print the chain after adding
    rLog(graham_yao, "Post-inset:\n%s\tFrom: %s To: %s",
            vect_to_cstring(chain.vertices_begin(), chain.vertices_end()),
            thing_to_cstring(*from), thing_to_cstring(*to));
 * Generate a vector of variates from a Log(p) distribution with the algorithm
 * "LK" of Kemp (1981).
 * @param n_ sample size
 * @param p_ parameter p in (0,1)
 * @param Ip_ = 1 - p_ (possibly more accurate)
 * @return vector of random variates from Log(p)
 * @author Martin Maechler
SEXP rLog_vec_c(SEXP n_, SEXP p_, SEXP Ip_) {
    int n = asInteger(n_);
    double p = asReal(p_),Ip = asReal(Ip_);
    SEXP res = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, n));
    double* X = REAL(res);


    for(int i=0; i < n; i++)
	X[i] = rLog(p, Ip);

    return res;
record_knee(Iter i)
    rLog(rlVineyard, "Entered record_knee()");
    AssertMsg(evaluator != 0, "Cannot record knee with a null evaluator");
    AssertMsg(i->vine() != 0, "Cannot add a knee to a null vine");
    AssertMsg(i->sign(), "record_knee() must be called on a positive simplex");
    if (i->unpaired())
        i->vine()->add((*evaluator)(i), Infinity, evaluator->time());
        rLog(rlVineyard, "Creating knee");
        Knee k((*evaluator)(i), (*evaluator)((i->pair)), evaluator->time());
        rLog(rlVineyard, "Knee created: %s", tostring(k).c_str());
        rLog(rlVineyard, "Vine: %s", tostring(*(i->vine())).c_str());

        if (!k.is_diagonal() || i->vine()->empty())         // non-diagonal k, or empty vine
            rLog(rlVineyard, "Extending a vine");
        else if (i->vine()->back().is_diagonal())           // last knee is diagonal
            AssertMsg(i->vine()->size() == 1, "Only first knee may be diagonal for a live vine");
            rLog(rlVineyard, "Overwriting first diagonal knee");
            i->vine()->back() = k;
        } else                                              // finish this vine
            rLog(rlVineyard, "Finishing a vine");
    rLog(rlVineyard, "Leaving record_knee()");
StaticPersistence<D, CT, OT, E, Cmp>::
initialize(const Filtration& filtration)
    order_.assign(filtration.size(), OrderElement());
    rLog(rlPersistence, "Initializing persistence");

    OffsetMap<typename Filtration::Index, iterator>                         om(filtration.begin(), begin());
    for (typename Filtration::Index cur = filtration.begin(); cur != filtration.end(); ++cur)
        Cycle z;   
        BOOST_FOREACH(const typename Filtration::Simplex& s, std::make_pair(cur->boundary_begin(), cur->boundary_end()))

        iterator ocur = om[cur];
        swap_cycle(ocur, z);
        set_pair(ocur,   ocur);
void Discrete_upper_envelope::build_brute_force(
        const std::vector< Line >& input, int LB, int UB) {

    typedef std::vector< Line >::const_iterator Line_iter;
    typedef std::list< Line_iter >::iterator Line_handel_iter;

    // init and verify
    init_build_and_verify_input(input, LB, UB);

    // the current set of upper lines and envelope cells being built
    Line_iter upper_line;

    for (int x = one() ; x <= U() ; ++x) {

        // set the first line to be the upper line
        upper_line = input.begin();

        // iterate over lines find the lines that evaluates to the max val
        for (Line_iter li = DDAD_util::next(input.begin()) ;
                li != input.end() ; ++li) {

            if (line_above(*li, *upper_line, x)
                    || (line_intersect(*li, *upper_line,x)
                        && Line_2::slope_order(*li, *upper_line) == Line_2::SLOPE_ORDER_LESS)) {
                upper_line = li;

        // output the upper line
        rLog(up_env_brute, "Upper line %s", thing_to_cstring(*upper_line));

        // setup new cell or expand last cell
        if (envelope_.size() == 0 || envelope_.back().line != *upper_line) {
            envelope_.push_back(Envelope_cell(*upper_line, x,x));
        } else {
            envelope_.back().right = x;
typename Simulator<FuncKernel_, EventComparison_>::Key
Simulator<FuncKernel_, EventComparison_>::
add(const Function& f, const Event_& e)
    Event* ee = new Event_(e);
    rLog(rlSimulator, "Solving: %s", tostring(f).c_str());
    int sign = FunctionKernel::sign_at_negative_infinity(f);        // going to be sign after current time
    rLog(rlSimulator, "Sign at -infinity: %i", sign);
    if (sign != 0)
        FunctionKernel::solve(f, ee->root_stack());
        rLog(rlSimulator, "Got solution with root stack size: %i", ee->root_stack().size());

    while (!ee->root_stack().empty() && ee->root_stack().top() < current_time())
        // rLog(rlSimulator, "Popping expired root: %f", ee->root_stack().top());
        sign *= -1;

    if (sign == -1)
        rLog(rlSimulator, "Popping the root because of negative sign (degeneracy)");
        // rLog(rlSimulator, "Popping the root because of negative sign (degeneracy): %f", ee->root_stack().top());
        // rLog(rlSimulator, "  Current time: %f", current_time());
        // AssertMsg(ee->root_stack().top() == current_time(),
                 // "If sign is negative, we must be in the degenerate case");

    if (ee->root_stack().empty())
        rLog(rlSimulator, "Pushing event with empty root stack");
        rLog(rlSimulator, "Root stack size: %i", ee->root_stack().size());
        rLog(rlSimulator, "Pushing: %s", tostring(ee->root_stack().top()).c_str());
    Key k = queue_.push(ee);
    return k;
void Discrete_upper_envelope::build_orient_with_slope_unique_lines_sorted_by_slope(
        const std::vector< Line >& input, int UB,
        Sorted_lines_mem& sorted_lines,
        Building_with_orient_mem& dual_points) {

    // init and verify
    init_build_and_verify_input(input, 1, UB);

    // log the input
    rLog(up_env_orient, "Input for build_orient\n %s",
            vect_to_string(input.begin(),input.end(), "\t","\n",true).c_str());

    // create the sorted list of pointers to lines
    std::vector< const Line * >::iterator target_iter = sorted_lines.begin();
    std::vector< Line >::const_iterator src_iter = input.begin();
    for ( ; src_iter != input.end() ; ++src_iter, ++target_iter) {
        *target_iter = &(*src_iter);

    // build the due
    build_orient_with_slope_unique_lines_sorted_by_slope(sorted_lines, dual_points);
void Discrete_upper_envelope::build_orient(
        const std::vector< Line >& input, int LB, int UB) {

    // typedefs and preconditions
    typedef Point_2::Std_point Point;

    // init and verify
    init_build_and_verify_input(input, LB, UB);

    // log the input
    rLog(up_env_orient, "Input for build_orient\n %s",
            vect_to_string(input.begin(),input.end(), "\t","\n",true).c_str());

    // sort the lines by slope filtering duplicate slopes
    std::vector< const Line* > sorted_lines;
            input.begin(), input.end());

    // build the DUE
    std::vector< Point > dual_points;
    build_orient_with_slope_unique_lines_sorted_by_slope(sorted_lines, dual_points);
void Discrete_upper_envelope::build_ulogu_with_slope_unique_lines_sorted_by_slope(
        const std::vector< const Line* >& sorted_lines,
        Building_envelope_mem& build_env) {

    // init the sorted line processor and building_envelope

    Line neg_inf(INT_MIN, INT_MIN);
    Line pos_inf(INT_MAX, INT_MAX);
    One_sorted_list_of_lines processor(sorted_lines);
    build_env.push_back(Building_envelope_cell(&neg_inf, one()-1));

    // compute the due for sorted and filtered lines between one..U
    due_w_bin_search_of_sorted_and_filtered_lines(build_env, processor, one(), U());
    build_env.push_back(Building_envelope_cell(&pos_inf, U()+1));

    // convert the building envelope to an envelope
    building_envelope_to_envelope(envelope_, build_env);

    // log the envelope
    rLog(up_env_ulogu, "Output of build_ulogu:\n %s",
           vect_to_cstring(envelope_.begin(), envelope_.end()));
void Discrete_upper_envelope::build_orient_with_slope_unique_lines_sorted_by_slope(
        const std::vector< const Line* >& sorted_lines,
        Building_with_orient_mem& dual_points) {

    // typedefs and preconditions
    typedef Point_2::Std_point Point;
    typedef Poly_chain_2::Vertex_list::const_iterator Vertex_iter;

    // if there is only 1 line then we are done
    if (sorted_lines.size() == 1) {
        envelope_.push_back(Envelope_cell(*sorted_lines.front(), one(), U()));

    // dualize the lines
    for (std::vector< const Line* >::const_iterator iter = sorted_lines.begin() ;
            iter != sorted_lines.end() ; ++iter) {

    // log the points
    rLog(up_env_orient, "Dual Points:\n %s",
            vect_to_cstring(dual_points.begin(), dual_points.end()));

    // compute the lower hull of the duals points
    Convex_hull::Graham_yao ch;
    Poly_chain_2 lower_hull;
    ch.build_lower_hull(lower_hull, dual_points);

    // log the lower envelope
    rLog(up_env_orient, "Lower hull\n %s", thing_to_cstring(lower_hull));

    // iterate over the lines of the upper envelope and
    // convert them to cells
    int cell_begin = one();
    for (Vertex_iter pi = lower_hull.vertices_begin() ;
            pi != lower_hull.vertices_end() && cell_begin <= U() ; ++pi) {

        // compute the end of the envelope for line corresponding to pi
        // by getting the next dual point
        // if the point is the last point then dual(pi) is the
        // remainder of the upper envelope.
        // if it is not, compute the intersection of dual(pi) and
        // dual(pip1) to determine where the cell ends
        int cell_end;
        Vertex_iter pip1 = DDAD_util::next(pi);
        const Line* l_pi = (const Line*)pi->data();
        if (pip1 == lower_hull.vertices_end()) { cell_end = U(); }
        else {
            int x_coord;
            const Line* l_pip1 = (const Line*)pip1->data();
                    x_coord, *l_pi, *l_pip1);
            cell_end = std::min(U(), x_coord);

        if (cell_end >= cell_begin) {
            envelope_.push_back(Envelope_cell(*l_pi, cell_begin, cell_end));
            cell_begin = cell_end+1;

    // log the sorted list
    rLog(up_env_orient, "Output of build_orient:\n %s",
           vect_to_cstring(envelope_.begin(), envelope_.end()));
 *   Internal Envelope Building Ops (the heave lifting)
void Discrete_upper_envelope::build_ric_with_slope_unique_lines_sorted_by_slope(
        std::list< const Line* >& sorted_lines,
        Rand_order_mem& rand_order,
        Building_envelope_mem& building_envelope01,
        Building_envelope_mem& building_envelope02) {

    // typedefs
    typedef Rand_order_mem::iterator Rand_order_iter;
    typedef Building_envelope::iterator Building_env_iter;

    // checks
    rAssert(rand_order.size() == sorted_lines.size());

    // compute the random insertion order
    int bin_begin = 1 << DDAD_util::log2(sorted_lines.size());
    int bin_size = sorted_lines.size()-bin_begin;
    while(bin_begin >= 1) {
                rand_order.begin()+bin_begin, sorted_lines, bin_size);
        bin_size = bin_begin = bin_begin >> 1;
    rAssert(sorted_lines.size() == 1);
            rand_order.begin(), sorted_lines, 1);
    rLog(up_env_ric, "Random insertion order:\n%s",
            vect_to_cstring(rand_order.begin(), rand_order.end()));

    // init the envelopes for building between
    // the largest a building envelope could be is all
    // lines plus the end sentinal line.
    Line neg_inf(INT_MIN, INT_MIN);
    Line pos_inf(INT_MAX, INT_MAX);

    Building_envelope *build_env = &building_envelope01;
    Building_envelope *next_env = &building_envelope02;
    build_env->push_back(Building_envelope_cell(&neg_inf, one()-1));
    build_env->push_back(Building_envelope_cell(rand_order.begin()->line, one()));
    build_env->push_back(Building_envelope_cell(&pos_inf, U()+1));

    // init vars for adding
    int delta = 1, num_lines = (int)rand_order.size();
    int end_offset = 0, begin_offset = std::min(end_offset+delta, num_lines-1);
    Building_env_iter end, begin;

    // add the lines in increasing sizes of powers of 2
    while (end_offset < num_lines-1) {

        begin = rand_order.begin() + begin_offset;
        end = rand_order.begin() + end_offset;

        // log the current envelope and the lines processed in this round
        rLog(up_env_ric, "Building envelope:\n%s",
                vect_to_cstring(build_env->begin(), build_env->end()));
        rLog(up_env_ric, "Process:\n%s", vect_to_cstring(end+1, begin+1));

        // for each line l identify the left most cell intersected by l
        // (if such a cell exists)
        // the order of the slopes of the upper envelope
        // must be ordered by slope so we can treat this as a
        // merge operation
        Building_env_iter c_j = build_env->begin()+build_env->size()-1;
        for (Rand_order_iter l = begin ; l != end ; --l) {

            // log the line that we are processing this iteration
            rLog(up_env_ric, "Finding intersections for %s",

            // advance along the upper envelope until
            // the slope of l is between the slope of two lines of the
            // upper envelope
            while ( c_j != build_env->begin()
                    && line_slope_lt(*(l->line), *(c_j->line)) ) { --c_j; }

            // this assertion verifys that we found the correct possible
            // insertion point for l
            rAssert( c_j != build_env->end() && (c_j+1) != build_env->end() );
            rAssert( line_slope_lt(*(c_j)->line,*(l->line)));
            rAssert( line_slope_lt(*(l->line), *(c_j+1)->line) );
            rLog(up_env_ric, "First cell with smaller slope\n%s",

            // next we walk backwards thought the cells,
            // to find the left most cell intersected by l->line
            // left_most will store the current left most
            // cell intersected by l->line.  If
            // at the end left_most is still build_env->end()
            // then l->line did not intersect any cells
            Building_env_iter left_most = (c_j+2 != build_env->end()
                    && line_above_or_on(*(l->line),*(c_j+1)->line, (c_j+1)->left)) ?
                (c_j+1) : build_env->end();

            for (Building_env_iter inter = c_j; inter != build_env->begin()
                    && line_above(*(l->line), *(inter->line), (inter+1)->left) ;
                    --inter) {
                left_most = inter;
                rLog(up_env_ric, "Intersection with \n %s", thing_to_cstring(*inter));
            rAssert(left_most != build_env->begin());

            // if the cell intersected any cells
            // set the intersection flag for the left most intersection cell
            if (left_most != build_env->end()) {
                l->ptr = left_most->ptr;
                left_most->ptr = &(*l);
            rLog(up_env_ric, "Intersection test ends at \n %s",
                    (left_most == build_env->end()) ?
                    "NO_INTERS" : thing_to_cstring(*left_most));

        // log the current envelope after all intersections found
        rLog(up_env_ric, "Building envelope after intersections:\n%s",
                vect_to_cstring(build_env->begin(), build_env->end()));

        // set up the next upper envelope
        Building_envelope_cell* left_list = &(*(build_env->begin()));
        Building_envelope_cell* left_list_tail = &(*(build_env->begin()));
        Building_env_iter inf_cell = build_env->begin()+(build_env->size()-1);

        // compute the upper envelope in each cell
        for (Building_env_iter ci = build_env->begin()+1 ; ci != inf_cell ; ++ci) {

            // log the cell we are updating
            rLog(up_env_ric, "Cell to update\n%s", thing_to_cstring(*ci));

            // construct and filter the three sorted list of lines
            Three_sorted_lists_of_lines L(*ci, left_list, left_list_tail);
            rLog(up_env_ric, "Init three sorted lists:\n%s", thing_to_cstring(L));

            // compute the discrete upper envelope of the intersecting lines
                    *next_env, L, ci->left, (ci+1)->left-1);

            // log the envelope
            rLog(up_env_ric, "Next Envelope\n%s",
                    vect_to_cstring(next_env->begin(), next_env->end()));

            // update the left list by filtering all lines that are before
            // the filter in the all sorted list
            left_list = L.all_sorted_head.ptr;
            left_list_tail = L.all_sorted_tail;
            L.all_sorted_head.ptr = NULL;

        // copy the infinite cell to the end

        // log the current envelope after all intersections found
        rLog(up_env_ric, "Next Envelope:\n%s",
                vect_to_cstring(next_env->begin(), next_env->end()));

        // update for the next round
        std::swap(next_env, build_env);

        delta *= 2;
        end_offset = begin_offset;
        begin_offset = std::min(end_offset+delta, num_lines-1);

    // copy build envelope over to envelope
    building_envelope_to_envelope(envelope_, *build_env);
void Discrete_upper_envelope::due_w_bin_search_of_sorted_and_filtered_lines(
        Envelope& envelope, SortedLines& L, int one, int U) {

    // typedefs and preconditions
    typedef typename Envelope::value_type Cell;

    while (! L.empty() ) {

        const Line* cur_line = L.least_slope_and_inc();
        Line_2::Cell_inter_type inter_type;

        // log the line and the current state of the envelope
        rLog(upper_envelope, "Adding %s\n", thing_to_cstring(*cur_line));
        rLog(upper_envelope, "Current envelope:\n %s",
                vect_to_cstring(envelope.begin(), envelope.end()));

        // remove all cells that are killed by the current line
        int back_right = U;
        while (envelope.size() != 1 && (inter_type =
                    Line_2::classify_intersection(*cur_line, envelope.back().line_op(),
                        envelope.back().left, back_right)) == Line_2::CELL_INTER_INTERIOR) {
        //while (envelope.size() != 1 && Line_2::interior_intersection(
        //            *cur_line, envelope.back().line_op(), envelope.back().left, back_right)) {
            back_right = envelope.back().left-1;

        // create new cell
        if (envelope.size() == 1) {
            envelope.push_back(Cell(cur_line, one));
        } else {
            int back_end = -1;
            const Cell& back = envelope.back();
            //Line_2::Cell_inter_type inter_type = Line_2::classify_intersection(
            //        *cur_line, back.line_op(), back.left, back_right);

            switch (inter_type) {

                // last cell is not changed but
                case Line_2::CELL_INTER_EMPTY:
                case Line_2::CELL_INTER_RIGHT_AND_LEFT_BDD:
                case Line_2::CELL_INTER_RIGHT_BDD: back_end = back_right; break;

                // the line intersects the last cell.
                // Clip the old last cell and create a new cell for the current line

                // since I already know where the intersection occurs, I don't need
                // to do the binary search
                case Line_2::CELL_INTER_LEFT_BDD: back_end = back.left; break;

                // I don't know where in the last cell the intersection occurs so I need
                // to do a binary search to find it.
                case Line_2::CELL_INTER_LOWER_BDD:
                    back_end = bin_search_intersection(*cur_line,
                            back.line_op(), back.left, back_right);

                // If we got here then the current line does not intersect the cell
                // in a lower boundary.  If this was true we should not have left
                // the while loop.
                case Line_2::CELL_INTER_INTERIOR:
                    rTerminate("Unexpected State", DDAD::Unexpected_state_error());

            // set the new end for the back cell and if necessary create a new cell
            // for the current line
            if (Predicates_2::in_closed_interval(one, U, back_end+1)) {
                envelope.push_back(Cell(cur_line, back_end+1));
        // log the envelope
        rLog(upper_envelope, "Adding line complete:\n %s",
                vect_to_cstring(envelope.begin(), envelope.end()));
transpose(iterator i, const DimensionFunctor& dimension, Visitor visitor)
    typename Traits::OutputMap outmap(order());

    typedef                 typename Element::Trail::iterator           TrailIterator;

    iterator i_prev = i++;

    if (dimension(i_prev) != dimension(i))
        swap(i_prev, i);
        rLog(rlTranspositions, "Different dimension");
        return false;
    bool si = i_prev->sign(), sii = i->sign();
    if (si && sii)
        rLog(rlTranspositions, "Trail prev: %s", i_prev->trail.tostring(outmap).c_str());

        // Case 1
        if (trail_remove_if_contains(i_prev, index(i)))
            rLog(rlTranspositions, "Case 1, U[i,i+1] = 1");

        iterator k = iterator_to(i_prev->pair);
        iterator l = iterator_to(i->pair);
        // rLog(rlTranspositions, "(i_prev, k), (i, l): (%s, %s), (%s, %s)", 
        //                         outmap(i_prev).c_str(), outmap(k).c_str(),
        //                         outmap(i).c_str(),      outmap(l).c_str());

        // Explicit treatment of unpaired simplex
        if (l == i)
            swap(i_prev, i);
            rLog(rlTranspositions, "Case 1.2 --- unpaired");
            rLog(rlTranspositions, "%s", outmap(i_prev).c_str());
            return false;
        } else if (k == i_prev)
            if (!(l->cycle.contains(index(i_prev))))
                // Case 1.2
                swap(i_prev, i);
                rLog(rlTranspositions, "Case 1.2 --- unpaired");
                rLog(rlTranspositions, outmap(i_prev).c_str());
                return false;
            } else
                // Case 1.2 --- special version (plain swap, but pairing switches)
                swap(i_prev, i);
                pairing_switch(i_prev, i);
                visitor.switched(i, Case12);
                rLog(rlTranspositions, "Case 1.2 --- unpaired (pairing switch)");
                rLog(rlTranspositions, outmap(i_prev).c_str());
                return true;
        rLog(rlTranspositions, "l cycle: %s", l->cycle.tostring(outmap).c_str());
        if (!(l->cycle.contains(index(i_prev))))
            // Case 1.2
            rLog(rlTranspositions, "k is in l: %d", (bool) l->trail.contains(index(k)));       // if true, a special update would be needed to maintain lazy decomposition
            swap(i_prev, i);
            rLog(rlTranspositions, "Case 1.2");
            return false;
        } else
            // Case 1.1
            if (std::not2(order_comparison())(index(k),index(l)))
                // Case 1.1.1
                swap(i_prev, i);
                cycle_add(l, k->cycle);               // Add column k to l
                trail_add(k, l->trail);               // Add row l to k
                rLog(rlTranspositions, "Case 1.1.1");
                return false;
            } else
                // Case 1.1.2
                swap(i_prev, i);
                cycle_add(k, l->cycle);               // Add column l to k
                trail_add(l, k->trail);               // Add row k to l
                pairing_switch(i_prev, i);
                visitor.switched(i, Case112);
                rLog(rlTranspositions, "Case 1.1.2");
                return true;
    } else if (!si && !sii)
        // Case 2
        if (!(i_prev->trail.contains(index(i))))
            // Case 2.2
            swap(i_prev, i);
            rLog(rlTranspositions, "Case 2.2");
            return false;
        } else
            // Case 2.1
            iterator low_i =    iterator_to(i_prev->pair);
            iterator low_ii =   iterator_to(i->pair);
            trail_add(i_prev, i->trail);                   // Add row i to i_prev
            cycle_add(i, i_prev->cycle);                   // Add column i_prev to i
            swap(i_prev, i);    
            if (std::not2(order_comparison())(index(low_ii), index(low_i)))
                // Case 2.1.2
                cycle_add(i_prev, i->cycle);               // Add column i to i_prev (after transposition)
                trail_add(i, i_prev->trail);               // Add row i to i_prev
                pairing_switch(i_prev, i);
                visitor.switched(i, Case212);
                rLog(rlTranspositions, "Case 2.1.2");
                return true;
            // Case 2.1.1
            rLog(rlTranspositions, "Case 2.1.1");
            return false;
    } else if (!si && sii)
        // Case 3
        if (!(i_prev->trail.contains(index(i))))
            // Case 3.2
            swap(i_prev, i);
            rLog(rlTranspositions, "Case 3.2");
            return false;
        } else
            // Case 3.1
            trail_add(i_prev, i->trail);                   // Add row i to i_prev
            cycle_add(i, i_prev->cycle);                   // Add column i_prev to i
            swap(i_prev, i);
            cycle_add(i_prev, i->cycle);                   // Add column i_prev to i (after transposition)
            trail_add(i, i_prev->trail);                   // Add row i to i_prev
            pairing_switch(i_prev, i);
            visitor.switched(i, Case31);
            rLog(rlTranspositions, "Case 3.1");
            return true;
    } else if (si && !sii)
        // Case 4
        if (trail_remove_if_contains(i_prev, index(i)))
            rLog(rlTranspositions, "Case 4, U[i,i+1] = 1");
        swap(i_prev, i);
        rLog(rlTranspositions, "Case 4");
        return false;
    return false; // to avoid compiler complaints; we should never reach this point
        char internal_buffer[256];
// end::rtdata-impl[]

struct osc_t osc;
struct sequencer_t seq;
struct lfo_t lfo;
struct lpf_t filter;

// tag::ports[]
#define Units(x) rMap(units, x)
#define UnitLess rProp(unitless)
#define rObject sequencer_t
rtosc::Ports seq_ports = {
    rArrayF(freq, 8, rLog(0.1, 10e3), Units(Hz), "Frequency"),
    rParamF(noise_level, rLinear(0, 3), UnitLess, "White Noise Peak Gain"),
    rParamF(noise_decay, rLinear(1e-4,1), UnitLess, "Noise Decay Over Step"),
    rParamF(bpm, rLinear(0,1000), Units(bpm), "Beats Per Minute"),
#undef rObject

#define rObject lfo_t
rtosc::Ports lfo_ports = {
    rParamF(freq, rLog(0.1, 1e3), Units(Hz), "Frequency"),
    rParamF(amount, rLinear(0,8), UnitLess, "LFO Strength"),
#undef rObject

#define rObject lpf_t
rtosc::Ports filter_ports = {
StaticPersistence<D, CT, OT, E, Cmp>::
pair_simplices(iterator bg, iterator end, bool store_negative, const Visitor& visitor)
    typename ContainerTraits::OutputMap outmap(order_);

    // FIXME: need sane output for logging
    rLog(rlPersistence, "Entered: pair_simplices");
    for (iterator j = bg; j != end; ++j)
        rLog(rlPersistence, "Simplex %s", outmap(j).c_str());

        Cycle z;
        swap_cycle(j, z);
        rLog(rlPersistence, "  has boundary: %s", z.tostring(outmap).c_str());

        // Sparsify the cycle by removing the negative elements
        if (!store_negative)
            typename OrderElement::Cycle zz;
            BOOST_FOREACH(OrderIndex i, z)
                if (i->sign())           // positive
        // --------------------------
        CountNum(cPersistencePairBoundaries, z.size());
#endif // COUNTERS

            OrderIndex i = z.top(ocmp_);            // take the youngest element with respect to the OrderComparison
            rLog(rlPersistence, "  %s: %s", outmap(i).c_str(), outmap(i->pair).c_str());
            // TODO: is this even a meaningful assert?
            AssertMsg(!ocmp_(i, index(j)), 
                      "Simplices in the cycle must precede current simplex: (%s in cycle of %s)",
                      outmap(i).c_str(), outmap(j).c_str());

            // i is not paired, so we pair j with i
            if (iterator_to(i->pair) == iterator_to(i))
                rLog(rlPersistence, "  Pairing %s and %s with cycle %s", 
                                   outmap(i).c_str(), outmap(j).c_str(), 
                set_pair(i, j);
                swap_cycle(j, z);
                set_pair(j, i);
                CountNum(cPersistencePairCycleLength,   j->cycle.size());
                CountBy (cPersistencePairCycleLength,   j->cycle.size());

            // update element
            z.add(i->pair->cycle, ocmp_);
            visitor.update(j, iterator_to(i));
            rLog(rlPersistence, "    new cycle: %s", z.tostring(outmap).c_str());
        // if z was empty, so is (already) j->cycle, so nothing to do
        rLog(rlPersistence, "Finished with %s: %s", 
                            outmap(j).c_str(), outmap(j->pair).c_str());