// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- render scene
// explained on page 191
Spherical::render_scene(const World& wr) {

	RGBColor	L;
	ViewPlane	vp(wr.vp);
	int 		hres		= vp.hres;
	int 		vres 		= vp.vres;
	float		s 			= vp.s;
	Ray			ray;
	int 		depth 		= 0;
	Point2D 	sp; 					// sample point in [0, 1] X [0, 1]
	Point2D 	pp;						// sample point on the pixel

	ray.o = eye;

	for (int r = 0; r < vres; r++)		// up
		for (int c = 0; c < hres; c++) {	// across

			L = black;
			for (int j = 0; j < vp.num_samples; j++) {
				sp = vp.sampler_ptr->sample_unit_square();
				pp.x = s * (c - 0.5 * hres + sp.x);
				pp.y = s * (r - 0.5 * vres + sp.y);
				ray.d = ray_direction(pp, hres, vres, s);
				L += wr.tracer_ptr->trace_ray(ray, depth);

			L /= vp.num_samples;
			L *= exposure_time;
			wr.display_pixel(r, c, L);
void Pinhole::render_scene(World & w)

   RGBColor pixel_color;
   ViewPlane & vp = w.vp;
   Ray ray;
   Point2D sp, pp;
   vp.s /= zoom;
   ray.o = this->eye;
   for(int r = 0; r < vp.vRes; r++)
      for(int c = 0; c < vp.hRes; c++)
         pixel_color = black;
         for(int j = 0; j < vp.get_num_samples(); j++)
            sp = vp.get_sampler_ptr()->sample_unit_square();
            pp.x  = vp.s * (c - 0.5 * (vp.hRes - 1.0) + sp.x); // Get the X position in the world 
            pp.y  = vp.s * (r - 0.5 * (vp.vRes - 1.0) + sp.y);
            //std::cout << "Tracing at " << sp.x << "," << sp.y << std::endl;
            ray.d = ray_direction(pp);

            pixel_color += w.tracer_ptr->trace_ray(ray,0);
         pixel_color /= vp.get_num_samples();
void Fisheye::render_scene(const World& w) {
  RGBColor L;
  ViewPlane vp(w.vp);
  int hres = vp.hres;
  int vres = vp.vres;
  float s = vp.s;
  Ray ray;
  int depth = 0;
  Point2D sp;                 // sample point in [0, 1] x [0, 1]
  Point2D pp;                 // sample point on the pixel
  float r_squared = 1.0;      // sum of squares of normalized device coordinates

  ray.o = eye;

  for (int r = 0; r < vres; r++) {    // up
    for (int c = 0; c < hres; c++) {  // accross
      L = black;

      for (int j = 0; j < vp.num_samples; j++) {
        sp = vp.sampler_ptr->sample_unit_square();
        pp.x = s * (c - 0.5 * hres + sp.x);
        pp.y = s * (r - 0.5 * vres + sp.y);
        ray.d = ray_direction(pp, hres, vres, s, r_squared);

        if ((r_squared <= 1.0 && !rectangular) || rectangular)
          L += w.tracer_ptr->trace_ray(ray, depth);

      L /= vp.num_samples;
      L *= exposure_time;
      w.display_pixel(r, c, L);
void ThinLens::render_scene(World& w) {
	RGBColor L;
	Ray ray;
	ViewPlane vp(w.vp);
	FIBITMAP* bitmap = FreeImage_Allocate(vp.hres, vp.vres, 24);
	RGBQUAD color;
	int depth = 0;

	Point2D sp;
	Point2D pp;
	Point2D dp;
	Point2D lp;

	vp.s /= zoom;

	for(int r = 0; r < vp.vres; r++)
		for(int c = 0 ; c < vp.hres; c++) {
			L = black;

			for(int n = 0; n < vp.num_samples; n++) {
				sp = vp.sampler_ptr -> sample_unit_square();
				pp.x = vp.s * (c - vp.hres / 2.0 + sp.x);
				pp.y = vp.s * (r - vp.vres / 2.0 + sp.y);

				dp = sampler_ptr -> sample_unit_disk();
				lp = dp * lens_radius;

				ray.o = eye + lp.x * u + lp.y * v;
				ray.d = ray_direction(pp, lp);
				L += w.tracer_ptr -> trace_ray(ray);

			L /= vp.num_samples;
			L *= exposure_time;
			w.display_pixel(r, c, L);
			color.rgbRed = (int)(L.r*255);
			color.rgbGreen = (int)(L.g*255);
			color.rgbBlue = (int)(L.b*255);
			FreeImage_SetPixelColor(bitmap, c, r, &color);
	if (FreeImage_Save(FIF_PNG, bitmap, "test.png", 0))
		std::cout << "Image Successfully Saved!" << std::endl;


void Fisheye::render_scene(World& w) {
	RGBColor L;
	ViewPlane vp(w.vp);
	FIBITMAP* bitmap = FreeImage_Allocate(vp.hres, vp.vres, 24);
	RGBQUAD color;
	int hres = vp.hres;
	int vres = vp.vres;
	float s = vp.s;
	Ray ray;
	int depth = 0;
	Point2D sp;
	Point2D pp;
	float r_squared;

	ray.o  = eye;

	for(int r = 0; r < vres; r++)
		for(int c = 0; c < hres; c++) {
			L = black;

			for(int j = 0; j < vp.num_samples; j++) {
				sp = vp.sampler_ptr -> sample_unit_square();
				pp.x = s * (c - hres / 2.0 + sp.x);
				pp.y = s * (r - vres / 2.0 + sp.y);
				ray.d = ray_direction(pp, hres, vres, s, r_squared);

				if(r_squared <= 1.0)
					L += w.tracer_ptr -> trace_ray(ray);

			L /= vp.num_samples;
			L *= exposure_time;
			w.display_pixel(r, c, L);
			color.rgbRed = (int)(L.r*255);
			color.rgbGreen = (int)(L.g*255);
			color.rgbBlue = (int)(L.b*255);
			FreeImage_SetPixelColor(bitmap, c, r, &color);
	if (FreeImage_Save(FIF_PNG, bitmap, "test.png", 0))
		std::cout << "Image Successfully Saved!" << std::endl;
void CombatCamera::ViewportRay(double screen_x, double screen_y,
                               double out_ray_origin[3], double out_ray_direction[3]) const
    Matrix projection(4, 4);
    std::copy(m_camera.getProjectionMatrix()[0], m_camera.getProjectionMatrix()[0] + 16,

    Matrix view(4, 4);
    std::copy(m_camera.getViewMatrix(true)[0], m_camera.getViewMatrix(true)[0] + 16, view.data().begin());

    Matrix inverse_vp = Inverse4(prod(projection, view));

    double nx = (2.0 * screen_x) - 1.0;
    double ny = 1.0 - (2.0 * screen_y);
    Matrix near_point(3, 1);
    near_point(0, 0) = nx;
    near_point(1, 0) = ny;
    near_point(2, 0) = -1.0;
    // Use mid_point rather than far point to avoid issues with infinite projection
    Matrix mid_point(3, 1);
    mid_point(0, 0) = nx;
    mid_point(1, 0) = ny;
    mid_point(2, 0) = 0.0;

    // Get ray origin and ray target on near plane in world space
    Matrix ray_origin = Matrix4xVector3(inverse_vp, near_point);
    Matrix ray_target = Matrix4xVector3(inverse_vp, mid_point);

    Matrix ray_direction = ray_target - ray_origin;
    ray_direction /=
        ray_direction(0, 0) * ray_direction(0, 0) +
        ray_direction(1, 0) * ray_direction(1, 0) +
        ray_direction(2, 0) * ray_direction(2, 0);

    std::copy(ray_origin.data().begin(), ray_origin.data().end(), out_ray_origin);
    std::copy(ray_direction.data().begin(), ray_direction.data().end(), out_ray_direction);