static void writeethlog(struct ethtabent *list, unsigned long nsecs, FILE *fd) { char atime[TIME_TARGET_MAX]; struct ethtabent *ptmp = list; genatime(time(NULL), atime); fprintf(fd, "\n*** LAN traffic log, generated %s\n\n", atime); while (ptmp != NULL) { if (ptmp->type == 0) { if (ptmp->un.desc.linktype == ARPHRD_ETHER) fprintf(fd, "\nEthernet address: %s", ptmp->un.desc.ascaddr); else if (ptmp->un.desc.linktype == ARPHRD_FDDI) fprintf(fd, "\nFDDI address: %s", ptmp->un.desc.ascaddr); if (ptmp->un.desc.withdesc) fprintf(fd, " (%s)", ptmp->un.desc.desc); fprintf(fd, "\n"); } else { fprintf(fd, "\tIncoming total %llu packets, %llu bytes; %llu IP packets\n", ptmp->un.figs.inpcount, ptmp->un.figs.inbcount, ptmp->un.figs.inippcount); fprintf(fd, "\tOutgoing total %llu packets, %llu bytes; %llu IP packets\n", ptmp->un.figs.outpcount, ptmp->un.figs.outbcount, ptmp->un.figs.outippcount); fprintf(fd, "\tAverage rates: "); char buf_in[32]; char buf_out[32]; rate_print(ptmp->un.figs.inbcount / nsecs, buf_in, sizeof(buf_in)); rate_print(ptmp->un.figs.outbcount / nsecs, buf_out, sizeof(buf_out)); fprintf(fd, "%s incoming, %s outgoing\n", buf_in, buf_out); if (nsecs > 5) { rate_print(rate_get_average(&ptmp->un.figs.inrate), buf_in, sizeof(buf_in)); rate_print(rate_get_average(&ptmp->un.figs.outrate), buf_out, sizeof(buf_out)); fprintf(fd, "\tLast 5-second rates: %s incoming, %s outgoing\n", buf_in, buf_out); } } ptmp = ptmp->next_entry; } fprintf(fd, "\nRunning time: %lu seconds\n", nsecs); fflush(fd); }
static void printrates(struct ethtab *table, unsigned int target_row, struct ethtabent *ptmp) { char buf[32]; rate_print_no_units(rate_get_average(&ptmp->un.figs.inrate), buf, sizeof(buf)); wmove(table->tabwin, target_row, 32 * COLS / 80); wprintw(table->tabwin, "%s", buf); rate_print_no_units(rate_get_average(&ptmp->un.figs.outrate), buf, sizeof(buf)); wmove(table->tabwin, target_row, 69 * COLS / 80); wprintw(table->tabwin, "%s", buf); }
static void writegstatlog(struct iftab *table, int unit, unsigned long nsecs, FILE *fd) { struct iflist *ptmp = table->head; char atime[TIME_TARGET_MAX]; genatime(time(NULL), atime); fprintf(fd, "\n*** General interface statistics log generated %s\n\n", atime); while (ptmp != NULL) { fprintf(fd, "%s: %llu total, %llu IP, %llu non-IP, %lu IP checksum errors", ptmp->ifname, ptmp->total, ptmp->iptotal, ptmp->noniptotal, ptmp->badtotal); if (nsecs > 5) { char buf[64]; rate_print(ptmp->br / nsecs, unit, buf, sizeof(buf)); fprintf(fd, ", average activity %s", buf); rate_print(ptmp->peakrate, unit, buf, sizeof(buf)); fprintf(fd, ", peak activity %s", buf); rate_print(rate_get_average(&ptmp->rate), unit, buf, sizeof(buf)); fprintf(fd, ", last 5-second average activity %s", buf); } fprintf(fd, "\n"); ptmp = ptmp->next_entry; } fprintf(fd, "\n%lu seconds running time\n", nsecs); fflush(fd); }
static void updaterates(struct iftab *table, int unit, unsigned long msecs, unsigned int idx) { struct iflist *ptmp = table->firstvisible; unsigned long rate; char buf[64]; wattrset(table->statwin, HIGHATTR); do { rate_add_rate(&ptmp->rate, ptmp->spanbr, msecs); rate = rate_get_average(&ptmp->rate); rate_print(rate, unit, buf, sizeof(buf)); wmove(table->statwin, ptmp->index - idx, 63 * COLS / 80); wprintw(table->statwin, "%s", buf); if (rate > ptmp->peakrate) ptmp->peakrate = rate; ptmp->spanbr = 0; ptmp = ptmp->next_entry; } while (ptmp != table->lastvisible->next_entry); }
/* * The detailed interface statistics function */ void detstats(char *iface, time_t facilitytime) { int logging = options.logging; WINDOW *statwin; PANEL *statpanel; int pkt_result = 0; FILE *logfile = NULL; unsigned int iplen = 0; struct ifcounts ifcounts; int ch; struct timeval tv; struct timeval start_tv; struct timeval updtime; time_t starttime; time_t now; time_t statbegin; time_t startlog; struct proto_counter span; struct rate rate; struct rate rate_in; struct rate rate_out; unsigned long peakactivity = 0; unsigned long peakactivity_in = 0; unsigned long peakactivity_out = 0; struct rate pps_rate; struct rate pps_rate_in; struct rate pps_rate_out; unsigned long peakpps = 0; unsigned long peakpps_in = 0; unsigned long peakpps_out = 0; int fd; if (!dev_up(iface)) { err_iface_down(); return; } LIST_HEAD(promisc); if (options.promisc) { promisc_init(&promisc, iface); promisc_set_list(&promisc); } move(LINES - 1, 1); stdexitkeyhelp(); statwin = newwin(LINES - 2, COLS, 1, 0); statpanel = new_panel(statwin); tx_stdwinset(statwin); wtimeout(statwin, -1); wattrset(statwin, BOXATTR); tx_colorwin(statwin); tx_box(statwin, ACS_VLINE, ACS_HLINE); wmove(statwin, 0, 1); wprintw(statwin, " Statistics for %s ", iface); wattrset(statwin, STDATTR); update_panels(); doupdate(); memset(&ifcounts, 0, sizeof(struct ifcounts)); if (logging) { if (strcmp(current_logfile, "") == 0) { snprintf(current_logfile, 64, "%s-%s.log", DSTATLOG, iface); if (!daemonized) input_logfile(current_logfile, &logging); } } if (logging) { opentlog(&logfile, current_logfile); if (logfile == NULL) logging = 0; } if (logging) { signal(SIGUSR1, rotate_dstat_log); rotate_flag = 0; writelog(logging, logfile, "******** Detailed interface statistics started ********"); } printdetlabels(statwin); printdetails(&ifcounts, statwin); update_panels(); doupdate(); memset(&span, 0, sizeof(span)); rate_alloc(&rate, 5); rate_alloc(&rate_in, 5); rate_alloc(&rate_out, 5); rate_alloc(&pps_rate, 5); rate_alloc(&pps_rate_in, 5); rate_alloc(&pps_rate_out, 5); gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); start_tv = tv; updtime = tv; starttime = startlog = statbegin = tv.tv_sec; leaveok(statwin, TRUE); fd = socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(ETH_P_ALL)); if(fd == -1) { write_error("Unable to obtain monitoring socket"); goto err; } if(dev_bind_ifname(fd, iface) == -1) { write_error("Unable to bind interface on the socket"); goto err_close; } exitloop = 0; PACKET_INIT(pkt); /* * Data-gathering loop */ while (!exitloop) { gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); now = tv.tv_sec; if ((now - starttime) >= 1) { char buf[64]; unsigned long activity, activity_in, activity_out; unsigned long pps, pps_in, pps_out; unsigned long msecs; wattrset(statwin, BOXATTR); printelapsedtime(statbegin, now, LINES - 3, 1, statwin); msecs = timeval_diff_msec(&tv, &start_tv); rate_add_rate(&rate, span.proto_total.pc_bytes, msecs); activity = rate_get_average(&rate); rate_add_rate(&rate_in, span.proto_in.pc_bytes, msecs); activity_in = rate_get_average(&rate_in); rate_add_rate(&rate_out, span.proto_out.pc_bytes, msecs); activity_out = rate_get_average(&rate_out); rate_add_rate(&pps_rate, span.proto_total.pc_packets, msecs); pps = rate_get_average(&pps_rate); rate_add_rate(&pps_rate_in, span.proto_in.pc_packets, msecs); pps_in = rate_get_average(&pps_rate_in); rate_add_rate(&pps_rate_out, span.proto_out.pc_packets, msecs); pps_out = rate_get_average(&pps_rate_out); memset(&span, 0, sizeof(span)); starttime = now; start_tv = tv; wattrset(statwin, HIGHATTR); rate_print(activity, buf, sizeof(buf)); mvwprintw(statwin, 14, 19, "%s", buf); rate_print_pps(pps, buf, sizeof(buf)); mvwprintw(statwin, 15, 19, "%s", buf); rate_print(activity_in, buf, sizeof(buf)); mvwprintw(statwin, 17, 19, "%s", buf); rate_print_pps(pps_in, buf, sizeof(buf)); mvwprintw(statwin, 18, 19, "%s", buf); rate_print(activity_out, buf, sizeof(buf)); mvwprintw(statwin, 20, 19, "%s", buf); rate_print_pps(pps_out, buf, sizeof(buf)); mvwprintw(statwin, 21, 19, "%s", buf); if (activity > peakactivity) peakactivity = activity; if (activity_in > peakactivity_in) peakactivity_in = activity_in; if (activity_out > peakactivity_out) peakactivity_out = activity_out; if (pps > peakpps) peakpps = pps; if (pps_in > peakpps_in) peakpps_in = pps_in; if (pps_out > peakpps_out) peakpps_out = pps_out; } if (logging) { check_rotate_flag(&logfile); if ((now - startlog) >= options.logspan) { writedstatlog(iface, peakactivity, peakpps, peakactivity_in, peakpps_in, peakactivity_out, peakpps_out, &ifcounts, time(NULL) - statbegin, logfile); startlog = now; } } if (screen_update_needed(&tv, &updtime)) { printdetails(&ifcounts, statwin); update_panels(); doupdate(); updtime = tv; } if ((facilitytime != 0) && (((now - statbegin) / 60) >= facilitytime)) exitloop = 1; if (packet_get(fd, &pkt, &ch, statwin) == -1) { write_error("Packet receive failed"); exitloop = 1; break; } switch (ch) { case ERR: /* no key ready, do nothing */ break; case 12: case 'l': case 'L': tx_refresh_screen(); break; case 'Q': case 'q': case 'X': case 'x': case 24: case 27: exitloop = 1; break; } if (pkt.pkt_len <= 0) continue; int outgoing; pkt_result = packet_process(&pkt, NULL, NULL, NULL, MATCH_OPPOSITE_USECONFIG, options.v6inv4asv6); if (pkt_result != PACKET_OK && pkt_result != MORE_FRAGMENTS) continue; outgoing = (pkt.pkt_pkttype == PACKET_OUTGOING); update_proto_counter(&, outgoing, pkt.pkt_len); if (pkt.pkt_pkttype == PACKET_BROADCAST) { update_pkt_counter(&ifcounts.bcast, pkt.pkt_len); } update_proto_counter(&span, outgoing, pkt.pkt_len); /* account network layer protocol */ switch(pkt.pkt_protocol) { case ETH_P_IP: if (pkt_result == CHECKSUM_ERROR) { update_pkt_counter(&ifcounts.bad, pkt.pkt_len); continue; } iplen = ntohs(pkt.iphdr->tot_len); update_proto_counter(&ifcounts.ipv4, outgoing, iplen); break; case ETH_P_IPV6: iplen = ntohs(pkt.ip6_hdr->ip6_plen) + 40; update_proto_counter(&ifcounts.ipv6, outgoing, iplen); break; default: update_proto_counter(&ifcounts.nonip, outgoing, iplen); continue; } __u8 ip_protocol = pkt_ip_protocol(&pkt); /* account transport layer protocol */ switch (ip_protocol) { case IPPROTO_TCP: update_proto_counter(&ifcounts.tcp, outgoing, iplen); break; case IPPROTO_UDP: update_proto_counter(&ifcounts.udp, outgoing, iplen); break; case IPPROTO_ICMP: case IPPROTO_ICMPV6: update_proto_counter(&ifcounts.icmp, outgoing, iplen); break; default: update_proto_counter(&ifcounts.other, outgoing, iplen); break; } } err_close: close(fd); err: rate_destroy(&pps_rate_out); rate_destroy(&pps_rate_in); rate_destroy(&pps_rate); rate_destroy(&rate_out); rate_destroy(&rate_in); rate_destroy(&rate); if (options.promisc) { promisc_restore_list(&promisc); promisc_destroy(&promisc); } if (logging) { signal(SIGUSR1, SIG_DFL); writedstatlog(iface, peakactivity, peakpps, peakactivity_in, peakpps_in, peakactivity_out, peakpps_out, &ifcounts, time(NULL) - statbegin, logfile); writelog(logging, logfile, "******** Detailed interface statistics stopped ********"); fclose(logfile); } del_panel(statpanel); delwin(statwin); strcpy(current_logfile, ""); pkt_cleanup(); update_panels(); doupdate(); }