static int _yaraFileMatchCallback ( int message, void* message_data, void* user_data ) { YR_RULE* rule = (YR_RULE*)message_data; YaraMatchContext* context = (YaraMatchContext*)user_data; rSequence event = NULL; if( CALLBACK_MSG_RULE_MATCHING == message && NULL != message_data && NULL != user_data ) { if( NULL != ( event = rSequence_duplicate( context->fileInfo ) ) ) { rSequence_addSTRINGA( event, RP_TAGS_RULE_NAME, (char*)rule->identifier ); notifications_publish( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_YARA_DETECTION, event ); rSequence_free( event ); } else { rpal_debug_warning( "error creating event from Yara match" ); } } return CALLBACK_CONTINUE; }
RBOOL hbs_markAsRelated ( rSequence parent, rSequence toMark ) { RBOOL isSuccess = FALSE; RPCHAR invId = NULL; if( rpal_memory_isValid( parent ) && rpal_memory_isValid( toMark ) ) { isSuccess = TRUE; if( rSequence_getSTRINGA( parent, RP_TAGS_HBS_INVESTIGATION_ID, &invId ) ) { isSuccess = FALSE; if( rSequence_addSTRINGA( toMark, RP_TAGS_HBS_INVESTIGATION_ID, invId ) ) { isSuccess = TRUE; } } } return isSuccess; }
static int _yaraMemMatchCallback ( int message, void* message_data, void* user_data ) { YR_RULE* rule = (YR_RULE*)message_data; YaraMatchContext* context = (YaraMatchContext*)user_data; rSequence event = NULL; if( CALLBACK_MSG_RULE_MATCHING == message && NULL != message_data && NULL != user_data ) { if( NULL != ( event = rSequence_new() ) ) { rSequence_addRU32( event, RP_TAGS_PROCESS_ID, context->pid ); rSequence_addPOINTER64( event, RP_TAGS_BASE_ADDRESS, context->regionBase ); rSequence_addRU64( event, RP_TAGS_MEMORY_SIZE, context->regionSize ); hbs_markAsRelated( context->fileInfo, event ); if( NULL == context->processInfo ) { context->processInfo = processLib_getProcessInfo( context->pid, NULL ); } if( NULL != context->processInfo ) { rSequence_addSEQUENCE( event, RP_TAGS_PROCESS, rSequence_duplicate( context->processInfo ) ); } if( NULL != context->moduleInfo ) { rSequence_addSEQUENCE( event, RP_TAGS_DLL, rSequence_duplicate( context->moduleInfo ) ); } rSequence_addSTRINGA( event, RP_TAGS_RULE_NAME, (char*)rule->identifier ); notifications_publish( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_YARA_DETECTION, event ); rSequence_free( event ); } else { rpal_debug_warning( "error creating event from Yara match" ); } } return CALLBACK_CONTINUE; }
static RVOID processCodeIdentA ( RPCHAR name, RPU8 pFileHash, RU64 codeSize, rSequence originalEvent ) { CodeIdent ident = { 0 }; rSequence notif = NULL; ident.codeSize = codeSize; if( NULL != name ) { CryptoLib_hash( name, rpal_string_strlen( name ) * sizeof( RCHAR ), ident.nameHash ); } if( NULL != pFileHash ) { rpal_memory_memcpy( ident.fileHash, pFileHash, CRYPTOLIB_HASH_SIZE ); } if( rpal_bloom_addIfNew( knownCode, &ident, sizeof( ident ) ) ) { if( NULL != ( notif = rSequence_new() ) ) { hbs_markAsRelated( originalEvent, notif ); if( rSequence_addSTRINGA( notif, RP_TAGS_FILE_NAME, name ) && rSequence_addBUFFER( notif, RP_TAGS_HASH, pFileHash, CRYPTOLIB_HASH_SIZE ) && rSequence_addRU32( notif, RP_TAGS_MEMORY_SIZE, (RU32)codeSize ) && rSequence_addTIMESTAMP( notif, RP_TAGS_TIMESTAMP, rpal_time_getGlobal() ) ) { notifications_publish( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_CODE_IDENTITY, notif ); } rSequence_free( notif ); } } }
//============================================================================= // YARA Required Shims //============================================================================= static RVOID reportError ( rSequence originalRequest, RU32 errorCode, RPCHAR errorStr ) { rSequence event = NULL; if( NULL != ( event = rSequence_new() ) ) { hbs_markAsRelated( originalRequest, event ); rSequence_addRU32( event, RP_TAGS_ERROR, errorCode ); rSequence_addSTRINGA( event, RP_TAGS_ERROR_MESSAGE, errorStr ? errorStr : "" ); rSequence_addTIMESTAMP( event, RP_TAGS_TIMESTAMP, rpal_time_getGlobal() ); notifications_publish( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_YARA_DETECTION, event ); rSequence_free( event ); } }
RPRIVATE RVOID processDnsPacket ( KernelAcqDnsPacket* pDns ) { rSequence notification = NULL; RU32 i = 0; DnsLabel* pLabel = NULL; DnsHeader* dnsHeader = NULL; DnsResponseInfo* pResponseInfo = NULL; RCHAR domain[ DNS_LABEL_MAX_SIZE ] = { 0 }; RU16 recordType = 0; RU64 timestamp = 0; Atom parentAtom = { 0 }; if( NULL == pDns ) { return; } dnsHeader = (DnsHeader*)( (RPU8)pDns + sizeof( *pDns ) ); pLabel = (DnsLabel*)dnsHeader->data; // We are parsing DNS packets coming from the kernel. They may: // 1- Be requests and not responses, check there are Answers. // 2- Be maliciously crafter packets so we need extra checking for sanity. if( 0 == dnsHeader->anCount || 0 == dnsHeader->qr || DNS_SANITY_MAX_RECORDS < rpal_ntoh16( dnsHeader->qdCount ) || DNS_SANITY_MAX_RECORDS < rpal_ntoh16( dnsHeader->anCount ) ) { return; } // We need to walk the Questions first to get to the Answers // but we don't really care to record them since they'll be repeated // in the Answers. for( i = 0; i < rpal_ntoh16( dnsHeader->qdCount ); i++ ) { DnsQuestionInfo* pQInfo = NULL; pLabel = dnsReadLabels( pLabel, NULL, (RPU8)dnsHeader, pDns->packetSize, 0, 0 ); pQInfo = (DnsQuestionInfo*)( pLabel ); if( !IS_WITHIN_BOUNDS( pQInfo, sizeof( *pQInfo ), dnsHeader, pDns->packetSize ) ) { rpal_debug_warning( "error parsing dns packet" ); break; } pLabel = (DnsLabel*)( (RPU8)pQInfo + sizeof( *pQInfo ) ); } if( !IS_WITHIN_BOUNDS( pLabel, sizeof( RU16 ), dnsHeader, pDns->packetSize ) ) { rpal_debug_warning( "error parsing dns packet" ); return; } // This is what we care about, the Answers (which also point to each Question). // We will emit one event per Answer so as to keep the DNS_REQUEST event flat and atomic. for( i = 0; i < rpal_ntoh16( dnsHeader->anCount ); i++ ) { pResponseInfo = NULL; // This was the Question for this answer. rpal_memory_zero( domain, sizeof( domain ) ); pLabel = dnsReadLabels( pLabel, domain, (RPU8)dnsHeader, pDns->packetSize, 0, 0 ); pResponseInfo = (DnsResponseInfo*)pLabel; pLabel = (DnsLabel*)( (RPU8)pResponseInfo + sizeof( *pResponseInfo ) + rpal_ntoh16( pResponseInfo->rDataLength ) ); if( !IS_WITHIN_BOUNDS( pResponseInfo, sizeof( *pResponseInfo ), dnsHeader, pDns->packetSize ) ) { rpal_debug_warning( "error parsing dns packet" ); break; } if( NULL == ( notification = rSequence_new() ) ) { rpal_debug_warning( "error parsing dns packet" ); break; } // This is a timestamp coming from the kernel so it is not globally adjusted. // We'll adjust it with the global offset. timestamp = pDns->ts; timestamp += MSEC_FROM_SEC( rpal_time_getGlobalFromLocal( 0 ) ); // Try to relate the DNS request to the owner process, this only works on OSX // at the moment (since the kernel does not expose the PID at the packet capture // stage), and even on OSX it's the DNSResolver process. So it's not super useful // but regardless we have the mechanism here as it's better than nothing and when // we add better resolving in the kernel it will work transparently. = pDns->pid; parentAtom.key.category = RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_NEW_PROCESS; if( atoms_query( &parentAtom, timestamp ) ) { HbsSetParentAtom( notification, ); } rSequence_addTIMESTAMP( notification, RP_TAGS_TIMESTAMP, timestamp ); rSequence_addSTRINGA( notification, RP_TAGS_DOMAIN_NAME, domain ); rSequence_addRU32( notification, RP_TAGS_PROCESS_ID, pDns->pid ); recordType = rpal_ntoh16( pResponseInfo->recordType ); rSequence_addRU16( notification, RP_TAGS_MESSAGE_ID, rpal_ntoh16( dnsHeader->msgId ) ); rSequence_addRU16( notification, RP_TAGS_DNS_TYPE, recordType ); if( DNS_A_RECORD == recordType ) { rSequence_addIPV4( notification, RP_TAGS_IP_ADDRESS, *(RU32*)pResponseInfo->rData ); } else if( DNS_AAAA_RECORD == recordType ) { rSequence_addIPV6( notification, RP_TAGS_IP_ADDRESS, pResponseInfo->rData ); } else if( DNS_CNAME_RECORD == recordType ) { // CNAME records will have another label as a value and not an IP. rpal_memory_zero( domain, sizeof( domain ) ); dnsReadLabels( (DnsLabel*)pResponseInfo->rData, domain, (RPU8)dnsHeader, pDns->packetSize, 0, 0 ); rSequence_addSTRINGA( notification, RP_TAGS_CNAME, domain ); } else { // Right now we only care for A, CNAME and AAAA records. rSequence_free( notification ); notification = NULL; continue; } hbs_publish( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_DNS_REQUEST, notification ); rSequence_free( notification ); notification = NULL; } }
static rString assembleOutboundStream ( RpHcp_ModuleId moduleId, rList payload, RU8 sessionKey[ CRYPTOLIB_SYM_KEY_SIZE ], RU8 sessionIv[ CRYPTOLIB_SYM_IV_SIZE ] ) { rString str = NULL; rSequence hdrSeq = NULL; rSequence hcpid = NULL; rBlob blob = NULL; RPCHAR encoded = NULL; RPU8 encBuffer = NULL; RU64 encSize = 0; RPU8 finalBuffer = NULL; RU32 finalSize = 0; RPCHAR hostName = NULL; RBOOL isSuccess = FALSE; OBFUSCATIONLIB_DECLARE( payHdr, RP_HCP_CONFIG_PAYLOAD_HDR ); str = rpal_stringbuffer_new( 0, 0, FALSE ); if( NULL != str ) { if( NULL != ( hdrSeq = rSequence_new() ) ) { if( NULL != ( hcpid = hcpIdToSeq( g_hcpContext.currentId ) ) ) { // System basic information // Host Name if( NULL != ( hostName = libOs_getHostName() ) ) { rSequence_addSTRINGA( hdrSeq, RP_TAGS_HOST_NAME, hostName ); rpal_memory_free( hostName ); } else { rpal_debug_warning( "could not determine hostname" ); } // Internal IP rSequence_addIPV4( hdrSeq, RP_TAGS_IP_ADDRESS, libOs_getMainIp() ); if( rSequence_addSEQUENCE( hdrSeq, RP_TAGS_HCP_ID, hcpid ) && rSequence_addRU8( hdrSeq, RP_TAGS_HCP_MODULE_ID, moduleId ) && rSequence_addBUFFER( hdrSeq, RP_TAGS_SYM_KEY, sessionKey, CRYPTOLIB_SYM_KEY_SIZE ) && rSequence_addBUFFER( hdrSeq, RP_TAGS_SYM_IV, sessionIv, CRYPTOLIB_SYM_IV_SIZE ) ) { if( NULL != g_hcpContext.enrollmentToken && 0 != g_hcpContext.enrollmentTokenSize ) { rSequence_addBUFFER( hdrSeq, RP_TAGS_HCP_ENROLLMENT_TOKEN, g_hcpContext.enrollmentToken, g_hcpContext.enrollmentTokenSize ); } if( NULL != payload ) { blob = rpal_blob_create( 0, 0 ); } if( NULL == payload || NULL != blob ) { if( rSequence_serialise( hdrSeq, blob ) && ( NULL == payload || rList_serialise( payload, blob ) ) ) { encSize = compressBound( rpal_blob_getSize( blob ) ); encBuffer = rpal_memory_alloc( (RU32)encSize ); if( NULL == payload || NULL != encBuffer ) { if( NULL == payload || Z_OK == compress( encBuffer, (uLongf*)&encSize, (RPU8)rpal_blob_getBuffer( blob ), rpal_blob_getSize( blob ) ) ) { FREE_N_NULL( blob, rpal_blob_free ); if( NULL == payload || CryptoLib_fastAsymEncrypt( encBuffer, (RU32)encSize, getC2PublicKey(), &finalBuffer, &finalSize ) ) { FREE_N_NULL( encBuffer, rpal_memory_free ); if( NULL == payload || base64_encode( finalBuffer, finalSize, &encoded, TRUE ) ) { isSuccess = TRUE; if( NULL != payload ) { FREE_N_NULL( finalBuffer, rpal_memory_free ); DO_IFF( rpal_stringbuffer_add( str, "&" ), isSuccess ); OBFUSCATIONLIB_TOGGLE( payHdr ); DO_IFF( rpal_stringbuffer_add( str, (RPCHAR)payHdr ), isSuccess ); DO_IFF( rpal_stringbuffer_add( str, encoded ), isSuccess ); OBFUSCATIONLIB_TOGGLE( payHdr ); } IF_VALID_DO( encoded, rpal_memory_free ); } IF_VALID_DO( finalBuffer, rpal_memory_free ); } } IF_VALID_DO( encBuffer, rpal_memory_free ); } } IF_VALID_DO( blob, rpal_blob_free ); } } } rSequence_free( hdrSeq ); } if( !isSuccess ) { rpal_stringbuffer_free( str ); str = NULL; } } return str; }
static RVOID processCodeIdentA ( RPCHAR name, CryptoLib_Hash* pFileHash, RU64 codeSize, rSequence originalEvent ) { CodeIdent ident = { 0 }; rSequence notif = NULL; rSequence sig = NULL; RPWCHAR wPath = NULL; RPWCHAR cleanPath = NULL; ident.codeSize = codeSize; if( NULL != name ) { CryptoLib_hash( name, rpal_string_strlen( name ) * sizeof( RCHAR ), &ident.nameHash ); } if( NULL != pFileHash ) { rpal_memory_memcpy( &ident.fileHash, pFileHash, sizeof( *pFileHash ) ); } if( rMutex_lock( g_mutex ) ) { if( rpal_bloom_addIfNew( g_knownCode, &ident, sizeof( ident ) ) ) { rMutex_unlock( g_mutex ); if( NULL != ( notif = rSequence_new() ) ) { hbs_markAsRelated( originalEvent, notif ); if( ( rSequence_addSTRINGA( notif, RP_TAGS_FILE_PATH, name ) || rSequence_addSTRINGA( notif, RP_TAGS_DLL, name ) || rSequence_addSTRINGA( notif, RP_TAGS_EXECUTABLE, name ) ) && rSequence_addRU32( notif, RP_TAGS_MEMORY_SIZE, (RU32)codeSize ) && rSequence_addTIMESTAMP( notif, RP_TAGS_TIMESTAMP, rpal_time_getGlobal() ) ) { if( NULL != pFileHash ) { rSequence_addBUFFER( notif, RP_TAGS_HASH, (RPU8)pFileHash, sizeof( *pFileHash ) ); } if( NULL != ( wPath = rpal_string_atow( name ) ) ) { cleanPath = rpal_file_cleanw( wPath ); if( libOs_getSignature( cleanPath ? cleanPath : wPath, &sig, OSLIB_SIGNCHECK_NO_NETWORK, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ) { if( !rSequence_addSEQUENCE( notif, RP_TAGS_SIGNATURE, sig ) ) { rSequence_free( sig ); } } if( NULL != cleanPath ) { rpal_memory_free( cleanPath ); } rpal_memory_free( wPath ); } notifications_publish( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_CODE_IDENTITY, notif ); } rSequence_free( notif ); } } else { rMutex_unlock( g_mutex ); } } }