	Draw the combo control.
bool IconComboCombo::OnDrawThisItem(DRAWITEMSTRUCT * pdis)

#ifdef JT_4_3_01_IMPLEMENTED
    HDC hdc = pdis->hDC;
    Rect rc(pdis->rcItem);
    UINT state = pdis->itemState;
    int ival = *m_pival;

    SIZE sizeMargins = { ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE), ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYEDGE) };

    // Draw the down arrow.
    ::DrawFrameControl(hdc, &m_rcArrowButton, DFC_SCROLL, DFCS_SCROLLDOWN |
                       (m_fPushed || (state & ODS_SELECTED) ? DFCS_PUSHED : 0) |
                       ((state & ODS_DISABLED) ? DFCS_INACTIVE : 0));

    ::DrawEdge(hdc, &rc, EDGE_SUNKEN, BF_RECT);

    // Must reduce the size of the "client" area of the button due to edge thickness.
    rc.Inflate(-sizeMargins.cx, -sizeMargins.cy);

// This is old code from UiColor.cpp. It may be some help if we get around to implementing
// this control fully.

    // Select and realize the palette.
    HPALETTE hpalOld = g_ct.RealizePalette(hdc);

    // Fill background.
    rc.right -= m_rcArrowButton.right - m_rcArrowButton.left;
    HPEN hpenOld = (HPEN)::SelectObject(hdc, ::GetStockObject(NULL_PEN));

//	HBRUSH hbrBackground = AfGdi::CreateSolidBrush(((state & ODS_DISABLED) ||
//		clr == CLR_DEFAULT) ? ::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE) : RGB(255, 255, 255));
    HBRUSH hbrBackground = AfGdi::CreateSolidBrush(((state & ODS_DISABLED) ||
                           clr == CLR_DEFAULT) ? ::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE) : ::GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW));

    HBRUSH hbrOld = AfGdi::SelectObjectBrush(hdc, hbrBackground);
    ::Rectangle(hdc, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right + 1, rc.bottom + 1);

    // If knNinch or conflicting then leave control blank.
    if ((clr != (COLORREF)knNinch) && (clr != (COLORREF)knNinch + 1))
        // Fill a small box with color.
        int nBoxHeight = rc.bottom - rc.top - 4;
        RECT rcBox = { rc.left + 2, rc.top + 2, rc.left + 2 + nBoxHeight, rc.bottom - 2 };
        if (!m_fShowText)
            ::SetRect(&rcBox, rc.left + 2, rc.top + 2, rc.right - 2, rc.bottom - 2);
        COLORREF clr2 = clr;
        if (clr2 == kclrTransparent)
            clr2 = ::GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW);
        //			clr2 = kclrWhite;
        HBRUSH hbr = AfGdi::CreateSolidBrush(((state & ODS_DISABLED) ||
                                              clr2 == CLR_DEFAULT) ? ::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE) :
                                             PALETTERGB(GetRValue(clr2), GetGValue(clr2), GetBValue(clr2)));
        HBRUSH hbrT = AfGdi::SelectObjectBrush(hdc, hbr);
        ::Rectangle(hdc, rcBox.left, rcBox.top, rcBox.right, rcBox.bottom);
        AfGdi::SelectObjectBrush(hdc, hbrT);
        ::FrameRect(hdc, &rcBox, (HBRUSH)::GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH));


        if (hpalOld)
            ::SelectPalette(hdc, hpalOld, false);

        if (m_fShowText)
            // Write out the text to the right of the box
            //COLORREF clrOldBk = ::SetBkColor(hdc, RGB(255,255,255));
            COLORREF clrOldBk = ::SetBkColor(hdc, ::GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW));
            Rect rcT(rcBox.right + 2, rcBox.top - 1, rc.right - 1, rcBox.bottom + 1);
            HFONT hfontOld = AfGdi::SelectObjectFont(hdc, ::GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT));
            StrAnsi sta(g_ct.GetColorRid(g_ct.GetIndexFromColor(clr)));
            ::DrawText(hdc, sta.Chars(), -1, &rcT, DT_LEFT);
            AfGdi::SelectObjectFont(hdc, hfontOld, AfGdi::OLD);
            ::SetBkColor(hdc, clrOldBk);

    if (hpenOld)
        ::SelectObject(hdc, hpenOld);
    AfGdi::SelectObjectBrush(hdc, hbrOld, AfGdi::OLD);

    // Draw focus rect
    if (state & ODS_FOCUS)
        Rect rcT;
        rcT.Set(rc.left + 1, rc.top + 1, rc.right - 1, rc.bottom - 1);
        ::DrawFocusRect(hdc, &rcT);

#endif JT_4_3_01_IMPLEMENTED
    return true;
	Make an edit box to allow editing. hwnd is the parent hwnd. rc is the size of the child
	window. Store the hwnd and return true.
	@param hwnd
	@param rc
	@param dxpCursor
	@param fTopCursor
	@param tpte
	@return true if successful

	TODO: To handle extra long field contents (and RTL?) the button cannot be a child of the
	edit control, because they must occupy seperate rectangles inside the field proper.
bool AfDeFeEdBoxBut::BeginEdit(HWND hwnd, Rect &rc, int dxpCursor, bool fTopCursor,
	TptEditable tpte)
	if (!SuperClass::BeginEdit(hwnd, rc, dxpCursor, fTopCursor))
		return false;
	DeEditPtr qde;
	qde->m_pdee = this;
	IActionHandler * pacth = BeginTempEdit();
	ILgWritingSystemFactoryPtr qwsf;
#if 1
	int nRet = 0;
	ComBool fRTL = FALSE;
	IWritingSystemPtr qws;
	CheckHr(qwsf->get_EngineOrNull(m_ws, &qws));
	if (qws)
	if (fRTL)
		qde->Create(hwnd, kwidEditChild, WS_CHILD | ES_RIGHT | ES_AUTOHSCROLL, NULL, m_qtss,
			qwsf, m_ws, pacth);
	qde->Create(hwnd, kwidEditChild, WS_CHILD | ES_LEFT | ES_AUTOHSCROLL, NULL, m_qtss,
		qwsf, m_ws, pacth);
	m_hwnd = qde->Hwnd();
	Rect rcT(rc.left + 2, rc.top + 1, rc.right, rc.bottom);
	nRet = ::MoveWindow(m_hwnd, rcT.left, rcT.top, rcT.Width(), rcT.Height(), true);
#if 99-99
	Rect rcParentClient;
	Rect rcParent;
	::GetClientRect(hwnd, &rcParentClient);
	::GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rcParent);
	Rect rcEdit;
	Rect rcEditClient;
	::GetWindowRect(m_hwnd, &rcEdit);
	::GetClientRect(m_hwnd, &rcEditClient);
	Rect rcTb;
	::GetClientRect(m_hwnd, &rcTb);
	rcTb.left = rcTb.right - 16;
	rcTb.bottom = rcTb.top + Min((int)rcTb.bottom - (int)rcTb.top, (int)kdxpButtonHeight);

	WndCreateStruct wcsButton;
	wcsButton.InitChild(_T("BUTTON"), m_hwnd, kwidEditChild);
	wcsButton.style |= WS_VISIBLE | BS_OWNERDRAW;

	DeButtonPtr qdb;
	qdb->m_pdee = this;
	m_hwndButton = qdb->Hwnd();

#if 1-1
	// Resize the edit control window to exclude the button
	nRet = ::MoveWindow(m_hwnd, rcT.left, rcT.top, rcT.Width() - 18, rcT.Height(), true);
	// Add text to the window.
	::SendMessage(m_hwnd, FW_EM_SETSTYLE, m_chrp.clrBack, (LPARAM)&m_qfsp->m_stuSty);
	::ShowWindow(m_hwnd, SW_SHOW);
	//::SendMessage(m_hwnd, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)::GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT), 0);
	// Foreground/background colors are set via WM_CTLCOLOREDIT in AfDeFeWnd.
	// Set cursor to desired offset.
	//int ich;
	//ich = LOWORD(::SendMessage(m_hwnd, EM_CHARFROMPOS, 0, dxpCursor));
	// For some reason the above always comes back with -1 instead of the correct index.
	// Is this a bug in TssEdit or am I doing something wrong?
	//::SendMessage(m_hwnd, EM_SETSEL, ich, ich);
	//::mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN,0,0,0,0); // Send LButton to place cursor in edit ctrl.
#if 99-99
	Rect rcEditNew;
	Rect rcEditNewClient;
	Rect rcBut;
	Rect rcButClient;
	::GetWindowRect(m_hwnd, &rcEditNew);
	::GetClientRect(m_hwnd, &rcEditNewClient);
	::GetWindowRect(m_hwndButton, &rcBut);
	::GetClientRect(m_hwndButton, &rcButClient);

	return true;