// initializes the spi0 for supplied configuration
static void raspicomm_max3140_apply_config(void)
  mutex_lock ( &SpiLock );
  raspicomm_spi0_send( SpiConfig );
  raspicomm_spi0_send( 0x8600 ); // enable receive by disabling RTS (TE set so that no data is sent)
  mutex_unlock ( &SpiLock );
// called by the kernel after write() is called from userspace and write_room() returns > 0
static int raspicommDriver_write(struct tty_struct* tty, 
                                 const unsigned char* buf,
                                 int count)
  int bytes_written = 0;
  int receive;
  // int txdata;

  #if DEBUG
    printk(KERN_INFO "raspicomm: raspicommDriver_write(count=%i)\n", count);


  // insert them into the transmit queue
  for (bytes_written = 0; bytes_written < count; bytes_written++)
    if (queue_enqueue(&TxQueue, buf[bytes_written]) < 0)

  // SpiConfig = SpiConfig | 0xC800; // set bit 15, 14, TM bit
  SpiConfig = SpiConfig | MAX3140_UART_T | MAX3140_UART_R | MAX3140_UART_TM;
  receive = raspicomm_spi0_send( SpiConfig );

  if (receive & MAX3140_UART_T) // transmit buffer is ready to accept data
    // txdata = queue_dequeue(&TxQueue);
    // javicient
    char aux = queue_dequeue(&TxQueue);
    raspicomm_spi0_send( 0x8000 | aux | raspicomm_max3140_get_parity_flag(aux));
    // raspicomm_spi0_send( 0x8000 |  txdata | raspicomm_max3140_get_parity_flag((char)txdata));

  return bytes_written;
// the bottom half of the irq handler, is allowed to get some sleep
void raspicomm_irq_work_queue_handler(void *arg)
  int rxdata, txdata;

  // lock on the transmit queue
  mutex_lock( &SpiLock );

  // #if DEBUG
  //   printk( KERN_INFO "raspicomm: raspicomm_irq_handler (%i)", irq);
  // #endif

  // issue a read command to discover the cause of the interrupt
  rxdata = raspicomm_spi0_send(0);

  // DEBUG: log data
  // #if DEBUG
  //   printk( KERN_INFO "raspicomm: raspicomm_irq_handler rxdata=%X", rxdata);
  // #endif

  // read the data 
  while(rxdata & MAX3140_UART_R) // while we are receiving
    // handle the received data
    raspicomm_rs485_received( OpenTTY, rxdata & 0x00FF );

    // get the next rxdata
    rxdata = raspicomm_spi0_send(0);

  // write the data
  if ((rxdata & MAX3140_UART_T) && (SpiConfig & MAX3140_UART_TM))

    if (!queue_is_empty(&TxQueue))
      txdata = queue_dequeue(&TxQueue);

      // parity flag
      // raspicomm_spi0_send( MAX3140_UART_TM | txdata | raspicomm_max3140_get_parity_flag((char)txdata) );
      // raspicomm_spi0_send( 0x8000| txdata );
      raspicomm_spi0_send( MAX3140_UART_R | txdata );
      // mask transmit buffer empty interrupt
      SpiConfig = SpiConfig & ~0x0800; // clear the TM bit
      SpiConfig = SpiConfig | 0xc000; // set bits 15 and 14

      // usleep(SwBacksleep);
      udelay(SwBacksleep); // there is no usleep function in the kernel      

      raspicomm_spi0_send(0x8600); // enable receive by disabling RTS (TE set so that no data is sent)

  // unlock the transmit queue
  mutex_unlock( &SpiLock );