void fixParam(double* a, double* b, double* c, double* d,int decide, int count)
	if(decide == 1 ||decide == -1)
		if(count == 3)
			*a = 0;
			*b = 0;
			*c = 0;
			*d = 0;
		else if(count == 2)
			if(*c > 0)
				d_x = randfunc(-1,0,0.1);
				d_x = randfunc(0,1,0.1);
			*a = 0;
			*b = 0;
			*a = 0;
			*b = 0;
			*c = 0;
			*d = 0;
		d_x = 0;	
//Generate new variables for quadfunc function
void randTerrain(double* a, double* b, double* c, double* d)
	*a = randfunc(-1, 1, 0.01);
    *b = randfunc(-2, 2, 0.01);
    *c = randfunc(-2, 2, 0.01);
    *d = randfunc(-2, 2, 0.01);   
文件: 2048.c 项目: hos3in/2048
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
	char game[3][3]={0};
	char key;
	while(scanf(" %c",&key)){
			case 'w':
			//	printf("%s\033[k");
			case 'a':
		//		printf("%s\033[1J");


			case 'd':
			//	printf("%s\033[1k");
			case 's':
		//		printf("%s\033[1J");

	return 0;
// When it's time to get new variables for quadfunc. Randomize the correct ones
void switchRandVar()
	// Different sorts of path
	//-1 = left turn
	// 1 = right turn
	if(counter == 0); // if not zero a turn is in progress
	static int decideAction = randfunc(-5,5,1);
	if(decideAction == 1 || decideAction == -1)
		counter = 2;

    if (test == 1.0)
        fixParam(&a_next,&b_next,&c_next,&d_next,decideAction, counter);
        fixParam(&a_next,&b_next,&c_next,&d_next,decideAction, counter);
    if(counter > 0)
    	counter -= 1;
 * Modifies the bignum to return a nearby (slightly larger) number which
 * is a probable prime.  Returns >=0 on success or -1 on failure (out of
 * memory).  The return value is the number of unsuccessful modular
 * exponentiations performed.  This never gives up searching.
 * All other arguments are optional.  They may be NULL.  They are:
 * unsigned (*randfunc)(unsigned limit)
 * For better distributed numbers, supply a non-null pointer to a
 * function which returns a random x, 0 <= x < limit.  (It may make it
 * simpler to know that 0 < limit <= SHUFFLE, so you need at most a byte.)
 * The program generates a large window of sieve data and then does
 * pseudoprimality tests on the data.  If a randfunc function is supplied,
 * the candidates which survive sieving are shuffled with a window of
 * size SHUFFLE before testing to increase the uniformity of the prime
 * selection.  This isn't perfect, but it reduces the correlation between
 * the size of the prime-free gap before a prime and the probability
 * that that prime will be found by a sequential search.
 * If randfunc is NULL, sequential search is used.  If you want sequential
 * search, note that the search begins with the given number; if you're
 * trying to generate consecutive primes, you must increment the previous
 * one by two before calling this again.
 * int (*f)(void *arg, int c), void *arg
 * The function f argument, if non-NULL, is called with progress indicator
 * characters for printing.  A dot (.) is written every time a primality test
 * is failed, a star (*) every time one is passed, and a slash (/) in the
 * (very rare) case that the sieve was emptied without finding a prime
 * and is being refilled.  f is also passed the void *arg argument for
 * private context storage.  If f returns < 0, the test aborts and returns
 * that value immediately.  (bn is set to the last value tested, so you
 * can increment bn and continue.)
 * The "exponent" argument, and following unsigned numbers, are exponents
 * for which an inverse is desired, modulo p.  For a d to exist such that
 * (x^e)^d == x (mod p), then d*e == 1 (mod p-1), so gcd(e,p-1) must be 1.
 * The prime returned is constrained to not be congruent to 1 modulo
 * any of the zero-terminated list of 16-bit numbers.  Note that this list
 * should contain all the small prime factors of e.  (You'll have to test
 * for large prime factors of e elsewhere, but the chances of needing to
 * generate another prime are low.)
 * The list is terminated by a 0, and may be empty.
bnPrimeGen(BigNum *bn, unsigned (*randfunc)(unsigned),
         int (*f)(void *arg, int c), void *arg, unsigned exponent, ...)
	int retval;
	int modexps = 0;
	unsigned short offsets[SHUFFLE];
	unsigned i, j;
	unsigned p, q, prev;
	BigNum a, e;
#ifdef MSDOS
	unsigned char *sieve;
	unsigned char sieve[SIEVE];

#ifdef MSDOS
	sieve = bniMemAlloc(SIEVE);
	if (!sieve)
		return -1;
	PGPBoolean		isSecure	= TRUE;
	PGPMemoryMgrRef	mgr	= bn->mgr;

	bnBegin(&a, mgr, isSecure);
	bnBegin(&e, mgr, isSecure);

#if 0	/* Self-test (not used for production) */
	BigNum t;
	static unsigned char const prime1[] = {5};
	static unsigned char const prime2[] = {7};
	static unsigned char const prime3[] = {11};
	static unsigned char const prime4[] = {1, 1}; /* 257 */
	static unsigned char const prime5[] = {0xFF, 0xF1}; /* 65521 */
	static unsigned char const prime6[] = {1, 0, 1}; /* 65537 */
	static unsigned char const prime7[] = {1, 0, 3}; /* 65539 */
	/* A small prime: 1234567891 */
	static unsigned char const prime8[] = {0x49, 0x96, 0x02, 0xD3};
	/* A slightly larger prime: 12345678901234567891 */
	static unsigned char const prime9[] = {
		0xAB, 0x54, 0xA9, 0x8C, 0xEB, 0x1F, 0x0A, 0xD3 };
	 * No, 123456789012345678901234567891 isn't prime; it's just a
	 * lucky, easy-to-remember conicidence.  (You have to go to
	 * ...4567907 for a prime.)
	static struct {
		unsigned char const *prime;
		unsigned size;
	} const primelist[] = {
		{ prime1, sizeof(prime1) },
		{ prime2, sizeof(prime2) },
		{ prime3, sizeof(prime3) },
		{ prime4, sizeof(prime4) },
		{ prime5, sizeof(prime5) },
		{ prime6, sizeof(prime6) },
		{ prime7, sizeof(prime7) },
		{ prime8, sizeof(prime8) },
		{ prime9, sizeof(prime9) } };


	for (i = 0; i < sizeof(primelist)/sizeof(primelist[0]); i++) {
			bnInsertBytes(&t, primelist[i].prime, 0,
			bnCopy(&e, &t);
			(void)bnSubQ(&e, 1);
			bnTwoExpMod(&a, &e, &t);
			p = bnBits(&a);
			if (p != 1) {
			"Bug: Fermat(2) %u-bit output (1 expected)\n", p);
				fputs("Prime = 0x", stdout);
				for (j = 0; j < primelist[i].size; j++)
					printf("%02X", primelist[i].prime[j]);
			bnSetQ(&a, 3);
			bnExpMod(&a, &a, &e, &t);
			p = bnBits(&a);
			if (p != 1) {
			"Bug: Fermat(3) %u-bit output (1 expected)\n", p);
				fputs("Prime = 0x", stdout);
				for (j = 0; j < primelist[i].size; j++)
					printf("%02X", primelist[i].prime[j]);


	/* First, make sure that bn is odd. */
	if ((bnLSWord(bn) & 1) == 0)
		(void)bnAddQ(bn, 1);

	/* Then build a sieve starting at bn. */
	sieveBuild(sieve, SIEVE, bn, 2, 0);

	/* Do the extra exponent sieving */
	if (exponent) {
		va_list ap;
		unsigned t = exponent;

		va_start(ap, exponent);

		do {
			/* The exponent had better be odd! */
			pgpAssert(t & 1);

			i = bnModQ(bn, t);
			/* Find 1-i */
			if (i == 0)
				i = 1;
			else if (--i)
				i = t - i;

			/* Divide by 2, modulo the exponent */
			i = (i & 1) ? i/2 + t/2 + 1 : i/2;

			/* Remove all following multiples from the sieve. */
			sieveSingle(sieve, SIEVE, i, t);

			/* Get the next exponent value */
			t = va_arg(ap, unsigned);
		} while (t);


	/* Fill up the offsets array with the first SHUFFLE candidates */
	i = p = 0;
	/* Get first prime */
	if (sieve[0] & 1 || (p = sieveSearch(sieve, SIEVE, p)) != 0) {
		offsets[i++] = p;
		p = sieveSearch(sieve, SIEVE, p);
	 * Okay, from this point onwards, p is always the next entry
	 * from the sieve, that has not been added to the shuffle table,
	 * and is 0 iff the sieve has been exhausted.
	 * If we want to shuffle, then fill the shuffle table until the
	 * sieve is exhausted or the table is full.
	if (randfunc && p) {
		do {
			offsets[i++] = p;
			p = sieveSearch(sieve, SIEVE, p);
		} while (p && i < SHUFFLE);

	/* Choose a random candidate for experimentation */
	prev = 0;
	while (i) {
		/* Pick a random entry from the shuffle table */
		j = randfunc ? randfunc(i) : 0;
		q = offsets[j];	/* The entry to use */

		/* Replace the entry with some more data, if possible */
		if (p) {
			offsets[j] = p;
			p = sieveSearch(sieve, SIEVE, p);
		} else {
			offsets[j] = offsets[--i];
			offsets[i] = 0;

		/* Adjust bn to have the right value */
		if ((q > prev ? bnAddMult(bn, q-prev, 2)
		              : bnSubMult(bn, prev-q, 2)) < 0)
			goto failed;
		prev = q;

		/* Now do the Fermat tests */
		retval = primeTest(bn, &e, &a, f, arg);
		if (retval <= 0)
			goto done;	/* Success or error */
		modexps += retval;
		if (f && (retval = f(arg, '.')) < 0)
			goto done;

	/* Ran out of sieve space - increase bn and keep trying. */
	if (bnAddMult(bn, SIEVE*8-prev, 2) < 0)
		goto failed;
	if (f && (retval = f(arg, '/')) < 0)
		goto done;
	goto retry;

	retval = -1;
	bniMemWipe(offsets, sizeof(offsets));
#ifdef MSDOS
	bniMemFree(sieve, SIEVE);
	bniMemWipe(sieve, sizeof(sieve));

	return retval < 0 ? retval : modexps + CONFIRMTESTS;