 * Projects a point in real world coordinates against the image
 * Output: image coordinate in pixels
CvPoint MultipleViewGeomOld::getProjectionOf(float angle, CvPoint3D32f point) {

    map<float, CvMat*>::iterator iter = projMatList.find(angle);

    CvMat *projMat = cvCreateMat(4, 3, CV_32FC1);

    if (iter == projMatList.end()) {
        // project matrix does not exist!!

        // Calculate rotation matrix
        CvMat* rtMat = calculateRotationMatrix(angle);

        // Calculate projection matrix
        projMat = calculateProjectionMatrix(rtMat);

        projMat = cvCloneMat(projMat);

        projMatList.insert(pair<float, CvMat*> (angle, projMat));

    } else {
        // otherwise it exists
        projMat = iter->second;

    LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG(myLogger,"Projection matrix for angle: " << radToDegree(angle) << " and points: " << point << endl <<  printCvMat(projMat));

    //  [u v 1] = proj * [X Y Z 1]

    float uvContents[3];
    //CvMat* uvMat = cvMat(3, 1, CV_32F, uvContents);
    CvMat* uvMat = cvCreateMat(3, 1, CV_32F);
    cvInitMatHeader(uvMat, 3, 1, CV_32F, uvContents);

    float xyzContents[] = { point.x, point.y, point.z, 1 };
    //CvMat* xyzMat = cvMat(4, 1, CV_32F, xyzContents);
    CvMat* xyzMat = cvCreateMat(4, 1, CV_32F);
    cvInitMatHeader(xyzMat, 4, 1, CV_32F, xyzContents);

    cvMatMul (projMat, xyzMat,uvMat);

    LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG(myLogger, "Result [u v 1] = proj * [X Y Z 1]: " << endl << printCvMat(uvMat));

    return cvPoint(cvRound(cvmGet(uvMat, 0, 0)), cvRound(cvmGet(uvMat, 1, 0)));

void LogicManager::throwBall(float power, float rad)
	assert(power >= 0 && rad >= 0);
	float degree = radToDegree(rad);
	float ratio;
	float vx = 0;
	float vy = 0;
	if (degree <= 90)
		ratio = degree/90;
		vx = power*(1-ratio);
		vy = -power*ratio;
	else if (degree <= 180)
		degree -= 90;
		ratio = degree/90;
		vx = -power*(ratio);
		vy = -power*(1-ratio);
	else if (degree <= 270)
		degree -= 180;
		ratio = degree/90;
		vx = -power*(ratio);
		vy = power*(1-ratio);
	else if (degree <= 360)
		degree -= 270;
		ratio = degree/90;
		vx = power*(ratio);
		vy = power*(1-ratio);
float pixelToDeg( int pos, int maxPos, float maxDeg )

	return radToDegree( pixelToRad( pos, maxPos, degreeToRad( maxDeg ) ) );
