bool QgsMapLayer::readLayerXML( const QDomElement& layerElement )
  QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem savedCRS;
  CUSTOM_CRS_VALIDATION savedValidation;
  bool layerError;

  QDomNode mnl;
  QDomElement mne;

  // read provider
  QString provider;
  mnl = layerElement.namedItem( "provider" );
  mne = mnl.toElement();
  provider = mne.text();

  // set data source
  mnl = layerElement.namedItem( "datasource" );
  mne = mnl.toElement();
  mDataSource = mne.text();

  // TODO: this should go to providers
  if ( provider == "spatialite" )
    QgsDataSourceURI uri( mDataSource );
    uri.setDatabase( QgsProject::instance()->readPath( uri.database() ) );
    mDataSource = uri.uri();
  else if ( provider == "ogr" )
    QStringList theURIParts = mDataSource.split( "|" );
    theURIParts[0] = QgsProject::instance()->readPath( theURIParts[0] );
    mDataSource = theURIParts.join( "|" );
  else if ( provider == "delimitedtext" )
    QUrl urlSource = QUrl::fromEncoded( mDataSource.toAscii() );

    if ( !mDataSource.startsWith( "file:" ) )
      QUrl file = QUrl::fromLocalFile( mDataSource.left( mDataSource.indexOf( "?" ) ) );
      urlSource.setScheme( "file" );
      urlSource.setPath( file.path() );

    QUrl urlDest = QUrl::fromLocalFile( QgsProject::instance()->readPath( urlSource.toLocalFile() ) );
    urlDest.setQueryItems( urlSource.queryItems() );
    mDataSource = QString::fromAscii( urlDest.toEncoded() );
  else if ( provider == "wms" )
    // For project file backward compatibility we must support old format:
    // 1. mode: <url>
    //    example: http://example.org/wms?
    // 2. mode: tiled=<width>;<height>;<resolution>;<resolution>...,ignoreUrl=GetMap;GetFeatureInfo,featureCount=<count>,username=<name>,password=<password>,url=<url>
    //    example: tiled=256;256;0.703;0.351,url=http://example.org/tilecache?
    //    example: featureCount=10,http://example.org/wms?
    //    example: ignoreUrl=GetMap;GetFeatureInfo,username=cimrman,password=jara,url=http://example.org/wms?
    // This is modified version of old QgsWmsProvider::parseUri
    // The new format has always params crs,format,layers,styles and that params
    // should not appear in old format url -> use them to identify version
    if ( !mDataSource.contains( "crs=" ) && !mDataSource.contains( "format=" ) )
      QgsDebugMsg( "Old WMS URI format detected -> converting to new format" );
      QgsDataSourceURI uri;
      if ( !mDataSource.startsWith( "http:" ) )
        QStringList parts = mDataSource.split( "," );
        QStringListIterator iter( parts );
        while ( iter.hasNext() )
          QString item = iter.next();
          if ( item.startsWith( "username="******"username", item.mid( 9 ) );
          else if ( item.startsWith( "password="******"password", item.mid( 9 ) );
          else if ( item.startsWith( "tiled=" ) )
            // in < 1.9 tiled= may apper in to variants:
            // tiled=width;height - non tiled mode, specifies max width and max height
            // tiled=width;height;resolutions-1;resolution2;... - tile mode

            QStringList params = item.mid( 6 ).split( ";" );

            if ( params.size() == 2 ) // non tiled mode
              uri.setParam( "maxWidth", params.takeFirst() );
              uri.setParam( "maxHeight", params.takeFirst() );
            else if ( params.size() > 2 ) // tiled mode
              // resolutions are no more needed and size limit is not used for tiles
              // we have to tell to the provider however that it is tiled
              uri.setParam( "tileMatrixSet", "" );
          else if ( item.startsWith( "featureCount=" ) )
            uri.setParam( "featureCount", item.mid( 13 ) );
          else if ( item.startsWith( "url=" ) )
            uri.setParam( "url", item.mid( 4 ) );
          else if ( item.startsWith( "ignoreUrl=" ) )
            uri.setParam( "ignoreUrl", item.mid( 10 ).split( ";" ) );
        uri.setParam( "url", mDataSource );
      mDataSource = uri.encodedUri();
      // At this point, the URI is obviously incomplete, we add additional params
      // in QgsRasterLayer::readXml
    mDataSource = QgsProject::instance()->readPath( mDataSource );

  // Set the CRS from project file, asking the user if necessary.
  // Make it the saved CRS to have WMS layer projected correctly.
  // We will still overwrite whatever GDAL etc picks up anyway
  // further down this function.
  mnl = layerElement.namedItem( "layername" );
  mne = mnl.toElement();

  QDomNode srsNode = layerElement.namedItem( "srs" );
  mCRS->readXML( srsNode );
  mCRS->setValidationHint( tr( "Specify CRS for layer %1" ).arg( mne.text() ) );
  savedCRS = *mCRS;

  // Do not validate any projections in children, they will be overwritten anyway.
  // No need to ask the user for a projections when it is overwritten, is there?
  savedValidation = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::customSrsValidation();
  QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::setCustomSrsValidation( NULL );

  // now let the children grab what they need from the Dom node.
  layerError = !readXml( layerElement );

  // overwrite CRS with what we read from project file before the raster/vector
  // file readnig functions changed it. They will if projections is specfied in the file.
  // FIXME: is this necessary?
  QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::setCustomSrsValidation( savedValidation );
  *mCRS = savedCRS;

  // Abort if any error in layer, such as not found.
  if ( layerError )
    return false;

  // the internal name is just the data source basename
  //QFileInfo dataSourceFileInfo( mDataSource );
  //internalName = dataSourceFileInfo.baseName();

  // set ID
  mnl = layerElement.namedItem( "id" );
  if ( ! mnl.isNull() )
    mne = mnl.toElement();
    if ( ! mne.isNull() && mne.text().length() > 10 ) // should be at least 17 (yyyyMMddhhmmsszzz)
      mID = mne.text();

  // use scale dependent visibility flag
  toggleScaleBasedVisibility( layerElement.attribute( "hasScaleBasedVisibilityFlag" ).toInt() == 1 );
  setMinimumScale( layerElement.attribute( "minimumScale" ).toFloat() );
  setMaximumScale( layerElement.attribute( "maximumScale" ).toFloat() );

  // set name
  mnl = layerElement.namedItem( "layername" );
  mne = mnl.toElement();
  setLayerName( mne.text() );

  QDomElement titleElem = layerElement.firstChildElement( "title" );
  if ( !titleElem.isNull() )
    mTitle = titleElem.text();

  QDomElement abstractElem = layerElement.firstChildElement( "abstract" );
  if ( !abstractElem.isNull() )
    mAbstract = abstractElem.text();

  QDomElement keywordListElem = layerElement.firstChildElement( "keywordList" );
  if ( !keywordListElem.isNull() )
    QStringList kwdList;
    for ( QDomNode n = keywordListElem.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling() )
      kwdList << n.toElement().text();
    mKeywordList = kwdList.join( ", " );

  QDomElement dataUrlElem = layerElement.firstChildElement( "dataUrl" );
  if ( !dataUrlElem.isNull() )
    mDataUrl = dataUrlElem.text();
    mDataUrlFormat = dataUrlElem.attribute( "format", "" );

  QDomElement attribElem = layerElement.firstChildElement( "attribution" );
  if ( !attribElem.isNull() )
    mAttribution = attribElem.text();
    mAttributionUrl = attribElem.attribute( "href", "" );

  QDomElement metaUrlElem = layerElement.firstChildElement( "metadataUrl" );
  if ( !metaUrlElem.isNull() )
    mMetadataUrl = metaUrlElem.text();
    mMetadataUrlType = metaUrlElem.attribute( "type", "" );
    mMetadataUrlFormat = metaUrlElem.attribute( "format", "" );

#if 0
  //read transparency level
  QDomNode transparencyNode = layer_node.namedItem( "transparencyLevelInt" );
  if ( ! transparencyNode.isNull() )
    // set transparency level only if it's in project
    // (otherwise it sets the layer transparent)
    QDomElement myElement = transparencyNode.toElement();
    setTransparency( myElement.text().toInt() );

  readCustomProperties( layerElement );

  return true;
} // bool QgsMapLayer::readLayerXML
bool QgsMapLayer::readXML( const QDomNode& layer_node )
  QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem savedCRS;
  CUSTOM_CRS_VALIDATION savedValidation;
  bool layerError;

  QDomElement element = layer_node.toElement();

  QDomNode mnl;
  QDomElement mne;

  // read provider
  QString provider;
  mnl = layer_node.namedItem( "provider" );
  mne = mnl.toElement();
  provider = mne.text();

  // set data source
  mnl = layer_node.namedItem( "datasource" );
  mne = mnl.toElement();
  mDataSource = mne.text();

  if ( provider == "spatialite" )
    QgsDataSourceURI uri( mDataSource );
    uri.setDatabase( QgsProject::instance()->readPath( uri.database() ) );
    mDataSource = uri.uri();
  else if ( provider == "ogr" )
    QStringList theURIParts = mDataSource.split( "|" );
    theURIParts[0] = QgsProject::instance()->readPath( theURIParts[0] );
    mDataSource = theURIParts.join( "|" );
  else if ( provider == "delimitedtext" )
    QUrl urlSource = QUrl::fromEncoded( mDataSource.toAscii() );

    if ( !mDataSource.startsWith( "file:" ) )
      QUrl file = QUrl::fromLocalFile( mDataSource.left( mDataSource.indexOf( "?" ) ) );
      urlSource.setScheme( "file" );
      urlSource.setPath( file.path() );

    QUrl urlDest = QUrl::fromLocalFile( QgsProject::instance()->readPath( urlSource.toLocalFile() ) );
    urlDest.setQueryItems( urlSource.queryItems() );
    mDataSource = QString::fromAscii( urlDest.toEncoded() );
    mDataSource = QgsProject::instance()->readPath( mDataSource );

  // Set the CRS from project file, asking the user if necessary.
  // Make it the saved CRS to have WMS layer projected correctly.
  // We will still overwrite whatever GDAL etc picks up anyway
  // further down this function.
  mnl = layer_node.namedItem( "layername" );
  mne = mnl.toElement();

  QDomNode srsNode = layer_node.namedItem( "srs" );
  mCRS->readXML( srsNode );
  mCRS->setValidationHint( tr( "Specify CRS for layer %1" ).arg( mne.text() ) );
  savedCRS = *mCRS;

  // Do not validate any projections in children, they will be overwritten anyway.
  // No need to ask the user for a projections when it is overwritten, is there?
  savedValidation = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::customSrsValidation();
  QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::setCustomSrsValidation( NULL );

  // now let the children grab what they need from the Dom node.
  layerError = !readXml( layer_node );

  // overwrite CRS with what we read from project file before the raster/vector
  // file readnig functions changed it. They will if projections is specfied in the file.
  // FIXME: is this necessary?
  QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::setCustomSrsValidation( savedValidation );
  *mCRS = savedCRS;

  // Abort if any error in layer, such as not found.
  if ( layerError )
    return false;

  // the internal name is just the data source basename
  //QFileInfo dataSourceFileInfo( mDataSource );
  //internalName = dataSourceFileInfo.baseName();

  // set ID
  mnl = layer_node.namedItem( "id" );
  if ( ! mnl.isNull() )
    mne = mnl.toElement();
    if ( ! mne.isNull() && mne.text().length() > 10 ) // should be at least 17 (yyyyMMddhhmmsszzz)
      mID = mne.text();

  // use scale dependent visibility flag
  toggleScaleBasedVisibility( element.attribute( "hasScaleBasedVisibilityFlag" ).toInt() == 1 );
  setMinimumScale( element.attribute( "minimumScale" ).toFloat() );
  setMaximumScale( element.attribute( "maximumScale" ).toFloat() );

  // set name
  mnl = layer_node.namedItem( "layername" );
  mne = mnl.toElement();
  setLayerName( mne.text() );

  QDomElement titleElem = layer_node.firstChildElement( "title" );
  if ( !titleElem.isNull() )
    mTitle = titleElem.text();

  QDomElement abstractElem = layer_node.firstChildElement( "abstract" );
  if ( !abstractElem.isNull() )
    mAbstract = abstractElem.text();

  //read transparency level
  QDomNode transparencyNode = layer_node.namedItem( "transparencyLevelInt" );
  if ( ! transparencyNode.isNull() )
    // set transparency level only if it's in project
    // (otherwise it sets the layer transparent)
    QDomElement myElement = transparencyNode.toElement();
    setTransparency( myElement.text().toInt() );

  readCustomProperties( layer_node );

  return true;
} // void QgsMapLayer::readXML