bool IGCParser::readCRecord(const char *line, int len) { qreal lat, lon; if (len < 18) return false; if (!readLat(line + 1, lat)) { _errorString = "Invalid latitude"; return false; } if (!readLon(line + 9, lon)) { _errorString = "Invalid longitude"; return false; } if (!(lat == 0 && lon == 0)) { QByteArray ba(line + 18, len - 19); Waypoint w(Coordinates(lon, lat)); w.setName(QString(ba.trimmed())); _routes.last().append(w); } return true; }
int Gps::readData() { string data; ifstream file ("/dev/ttyO1",ios::in);//"gps3.txt" if (file) { // while (file.eof() != 1) // until we are not at the end of the file, we read data of each line // { getline(file,data); cout << data<<endl; strcpy(rawData,data.c_str()); // convert data string into char* if (rawData[18]=='A') //signal valid { DataPack dataToSend;[0] = readLat();[1] = readLongi(); = GPS_ID; cout<<"data send: lat = "<<[0]<<" long = "<<[1]<<endl; cout<<"notify"<<endl; notify(dataToSend); = SPEED_ID;[0] = readVelocity();[1] = 0; notify(dataToSend); return 1; } else { cout<< "fail reading \n"<<endl; //file.close(); return 0; } // } } else { cout << "fail to open \n"; } return 1; }
bool IGCParser::readBRecord(const char *line, int len) { qreal lat, lon, ele; QTime time; if (len < 35) return false; if (!readTimestamp(line + 1, time)) { _errorString = "Invalid timestamp"; return false; } if (!readLat(line + 7, lat)) { _errorString = "Invalid latitude"; return false; } if (!readLon(line + 15, lon)) { _errorString = "Invalid longitude"; return false; } if (!readAltitude(line + 24, ele)) { _errorString = "Invalid altitude"; return false; } if (time < _time) _date = _date.addDays(1); _time = time; Trackpoint t(Coordinates(lon, lat)); t.setTimestamp(QDateTime(_date, _time, Qt::UTC)); t.setElevation(ele); _tracks.last().append(t); return true; }