/* Makes compiled regular expression from compilation options, an optional
   value of chartables and the pattern string */
CAMLprim value pcre_compile_stub(value v_opt, value v_tables, value v_pat)
  value v_rex;  /* Final result -> value of type [regexp] */
  const char *error = NULL;  /* pointer to possible error message */
  int error_ofs = 0;  /* offset in the pattern at which error occurred */

  /* If v_tables = [None], then pointer to tables is NULL, otherwise
     set it to the appropriate value */
  chartables tables =
    (v_tables == None) ? NULL : (chartables) Field(Field(v_tables, 0), 1);

  /* Compiles the pattern */
  pcre *regexp = pcre_compile(String_val(v_pat), Int_val(v_opt), &error,
                              &error_ofs, tables);

  /* Raises appropriate exception [BadPattern] if the pattern could not
     be compiled */
  if (regexp == NULL) raise_with_two_args(*pcre_exc_BadPattern,
                                          caml_copy_string((char *) error),

  /* Finalized value: GC will do a full cycle every 500 regexp allocations
     (one regexp consumes in average probably less than 100 bytes ->
     maximum of 50000 bytes unreclaimed regexps) */
  v_rex = caml_alloc_final(4, pcre_dealloc_regexp, 100, 50000);

  /* Field[1]: compiled regular expression (Field[0] is finalizing
     function! See above!) */
  Field(v_rex, 1) = (value) regexp;

  /* Field[2]: extra information about regexp when it has been studied
     successfully */
  Field(v_rex, 2) = (value) NULL;

  /* Field[3]: If 0 -> regexp has not yet been studied
                  1 -> regexp has already been studied */
  Field(v_rex, 3) = 0;

  return v_rex;
static inline void range_check(int v, int max)
  if (v < 0 || v >= max)
    raise_with_two_args(*caml_sqlite3_RangeError, Val_int(v), Val_int(max));
static inline void raise_io_error(value v_n_good, value v_exc)
  raise_with_two_args(*bigstring_exc_IOError, v_n_good, v_exc);