    Status MetadataLoader::promotePendingChunks( const CollectionMetadata* afterMetadata,
                                                 CollectionMetadata* remoteMetadata ) const {

        // Ensure pending chunks are applicable
        bool notApplicable =
            ( NULL == afterMetadata || NULL == remoteMetadata ) ||
            ( afterMetadata->getShardVersion() > remoteMetadata->getShardVersion() ) ||
            ( afterMetadata->getShardVersion().epoch() != 
                  remoteMetadata->getShardVersion().epoch() );
        if ( notApplicable ) return Status::OK();

        // The chunks from remoteMetadata are the latest version, and the pending chunks
        // from afterMetadata are the latest version.  If no trickery is afoot, pending chunks
        // should match exactly zero or one loaded chunk.

        remoteMetadata->_pendingMap = afterMetadata->_pendingMap;

        // Resolve our pending chunks against the chunks we've loaded
        for ( RangeMap::iterator it = remoteMetadata->_pendingMap.begin();
                it != remoteMetadata->_pendingMap.end(); ) {

            if ( !rangeMapOverlaps( remoteMetadata->_chunksMap, it->first, it->second ) ) {

            // Our pending range overlaps at least one chunk

            if ( rangeMapContains( remoteMetadata->_chunksMap, it->first, it->second ) ) {

                // Chunk was promoted from pending, successful migration
                LOG( 2 ) << "verified chunk " << rangeToString( it->first, it->second )
                         << " was migrated earlier to this shard" << endl;

                remoteMetadata->_pendingMap.erase( it++ );
            else {

                // Something strange happened, maybe manual editing of config?
                RangeVector overlap;
                getRangeMapOverlap( remoteMetadata->_chunksMap,
                                    &overlap );

                string errMsg = str::stream()
                    << "the remote metadata changed unexpectedly, pending range "
                    << rangeToString( it->first, it->second )
                    << " does not exactly overlap loaded chunks "
                    << overlapToString( overlap );

                return Status( ErrorCodes::RemoteChangeDetected, errMsg );

        return Status::OK();
inline void verifyEqualRanges (T startT, T endT, U startU, U endU, Verdict verdict = Verdict::WA){
	T itT = startT;
	U itU = startU;
		if(itT == endT && itU == endU)
		if(itT == endT || itU == endU)
			QUIT(verdict, "Length differ, " << expectation(rangeToString(startT, endT), rangeToString(startU, endU)));
		if(*itT != *itU)
			QUIT(verdict, expectation(rangeToString(startT, endT), rangeToString(startU, endU)));
inline void verifySorted(T start, T end, Verdict verdict = Verdict::WA, Compare comp = Compare()){
	verify(std::is_sorted(start, end, comp), verdict, expectation("Sorted range", rangeToString(start, end)));
static const VSFrameRef *VS_CC textGetFrame(int n, int activationReason, void **instanceData, void **frameData, VSFrameContext *frameCtx, VSCore *core, const VSAPI *vsapi) {
    TextData *d = static_cast<TextData *>(*instanceData);

    if (activationReason == arInitial) {
        vsapi->requestFrameFilter(n, d->node, frameCtx);
    } else if (activationReason == arAllFramesReady) {
        const VSFrameRef *src = vsapi->getFrameFilter(n, d->node, frameCtx);       

        const VSFormat *frame_format = vsapi->getFrameFormat(src);
        if ((frame_format->sampleType == stInteger && frame_format->bitsPerSample > 16) ||
            (frame_format->sampleType == stFloat && frame_format->bitsPerSample != 32)) {
                vsapi->setFilterError((d->instanceName + ": Only 8..16 bit integer and 32 bit float formats supported").c_str(), frameCtx);
                return nullptr;

        VSFrameRef *dst = vsapi->copyFrame(src, core);

        if (d->filter == FILTER_FRAMENUM) {
            scrawl_text(std::to_string(n), d->alignment, dst, vsapi);
        } else if (d->filter == FILTER_FRAMEPROPS) {
            const VSMap *props = vsapi->getFramePropsRO(dst);
            int numKeys = vsapi->propNumKeys(props);
            int i;
            std::string text = "Frame properties:\n";

            if (!d->props.empty()) {
                for (const auto &iter : d->props) {
                    append_prop(text, iter, props, vsapi);
            } else {
                for (i = 0; i < numKeys; i++) {
                    const char *key = vsapi->propGetKey(props, i);
                    append_prop(text, key, props, vsapi);

            scrawl_text(text, d->alignment, dst, vsapi);
        } else if (d->filter == FILTER_COREINFO) {
            const VSCoreInfo *ci = vsapi->getCoreInfo(core);

            std::string text;
            text.append("Threads: ").append(std::to_string(ci->numThreads)).append("\n");
            text.append("Maximum framebuffer cache size: ").append(std::to_string(ci->maxFramebufferSize)).append(" bytes\n");
            text.append("Used framebuffer cache size: ").append(std::to_string(ci->usedFramebufferSize)).append(" bytes");

            scrawl_text(text, d->alignment, dst, vsapi);
        } else if (d->filter == FILTER_CLIPINFO) {
            const VSMap *props = vsapi->getFramePropsRO(src);
            std::string text = "Clip info:\n";

            if (d->vi->width) {
                text += "Width: " + std::to_string(vsapi->getFrameWidth(dst, 0)) + " px\n";
                text += "Height: " + std::to_string(vsapi->getFrameHeight(dst, 0)) + " px\n";
            } else {
                text += "Width: " + std::to_string(vsapi->getFrameWidth(dst, 0)) + " px (may vary)\n";
                text += "Height: " + std::to_string(vsapi->getFrameHeight(dst, 0)) + " px (may vary)\n";

            int snerr, sderr;
            int sn = int64ToIntS(vsapi->propGetInt(props, "_SARNum", 0, &snerr));
            int sd = int64ToIntS(vsapi->propGetInt(props, "_SARDen", 0, &sderr));
            if (snerr || sderr)
                text += "Aspect ratio: Unknown\n";
                text += "Sample aspect ratio: " + std::to_string(sn) + ":" + std::to_string(sd) + "\n";

            text += "Length: " + std::to_string(d->vi->numFrames) + " frames\n";

            text += "Format name: " + std::string(frame_format->name) + (d->vi->format ? "\n" : " (may vary)\n");

            text += "Color family: " + colorFamilyToString(frame_format->colorFamily) + "\n";
            text += "Sample type: " + std::string(frame_format->sampleType == stInteger ? "Integer" : "Float") + "\n";
            text += "Bits per sample: " + std::to_string(frame_format->bitsPerSample) + "\n";
            text += "Subsampling Height/Width: " + std::to_string(1 << frame_format->subSamplingH) + "x/" + std::to_string(1 << frame_format->subSamplingW) + "x\n";

            int err;
            int matrix = int64ToIntS(vsapi->propGetInt(props, "_Matrix", 0, &err));
            if (err)
                matrix = -1;
            int primaries = int64ToIntS(vsapi->propGetInt(props, "_Primaries", 0, &err));
            if (err)
                primaries = -1;
            int transfer = int64ToIntS(vsapi->propGetInt(props, "_Transfer", 0, &err));
            if (err)
                transfer = -1;
            int range = int64ToIntS(vsapi->propGetInt(props, "_ColorRange", 0, &err));
            if (err)
                range = -1;
            int location = int64ToIntS(vsapi->propGetInt(props, "_ChromaLocation", 0, &err));
            if (err)
                location = -1;
            int field = int64ToIntS(vsapi->propGetInt(props, "_FieldBased", 0, &err));
            if (err)
                field = -1;

            const char *picttype = vsapi->propGetData(props, "_PictType", 0, &err);

            text += "Matrix: " + matrixToString(matrix) + "\n";
            text += "Primaries: " + primariesToString(primaries) + "\n";
            text += "Transfer: " + transferToString(transfer) + "\n";
            text += "Range: " + rangeToString(range) + "\n";
            text += "Chroma Location: " + chromaLocationToString(location) + "\n";
            text += "Field handling: " + fieldBasedToString(field) + "\n";
            text += "Picture type: " + std::string(picttype ? picttype : "Unknown") + "\n";

            if (d->vi->fpsNum && d->vi->fpsDen) {
                text += "Fps: " + std::to_string(d->vi->fpsNum) + "/" + std::to_string(d->vi->fpsDen) + " (" + std::to_string(static_cast<double>(d->vi->fpsNum) / d->vi->fpsDen) + ")\n";
            } else {
                text += "Fps: Unknown\n";

            int fnerr, fderr;
            int fn = int64ToIntS(vsapi->propGetInt(props, "_DurationNum", 0, &fnerr));
            int fd = int64ToIntS(vsapi->propGetInt(props, "_DurationDen", 0, &fderr));
            if (fnerr || fderr) {
                text += "Frame duration: Unknown\n";
            } else {
                text += "Frame duration: " + std::to_string(fn) + "/" + std::to_string(fd) + " (" + std::to_string(static_cast<double>(fn) / fd) + ")\n";

            scrawl_text(text, d->alignment, dst, vsapi);
        } else {
            scrawl_text(d->text, d->alignment, dst, vsapi);

        return dst;

    return nullptr;