NIVissimSingleTypeParser_Geschwindigkeitsverteilungsdefinition::parse(std::istream& from) {
    // id
    std::string id;
    from >> id;
    // list of points
    PositionVector points;
    std::string tag;
    do {
        tag = readEndSecure(from);
        if (tag == "name") {
            tag = readEndSecure(from);
        if (tag != "DATAEND") {
            SUMOReal p1 = TplConvert::_2SUMOReal(tag.c_str());
            from >> tag;
            SUMOReal p2 = TplConvert::_2SUMOReal(tag.c_str());
            points.push_back(Position(p1, p2));
    } while (tag != "DATAEND");
                               id, new Distribution_Points(id, points));
    return true;
NIVissimSingleTypeParser_Querverkehrsstoerungsdefinition::parsePositionDescribed(std::istream& from) {
    std::string tag = myRead(from);
    NIVissimExtendedEdgePoint edge = parsePos(from);
//    from >> tag; // "Durch"
    bool ok = true;
    do {
        from >> tag; // "Strecke"
        NIVissimExtendedEdgePoint by = parsePos(from);
        SUMOReal timegap;
        from >> timegap;

        from >> tag;
        SUMOReal waygap;
        from >> waygap;

        SUMOReal vmax = -1;
        tag = readEndSecure(from);
        if (tag == "vmax") {
            from >> vmax;
        ok = NIVissimDisturbance::dictionary(-1, "", edge, by,
                                             timegap, waygap, vmax);
        if (tag != "DATAEND") {
            tag = readEndSecure(from);
    } while (tag != "DATAEND" && ok);
NIVissimSingleTypeParser_Knotendefinition::parse(std::istream &from) {
    int id;
    from >> id;
    std::string tag;
    from >> tag;
    std::string name = readName(from);
    tag = overrideOptionalLabel(from);
    while (tag!="netzausschnitt") {
        tag = myRead(from);
    tag = myRead(from);
    if (tag=="strecke") {
        NIVissimNodeParticipatingEdgeVector edges;
        while (tag=="strecke") {
            int edgeid;
            SUMOReal from_pos, to_pos;
            from_pos = to_pos = -1.0;
            from >> edgeid;
            tag = readEndSecure(from, "strecke");
            if (tag=="von") {
                from >> from_pos; // type-checking is missing!
                from >> tag;
                from >> to_pos; // type-checking is missing!
                tag = readEndSecure(from, "strecke");
            edges.push_back(new NIVissimNodeParticipatingEdge(edgeid, from_pos, to_pos));
NIVissimSingleTypeParser_DynUml::parse(std::istream& from) {
    std::vector<std::string> tmp;
    readUntil(from, "kirchhoffexponent");
    std::string tag = readEndSecure(from, tmp);
    while (tag != "DATAEND") {
        tag = readEndSecure(from, tmp);
    return true;
NIVissimSingleTypeParser_Auswertungsdefinition::parse(std::istream& from) {
    std::string id;
    from >> id; // "typ"

    if (id == "DATENBANK") { // !!! unverified
        return true;

    std::string type = myRead(from);
    if (type == "abfluss") {
        while (type != "signalgruppe") {
            type = myRead(from);
        while (type != "DATAEND") {
            type = readEndSecure(from, "messung");
    } else if (type == "vbv") {} else if (type == "dichte") {} else if (type == "emissionen") {} else if (type == "fzprot") {} else if (type == "spwprot") {} else if (type == "segment") {
        while (type != "konfdatei") {
            type = myRead(from);
    } else if (type == "wegeausw") {} else if (type == "knoten") {} else if (type == "konvergenz") {
        while (type != "zeit") {
            type = myRead(from);
    return true;
NIVissimSingleTypeParser_Kantensperrung::parse(std::istream& from) {
    std::string tag;
    from >> tag;
    std::string id;
    from >> id;
    from >> tag;
    from >> tag;
    int from_node;
    from >> from_node;
    from >> tag;
    from >> tag;
    int to_node;
    from >> to_node;
    from >> tag;
    from >> tag;
    std::vector<int> edges;
    while (tag != "DATAEND") {
        tag = readEndSecure(from);
        if (tag != "DATAEND") {
    NIVissimClosures::dictionary(id, from_node, to_node, edges);
    return true;
NIVissimSingleTypeParser_Zusammensetzungsdefinition::parse(std::istream& from) {
    std::string tag = myRead(from);
    while (tag != "fahrzeugtyp") {
        tag = readEndSecure(from, "fahrzeugtyp");
    do {
        tag = myRead(from); // id
        tag = myRead(from); // "anteil"
        tag = myRead(from); // value
        tag = myRead(from); // "VWunsch"
        tag = myRead(from); // value
        tag = readEndSecure(from, "fahrzeugtyp"); // "fahrzeugtyp"?
    } while (tag == "fahrzeugtyp");
    return true;
NIVissimSingleTypeParser_Verlustzeitmessungsdefinition::parse(std::istream& from) {
    std::string tag = myRead(from);
    if (tag == "von") {
        while (tag != "DATAEND") {
            tag = readEndSecure(from);
        return true;

    while (tag != "fahrzeugklassen") {
        tag = myRead(from);
    while (tag != "DATAEND") {
        tag = readEndSecure(from);
    return true;
NIVissimSingleTypeParser_Querschnittsmessungsdefinition::parse(std::istream& from) {
    std::string tag = myRead(from);
    if (tag == "von") {
        while (tag != "fahrzeugklassen" && tag != "konfdatei") {
            tag = myRead(from);
        tag = myRead(from);
        while (tag != "DATAEND") {
            tag = readEndSecure(from);
        return true;
    tag = myRead(from);
    tag = myRead(from);
    while (tag != "DATAEND") {
        tag = readEndSecure(from);
    return true;
NIVissimSingleTypeParser_Detektordefinition::parse(std::istream& from) {
    std::string tag;
    while (tag != "strecke") {
        tag = myRead(from);
    while (tag != "DATAEND") {
        tag = readEndSecure(from);
    return true;
NIVissimSingleTypeParser_Haltestellendefinition::parse(std::istream &from) {
    std::string tag;
    while (tag!="strecke") {
        tag = myRead(from);
    while (tag!="laenge") {
        tag = myRead(from);
    from >> tag;
    tag = readEndSecure(from);
    while (tag=="einsteiger"&&tag!="DATAEND") {
        while (tag!="linie") {
            tag = myRead(from);
        while (tag!="einsteiger"&&tag!="DATAEND") {
            tag = readEndSecure(from);
    return true;
NIVissimSingleTypeParser_Reisezeitmessungsdefinition::parse(std::istream& from) {
    std::string tag = myRead(from);
    if (tag == "aggregationsintervall") {
        while (tag != "DATAEND") {
            tag = readEndSecure(from);
        return true;

    while (tag != "strecke") {
        tag = myRead(from);
    tag = myRead(from);
    while (tag != "strecke") {
        tag = myRead(from);
    while (tag != "DATAEND") {
        tag = readEndSecure(from);
    return true;
NIVissimSingleTypeParser_Routenentscheidungsdefinition::parse(std::istream& from) {
    std::string tag;
    while (tag != "fahrzeugklassen") {
        tag = myRead(from);
    do {
        while (tag != "DATAEND" || tag == "route") {
            if (tag == "route") {
                while (tag != "strecke") {
                    tag = myRead(from);
                tag = readEndSecure(from);
            } else {
                tag = readEndSecure(from);
        if (tag != "DATAEND") {
            tag = readEndSecure(from);
    } while (tag != "DATAEND");
    return true;
    int id, std::string name, std::istream& from) {
    std::string type = "festzeit";
    std::string tag;
    from >> tag;
    SUMOReal absdur;
    from >> absdur; // type-checking is missing!
    tag = readEndSecure(from);
    SUMOReal offset = 0;
    if (tag == "versatz") {
        from >> offset; // type-checking is missing!
NIVissimSingleTypeParser_Laengenverteilungsdefinition::parse(std::istream &from) {
    // id
    std::string id;
    from >> id;
    // list of points
    Position2DVector points;
    std::string tag;
    do {
        tag = readEndSecure(from);
        if (tag!="DATAEND") {
            SUMOReal p1 = TplConvert<char>::_2SUMOReal(tag.c_str());
            from >> tag;
            SUMOReal p2 = TplConvert<char>::_2SUMOReal(tag.c_str());
            points.push_back(Position2D(p1, p2));
    } while (tag!="DATAEND");
                               id, new Distribution_Points(id, points));
    return true;
NIVissimSingleTypeParser_VWunschentscheidungsdefinition::parse(std::istream& from) {
    std::string tag;
    from >> tag; // id
    from >> tag; // name
    tag = readName(from);
    tag = overrideOptionalLabel(from);
    from >> tag; // strecke
    std::string edgeid;
    from >> edgeid;
    from >> tag; // spur
    std::string lane;
    from >> lane;
    from >> tag; // bei
    std::string pos;
    from >> pos;
    from >> tag; // fahrzeugklasse
    from >> tag; // <fahrzeugklasse>
    from >> tag; // vwunsch
    std::string vwunsch;
    from >> vwunsch; // vwunsch
    std::vector<std::string> tmp;
    tag = readEndSecure(from, tmp);
    while (tag != "DATAEND" && tag != "zeit") {
        from >> tag;
        from >> tag;
        from >> tag;
        tag = myRead(from);
    if (tag == "zeit") {
        from >> tag;
        from >> tag;
        from >> tag;
        from >> tag;
NIVissimSingleTypeParser_Zeitenverteilungsdefinition::parse(std::istream& from) {
    // id
    std::string id;
    from >> id;
    // list of points
    PositionVector points;
    std::string tag;
    do {
        tag = readEndSecure(from);
        if (tag == "mittelwert") {
            SUMOReal mean, deviation;
            from >> mean;
            from >> tag;
            from >> deviation;
            return NBDistribution::dictionary("times", id,
                                              new Distribution_MeanDev(id, mean, deviation));
        if (tag != "DATAEND") {
            SUMOReal p1 = TplConvert::_2SUMOReal(tag.c_str());
            from >> tag;
            SUMOReal p2 = TplConvert::_2SUMOReal(tag.c_str());
            points.push_back(Position(p1, p2));