文件: main.c 项目: nphyx/justen.us
 * Computes the color corresponding to the ray intersection point (if any)
 * vec3 {x,y,z} ro ray origin
 * vec3 {u,v,w} rd ray direction
vec4 computeColor(vec3 ro, vec3 rd) {
	int i;
	int k = 0;
	float t0;
	float tk0;
	vec3 ro2;	
	vec4 color;
	raymarch(ro, rd, i, t0);

	vec3 p; // Surface point
	vec3 normal; // Surface normal

	float t; // Distance traveled by ray from eye

	if(i < g_rmSteps && t0 >= g_zNear && t0 <= g_zFar) { // Raymarching hit a surface
		t = t0;
		p = ro + rd * t0;

		int matIndex = int(floor(mod(min(min(p.x, p.y), p.z), 4.0))) + 1;
		for(int n = 0; n < maxMaterial; n++) {
			if(n == int(matIndex)) {
				color = u_materials[n]; // white box

		normal = getNormal(p);
		color = colorPass(color, t, p, normal);
	else {
		return u_sky;
	return color;
vec3 calculate_color(const distance& dist, const vec3& p, const vec3& ray, const int userdata)
	vec3 normal = get_normal(dist.field, p);

	const float eta = 0.3;
	const float sqf = (1 - eta) / (1 + eta);
	const float f = sqf * sqf;
	const float fresnel_power = 5;
	const float ratio = f + (1 - f) * pow(1 - dot(ray, normal), fresnel_power);

	vec3 diffuse = get_color(dist.object_id, p);
	if (dist.object_id == 2 && userdata < 3) {
		vec3 reflect_ray = glm::reflect(ray, normal);
		diffuse = mix(diffuse, raymarch(p + reflect_ray * 0.01f, reflect_ray, userdata + 1), ratio);
	vec3 color(0.1);
	for (vec3 light : get_lights()) {
		const vec3 light_dir = normalize(p - light);
		const float light_dist = glm::distance(p, light);
		color += max(dot(normal, light_dir), 0.0f) * diffuse;
		const vec3 half = normalize(light_dir + ray);
		color += pow(max(dot(normal, half), 0.0f), 64.0f);
		color *= softshadow(p, -light_dir, 0.1, light_dist, 64) * 0.7 + 0.3;
	//color *= mix(vec3(1), get_background_color(), 0.5 + 0.5 * dot(normal, vec3(0, -1, 0)));
	//color = pow(color, vec3(0.45f));
	color = clamp(color, 0.0f, 1.0f);
	return color;
extern "C" DLLEXPORT miBoolean mib_ray_marcher(
	miColor		*result,
	miState		*state,
	struct mrm	*p)
	struct mrm	pe;
	miScalar	scale;

	result->r = result->g = result->b = result->a = 0.0;

	 * copy all parameters to a static structure to
	 * avoid all the mi_eval_* calls in the code
	pe.s        = *mi_eval_tag(&p->s);
	pe.distance = *mi_eval_scalar(&p->distance);
	pe.num      = *mi_eval_integer(&p->num);
	pe.subdiv   = *mi_eval_integer(&p->subdiv);
	pe.contrast = *mi_eval_color(&p->contrast);

	if (pe.num == 0.0)
		if (pe.distance > 0.0)
			pe.num = state->dist / pe.distance;
			pe.num = 4; /* default #samples */
	if (pe.num < 2)
		pe.num = 2;

	/* go! */
	raymarch(result, state, &pe);

	/* normalize result */
	scale = 1.0 / (miScalar)pe.num;
	result->r *= scale;
	result->g *= scale;
	result->b *= scale;
	result->a *= scale;