文件: main.cpp 项目: CCJY/coliru
 inline rai begin() { return rai(_data,_size); }
文件: main.cpp 项目: CCJY/coliru
 static inline const rai end() { return rai(); }
bool llsd_equals(const LLSD& lhs, const LLSD& rhs, unsigned bits)
    // We're comparing strict equality of LLSD representation rather than
    // performing any conversions. So if the types aren't equal, the LLSD
    // values aren't equal.
    if (lhs.type() != rhs.type())
        return false;

    // Here we know both types are equal. Now compare values.
    switch (lhs.type())
    case LLSD::TypeUndefined:
        // Both are TypeUndefined. There's nothing more to know.
        return true;

    case LLSD::TypeReal:
        // This is where the 'bits' argument comes in handy. If passed
        // explicitly, it means to use is_approx_equal_fraction() to compare.
        if (bits >= 0)
            return is_approx_equal_fraction(lhs.asReal(), rhs.asReal(), bits);
        // Otherwise we compare bit representations, and the usual caveats
        // about comparing floating-point numbers apply. Omitting 'bits' when
        // comparing Real values is only useful when we expect identical bit
        // representation for a given Real value, e.g. for integer-valued
        // Reals.
        return (lhs.asReal() == rhs.asReal());

#define COMPARE_SCALAR(type)                                    \
    case LLSD::Type##type:                                      \
        /* LLSD::URI has operator!=() but not operator==() */   \
        /* rely on the optimizer for all others */              \
        return (! (lhs.as##type() != rhs.as##type()))



    case LLSD::TypeArray:
            lai(lhs.beginArray()), laend(lhs.endArray()),
            rai(rhs.beginArray()), raend(rhs.endArray());
        // Compare array elements, walking the two arrays in parallel.
        for ( ; lai != laend && rai != raend; ++lai, ++rai)
            // If any one array element is unequal, the arrays are unequal.
            if (! llsd_equals(*lai, *rai, bits))
                return false;
        // Here we've reached the end of one or the other array. They're equal
        // only if they're BOTH at end: that is, if they have equal length too.
        return (lai == laend && rai == raend);

    case LLSD::TypeMap:
        // Build a set of all rhs keys.
        std::set<LLSD::String> rhskeys;
        for (LLSD::map_const_iterator rmi(rhs.beginMap()), rmend(rhs.endMap());
             rmi != rmend; ++rmi)
        // Now walk all the lhs keys.
        for (LLSD::map_const_iterator lmi(lhs.beginMap()), lmend(lhs.endMap());
             lmi != lmend; ++lmi)
            // Try to erase this lhs key from the set of rhs keys. If rhs has
            // no such key, the maps are unequal. erase(key) returns count of
            // items erased.
            if (rhskeys.erase(lmi->first) != 1)
                return false;
            // Both maps have the current key. Compare values.
            if (! llsd_equals(lmi->second, rhs[lmi->first], bits))
                return false;
        // We've now established that all the lhs keys have equal values in
        // both maps. The maps are equal unless rhs contains a superset of
        // those keys.
        return rhskeys.empty();

        // We expect that every possible type() value is specifically handled
        // above. Failing to extend this switch to support a new LLSD type is
        // an error that must be brought to the coder's attention.
        LL_ERRS("llsd_equals") << "llsd_equals(" << lhs << ", " << rhs << ", " << bits << "): "
            "unknown type " << lhs.type() << LL_ENDL;
        return false;               // pacify the compiler