void sflcp(void)
    int i;

    setlcp( nseqs[1] + nisets[2]+1 + nseqs[2] + nisets[1]+1 );
    /* fill  M  */
    /* -A       */
    payratmatcpy(sfpay, 0, 1, 0, nseqs[1], nseqs[2], 
	lcpM, 0, nseqs[1] + nisets[2]+1);
    /* -E\T     */
    intratmatcpy(sfconstr[1], 1, 1, nisets[1]+1, nseqs[1], 
	lcpM, 0, nseqs[1] + nisets[2]+1 + nseqs[2]);
    /* F        */
    intratmatcpy(sfconstr[2], 0, 0, nisets[2]+1, nseqs[2], 
	lcpM, nseqs[1], nseqs[1] + nisets[2]+1 );

    /* -B\T     */
    payratmatcpy(sfpay, 1, 1, 1, nseqs[1], nseqs[2], 
	lcpM, nseqs[1] + nisets[2]+1, 0);
    /* -F\T     */
    intratmatcpy(sfconstr[2], 1, 1, nisets[2]+1, nseqs[2], 
	lcpM, nseqs[1] + nisets[2]+1, nseqs[1] );
    /* E        */
    intratmatcpy(sfconstr[1], 0, 0, nisets[1]+1, nseqs[1], 
	lcpM, nseqs[1] + nisets[2]+1 + nseqs[2], 0 );
    /* define RHS q,  using special shape of SF constraints RHS e,f     */
    for (i = 0; i < lcpdim; i++)
	rhsq[i] = ratfromi(0);
    rhsq[ nseqs[1] ] = ratneg(ratfromi(1));
    rhsq[ nseqs[1]  + nisets[2]+1 + nseqs[2] ] = ratneg(ratfromi(1));
void outbehavstrat(int pl, Rat *rplan, Bool bnewline)
    char s[MAXSTRL];
    int i;
    Move c;
    Iset h;
    Rat rprob, bprob;

    for (h = firstiset[pl]; h < firstiset[pl+1]; h++)
        for (c = h->move0, i=0; i < h->nmoves; c++, i++)
            rprob = rplan[ c - firstmove[pl] ];
            if ( rprob.num != 0)
                movetoa(c, pl, s);
                printf(" %s", s);
                bprob = ratdiv( rprob, rplan[ h->seqin - firstmove[pl]]);
                if (!ratiseq(bprob, ratfromi(1) ) )
                    rattoa(bprob, s);
                    printf(":%s", s);
    if (bnewline)
void behavtomixed(int pl)
    Rat r;
    int i, strat;
    for (strat = 0; strat < nstrats[pl]; strat++)
	strattomovetuple(strat, pl);
	/* multiply behavior probabilities      */
	r = ratfromi(1);
	for (i=0; i<nisets[pl]; i++)
		r = ratmult(r, movetuple[pl][i]->behavprob) ;
		/* check if mixed strat probabilities themselves
		 * troublesome.  Does not seem so.
		 * ...........comment out code..........
		char s[MAXSTRL];
		r = ratmult(r, movetuple[pl][i]->behavprob) ;
                rattoa(r, s);
		printf("Debug: mixed prob %2d is %s\n", i, s) ;
	mixedstrat[pl][strat] = r;
}       /* end of   behavtomixed(pl)            */
void nflcp(void)
    int i;

    setlcp( nstrats[1] + 1 + nstrats[2] + 1 );
    /* fill  M  */
    /* -A       */
    payratmatcpy(nfpay, 0, 1, 0, nstrats[1], nstrats[2],
	lcpM, 0, nstrats[1] + 1);
    /* -E\T     */
    for (i = 0; i < nstrats[1]; i++)
	lcpM[i][nstrats[1] + 1 + nstrats[2]] = ratneg(ratfromi(1));
    /* F        */
    for (i = 0; i < nstrats[2]; i++)
	lcpM[nstrats[1]][nstrats[1] + 1 + i] = ratfromi(1);
    /* -B\T     */
    payratmatcpy(nfpay, 1, 1, 1, nstrats[1], nstrats[2],
	lcpM, nstrats[1] + 1, 0);
    /* -F\T     */
    for (i = 0; i < nstrats[2]; i++)
	lcpM[ nstrats[1] + 1 + i] [nstrats[1]] = ratneg(ratfromi(1));
    /* E        */
    for (i = 0; i < nstrats[1]; i++)
	lcpM[ nstrats[1] + 1 + nstrats[2]] [i] = ratfromi(1);

    /* define RHS q     */
    for (i = 0; i < lcpdim; i++)
	rhsq[i] = ratfromi(0);
    rhsq[ nstrats[1] ] = ratneg(ratfromi(1));
    rhsq[ nstrats[1]  + 1 + nstrats[2] ] = ratneg(ratfromi(1));
文件: rat.c 项目: ptigwe/gte
/* GSoC12: Tobenna Peter, Igwe */
Rat maxrow(Rat* rat, int n)
    int i;
    Rat Mrow = ratfromi(0);
    for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        Mrow = ratgreat(Mrow,rat[i]) ? Mrow : rat[i];
    return Mrow;
文件: gequilibrium.c 项目: ptigwe/gte
Rat* getStrategies(Equilibrium eq)
	int n = eq.lcpdim;
	Rat* strat;
	strat = malloc((n) * sizeof(Rat));
	int i, row;
	gmpt num, den;
	for (i=1; i<=n; i++) 
		if((row = eq.bascobas[Z(i)]) < n) /* If Z(i) is basic */
            /* value of  Z(i):  scfa[Z(i)]*rhs[row] / (scfa[RHS]*det)   */
        	gmulint(eq.scfa[Z(i)], eq.A[row][RHS(n)], num);
			gmulint(eq.det, eq.scfa[RHS(n)], den);
            greduce(num, den);
			strat[i-1] = ratinit();
			gset(strat[i-1].num, num);
			gset(strat[i-1].den, den);
		else if((row = eq.bascobas[W(i,n)]) < n)
			strat[i-1] = ratfromi(0);
			/* value of  W(i-n)  is  rhs[row] / (scfa[RHS]*det)         
        	copy(num, eq.A[row][RHS(n)]);
			mulint(eq.det, eq.scfa[RHS(n)], den);
            reduce(num, den);
			copy(strat[i-1].num, num);
			copy(strat[i-1].den, den);*/
			strat[i-1] = ratfromi(0);
    }   /* end of  for (i=...)          */
	return strat;
文件: rat.c 项目: ptigwe/gte
/* GSoC12: Tobenna Peter, Igwe */
Rat maxMatrix(Rat** rat, int m, int n)
    int i;
    int tmpm = m;
    int tmpn = n;
    Rat M = ratfromi(0);
    for(i = 0; i < tmpm; ++i)
        Rat r = maxrow(rat[i], tmpn);
        M = ratgreat(M, r) ? M : r;
    return M;
void allocnf(void)
    int pl, i, j;
    /* payoff matrices, two players only here, init to pay 0        */
    T2ALLOC (nfpay, nstrats[1], nstrats[2], Payvec);
    for (i=0; i<nstrats[1]; i++)
	for (j=0; j<nstrats[2]; j++)
	    for (pl=1; pl < PLAYERS; pl++)
		nfpay[i][j][pl-1] = ratfromi(0);
    for (pl=0; pl < PLAYERS; pl++)    
	movetuple[pl] = TALLOC (nisets[pl], Move);
	mixedstrat[pl] = TALLOC (nstrats[pl], Rat);
文件: prior.c 项目: stengel/ecta2002
void genprior(Flagsprior flags)
    int pl;
    Iset h;

    if (0 == flags.seed)
	return ;
    /* generate random priors for all information sets	*/
    srand(FIRSTPRIORSEED + flags.seed); 
    for (pl=1; pl < PLAYERS; pl++)
        for (h = firstiset[pl]; h < firstiset [pl+1]; h++)
	    if ( h->nmoves > 2)
		fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, only binary info sets so far.\n") ; 
		exit(1) ;
	        Rat a;
	        double x;

	        x = rand() / (double) RAND_MAX;
	        a = contfract( x, flags.accuracy) ;
	        /* make sure to get a properly mixed prior,
	         * unless  flags.accuracy == 1,
	  	 * in which case we have a random pure strategy
		 * because this statement flips 0 to 1 and vice versa
	        if (a.num == 0)
		    a.num = 1 ;
		    a.den = flags.accuracy;
                else if (a.den == 1)  	/* "else" for pure strategy	*/
		    a.num = flags.accuracy - 1 ;
		    a.den = flags.accuracy;
                h->move0->behavprob = a ;
                ((h->move0)+1)->behavprob = ratadd(ratfromi(1), ratneg(a)) ;
void allocsf(void)
    static int oldnseqs1 = 0;
    static int oldconstrows[PLAYERS] = {0, 0, 0};
    int pl, i, j;
    int nrows;
    /* payoff matrices, two players only here, init to pay 0        */
    FREE2(sfpay, oldnseqs1);
    oldnseqs1 = nseqs[1];
    T2ALLOC (sfpay, nseqs[1], nseqs[2], Payvec);
    for (i=0; i<nseqs[1]; i++)
	for (j=0; j<nseqs[2]; j++)
	    for (pl=1; pl < PLAYERS; pl++)
		sfpay[i][j][pl-1] = ratfromi(0);
    /* constraint matrices, any number of players           */
    /* sfconstr[0] stays unused                             */
    for (pl=1; pl < PLAYERS; pl++)
	FREE2(sfconstr[pl], oldconstrows[pl]);
	oldconstrows[pl] = nrows = nisets[pl]+1;   /* extra row for seq 0  */
	T2ALLOC (sfconstr[pl], nrows, nseqs[pl], int);
}       /* end of allocsf()     */
void outmixed(int pl, Rat *mixed, Bool bnewline)
    int i;
    char s[MAXSTRL];
    Rat prob;

    for (i = 0; i < nstrats[pl]; i++)
        prob = mixed[i] ;
        if ( prob.num != 0)
            strattomovetuple (i, pl);
            movetupletoa(pl, s);
            printf(" %s", s);
            if (!ratiseq(prob, ratfromi(1) ) )
                rattoa(prob, s);
                printf(":%s", s);
    if (bnewline)
文件: rsf.c 项目: stengel/ecta2002
void setrsfcomplconstr (int paytopl, Rat ** intoM,
                        int rowoffset, int coloffset, Bool negpaymatrix,
                        Rat * rhsvec, Bool negrhs)
    int othpl = 3 - paytopl;   /* other player         */
    int i,j,k, a;
    Rat s;
    Rat * tmprow;   /* temporary row for triple matrix product comptn   */
    tmprow = TALLOC( nseqs[othpl] , Rat);

    /* first blockrow  of dim   redsfdim[paytopl]       */
    for (i = 0; i < redsfdim[paytopl]; i++)
        /* compute  tmprow (with index  j ) as
         * if  paytopl==1:  row  i  of  K\T A,
         * if  paytopl==2:  row  i  of  L\T B\T
        for (j = 0; j < nseqs[othpl]; j++)
            s = ratfromi(0);
            for (k = 0; k < nseqs[paytopl]; k++)
                /* a = entry of  K\T  resp. L\T         */
                if ((a = realplfromredsf[paytopl][k][i] ) != 0)
                    s = ratadd( s, ratmult( ratfromi(a),
                                            (paytopl==1) ? sfpay[k][j][0] : sfpay[j][k][1] )) ;
            tmprow[j] = s;
        /* compute i,k entry of
         * if  paytopl==1:  K\T A L   = Ahat
         * if  paytopl==2:  L\T B\T K = Bhat \T
         * comments from now only for  paytopl==1
        for (k = 0; k < redsfdim[othpl]; k++)
            s = ratfromi(0);
            for (j = 0; j < nseqs[othpl]; j++)
                if ( (a = realplfromredsf [othpl][j][k] ) != 0)
                    s = ratadd( s, ratmult( ratfromi(a), tmprow[j] )) ;
            /* fill matrix entry with   -Ahat   */
            intoM [ rowoffset + i] [ coloffset + k ] =
                negpaymatrix ? ratneg(s) : s ;
        /* set matrix entry for  Ehat\T         */
        for (j = 0; j < irreddim[paytopl]; j++)
            s = ratfromi( redsfconstr [paytopl][j][i] );
            intoM [ rowoffset + i] [ coloffset + redsfdim[othpl] + j] =
                negpaymatrix ? s : ratneg(s) ;
        /* set LCP rhs entry  i  of  K\T A l = ahat     */
        s = ratfromi(0);
        for (j = 0; j < nseqs[othpl]; j++)
            s = ratadd( s, ratmult( tmprow[j],
                                    ratfromi ( realplconst [othpl] [j] ) ) ) ;
        rhsvec[i] = negrhs ? ratneg(s) : s ;
    /* second blockrow  of dim   irreddim [othpl]       */
    for (i = 0; i < irreddim [othpl]; i++)
        /* set LCP matrix entry for  -Fhat              */
        for (j = 0; j < redsfdim[othpl]; j++)
            s = ratfromi( redsfconstr [othpl][i][j] );
            intoM [ rowoffset + redsfdim[paytopl] + i ] [ coloffset + j] =
                negpaymatrix ? ratneg(s) : s ;
        /* set LCP rhs entry  i  of  -fhat              */
        s = ratfromi( redsfrhs [othpl][i] );
        rhsvec[ redsfdim[paytopl] + i] = negrhs ? s : ratneg(s) ;