 * NAME:	jfs_statfs(vfsp, sfsp, crp)
 * FUNCTION:	get file system status <sfsp> from vfs <vfsp>
 * PARAMETER:	vfsp	- virtual file system
 *		sfsp	- file status information structure
 *		crp	- credential
 * RETURN:	zero on success, non-zero on failure
 * serialization: statfs() and extendfs() serializes by inode lock
 *	of the inode map for both inode map and block allocation map. 
 *	All other access to fragment allocation map is serialized 
 *	under VMM locking.
 * note: percolation of file system information:
 * support struct statfs (sys/statfs.h) for get file system status
 * service call statfs().
 * (XPG4.2 defines struct statvfs in sys/statvfs.h for statvfs()
 * which requires statfs() and additional information)
	register struct vfs	*vfsp,
	register struct statfs	*statfsp,
	struct ucred		*crp)
	register int32	rc;
	register inode_t *ipmnt;	/* mount inode */
	inode_t	*ipimap, *ipbmap;
	cbuf_t	*bpsuper;
	struct superblock *sb = NULL;
	int32	fsck_length, log_length;

NOISE(1,("jfs_statfs: vfs:0x%08x\n", vfsp));

	 * get the file system stats from the superblock
	ipimap = (struct inode *)vfsp->vfs_data;
	ipmnt = ipimap->i_ipmnt;
	if (rc = readSuper(ipmnt, &bpsuper))
		goto out;
	sb = (struct superblock *)(bpsuper->cm_cdata);

	bcopy(sb->s_fname, statfsp->f_fname, sizeof(sb->s_fname));
	bcopy(sb->s_fpack, statfsp->f_fpack, sizeof(sb->s_fpack));
	statfsp->f_bsize = PSIZE; /* preferred i/o block size */
	statfsp->f_fsize = sb->s_bsize; /* fundamental block size */
	fsck_length = lengthPXD(&(sb->s_fsckpxd));
	log_length = lengthPXD(&(sb->s_logpxd));


 	/* statfs()/extendfs() serialized by inode lock of the inode map 
	 * for both inode map and block allocation map. 

	 * get the block stats from the bmap
	ipbmap = ipmnt->i_ipbmap;
	statfsp->f_blocks = (ipbmap->i_bmap->db_mapsize + fsck_length +
				log_length) >> ipbmap->i_bmap->db_l2nbperpage;
	statfsp->f_bfree = statfsp->f_bavail =
		ipbmap->i_bmap->db_nfree >> ipbmap->i_bmap->db_l2nbperpage;

	 * get the file stats from the ipimap
	statfsp->f_files = ipimap->i_imap->im_numinos;
	statfsp->f_ffree = ipimap->i_imap->im_numfree;

	 * fill in from vfs
	statfsp->f_fsid = vfsp->vfs_fsid;
	statfsp->f_vfstype = MNT_XJFS;
	statfsp->f_vfsnumber = vfsp->vfs_number;
	statfsp->f_name_max = JFS_NAME_MAX;

	 * fields in the statfs structure that we don't fill in ...
	long f_version;		version/type of statfs, 0 for now
	long f_type;		type of info, 0 for now
	long f_vfsoff;		reserved, for vfs specific data offset
	long f_vfslen;		reserved, for len of vfs specific data
	long f_vfsvers;		reserved, for vers of vfs specific data


	return rc;
 * NAME: dasd_write
 * FUNCTION: Write to direct access file descriptor
 *	offset	- Starting byte offset for write request
 *	pdata	- Starting address of user data buffer
 *	plen	- On entry, number of bytes to be write
 *		  On exit, number of bytes actually write
 *	vfsp	- pointer to vfs structure
 * RETURNS: 0 for success; Other indicates failure
int64		offset,
caddr_t		pdata,
int64		*plen,
struct vfs	*vfsp)
	int64	blocknum;
	cbuf_t	*bp;
	dio_t	*dp;
	inode_t	*dummy_inode;
	int64	erroff;
	int64	fbytes;
	int64	lbytes;
	int64	mbytes;
	int64	nbytes = *plen;
	int32	rc;

	dummy_inode = getDummyInode(vfsp);

	/* If offset does not start on sector boundary, calculate number of
	 * bytes in first partial sector.
	if (offset & (vfsp->vfs_bsize - 1))
		fbytes = MIN(nbytes, CM_BSIZE - (offset & CM_OFFSET));
		nbytes -= fbytes;
		fbytes = 0;

	/* If write does not end on sector boundary, calculate number of
	 * bytes in last sector
	if (nbytes & vfsp->vfs_bsize - 1)
		lbytes = nbytes & CM_OFFSET;
		lbytes = 0;

	mbytes = nbytes - lbytes;

	nbytes = 0;	/* Now counting bytes actually written */

	/* First (partial) block */
	if (fbytes)
		if (rc = rawRead(dummy_inode, offset, &bp))
			goto out1;
		if (rc = copyin(pdata, bp->cm_cdata+(offset & CM_OFFSET),
			goto out1;
		if (rc = rawWrite(dummy_inode, bp, 1))
			goto out1;
		nbytes = fbytes;
		offset += fbytes;
		pdata += fbytes;
	/* Write full sectors
	if (mbytes)
		blocknum = offset >> dummy_inode->i_l2pbsize;
		if (rc = dioStart(dummy_inode, &dp))
			goto out1;
		(void) dioWrite(dp, blocknum, mbytes, offset, pdata, 0);
		if (rc = dioEnd(dp, &erroff))
			nbytes += (erroff - offset);
			goto out1;
		nbytes += mbytes;
		offset += mbytes;
		pdata += mbytes;
	/* Write last (partial) block
	if (lbytes)
		if (rc = rawRead(dummy_inode, offset, &bp))
			goto out1;
		if (rc = copyin(pdata, bp->cm_cdata, lbytes))
			goto out1;
		if (rc = rawWrite(dummy_inode, bp, 1))
			goto out1;
		nbytes = +lbytes;
	*plen = nbytes;
	return (rc);