文件: disk.c 项目: aosm/boot
static BVRef newFDiskBVRef( int biosdev, int partno, unsigned int blkoff,
                            const struct fdisk_part * part,
                            FSInit initFunc, FSLoadFile loadFunc,
                            FSReadFile readFunc,
                            FSGetDirEntry getdirFunc,
                            FSGetFileBlock getBlockFunc,
                            BVGetDescription getDescriptionFunc,
                            int probe, int type )
    BVRef bvr = (BVRef) malloc( sizeof(*bvr) );
    if ( bvr )
        bzero(bvr, sizeof(*bvr));

        bvr->biosdev        = biosdev;
        bvr->part_no        = partno;
        bvr->part_boff      = blkoff;
        bvr->part_type      = part->systid;
        bvr->fs_loadfile    = loadFunc;
        bvr->fs_readfile    = readFunc;
        bvr->fs_getdirentry = getdirFunc;
        bvr->fs_getfileblock= getBlockFunc;
        bvr->description    = getDescriptionFunc ?
            getDescriptionFunc : getVolumeDescription;
	bvr->type           = type;

        if ( part->bootid & FDISK_ACTIVE )
            bvr->flags |= kBVFlagPrimary;

        // Probe the filesystem.

        if ( initFunc )
            bvr->flags |= kBVFlagNativeBoot;

            if ( probe && initFunc( bvr ) != 0 )
                // filesystem probe failed.

                DEBUG_DISK(("%s: failed probe on dev %x part %d\n",
                            __FUNCTION__, biosdev, partno));

                bvr = NULL;
        else if ( readBootSector( biosdev, blkoff, (void *)0x7e00 ) == 0 )
            bvr->flags |= kBVFlagForeignBoot;
            bvr = NULL;
    return bvr;
文件: disk.c 项目: henrychic/RevoBoot
static BVRef probeBVRef(BVRef bvr, unsigned int bvrFlags)
    bvr->flags |= kBVFlagNativeBoot;	// 0x02

    if (readBootSector(bvr->biosdev, bvr->part_boff, (void *)0x7e00) == 0)
        bvr->flags |= kBVFlagBootable;	// 0x08

    bvr->flags |= bvrFlags;

    return bvr;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	void* pointer = NULL;
	int shm_ID;
	if ((shm_ID = shmget(SHMKEY, SHMSIZE, IPC_CREAT | 0444)) < 0 ) 
		perror("Error getting SHM segment."); 

	if ((pointer = shmat(shm_ID, NULL, 0)) == NULL) 
		perror("Error including SHM address space."); 
	shmStruct *value = (shmStruct*)pointer;
	//memcpy(&value, pointer, sizeof(pointer));

	printf("pointer size: %i\n", sizeof(pointer));

	if (shmdt(pointer) < 0) 
		perror("Error deallocating shared memory."); 


	return 0;
    const char *     cp  = gBootArgs;
    const char *     val = 0;
    const char *     kernel;
    int              cnt;
    int		     userCnt;
    int              cntRemaining;
    char *           argP;
    char             uuidStr[64];
    bool             uuidSet = false;
    char *           configKernelFlags;
    char *           valueBuffer;

    valueBuffer = malloc(VALUE_SIZE);
    skipblanks( &cp );

    // Update the unit and partition number.

    if ( gBootVolume )
        if (!( gBootVolume->flags & kBVFlagNativeBoot ))
            readBootSector( gBootVolume->biosdev, gBootVolume->part_boff,
                            (void *) 0x7c00 );

            // Setup edx, and signal intention to chain load the
            // foreign booter.

            chainbootdev  = gBootVolume->biosdev;
            chainbootflag = 1;

            return 1;


    // If no boot volume fail immediately because we're just going to fail
    // trying to load the config file anyway.
      return -1;

    // Load config table specified by the user, or use the default.

    if (!getValueForBootKey(cp, "config", &val, &cnt)) {
      val = 0;
      cnt = 0;

    // Load com.apple.Boot.plist from the selected volume
    // and use its contents to override default bootConfig.
    // This is not a mandatory operation anymore.


    // Use the kernel name specified by the user, or fetch the name
    // in the config table, or use the default if not specified.
    // Specifying a kernel name on the command line, or specifying
    // a non-default kernel name in the config file counts as
    // overriding the kernel, which causes the kernelcache not
    // to be used.

    gOverrideKernel = false;
    if (( kernel = extractKernelName((char **)&cp) )) {
        strcpy( bootInfo->bootFile, kernel );
        gOverrideKernel = true;
    } else {
        if ( getValueForKey( kKernelNameKey, &val, &cnt, &bootInfo->bootConfig ) ) {
            strlcpy( bootInfo->bootFile, val, cnt+1 );
            if (strcmp( bootInfo->bootFile, kDefaultKernel ) != 0) {
                gOverrideKernel = true;
        } else {
            strcpy( bootInfo->bootFile, kDefaultKernel );

    cntRemaining = BOOT_STRING_LEN - 2;  // save 1 for NULL, 1 for space
    argP = bootArgs->CommandLine;

    // Get config table kernel flags, if not ignored.
    if (getValueForBootKey(cp, kIgnoreBootFileFlag, &val, &cnt) ||
            !getValueForKey( kKernelFlagsKey, &val, &cnt, &bootInfo->bootConfig )) {
        val = "";
        cnt = 0;
    configKernelFlags = malloc(cnt + 1);
    strlcpy(configKernelFlags, val, cnt + 1);

    if (processBootArgument(kBootUUIDKey, cp, configKernelFlags, bootInfo->config, &argP, &cntRemaining, 0)) {
        // boot-uuid was set either on the command-line
        // or in the config file.
        uuidSet = true;
    } else {

        // Try an alternate method for getting the root UUID on boot helper partitions.
        if (gBootVolume->flags & kBVFlagBooter)
        	if((loadHelperConfig(&bootInfo->helperConfig) == 0)
        	    && getValueForKey(kHelperRootUUIDKey, &val, &cnt, &bootInfo->helperConfig) )
          	getValueForKey(kHelperRootUUIDKey, &val, &cnt, &bootInfo->helperConfig);
            copyArgument(kBootUUIDKey, val, cnt, &argP, &cntRemaining);
            uuidSet = true;

        if (!uuidSet && gBootVolume->fs_getuuid && gBootVolume->fs_getuuid (gBootVolume, uuidStr) == 0) {
            verbose("Setting boot-uuid to: %s\n", uuidStr);
            copyArgument(kBootUUIDKey, uuidStr, strlen(uuidStr), &argP, &cntRemaining);
            uuidSet = true;

    if (!processBootArgument(kRootDeviceKey, cp, configKernelFlags, bootInfo->config, &argP, &cntRemaining, gRootDevice)) {
        cnt = 0;
        if ( getValueForKey( kBootDeviceKey, &val, &cnt, &bootInfo->bootConfig)) {
            valueBuffer[0] = '*';
            strlcpy(valueBuffer + 1, val, cnt);
            val = valueBuffer;
        } else {
            if (uuidSet) {
                val = "*uuid";
                cnt = 5;
            } else {
                // Don't set "rd=.." if there is no boot device key
                // and no UUID.
                val = "";
                cnt = 0;
        if (cnt > 0) {
            copyArgument( kRootDeviceKey, val, cnt, &argP, &cntRemaining);
        strlcpy( gRootDevice, val, (cnt + 1));

     * Removed. We don't need this anymore.
    if (!processBootArgument(kPlatformKey, cp, configKernelFlags, bootInfo->config, &argP, &cntRemaining, gPlatformName)) {
        copyArgument(kPlatformKey, gPlatformName, strlen(gPlatformName), &argP, &cntRemaining);

    if (!getValueForBootKey(cp, kSafeModeFlag, &val, &cnt) &&
        !getValueForBootKey(configKernelFlags, kSafeModeFlag, &val, &cnt)) {
        if (gBootMode & kBootModeSafe) {
            copyArgument(0, kSafeModeFlag, strlen(kSafeModeFlag), &argP, &cntRemaining);

    // Store the merged kernel flags and boot args.

    cnt = strlen(configKernelFlags);
    if (cnt) {
        if (cnt > cntRemaining) {
            error("Warning: boot arguments too long, truncating\n");
            cnt = cntRemaining;
        strncpy(argP, configKernelFlags, cnt);
        argP[cnt++] = ' ';
        cntRemaining -= cnt;
    userCnt = strlen(cp);
    if (userCnt > cntRemaining) {
      error("Warning: boot arguments too long, truncating\n");
      userCnt = cntRemaining;
    strncpy(&argP[cnt], cp, userCnt);
    argP[cnt+userCnt] = '\0';

		gVerboseMode = getValueForKey( kVerboseModeFlag, &val, &cnt, &bootInfo->bootConfig ) ||
			getValueForKey( kSingleUserModeFlag, &val, &cnt, &bootInfo->bootConfig );
		gBootMode = ( getValueForKey( kSafeModeFlag, &val, &cnt, &bootInfo->bootConfig ) ) ?
			kBootModeSafe : kBootModeNormal;

        if ( getValueForKey( kIgnoreCachesFlag, &val, &cnt, &bootInfo->bootConfig ) ) {
            gBootMode = kBootModeSafe;

	if ( getValueForKey( kMKextCacheKey, &val, &cnt, &bootInfo->bootConfig ) )
		strlcpy(gMKextName, val, cnt + 1);


    return 0;
	const char *cp  = gBootArgs;
	const char *val = 0;
	const char *kernel;
	int         cnt;
	int         userCnt;
	int         cntRemaining;
	char       *argP;
	char       *configKernelFlags;
	char       *valueBuffer;

	valueBuffer = malloc(VALUE_SIZE);
	skipblanks( &cp );

	// Update the unit and partition number.

	if ( gBootVolume ) {
		if (!( gBootVolume->flags & kBVFlagNativeBoot )) {
			readBootSector( gBootVolume->biosdev, gBootVolume->part_boff, (void *) 0x7c00 );
			// Setup edx, and signal intention to chain load the
			// foreign booter.

			chainbootdev  = gBootVolume->biosdev;
			chainbootflag = 1;

			return 1;


	// If no boot volume fail immediately because we're just going to fail
	// trying to load the config file anyway.
	else {
		return -1;

	// Find out which version mac os we're booting.
	strncpy(gMacOSVersion, gBootVolume->OSVersion, sizeof(gMacOSVersion));

	// Load config table specified by the user, or use the default.

	if (!getValueForBootKey(cp, "config", &val, &cnt)) {
		val = 0;
		cnt = 0;

	// Load com.apple.Boot.plist from the selected volume
	// and use its contents to override default bootConfig.

	loadChameleonConfig(&bootInfo->chameleonConfig, NULL);

	// Use the kernel name specified by the user, or fetch the name
	// in the config table, or use the default if not specified.
	// Specifying a kernel name on the command line, or specifying
	// a non-default kernel name in the config file counts as
	// overriding the kernel, which causes the kernelcache not
	// to be used.

	gOverrideKernel = false;
	if (( kernel = extractKernelName((char **)&cp) ))
		strlcpy( bootInfo->bootFile, kernel, sizeof(bootInfo->bootFile) );
		if ( getValueForKey( kKernelNameKey, &val, &cnt, &bootInfo->bootConfig ) )
			strlcpy( bootInfo->bootFile, val, cnt+1 );
			if( YOSEMITE ) // is 10.10

				strlcpy( bootInfo->bootFile, kOSXKernel, sizeof(bootInfo->bootFile) );
				//printf(HEADER "/System/Library/Kernels/%s\n", bootInfo->bootFile);
			{ // OSX is not 10.10

				strlcpy( bootInfo->bootFile, kDefaultKernel, sizeof(bootInfo->bootFile) );
				//printf(HEADER "/%s\n", bootInfo->bootFile);

	if (!YOSEMITE) // not 10.10 so 10.9 and previus
		if (strcmp( bootInfo->bootFile, kDefaultKernel ) != 0)
	        	//printf(HEADER "org.chameleon.Boot.plist found path for custom '%s' found!\n", bootInfo->bootFile);
			gOverrideKernel = true;
	{ // OSX is 10.10
		if (strcmp( bootInfo->bootFile, kOSXKernel ) != 0)
        		//printf(HEADER "org.chameleon.Boot.plist found path for custom '%s' found!\n", bootInfo->bootFile);
			gOverrideKernel = true;

	// Ermac : Inject "kext-dev-mode=1" if OS X 10.10 is detected
	if( YOSEMITE ) // is 10.10

	cntRemaining = BOOT_STRING_LEN - 2;  // save 1 for NULL, 1 for space
	argP = bootArgs->CommandLine;

	// Get config kernel flags, if not ignored.
	if (getValueForBootKey(cp, kIgnoreBootFileFlag, &val, &cnt) ||
            !getValueForKey( kKernelFlagsKey, &val, &cnt, &bootInfo->bootConfig ))
		val = "";
		cnt = 0;
	configKernelFlags = malloc(cnt + 1);
	strlcpy(configKernelFlags, val, cnt + 1);

	// boot-uuid can be set either on the command-line or in the config file
	if (!processBootArgument(kBootUUIDKey, cp, configKernelFlags, bootInfo->config,
                             &argP, &cntRemaining, gBootUUIDString, sizeof(gBootUUIDString)))
		// Try an alternate method for getting the root UUID on boot helper partitions.
		if (gBootVolume->flags & kBVFlagBooter)
			// Load the configuration store in the boot helper partition
			if (loadHelperConfig(&bootInfo->helperConfig) == 0)
				val = getStringForKey(kHelperRootUUIDKey, &bootInfo->helperConfig);
				if (val != NULL)
					strlcpy(gBootUUIDString, val, sizeof(gBootUUIDString));
		// Try to get the volume uuid string
		if (!strlen(gBootUUIDString) && gBootVolume->fs_getuuid)
			gBootVolume->fs_getuuid(gBootVolume, gBootUUIDString);
		// If we have the volume uuid add it to the commandline arguments
		if (strlen(gBootUUIDString))
			copyArgument(kBootUUIDKey, gBootUUIDString, strlen(gBootUUIDString), &argP, &cntRemaining);
		// Try to get the volume uuid string
		if (!strlen(gBootUUIDString) && gBootVolume->fs_getuuid)
			gBootVolume->fs_getuuid(gBootVolume, gBootUUIDString);
			DBG("boot-uuid: %s\n", gBootUUIDString);

	if (!processBootArgument(kRootDeviceKey, cp, configKernelFlags, bootInfo->config,
                             &argP, &cntRemaining, gRootDevice, ROOT_DEVICE_SIZE))
		cnt = 0;
		if ( getValueForKey( kBootDeviceKey, &val, &cnt, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig))
			valueBuffer[0] = '*';
			strlcpy(valueBuffer + 1, val, cnt);
			val = valueBuffer;
		{ /*
			if (strlen(gBootUUIDString))
				val = "*uuid";
				cnt = 5;
			{ */
				// Don't set "rd=.." if there is no boot device key
				// and no UUID.
				val = "";
				cnt = 0;
			/* } */

		if (cnt > 0)
			copyArgument( kRootDeviceKey, val, cnt, &argP, &cntRemaining);
		strlcpy( gRootDevice, val, (cnt + 1));

	 * Removed. We don't need this anymore.
	if (!processBootArgument(kPlatformKey, cp, configKernelFlags, bootInfo->config,
							 &argP, &cntRemaining, gPlatformName, sizeof(gCacheNameAdler)))
		copyArgument(kPlatformKey, gPlatformName, strlen(gPlatformName), &argP, &cntRemaining);

	if (!getValueForBootKey(cp, kSafeModeFlag, &val, &cnt) &&
        !getValueForBootKey(configKernelFlags, kSafeModeFlag, &val, &cnt))
		if (gBootMode & kBootModeSafe)
			copyArgument(0, kSafeModeFlag, strlen(kSafeModeFlag), &argP, &cntRemaining);

	// Store the merged kernel flags and boot args.

	cnt = strlen(configKernelFlags);
	if (cnt)
		if (cnt > cntRemaining)
			error("Warning: boot arguments too long, truncating\n");
			cnt = cntRemaining;
		strncpy(argP, configKernelFlags, cnt);
		argP[cnt++] = ' ';
		cntRemaining -= cnt;
	userCnt = strlen(cp);
	if (userCnt > cntRemaining)
		error("Warning: boot arguments too long, truncating\n");
		userCnt = cntRemaining;
	strncpy(&argP[cnt], cp, userCnt);
	argP[cnt+userCnt] = '\0';

		gVerboseMode = getValueForKey( kVerboseModeFlag, &val, &cnt, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig ) ||
			getValueForKey( kSingleUserModeFlag, &val, &cnt, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig );
		gBootMode = ( getValueForKey( kSafeModeFlag, &val, &cnt, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig ) ) ?
			kBootModeSafe : kBootModeNormal;

		if ( getValueForKey( kIgnoreCachesFlag, &val, &cnt, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig ) )
			gBootMode = kBootModeSafe;

	if ( getValueForKey( kMKextCacheKey, &val, &cnt, &bootInfo->bootConfig ) )
		strlcpy(gMKextName, val, cnt + 1);


	return 0;
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
  FILE *fileImgPtr;
  Directory currentDir;
  OpenFileTable ofTable;
  unsigned int currentDirCluster;
  int flag = -1;
  int runLoop = 1;

  // Check for correct number of arguments.
  if (argc != 2) {
    printf("Error: Incorrect number of arguments.\n");
    printf("Expected: osmagicFAT <file image>\n");
    return 1;

  // Open the file image.
  fileImgPtr = fopen(argv[1], "rb+");
    if (fileImgPtr == NULL) {
      printf("Error: could not open file image\n.");
      return 1;

  // Read and store the boot sector data.

  // Set current directory to the root directory.
  currentDirCluster = fsMetadata[ROOT_CLUSTER];

  // Initialize open file table.
  ofTable.entries = (OpenFileEntry*) malloc(sizeof(OpenFileEntry));
  ofTable.size = 0;

  printf("Please input a command. Type 'quit' to quit program.\n");
  //Loop to perform commands until user exits.
  while(runLoop) {
    // Allocate memory to hold commands.
    char input[256];
    // Save the number of tokens(arguments) in each input.
    int tokCount = 0;
    char **cmds = (char**) malloc(6*sizeof(char*));
    for (int itr = 0; itr < 6; itr++)
      cmds[itr]=(char*) malloc(1*sizeof(char));
    // Initialize current directory data
    currentDir.dirEntries = (unsigned char **) malloc(sizeof(unsigned char *));
    currentDir.size = 0;

    // Read and store the current directory.
    getDirEntries(fileImgPtr, currentDirCluster, &currentDir);

    // Print prompt and get user input.
    if (fgets(input, 256, stdin) == NULL){
      printf("Error! Invalid input!\n");
    tokCount = tokenize(input,cmds);

    // Compare first argument to perform command.
    if (strcmp(cmds[0], "quit") == 0){
      runLoop = 0;

    else if (strcmp(cmds[0], "open") == 0) {
      if (tokCount != 3) {
        printf("Error: Invalid arguments.\n");
        printf("Expected: open <filename> <flag>\n");
      else {
        // Convert flag input string to int.
        if(strcmp(cmds[2], "r") == 0)
          flag = READ;
        else if(strcmp(cmds[2], "w") == 0)
          flag = WRITE;
        else if(strcmp(cmds[2], "rw") == 0)
          flag = READWRITE;
        else if(strcmp(cmds[2], "wr") == 0)
          flag = READWRITE;
        else {
          printf("Error: Invalid flag.\n");

        open(currentDir, fileImgPtr, &ofTable, cmds[1], flag);

    else if (strcmp(cmds[0], "close") == 0) {
      if(tokCount != 2) {
        printf("Error: Invalid arguments.\n");
        printf("Expected: close <filename>\n");
      else {
        if(!closeFile(&ofTable, cmds[1]))
          printf("Error: File has not been opened.\n");
    } // open

    else if (strcmp(cmds[0], "close") == 0) {

    } // close

    else if (strcmp(cmds[0], "create") == 0) {
      if (tokCount != 2) {
        printf("Error: Invalid arguments.\n");
        printf("Expected: create <filename>.\n");
      } // if
      else if (strcmp(cmds[1], ".") == 0
          || strcmp(cmds[1], "..") == 0) {
        printf("Error: Invalid arguments.\n");
        printf("\'%s\' is not a valid name\n", cmds[1]);
      else {
        create(currentDir, currentDirCluster, fileImgPtr, cmds[1], 0);
    } // create

    else if (strcmp(cmds[0], "rm") == 0) {
      if (tokCount != 2) {
        printf("Error: Invalid arguments.\n");
        printf("Expected: create <dirname>.\n");
      // using . or .. is not allowed
      else if (strcmp(cmds[1], ".") == 0
          || strcmp(cmds[1], "..") == 0) {
        printf("Error: Invalid arguments.\n");
        printf("\'%s\' is not a valid name\n", cmds[1]);
      else {
        int flag = 0;
        if(rm(currentDir, currentDirCluster, fileImgPtr, &ofTable, cmds[1], flag))
          printf("File has been removed.\n");
    } // rm

    else if (strcmp(cmds[0], "size") == 0) {
      if(tokCount != 2) {
        printf("Error: Invalid arguments.\n");
        printf("Expected: size <filename>\n");
      else {
        printf("%d bytes\n", size(currentDir, cmds[1]));
    } // size

    else if (strcmp(cmds[0], "cd") == 0) {
      if(tokCount != 2) {
        printf("Error: Invalid arguments.\n");
        printf("Expected: cd <directory>\n");
      else {
        // Find the cluster number of the desired directory and set the current
        // directory to that cluster.
        unsigned int newClusterNum = 0;
        unsigned int *newClusterPtr = &newClusterNum;
        if(cd(currentDir, cmds[1], newClusterPtr)) {
          currentDirCluster = *newClusterPtr;
    } // cd

    else if (strcmp(cmds[0], "ls") == 0) {
      //If only 1 argument, lists the current directory
      if(cmds[1] == NULL)
      else {
    	  unsigned int newDirCluster;
    	  //newDir will be populated with entries from the specified directory
    	  Directory newDir;

    	  newDir.dirEntries = (unsigned char **) malloc(sizeof(unsigned char *));
    	  newDir.size = 0;
    	  unsigned int newClusterNum = 0;
    	  unsigned int *newClusterPtr = &newClusterNum;

    	  //Checks if specified directory exists
    	  if(cd(currentDir, cmds[1], newClusterPtr))
    	      newDirCluster = *newClusterPtr;
    	      getDirEntries(fileImgPtr, newDirCluster, &newDir);

    	  // Free the dynamically allocated new directory.
    	  for(int i = 0; i < newDir.size; ++i)
    } // ls

    else if (strcmp(cmds[0], "read") == 0) {
      if(tokCount != 4) {
        printf("Error: Invalid arguments.\n");
        printf("Expected: read <filename> <position> <number of bytes>\n");
      else {
        int pos, numBytes;
        pos = atoi(cmds[2]);
        numBytes = atoi(cmds[3]);
        readFile(currentDir, &ofTable, fileImgPtr, cmds[1], pos, numBytes);
    } // read

    else if (strcmp(cmds[0], "write") == 0) {
      if(tokCount != 5) {
        printf("Error: Invalid arguments.\n");
        printf("Expected: write <filename> <position> <number of bytes> <string>\n");
      else {
        int pos, numBytes;
        pos = atoi(cmds[2]);
        numBytes = atoi(cmds[3]);
        writeFile(currentDir, currentDirCluster, &ofTable, fileImgPtr, cmds[1],
                  pos, numBytes, cmds[4]);
    } // write

    else if (strcmp(cmds[0], "mkdir") == 0) {
      if (tokCount != 2) {
        printf("Error: Invalid arguments.\n");
        printf("Expected: create <dirname>.\n");
      else if (strcmp(cmds[1], ".") == 0
          || strcmp(cmds[1], "..") == 0) {
        printf("Error: Invalid arguments.\n");
        printf("\'%s\' is not a valid name\n", cmds[1]);
      else {
        create(currentDir, currentDirCluster, fileImgPtr, cmds[1], 1);
    } // mkdir

    else if (strcmp(cmds[0], "rmdir") == 0) {
      if (tokCount != 2) {
        printf("Error: Invalid arguments.\n");
        printf("Expected: create <dirname>.\n");
      else if (strcmp(cmds[1], ".") == 0
          || strcmp(cmds[1], "..") == 0) {
        printf("Error: Invalid arguments.\n");
        printf("\'%s\' is not a valid name\n", cmds[1]);
      else {
        int flag = 0;
        if(rmDirectory(currentDir, currentDirCluster, fileImgPtr, cmds[1], flag))
          printf("Directory has been removed.\n");
    } // rmdir

    else {
      printf("Invalid command. Please try again.\n");
    } // invalid

    // Free dynamically-allocated memory.
    for (int itr = 0; itr < 6; itr++)

    // Free the dynamically allocated current directory.
    for (int i = 0; i < currentDir.size; ++i) {

  } // while input

  //Close the file image.
  printf("Exiting program...\n");

  // Free the dynamically allocated open file table.
  // Free the cluster chains.
  for (int i = 0; i < ofTable.size; ++i) {
  // Free the table.

  return 0;
	char *cp_cache = (char*)(uint32_t)get_env(envgBootArgs);
	if (cp_cache) 
		strlcpy(gBootArgs, cp_cache,sizeof(gBootArgs));
    const char *     cp  = gBootArgs;
    const char *     val = 0;
    const char *     kernel;
    int              cnt;
    int		     userCnt;
    char *           argP;
    char *           configKernelFlags;
	int              ArgCntRemaining;
    skipblanks( &cp );
    // Update the unit and partition number.
    if ( ((BVRef)(uint32_t)get_env(envgBootVolume)) )
        if (!( ((BVRef)(uint32_t)get_env(envgBootVolume))->flags & kBVFlagNativeBoot ))
            readBootSector( ((BVRef)(uint32_t)get_env(envgBootVolume))->biosdev, ((BVRef)(uint32_t)get_env(envgBootVolume))->part_boff,
						   (void *) 0x7c00 );
            // Setup edx, and signal intention to chain load the
            // foreign booter.
			extern unsigned char chainbootdev;
			extern unsigned char chainbootflag;
            chainbootdev  = ((BVRef)(uint32_t)get_env(envgBootVolume))->biosdev;
            chainbootflag = 1;
            return 1;
    // If no boot volume fail immediately because we're just going to fail
    // trying to load the config file anyway.
		return -1;
    // Load config table specified by the user, or use the default.
    if (!getValueForBootKey(cp, "config", &val, &cnt)) {
		val = 0;
		cnt = 0;
    // Load com.apple.Boot.plist from the selected volume
    // and use its contents to override default bootConfig.
    // This is not a mandatory opeartion anymore.
    // Load System com.apple.boot.plist config file
#if virtualM || PCI_FIX // we can simply make an option for this fix
#if verbose 
    // Use the kernel name specified by the user, or fetch the name
    // in the config table, or use the default if not specified.
    // Specifying a kernel name on the command line, or specifying
    // a non-default kernel name in the config file counts as
    // overriding the kernel, which causes the kernelcache not
    // to be used.
    if (( kernel = extractKernelName((char **)&cp) )) {        
		strlcpy( bootInfo->bootFile, kernel, sizeof(bootInfo->bootFile) );
    } else {
        if ( getValueForKey( kKernelNameKey, &val, &cnt, DEFAULT_BOOT_CONFIG ) ) {
            strlcpy( bootInfo->bootFile, val, sizeof(bootInfo->bootFile) );
            if (strncmp( bootInfo->bootFile, kDefaultKernel, sizeof(kDefaultKernel) ) != 0) {
        } else if (((BVRef)(uint32_t)get_env(envgBootVolume))->kernelfound == true) {
			strlcpy( bootInfo->bootFile, kDefaultKernel, sizeof(bootInfo->bootFile) );
        } else { 
            printf("No kernel found on this volume : hd(%d,%d)\n", BIOS_DEV_UNIT(((BVRef)(uint32_t)get_env(envgBootVolume))), ((BVRef)(uint32_t)get_env(envgBootVolume))->part_no);
            return -1;
    ArgCntRemaining = BOOT_STRING_LEN - 2;  // save 1 for NULL, 1 for space
    argP = bootArgs->CommandLine;
    // Get config table kernel flags, if not ignored.
    if (getValueForBootKey(cp, kIgnoreBootFileFlag, &val, &cnt) ||
		!getValueForKey( kKernelFlagsKey, &val, &cnt, DEFAULT_BOOT_CONFIG )) {
        val = "";
        cnt = 0;
    configKernelFlags = newString(val);
		bool isSafeMode = false;
		if (configKernelFlags) {
			isSafeMode = getValueForBootKey(configKernelFlags, kSafeModeFlag, &val, &cnt);
		if (!getValueForBootKey(cp, kSafeModeFlag, &val, &cnt) &&
			(isSafeMode == false)) {
			if (get_env(envgBootMode) & kBootModeSafe) {
				copyArgument(0, kSafeModeFlag, strlen(kSafeModeFlag), &argP, &ArgCntRemaining);
	if (configKernelFlags) {
		// Store the merged kernel flags and boot args.
		cnt = strlen(configKernelFlags);
		if (cnt) {
			if (cnt > ArgCntRemaining) {
				printf("Warning: boot arguments too long, truncating\n");
				cnt = ArgCntRemaining;
			strncpy(argP, configKernelFlags, cnt);
			argP[cnt++] = ' ';
			ArgCntRemaining -= cnt;
    userCnt = strlen(cp);
    if (userCnt > ArgCntRemaining) {
		printf("Warning: boot arguments too long, truncating\n");
		userCnt = ArgCntRemaining;
    strncpy(&argP[cnt], cp, userCnt);
    argP[cnt+userCnt] = '\0';
		bool gVerboseMode = getValueForKey( kVerboseModeFlag, &val, &cnt, DEFAULT_BOOT_CONFIG ) ||
		getValueForKey( kSingleUserModeFlag, &val, &cnt, DEFAULT_BOOT_CONFIG );
		safe_set_env(envgVerboseMode, gVerboseMode);
		long gBootMode = ( getValueForKey( kSafeModeFlag, &val, &cnt, DEFAULT_BOOT_CONFIG ) ) ?
		kBootModeSafe : kBootModeNormal;
        if ( getValueForKey( kIgnoreCachesFlag, &val, &cnt, DEFAULT_BOOT_CONFIG ) ) {
            gBootMode = kBootModeSafe;
	if ( getValueForKey( kMKextCacheKey, &val, &cnt, DEFAULT_BOOT_CONFIG ) )
        char * MKextName = (char*)(uint32_t)get_env(envMKextName);
	if (configKernelFlags) 
    return 0;
文件: disk.c 项目: aosm/boot
static int getNextFDiskPartition( int biosdev, int * partno,
                                  const struct fdisk_part ** outPart )
    static int                 sBiosdev = -1;
    static int                 sNextPartNo;
    static unsigned int        sFirstBase;
    static unsigned int        sExtBase;
    static unsigned int        sExtDepth;
    static struct fdisk_part * sExtPart;
    struct fdisk_part *        part;

    if ( sBiosdev != biosdev || *partno < 0 )
        // Fetch MBR.
        if ( readBootSector( biosdev, DISK_BLK0, 0 ) ) return 0;

        sBiosdev    = biosdev;
        sNextPartNo = 0;
        sFirstBase  = 0;
        sExtBase    = 0;
        sExtDepth   = 0;
        sExtPart    = NULL;

    while (1)
        part  = NULL;

        if ( sNextPartNo < FDISK_NPART )
            part = (struct fdisk_part *) gBootSector->parts[sNextPartNo];
        else if ( sExtPart )
            unsigned int blkno = sExtPart->relsect + sFirstBase;

            // Save the block offset of the first extended partition.

            if (sExtDepth == 0) {
                sFirstBase = blkno;
            sExtBase = blkno;

            // Load extended partition table.

            if ( readBootSector( biosdev, blkno, 0 ) == 0 )
                sNextPartNo = 0;
                sExtPart = NULL;
            // Fall through to part == NULL

        if ( part == NULL ) break;  // Reached end of partition chain.

        // Advance to next partition number.


        if ( isExtendedFDiskPartition(part) )
            sExtPart = part;

        // Skip empty slots.

        if ( part->systid == 0x00 )

        // Change relative offset to an absolute offset.
        part->relsect += sExtBase;

        *outPart = part;
        *partno  = sExtDepth ? (int)(sExtDepth + FDISK_NPART) : sNextPartNo;


    return (part != NULL);
    const char *     cp  = gBootArgs;
    const char *     val = 0;
    const char *     kernel;
    int              cnt;
    int		     userCnt;
    int              cntRemaining;
    char *           argP;
    char             uuidStr[64];
    BOOL             uuidSet = NO;
    char *           configKernelFlags;
    char *           valueBuffer;

    valueBuffer = (char *)malloc(VALUE_SIZE);

    skipblanks( &cp );

    // Update the unit and partition number.

    if ( gBootVolume )
        if ( gBootVolume->flags & kBVFlagForeignBoot )
            readBootSector( gBootVolume->biosdev, gBootVolume->part_boff,
                            (void *) 0x7c00 );

            // Setup edx, and signal intention to chain load the
            // foreign booter.

            chainbootdev  = gBootVolume->biosdev;
            chainbootflag = 1;

            return 1;

        bootInfo->kernDev &= ~((B_UNITMASK << B_UNITSHIFT ) |
                          (B_PARTITIONMASK << B_PARTITIONSHIFT));

        bootInfo->kernDev |= MAKEKERNDEV(    0,
 		         /* unit */      BIOS_DEV_UNIT(gBootVolume),
                        /* partition */ gBootVolume->part_no );

    // Load config table specified by the user, or use the default.

    if (getValueForBootKey( cp, "config", &val, &cnt ) == FALSE) {
	val = 0;
	cnt = 0;
    loadSystemConfig(val, cnt);
    if ( !sysConfigValid ) return -1;

    // Use the kernel name specified by the user, or fetch the name
    // in the config table, or use the default if not specified.
    // Specifying a kernel name on the command line, or specifying
    // a non-default kernel name in the config file counts as
    // overriding the kernel, which causes the kernelcache not
    // to be used.

    gOverrideKernel = NO;
    if (( kernel = extractKernelName((char **)&cp) )) {
        strcpy( bootInfo->bootFile, kernel );
        gOverrideKernel = YES;
    } else {
        if ( getValueForKey( kKernelNameKey, &val, &cnt ) ) {
            strlcpy( bootInfo->bootFile, val, cnt+1 );
            if (strcmp( bootInfo->bootFile, kDefaultKernel ) != 0) {
                gOverrideKernel = YES;
        } else {
            strcpy( bootInfo->bootFile, kDefaultKernel );

    cntRemaining = BOOT_STRING_LEN - 2;  // save 1 for NULL, 1 for space
    argP = bootArgs->CommandLine;

    // Get config table kernel flags, if not ignored.
    if (getValueForBootKey(cp, kIgnoreBootFileFlag, &val, &cnt) == TRUE ||
            getValueForKey( kKernelFlagsKey, &val, &cnt ) == FALSE) {
        val = "";
        cnt = 0;
    configKernelFlags = (char *)malloc(cnt + 1);
    strlcpy(configKernelFlags, val, cnt + 1);

    if (processBootArgument(kBootUUIDKey, cp, configKernelFlags, bootInfo->config, &argP, &cntRemaining, 0)) {
        // boot-uuid was set either on the command-line
        // or in the config file.
        uuidSet = YES;
    } else {
        if (GetFSUUID(bootInfo->bootFile, uuidStr) == 0) {
            verbose("Setting boot-uuid to: %s\n", uuidStr);
            copyArgument(kBootUUIDKey, uuidStr, strlen(uuidStr), &argP, &cntRemaining);
            uuidSet = YES;

    if (!processBootArgument(kRootDeviceKey, cp, configKernelFlags, bootInfo->config, &argP, &cntRemaining, gRootDevice)) {
        cnt = 0;
        if ( getValueForKey( kBootDeviceKey, &val, &cnt)) {
            valueBuffer[0] = '*';
            strlcpy(valueBuffer + 1, val, cnt);
            val = valueBuffer;
        } else {
            if (uuidSet) {
                val = "*uuid";
                cnt = 5;
            } else {
                // Don't set "rd=.." if there is no boot device key
                // and no UUID.
                val = "";
                cnt = 0;
        if (cnt > 0) {
            copyArgument( kRootDeviceKey, val, cnt, &argP, &cntRemaining);
        strlcpy( gRootDevice, val, (cnt + 1));

    if (!processBootArgument(kPlatformKey, cp, configKernelFlags, bootInfo->config, &argP, &cntRemaining, gPlatformName)) {
        copyArgument(kPlatformKey, gPlatformName, strlen(gPlatformName), &argP, &cntRemaining);

    if (!getValueForBootKey(cp, kSafeModeFlag, &val, &cnt) &&
        !getValueForBootKey(configKernelFlags, kSafeModeFlag, &val, &cnt)) {
        if (gBootMode & kBootModeSafe) {
            copyArgument(0, kSafeModeFlag, strlen(kSafeModeFlag), &argP, &cntRemaining);

    // Store the merged kernel flags and boot args.

    cnt = strlen(configKernelFlags);
    if (cnt) {
        if (cnt > cntRemaining) {
            error("Warning: boot arguments too long, truncating\n");
            cnt = cntRemaining;
        strncpy(argP, configKernelFlags, cnt);
        argP[cnt++] = ' ';
        cntRemaining -= cnt;
    userCnt = strlen(cp);
    if (userCnt > cntRemaining) {
	error("Warning: boot arguments too long, truncating\n");
	userCnt = cntRemaining;
    strncpy(&argP[cnt], cp, userCnt);
    argP[cnt+userCnt] = '\0';

    gVerboseMode = getValueForKey( kVerboseModeFlag, &val, &cnt ) ||
                   getValueForKey( kSingleUserModeFlag, &val, &cnt );

    gBootMode = ( getValueForKey( kSafeModeFlag, &val, &cnt ) ) ?
                kBootModeSafe : kBootModeNormal;

    if ( getValueForKey( kOldSafeModeFlag, &val, &cnt ) ) {
        gBootMode = kBootModeSafe;

    if ( getValueForKey( kMKextCacheKey, &val, &cnt ) ) {
        strlcpy(gMKextName, val, cnt + 1);


    return 0;
文件: options.c 项目: aosm/boot
int processBootOptions()
    const char *     cp  = gBootArgs;
    const char *     val = 0;
    const char *     kernel;
    int              cnt;
    int		     userCnt;
    int              cntRemaining;
    char *           argP;

    skipblanks( &cp );

    // Update the unit and partition number.

    if ( gBootVolume )
        if ( gBootVolume->flags & kBVFlagForeignBoot )
            readBootSector( gBootVolume->biosdev, gBootVolume->part_boff,
                            (void *) 0x7c00 );

            // Setup edx, and signal intention to chain load the
            // foreign booter.

            chainbootdev  = gBootVolume->biosdev;
            chainbootflag = 1;

            return 1;

        bootArgs->kernDev &= ~((B_UNITMASK << B_UNITSHIFT ) |
                          (B_PARTITIONMASK << B_PARTITIONSHIFT));

        bootArgs->kernDev |= MAKEKERNDEV(    0,
 		         /* unit */      BIOS_DEV_UNIT(gBootVolume),
                        /* partition */ gBootVolume->part_no );

    // Load config table specified by the user, or use the default.

    if (getValueForBootKey( cp, "config", &val, &cnt ) == FALSE) {
	val = 0;
	cnt = 0;
    loadSystemConfig(val, cnt);
    if ( !sysConfigValid ) return -1;

    // Use the kernel name specified by the user, or fetch the name
    // in the config table, or use the default if not specified.
    // Specifying a kernel name on the command line, or specifying
    // a non-default kernel name in the config file counts as
    // overriding the kernel, which causes the kernelcache not
    // to be used.

    gOverrideKernel = NO;
    if (( kernel = extractKernelName((char **)&cp) )) {
        strcpy( bootArgs->bootFile, kernel );
        gOverrideKernel = YES;
    } else {
        if ( getValueForKey( kKernelNameKey, &val, &cnt ) ) {
            strlcpy( bootArgs->bootFile, val, cnt+1 );
            if (strcmp( bootArgs->bootFile, kDefaultKernel ) != 0) {
                gOverrideKernel = YES;
        } else {
            strcpy( bootArgs->bootFile, kDefaultKernel );

    cntRemaining = BOOT_STRING_LEN - 2;  // save 1 for NULL, 1 for space

    // Check to see if we need to specify root device.
    // If user types "rd=.." on the boot line, it overrides
    // the boot device key in the boot arguments file.
    argP = bootArgs->bootString;
    if ( getValueForBootKey( cp, kRootDeviceKey, &val, &cnt ) == FALSE &&
         getValueForKey( kRootDeviceKey, &val, &cnt ) == FALSE ) {
        if ( getValueForKey( kBootDeviceKey, &val, &cnt ) ) {
            strcpy( argP, "rd=*" );
            argP += 4;
            strlcpy( argP, val, cnt+1);
            cntRemaining -= cnt;
            argP += cnt;
            *argP++ = ' ';

    // Check to see if we should ignore saved kernel flags.
    if (getValueForBootKey(cp, kIgnoreBootFileFlag, &val, &cnt) == FALSE) {
        if (getValueForKey( kKernelFlagsKey, &val, &cnt ) == FALSE) {
	    val = 0;
	    cnt = 0;

    // Store the merged kernel flags and boot args.

    if (cnt > cntRemaining) {
	error("Warning: boot arguments too long, truncated\n");
	cnt = cntRemaining;
    if (cnt) {
      strncpy(argP, val, cnt);
      argP[cnt++] = ' ';
    cntRemaining = cntRemaining - cnt;
    userCnt = strlen(cp);
    if (userCnt > cntRemaining) {
	error("Warning: boot arguments too long, truncated\n");
	userCnt = cntRemaining;
    strncpy(&argP[cnt], cp, userCnt);
    argP[cnt+userCnt] = '\0';

    gVerboseMode = getValueForKey( kVerboseModeFlag, &val, &cnt ) ||
                   getValueForKey( kSingleUserModeFlag, &val, &cnt );

    gBootMode = ( getValueForKey( kSafeModeFlag, &val, &cnt ) ) ?
                kBootModeSafe : kBootModeNormal;

    if ( getValueForKey( kPlatformKey, &val, &cnt ) ) {
        strlcpy(gPlatformName, val, cnt + 1);
    } else {
        strcpy(gPlatformName, "ACPI");

    if ( getValueForKey( kMKextCacheKey, &val, &cnt ) ) {
        strlcpy(gMKextName, val, cnt + 1);

    return 0;
INT_PTR CALLBACK Dialog1(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	switch (message)
		return (INT_PTR)TRUE;

		if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDOK || LOWORD(wParam) == IDCANCEL)
			EndDialog(hDlg, LOWORD(wParam));
			return (INT_PTR)TRUE;
		switch (LOWORD(wParam))
			mBootSector mbs;
			//HWND val = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT_VOLUME);
			//TCHAR temp[1024];
			//char ctemp[1024];
			/*GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_EDIT_VOLUME, temp, 1024);

			for (int i = 0; i < lstrlen(temp); ++i)
				ctemp[i] = temp[i];
			ctemp[lstrlen(temp)] = 0;*/
			char vol[1024];
			getVolumeName(hDlg, vol);
			if (readBootSector(vol, mbs))
				CreateThread(NULL, 1024, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)showLog, 0, 0, NULL);
			else MessageBox(hDlg, L"Cannot open volume", L"Error", MB_OK);
			//system("notepad log.txt");
			mMBR mbr;
			//HWND val = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT_PHYSICAL_DRIVE);
			int driveNumber;// = GetDlgItemInt(hDlg, IDC_EDIT_PHYSICAL_DRIVE, 0, false);//get
			getPhysicalNumber(hDlg, driveNumber);

			if (readMBR(driveNumber, mbr))
				CreateThread(NULL, 1024, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)showLog, 0, 0, NULL);
				MessageBox(hDlg, L"Cannot open drive", L"Error", MB_OK);
			//system("notepad log.txt");


			int num;
			char path[1024], dest[1024];
			getPhysicalNumber(hDlg, num);
			getPathPhysicalDrive(num, path);
			srcdest* temp = new srcdest;
			temp->src = std::string(path);
			saveFile(hDlg, dest);
			temp->dest = std::string(dest);

			CreateThread(NULL, 1024, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)makeImage, temp, 0, NULL);
			//CreateImage(path, "temp.img", NULL);
			char vol[1024];
			char path[1024], dest[1024];
			getVolumeName(hDlg, vol);
			getPathVolume(vol, path);
			srcdest* temp = new srcdest;
			temp->src = std::string(path);
			saveFile(hDlg, dest);
			temp->dest = std::string(dest);

			CreateThread(NULL, 1024, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)makeImage, temp, 0, NULL);

			//CreateImage(path, "temp.img", NULL);
			return (INT_PTR)TRUE;

	return (INT_PTR)FALSE;