/* this function is called when the mouse buttons are clicked or un-clicked */
void glfw_mouse_click_callback (
    GLFWwindow* window, int button, int action, int mods
) {
    // Note: could query if window has lost focus here
    if (GLFW_PRESS == action) {
        double xpos, ypos;
        glfwGetCursorPos (g_window, &xpos, &ypos);
        // work out ray
        vec3 ray_wor = get_ray_from_mouse ((float)xpos, (float)ypos);
        // check ray against all spheres in scene
        int closest_sphere_clicked = -1;
        float closest_intersection = 0.0f;
        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SPHERES; i++) {
            float t_dist = 0.0f;
            if (ray_sphere (
                        cam_pos, ray_wor, sphere_pos_wor[i], sphere_radius, &t_dist
                    )) {
                // if more than one sphere is in path of ray, only use the closest one
                if (-1 == closest_sphere_clicked || t_dist < closest_intersection) {
                    closest_sphere_clicked = i;
                    closest_intersection = t_dist;
        } // endfor
        g_selected_sphere = closest_sphere_clicked;
        printf ("sphere %i was clicked\n", closest_sphere_clicked);
BOOL linesegment_sphere(const LLVector3 &point_a, const LLVector3 &point_b,
                        const LLVector3 &sphere_center, F32 sphere_radius,
                        LLVector3 &intersection, LLVector3 &intersection_normal)
    LLVector3 ray_direction = point_b - point_a;
    F32 segment_length = ray_direction.normVec();

    if (ray_sphere(point_a, ray_direction, sphere_center, sphere_radius, intersection, intersection_normal))
        if (segment_length >= (point_a - intersection).magVec())
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;