void XMLimport::readScriptGroup( TScript * pParent ) { TScript * pT; if( pParent ) { pT = new TScript( pParent, mpHost ); } else { pT = new TScript( 0, mpHost ); } mpHost->getScriptUnit()->registerScript( pT ); pT->setIsActive( ( attributes().value("isActive") == "yes" ) ); pT->mIsFolder = ( attributes().value("isFolder") == "yes" ); while( ! atEnd() ) { readNext(); if( isEndElement() ) break; if( isStartElement() ) { if( name() == "name" ) { pT->mName = readElementText(); continue; } else if( name() == "packageName") { pT->mPackageName = readElementText(); continue; } else if( name() == "script") { QString script = readElementText(); pT->setScript( script ); continue; } else if( name() == "eventHandlerList") { readStringList( pT->mEventHandlerList ); pT->setEventHandlerList( pT->mEventHandlerList ); continue; } else if( name() == "ScriptGroup" ) { readScriptGroup( pT ); } else if( name() == "Script" ) { readScriptGroup( pT ); } else { readUnknownScriptElement(); } } } }
void processSubscriptions() { int noSubscriptions = readInt(); string_list* tmp_departed = departed; string_list* tmp_arrived = arrived; int s; for (s = 0; s<noSubscriptions; ++s) { int respStart = readInt(); int respLength = readUnsignedByte(); if (respLength == 0) respLength = readInt(); int cmdId = readUnsignedByte(); if (cmdId<0xe0||cmdId>0xef) { // only responses to subscription to supported types (vehicles, TLC, polygones...) are accepted //LOG_W(OMG, " Invalide Subscription response: %d\n",cmdId); //printf(" Invalide Subscription response: %d\n",cmdId); return; } char *objID = readString(); int varNo = readUnsignedByte(); UNUSED_VARIABLE(objID); UNUSED_VARIABLE(respStart); int i; for (i=0; i<varNo; ++i) { int varID = readUnsignedByte(); bool ok = readUnsignedByte()==RTYPE_OK; int valueDataType = readUnsignedByte(); UNUSED_VARIABLE(valueDataType); if (ok&&cmdId==CMD_SUBSCRIBE_SIM_VARIABLE+0x10&&varID==VAR_DEPARTED_VEHICLES_IDS) { tmp_departed = readStringList(tmp_departed); //printf(" OMG Got departed cars\n"); continue; } if (ok&&cmdId==CMD_SUBSCRIBE_SIM_VARIABLE+0x10&&varID==VAR_ARRIVED_VEHICLES_IDS) { tmp_arrived = readStringList(tmp_arrived); //printf(" OMG Got arrived cars\n"); continue; } } } }
int main(){ // connect to the cameras VideoCapture leftCam(1); VideoCapture rightCam(2); char response[4]; // if needed: Capture calibration images and save to disk printf("Would you like to capture new calibration images? (y/n): "); fgets(response, sizeof response, stdin); bool recapture = (response[0] == 'y'); if (recapture) { calibCapture( leftCam, rightCam ); } // if needed: calibrate the cameras printf("Would you like to recalibrate the cameras? (y/n): "); fgets(response, sizeof response, stdin); bool recalibrate = (response[0] == 'y'); if (recalibrate) { vector<string> imageList; bool read_ok = readStringList("calib/image_list.xml", imageList); if(!read_ok || imageList.empty()) { cout << "Failed to read calibration image list (calib/image_list.xml)" << endl; return 1; } FileStorage fs("calib/image_list.xml", FileStorage::READ); int boardSizeX = (int)fs["boardSizeX"]; int boardSizeY = (int)fs["boardSizeY"]; Size boardSize(boardSizeX, boardSizeY); fs.release(); cout << "calibrating cameras..."; StereoCalib(imageList, boardSize, true, true); } StereoMatcher sm("calib/intrinsics.yml", "calib/extrinsics.yml"); Mat left, right, disp; left = imread("calib/left1.bmp"); right = imread("calib/right1.bmp"); sm.getDisp(left, right, disp); namedWindow("Disparity"); imshow("Disparity", disp); waitKey(-1); while(1){ // grab images from left and right cameras // rectify images // calculate disparity // show depth map // break if exit condition break; } return 0; }
void Camera::calibrate(string imagesFilePath, int boardWidth, int boardHeight) { vector<vector<Point2f> > imagePoints; vector<string> imageList; Size boardSize, imageSize; boardSize.width=boardWidth; boardSize.height=boardHeight; int flags=0; int i; float squareSize = 1.f, aspectRatio = 1.f; // Read Image Calibration List if(!readStringList(imagesFilePath, imageList)) { cout << "Cannot Open Image List File. Calibration Failed" << endl; return; } Mat view, viewGray; for(i = 0; i<(int)imageList.size();i++) { view = cv::imread(imageList[i], 1); imageSize = view.size(); vector<Point2f> pointbuf; cvtColor(view, viewGray, CV_BGR2GRAY); bool found = findChessboardCorners( view, boardSize, pointbuf, CV_CALIB_CB_ADAPTIVE_THRESH & CV_CALIB_CB_FAST_CHECK & CV_CALIB_CB_NORMALIZE_IMAGE); if(found) { drawChessboardCorners( view, boardSize, Mat(pointbuf), found ); imagePoints.push_back(pointbuf); } } prepareandRunCalibration(imagePoints, imageSize, boardSize, squareSize, aspectRatio, flags, K, Dist); }
void XMLimport::readHostPackage( Host * pT ) { pT->mAutoClearCommandLineAfterSend = ( attributes().value("autoClearCommandLineAfterSend") == "yes" ); pT->mDisableAutoCompletion = ( attributes().value("disableAutoCompletion") == "yes" ); pT->mPrintCommand = ( attributes().value("printCommand") == "yes" ); pT->set_USE_IRE_DRIVER_BUGFIX( attributes().value("USE_IRE_DRIVER_BUGFIX") == "yes" ); pT->mUSE_FORCE_LF_AFTER_PROMPT = ( attributes().value("mUSE_FORCE_LF_AFTER_PROMPT") == "yes" ); pT->mUSE_UNIX_EOL = ( attributes().value("mUSE_UNIX_EOL") == "yes" ); pT->mNoAntiAlias = ( attributes().value("mNoAntiAlias") == "yes" ); pT->mRawStreamDump = ( attributes().value("mRawStreamDump") == "yes" ); pT->mAlertOnNewData = ( attributes().value("mAlertOnNewData") == "yes" ); pT->mFORCE_NO_COMPRESSION = ( attributes().value("mFORCE_NO_COMPRESSION") == "yes" ); pT->mFORCE_GA_OFF = ( attributes().value("mFORCE_GA_OFF") == "yes" ); pT->mFORCE_SAVE_ON_EXIT = ( attributes().value("mFORCE_SAVE_ON_EXIT") == "yes" ); pT->mEnableGMCP = ( attributes().value("mEnableGMCP") == "yes" ); pT->mMapStrongHighlight = ( attributes().value("mMapStrongHighlight") == "yes" ); pT->mLogStatus = ( attributes().value("mLogStatus") == "yes" ); pT->mEnableSpellCheck = ( attributes().value("mEnableSpellCheck") == "yes" ); pT->mShowInfo = ( attributes().value("mShowInfo") == "yes" ); pT->mAcceptServerGUI = ( attributes().value("mAcceptServerGUI") == "yes" ); pT->mMapperUseAntiAlias = ( attributes().value("mMapperUseAntiAlias") == "yes" ); pT->mFORCE_MXP_NEGOTIATION_OFF = ( attributes().value("mFORCE_MXP_NEGOTIATION_OFF") == "yes" ); while( ! atEnd() ) { readNext(); if( isEndElement() ) break; if( isStartElement() ) { if( name() == "name" ) { pT->mHostName = readElementText(); continue; } else if( name() == "mInstalledModules") { QMap<QString, QStringList> entry; readMapList(entry); QMapIterator<QString, QStringList> it(entry); while (it.hasNext()){ it.next(); QStringList moduleList; QStringList entryList = it.value(); moduleList << entryList[0]; moduleList << entryList[1]; pT->mInstalledModules[it.key()] = moduleList; pT->mModulePriorities[it.key()] = entryList[2].toInt(); } //readMapList( pT->mInstalledModules ); continue; } else if( name() == "mInstalledPackages") { readStringList( pT->mInstalledPackages ); continue; } else if( name() =="url" ) { pT->mUrl = readElementText(); continue; } else if( name() =="serverPackageName" ) { pT->mServerGUI_Package_name = readElementText(); continue; } else if( name() == "serverPackageVersion") { pT->mServerGUI_Package_version = readElementText().toInt(); continue; } else if( name() == "port") { pT->mPort = readElementText().toInt(); continue; } else if( name() == "borderTopHeight") { pT->mBorderTopHeight = readElementText().toInt(); continue; } else if( name() == "commandLineMinimumHeight") { pT->commandLineMinimumHeight = readElementText().toInt(); continue; } else if( name() == "borderBottomHeight") { pT->mBorderBottomHeight = readElementText().toInt(); continue; } else if( name() == "borderLeftWidth") { pT->mBorderLeftWidth = readElementText().toInt(); continue; } else if( name() == "borderRightWidth") { pT->mBorderRightWidth = readElementText().toInt(); continue; } else if( name() == "wrapAt") { pT->mWrapAt = readElementText().toInt(); continue; } else if( name() == "wrapIndentCount" ) { pT->mWrapIndentCount = readElementText().toInt(); continue; } else if( name() == "mCommandSeparator" ) { pT->mCommandSeparator = readElementText(); continue; } else if( name() == "mCommandLineFgColor") { pT->mCommandLineFgColor.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mCommandLineBgColor") { pT->mCommandLineBgColor.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mFgColor") { pT->mFgColor.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mBgColor") { pT->mBgColor.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mCommandFgColor") { pT->mCommandFgColor.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mCommandBgColor") { pT->mCommandBgColor.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mBlack") { pT->mBlack.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mLightBlack") { pT->mLightBlack.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mRed") { pT->mRed.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mLightRed") { pT->mLightRed.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mBlue") { pT->mBlue.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mLightBlue") { pT->mLightBlue.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mGreen") { pT->mGreen.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mLightGreen") { pT->mLightGreen.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mYellow") { pT->mYellow.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mLightYellow") { pT->mLightYellow.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mCyan") { pT->mCyan.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mLightCyan") { pT->mLightCyan.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mMagenta") { pT->mMagenta.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mLightMagenta") { pT->mLightMagenta.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mWhite") { pT->mWhite.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mLightWhite") { pT->mLightWhite.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mDisplayFont") { pT->mDisplayFont.fromString( readElementText() ); pT->mDisplayFont.setFixedPitch( true ); // pT->mDisplayFont.setWordSpacing( 0 ); // pT->mDisplayFont.setLetterSpacing( QFont::AbsoluteSpacing, 0 ); continue; } else if( name() == "mCommandLineFont") { pT->mCommandLineFont.fromString( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mFgColor2") { pT->mFgColor_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mBgColor2") { pT->mBgColor_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mBlack2") { pT->mBlack_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mLightBlack2") { pT->mLightBlack_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mRed2") { pT->mRed_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mLightRed2") { pT->mLightRed_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mBlue2") { pT->mBlue_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mLightBlue2") { pT->mLightBlue_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mGreen2") { pT->mGreen_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mLightGreen2") { pT->mLightGreen_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mYellow2") { pT->mYellow_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mLightYellow2") { pT->mLightYellow_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mCyan2") { pT->mCyan_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mLightCyan2") { pT->mLightCyan_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mMagenta2") { pT->mMagenta_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mLightMagenta2") { pT->mLightMagenta_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mWhite2") { pT->mWhite_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mLightWhite2") { pT->mLightWhite_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mSpellDic") { pT->mSpellDic = readElementText(); continue; } else if( name() == "mRoomSize" ) { pT->mRoomSize = readElementText().toDouble(); } else if( name() == "mLineSize" ) { pT->mLineSize = readElementText().toDouble(); } else { readUnknownHostElement(); } } } }
void XMLimport::readTriggerGroup( TTrigger * pParent ) { TTrigger * pT; if( pParent ) { pT = new TTrigger( pParent, mpHost ); } else { pT = new TTrigger( 0, mpHost ); } if (module){ pT->mModuleMember = true; } mpHost->getTriggerUnit()->registerTrigger( pT ); pT->setIsActive( (attributes().value("isActive") == "yes" ) ); pT->mIsFolder = ( attributes().value("isFolder") == "yes" ); pT->mIsTempTrigger = ( attributes().value("isTempTrigger") == "yes" ); pT->mIsMultiline = ( attributes().value("isMultiline") == "yes" ); pT->mPerlSlashGOption = ( attributes().value("isPerlSlashGOption") == "yes" ); pT->mIsColorizerTrigger = ( attributes().value("isColorizerTrigger") == "yes" ); pT->mFilterTrigger = ( attributes().value("isFilterTrigger") == "yes" ); pT->mSoundTrigger = ( attributes().value("isSoundTrigger") == "yes" ); pT->mColorTrigger = ( attributes().value("isColorTrigger") == "yes" ); pT->mColorTriggerBg = ( attributes().value("isColorTriggerBg") == "yes" ); pT->mColorTriggerFg = ( attributes().value("isColorTriggerFg") == "yes" ); while( ! atEnd() ) { readNext(); //qDebug()<<"[INFO] element:"<<name().toString()<<" text:"<<text().toString(); if( isEndElement() ) break; if( isStartElement() ) { if( name() == "name" ) { pT->setName( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "script") { pT->mScript = readElementText(); continue; } else if( name() == "packageName") { pT->mPackageName = readElementText(); continue; } else if( name() == "triggerType" ) { pT->mTriggerType = readElementText().toInt(); continue; } else if( name() == "conditonLineDelta" ) { pT->mConditionLineDelta = readElementText().toInt(); continue; } else if( name() == "mStayOpen" ) { pT->mStayOpen = readElementText().toInt(); continue; } else if( name() == "mCommand" ) { pT->mCommand = readElementText(); continue; } else if( name() == "mFgColor") { pT->mFgColor.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mBgColor") { pT->mBgColor.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "colorTriggerFgColor") { pT->mColorTriggerFgColor.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "colorTriggerBgColor") { pT->mColorTriggerBgColor.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mSoundFile" ) { pT->mSoundFile = readElementText(); continue; } else if( name() == "regexCodeList") { readStringList( pT->mRegexCodeList ); continue; } else if( name() == "regexCodePropertyList" ) { readIntegerList( pT->mRegexCodePropertyList ); continue; } else if( name() == "TriggerGroup" ) { readTriggerGroup( pT ); } else if( name() == "Trigger" ) { readTriggerGroup( pT ); } else { readUnknownTriggerElement(); } } } if( ! pT->setRegexCodeList( pT->mRegexCodeList, pT->mRegexCodePropertyList ) ) { qDebug()<<"IMPORT: ERROR: cant initialize pattern list for trigger "<<pT->getName(); } QString script = pT->mScript; if( ! pT->setScript( script ) ) { qDebug()<<"IMPORT: ERROR: trigger script "<< pT->getName()<<" does not compile"; } }
void readBinaryList( const std::wstring& str, std::vector<std::wstring>& vec ) { readStringList( str, vec ); }
/** MAIN function. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main( int argc, char** argv ) { Size boardSize, imageSize; float squareSize = 1.f, aspectRatio = 1.f; Mat cameraMatrix, distCoeffs; //DEPRECATE proposal const char* outputFilename = "out_camera_data.yml"; //DEPRECATE proposal const char* inputFilename = 0; int i, nframes = 15; bool writeExtrinsics = false, writePoints = false; bool undistortImage = false; int flags = 0; VideoCapture capture; bool flipVertical = false; bool showUndistorted = false; bool videofile = false; int delay = 1000; clock_t prevTimestamp = 0; int mode = DETECTION; int cameraId = 0; vector<vector<Point2f> > imagePoints; vector<string> imageList; if ( getOpt(argc, argv, &boardSize, &squareSize, &nframes, &aspectRatio, &delay, &flags, &writeExtrinsics, &writePoints, &flipVertical, &showUndistorted, &videofile, &cameraId, inputFilename, outputFilename) != 0) return -1; if( inputFilename ) { if( !videofile && readStringList(inputFilename, imageList) ) mode = CAPTURING; else capture.open(inputFilename); } else capture.open(cameraId); if( !capture.isOpened() && imageList.empty() ) return fprintf(stderr, "Could not initialize video (%d) capture\n", cameraId ), -2; if( !imageList.empty() ) nframes = (int)imageList.size(); if( capture.isOpened() ) printf("%s", liveCaptureHelp); namedWindow("Image View", 1); bool qrfound = false; int qr_pixel_size; struct quirc *q; q = quirc_new(); for(i = 0;;i++) { Mat view, viewGray; bool blink = false; if( capture.isOpened() ) { Mat view0; capture >> view0; view0.copyTo(view); } else if( i < (int)imageList.size() )
void XMLimport::readHostPackage( Host * pT ) { pT->mAutoClearCommandLineAfterSend = ( attributes().value("autoClearCommandLineAfterSend") == "yes" ); pT->mDisableAutoCompletion = ( attributes().value("disableAutoCompletion") == "yes" ); pT->mPrintCommand = ( attributes().value("printCommand") == "yes" ); pT->set_USE_IRE_DRIVER_BUGFIX( attributes().value("USE_IRE_DRIVER_BUGFIX") == "yes" ); pT->mUSE_FORCE_LF_AFTER_PROMPT = ( attributes().value("mUSE_FORCE_LF_AFTER_PROMPT") == "yes" ); pT->mUSE_UNIX_EOL = ( attributes().value("mUSE_UNIX_EOL") == "yes" ); pT->mNoAntiAlias = ( attributes().value("mNoAntiAlias") == "yes" ); pT->mRawStreamDump = ( attributes().value("mRawStreamDump") == "yes" ); pT->mAlertOnNewData = ( attributes().value("mAlertOnNewData") == "yes" ); pT->mFORCE_NO_COMPRESSION = ( attributes().value("mFORCE_NO_COMPRESSION") == "yes" ); pT->mFORCE_GA_OFF = ( attributes().value("mFORCE_GA_OFF") == "yes" ); pT->mFORCE_SAVE_ON_EXIT = ( attributes().value("mFORCE_SAVE_ON_EXIT") == "yes" ); pT->mEnableGMCP = ( attributes().value("mEnableGMCP") == "yes" ); pT->mMapStrongHighlight = ( attributes().value("mMapStrongHighlight") == "yes" ); pT->mLogStatus = ( attributes().value("mLogStatus") == "yes" ); pT->mEnableSpellCheck = ( attributes().value("mEnableSpellCheck") == "yes" ); while( ! atEnd() ) { readNext(); if( isEndElement() ) break; if( isStartElement() ) { if( name() == "name" ) { pT->mHostName = readElementText(); continue; } else if( name() == "mInstalledPackages") { readStringList( pT->mInstalledPackages ); continue; } else if( name() =="url" ) { pT->mUrl = readElementText(); continue; } else if( name() == "port") { pT->mPort = readElementText().toInt(); continue; } else if( name() == "borderTopHeight") { pT->mBorderTopHeight = readElementText().toInt(); continue; } else if( name() == "commandLineMinimumHeight") { pT->commandLineMinimumHeight = readElementText().toInt(); continue; } else if( name() == "borderBottomHeight") { pT->mBorderBottomHeight = readElementText().toInt(); continue; } else if( name() == "borderLeftWidth") { pT->mBorderLeftWidth = readElementText().toInt(); continue; } else if( name() == "borderRightWidth") { pT->mBorderRightWidth = readElementText().toInt(); continue; } else if( name() == "wrapAt") { pT->mWrapAt = readElementText().toInt(); continue; } else if( name() == "wrapIndentCount" ) { pT->mWrapIndentCount = readElementText().toInt(); continue; } else if( name() == "mCommandSeparator" ) { pT->mCommandSeparator = readElementText(); continue; } else if( name() == "mFgColor") { pT->mFgColor.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mBgColor") { pT->mBgColor.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mCommandFgColor") { pT->mCommandFgColor.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mCommandBgColor") { pT->mCommandBgColor.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mBlack") { pT->mBlack.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mLightBlack") { pT->mLightBlack.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mRed") { pT->mRed.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mLightRed") { pT->mLightRed.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mBlue") { pT->mBlue.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mLightBlue") { pT->mLightBlue.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mGreen") { pT->mGreen.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mLightGreen") { pT->mLightGreen.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mYellow") { pT->mYellow.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mLightYellow") { pT->mLightYellow.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mCyan") { pT->mCyan.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mLightCyan") { pT->mLightCyan.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mMagenta") { pT->mMagenta.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mLightMagenta") { pT->mLightMagenta.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mWhite") { pT->mWhite.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mLightWhite") { pT->mLightWhite.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mDisplayFont") { pT->mDisplayFont.fromString( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mCommandLineFont") { pT->mCommandLineFont.fromString( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mFgColor2") { pT->mFgColor_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mBgColor2") { pT->mBgColor_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mBlack2") { pT->mBlack_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mLightBlack2") { pT->mLightBlack_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mRed2") { pT->mRed_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mLightRed2") { pT->mLightRed_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mBlue2") { pT->mBlue_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mLightBlue2") { pT->mLightBlue_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mGreen2") { pT->mGreen_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mLightGreen2") { pT->mLightGreen_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mYellow2") { pT->mYellow_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mLightYellow2") { pT->mLightYellow_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mCyan2") { pT->mCyan_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mLightCyan2") { pT->mLightCyan_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mMagenta2") { pT->mMagenta_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mLightMagenta2") { pT->mLightMagenta_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mWhite2") { pT->mWhite_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mLightWhite2") { pT->mLightWhite_2.setNamedColor( readElementText() ); continue; } else if( name() == "mSpellDic") { pT->mSpellDic = readElementText(); continue; } else { readUnknownHostElement(); } } } }