void UserDictionaryDecoder::Read(IBitStream *bstr) { int len = bstr->read(32); _prefix = readUnicodeString(bstr, len, true); _articleSymbols = readSymbols(bstr); _headingSymbols = readSymbols(bstr); _ltArticles.Read(*bstr); _ltHeadings.Read(*bstr); _ltPrefixLengths.Read(*bstr); _ltPostfixLengths.Read(*bstr); _huffman1Number = bstr->read(32); _huffman2Number = bstr->read(32); }
S52References::S52References(QString file_name) { QFile file(file_name); file.open(QFile::ReadOnly); QXmlStreamReader* xml = new QXmlStreamReader(&file); while (!xml->atEnd()) { switch (xml->readNext()) { case QXmlStreamReader::StartElement: if (xml->name() == "color-tables") readColorTables(xml); if (xml->name() == "lookups") readLookUps(xml); if (xml->name() == "line-styles") readLineStyles(xml); if (xml->name() == "patterns") readPatterns(xml); if (xml->name() == "symbols") readSymbols(xml); break; default: break; } } //print(); file.close(); fillColorTables2(); }
bool internalizeOneObjectFile(objectFileListType *objectFile) { FILE *objectFildes; int magic; int mode; addressType startAddress; addressType endAddress; currentFileName = objectFile->name; if ((objectFildes = fopen(objectFile->name, "r")) == NULL) { error(CANT_OPEN_OBJECT_FILE_ERROR, objectFile->name); perror("Unix says"); return(FALSE); } if (verbose) printf("internalizing %s:\n", objectFile->name); if ((magic = readWord(objectFildes, objectFile->name)) != 0xFFFF) { error(BAD_OBJECT_FILE_ERROR, objectFile->name); return(FALSE); } mode = MODE_ABSOLUTE; for (;;) { startAddress = readWord(objectFildes, objectFile->name); if (startAddress == 0xFFFF) { if (mode == MODE_ABSOLUTE) { mode = MODE_RELOCATABLE; continue; } else { break; } } endAddress = readWord(objectFildes, objectFile->name); readCode(startAddress, endAddress, mode, objectFile, objectFildes); } readReservations(objectFile, objectFildes); readReferences(objectFile, objectFildes); readSymbols(objectFile, objectFildes); readExpressions(objectFile, objectFildes); readFunctions(objectFile, objectFildes); instantiateExpressionAndSymbolPointers(objectFile); if (readExpressionEntryPoint) { pc = entryPointExpression; putSymbolPointersIntoExpression(); readExpressionEntryPoint = FALSE; haveExpressionEntryPoint = TRUE; } qsort(objectFile->symbolTable, objectFile->symbolCount, sizeof(symbolType *), compareSymbolValues); fclose(objectFildes); return(TRUE); }
void MachOObject::load() { if (isLoaded()) throw std::logic_error("Module already loaded"); if (strcmp(m_file->platform(), ARCH_NAME) != 0) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "This version of Darling dyld cannot load binaries for " << m_file->platform() << "."; throw std::runtime_error(ss.str()); } loadSegments(); transitionState(dyld_image_state_mapped); if (m_slide > 0) rebase(); transitionState(dyld_image_state_rebased); readSymbols(); readExports(); MachOMgr::instance()->add(this, isMainModule()); loadDependencies(); performRelocations(); performBinds(); transitionState(dyld_image_state_bound); transitionState(dyld_image_state_dependents_initialized); // registerEHSection(); if (isMainModule()) fillInProgramVars(); fillInDyldData(); setInitialSegmentProtection(); setupTLS(); MachOMgr::instance()->notifyAdd(this); runInitializers(); transitionState(dyld_image_state_initialized); m_file->closeFd(); if (MachOMgr::instance()->printLibraries()) std::cerr << "dyld: Loaded " << this->path() << std::endl; }
static void readSymbols(Elf *e, unsigned low, unsigned high, std::auto_ptr<CoreSymbolInfo> &SI) { Elf_Scn *scn = NULL; GElf_Shdr shdr; while ((scn = elf_nextscn(e, scn)) != NULL) { if (gelf_getshdr(scn, &shdr) == NULL) { continue; } if (shdr.sh_type == SHT_SYMTAB) { // Found the symbol table break; } } if (scn != NULL) { readSymbols(e, scn, shdr, low, high, SI); } }
bool NAmigaHunkDecoder::readNodes() { unsigned int hunkType=0; unsigned int hunkSize=0; bool reading=true; unsigned int hunkCount=0; ULONG loc=0; NBinaryNode *n=(NBinaryNode *)NULL; nextHunk=0; while(reading) { hunkType=map->read32(offset+getImageOffset(),LSB); offset+=4; #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE DEBUG_OUT<<hunkType<<" "; #endif // DEBUG_VERBOSE switch(hunkType) { case 0x3e7: #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE DEBUG_OUT<<"hunk_unit\n"; #endif // DEBUG_VERBOSE hunkSize=map->read32(offset+getImageOffset(),LSB); offset+=4; hunkSize&=0x3fffffff; // strip any "ATOM" bits if any... #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE DEBUG_OUT<<"nameLen="<<hunkSize<<"\n"; #endif // DEBUG_VERBOSE offset+=hunkSize*4; break; case 0x3e8: #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE DEBUG_OUT<<"hunk_name\n"; #endif // DEBUG_VERBOSE hunkSize=map->read32(offset+getImageOffset(),LSB); offset+=4; hunkSize&=0x3fffffff; // strip any "ATOM" bits if any... #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE DEBUG_OUT<<"nameLen="<<hunkSize<<"\n"; #endif // DEBUG_VERBOSE offset+=hunkSize*4; break; case 0x3e9: #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE DEBUG_OUT<<"hunk_code\n"; #endif // DEBUG_VERBOSE hunkSize=map->read32(offset+getImageOffset(),LSB); offset+=4; hunkSize&=0x3fffffff; // strip any "ATOM" bits if any... loc=offset; n=new NBinaryNode("code",hunkCount,N_BIN_PROGBITS,loc,hunkSize*4,offset,E_MEM_ALL); if(n) ld->getModule()->getNodes()->append(n); else { std::cerr<<"Didn't get NBinaryNode!\n"; exit(5); } offset+=hunkSize*4; hunkCount++; nextHunk++; break; case 0x3ea: #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE DEBUG_OUT<<"hunk_data\n"; #endif // DEBUG_VERBOSE hunkSize=map->read32(offset+getImageOffset(),LSB); offset+=4; hunkSize&=0x3fffffff; // strip any "ATOM" bits if any... loc=offset; n=new NBinaryNode("data",hunkCount,N_BIN_PROGBITS,loc,hunkSize*4,offset,E_MEM_READ|E_MEM_WRITE); if(n) ld->getModule()->getNodes()->append(n); else { std::cerr<<"Didn't get NBinaryNode!\n"; exit(5); } offset+=hunkSize*4; hunkCount++; nextHunk++; break; case 0x3eb: #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE DEBUG_OUT<<"hunk_bss\n"; #endif // DEBUG_VERBOSE hunkSize=map->read32(offset+getImageOffset(),LSB); offset+=4; hunkSize&=0x3fffffff; // strip any "ATOM" bits if any... loc=offset; n=new NBinaryNode("bss",hunkCount,N_BIN_NOBITS,loc,hunkSize*4,0,E_MEM_READ|E_MEM_WRITE); if(n) ld->getModule()->getNodes()->append(n); else { std::cerr<<"Didn't get NBinaryNode!\n"; exit(5); } hunkCount++; nextHunk++; break; case 0x3ec: #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE DEBUG_OUT<<"hunk_reloc32\n"; #endif // DEBUG_VERBOSE hunkSize=1; // not really, but it can't be zero readReloc(32); break; case 0x3ed: #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE DEBUG_OUT<<"hunk_reloc16\n"; #endif // DEBUG_VERBOSE hunkSize=1; // not really, but it can't be zero readReloc(16); break; case 0x3ee: #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE DEBUG_OUT<<"hunk_reloc8\n"; #endif // DEBUG_VERBOSE hunkSize=1; // not really, but it can't be zero readReloc(8); break; case 0x3ef: #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE DEBUG_OUT<<"hunk_ext\n"; #endif // DEBUG_VERBOSE hunkSize=1; // not really, but it can't be zero readSymbols(true); break; case 0x3f0: #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE DEBUG_OUT<<"hunk_symbol\n"; #endif // DEBUG_VERBOSE hunkSize=1; // not really, but it can't be zero readSymbols(false); break; case 0x3f1: #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE DEBUG_OUT<<"hunk_debug\n"; #endif // DEBUG_VERBOSE hunkSize=map->read32(offset+getImageOffset(),LSB); offset+=4; hunkSize&=0x3fffffff; // strip any "ATOM" bits if any... loc=offset; n=new NBinaryNode("debug",0,N_BIN_NOBITS,loc,hunkSize*4,0,E_MEM_READ|E_MEM_WRITE); if(n) ld->getModule()->getNodes()->append(n); else { std::cerr<<"Didn't get NBinaryNode!\n"; exit(5); } offset+=hunkSize*4; break; case 0x3f2: #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE DEBUG_OUT<<"hunk_end\n"; #endif // DEBUG_VERBOSE hunkSize=1; // not really, but it can't be zero numHunks--; break; case 0x3f6: #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE DEBUG_OUT<<"hunk_break\n"; #endif // DEBUG_VERBOSE hunkSize=1; // not really, but it can't be zero break; default: DEBUG_OUT<<"unknown hunk type...bailing!\n"; reading=false; break; } if(!numHunks) reading=false; } return true; }
static void readElf(const char *filename, const XEElfSector *elfSector, Core &core, std::auto_ptr<CoreSymbolInfo> &SI, std::map<Core*,uint32_t> &entryPoints) { uint64_t ElfSize = elfSector->getElfSize(); const scoped_array<char> buf(new char[ElfSize]); if (!elfSector->getElfData(buf.get())) { std::cerr << "Error reading elf data from \"" << filename << "\"" << std::endl; std::exit(1); } if (elf_version(EV_CURRENT) == EV_NONE) { std::cerr << "ELF library intialisation failed: " << elf_errmsg(-1) << std::endl; std::exit(1); } Elf *e; if ((e = elf_memory(buf.get(), ElfSize)) == NULL) { std::cerr << "Error reading ELF: " << elf_errmsg(-1) << std::endl; std::exit(1); } if (elf_kind(e) != ELF_K_ELF) { std::cerr << filename << " is not an ELF object" << std::endl; std::exit(1); } GElf_Ehdr ehdr; if (gelf_getehdr(e, &ehdr) == NULL) { std::cerr << "Reading ELF header failed: " << elf_errmsg(-1) << std::endl; std::exit(1); } if (ehdr.e_machine != XCORE_ELF_MACHINE) { std::cerr << "Not a XCore ELF" << std::endl; std::exit(1); } if (ehdr.e_entry != 0) { entryPoints.insert(std::make_pair(&core, (uint32_t)ehdr.e_entry)); } unsigned num_phdrs = ehdr.e_phnum; if (num_phdrs == 0) { std::cerr << "No ELF program headers" << std::endl; std::exit(1); } core.resetCaches(); uint32_t ram_base = core.ram_base; uint32_t ram_size = core.getRamSize(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_phdrs; i++) { GElf_Phdr phdr; if (gelf_getphdr(e, i, &phdr) == NULL) { std::cerr << "Reading ELF program header " << i << " failed: " << elf_errmsg(-1) << std::endl; std::exit(1); } if (phdr.p_filesz == 0) { continue; } if (phdr.p_offset > ElfSize) { std::cerr << "Invalid offet in ELF program header" << i << std::endl; std::exit(1); } if (!core.isValidAddress(phdr.p_paddr) || !core.isValidAddress(phdr.p_paddr + phdr.p_memsz)) { std::cerr << "Error data from ELF program header " << i; std::cerr << " does not fit in memory" << std::endl; std::exit(1); } core.writeMemory(phdr.p_paddr, &buf[phdr.p_offset], phdr.p_filesz); } readSymbols(e, ram_base, ram_base + ram_size, SI); elf_end(e); }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { int err = 0; std::string argOutputDir; std::string symbolFile; std::string configFile; std::string password; bool printDebug; (void) signal(SIGINT, sighandler); (void) signal(SIGTERM, sighandler); (void) signal(SIGHUP, sighandler); try { po::options_description desc("Allowed options"); desc.add_options() ("help", "produce help message") ("s", po::value<std::string>(), "<symbol file>") ("c", po::value<std::string>(), "<config file>") ("d", "debug info") ; po::variables_map vm; po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm); po::notify(vm); if (vm.count("help")) { std::cout << desc << "\n"; return 1; } if (vm.count("s")) { std::cout << "Symbol file: " << vm["s"].as<std::string>() << "\n"; symbolFile = vm["s"].as<std::string>(); } else { // use default name for symbols file name symbolFile = "symbols.cfg"; std::cout << "Using default symbols file: symbols.cfg\n"; } if (vm.count("c")) { std::cout << "Config file: " << vm["c"].as<std::string>() << ".\n"; configFile = vm["c"].as<std::string>(); } else { std::cout << "Config file was not set.\n"; err++; } printDebug = vm.count("d") > 0; } catch(std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "EXCEPTION:" << e.what(); return 1; } if (err > 0) { std::cout << "Usage: validate_symbols --c <config_file> --s <symbol_file> \n"; std::cout << "Will save files to MIC.validated-symbols"; return 1; } /* * @see http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_41_0/doc/html/program_options.html */ std::vector<std::string> symbols = readSymbols(symbolFile); try { FIX::SessionSettings settings(configFile); std::set<FIX::SessionID> sessions = settings.getSessions (); assert(sessions.size() == 1); FIX::SessionID sessionId = *(sessions.begin()); const FIX::Dictionary& dict = settings.get(sessionId); ApplicationConfig config; // MIC code for adding to output filename config.mic_code = dict.has("MIC") ? dict.getString("MIC") : ""; // Username and password settings config.username = dict.has("Username") ? dict.getString("Username") : ""; config.password = dict.has("Password") ? dict.getString("Password") : ""; config.sendPasswordInRawDataField = dict.has("SendPasswordInRawData") && dict.getBool("SendPasswordInRawData"); // Fix Version string config.version = dict.has("FIXVersion") ? (FIXVersion)atoi(dict.getString("FIXVersion").c_str()) : FIX_42; std::cout << "Using FIX version: " << config.version << std::endl; // Reset sequence numbers? bool bReset = dict.has("ResetSeqNo") ? dict.getBool("ResetSeqNo") : false; std::cout << "Resetting sequence numbers: " << bReset << std::endl; // Debug settings config.printDebug = printDebug; Application application(bReset, config); papplication = &application; application.addSymbols(symbols); // if user specified an output dir, then put files into date-sorted // subdirectories, otherwise put into the default dirs specified in // config file std::string orderBooksOutputDir = "."; std::string logOutputDir = dict.has("FileLogPath") ? dict.getString("FileLogPath") : "."; std::string storeOutputDir = dict.has("FileStorePath") ? dict.getString("FileStorePath") : "."; if (argOutputDir.length() > 0) { orderBooksOutputDir = argOutputDir; fs::path argPath = fs::path(argOutputDir); if (!fs::exists(argPath)) { fs::create_directories(argPath); } /* put both order books and message logs in subdirs, but put the store at the root dir */ fs::path logOutputPath = argPath / fs::path("log"); if (!fs::exists(logOutputPath)) { fs::create_directory(logOutputPath); } logOutputDir = logOutputPath.string(); fs::path storeOutputPath = argPath / fs::path("store"); if (!fs::exists(storeOutputPath)) { fs::create_directory(storeOutputPath); } storeOutputDir = storeOutputPath.string(); } FIX::FileStoreFactory storeFactory(storeOutputDir); FIX::FileLogFactory logFactory(logOutputDir); FIX::SocketInitiator initiator(application, storeFactory, settings, logFactory); pinitiator = &initiator; std::cout << "Starting initiator" << std::endl; initiator.start(); //application.run(); char x; while(std::cin >> x) { std::cout << " Press 'q' to quit" << std::endl; if (x == 'q') { break; } } std::cout << "Stopping initiator..." << std::endl; initiator.stop(); return 0; } catch ( FIX::Exception & e ) { std::cout << e.what(); return 1; } }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { int err = 0; std::string argOutputDir; std::string symbolFile; std::string configFile; std::string password; bool printDebug; bool isLogging; int zero = 0; (void) signal(SIGINT, sighandler); (void) signal(SIGTERM, sighandler); (void) signal(SIGHUP, sighandler); g_zmq_context = zmq_init(1); assert(g_zmq_context); pub_socket = zmq_socket(g_zmq_context, ZMQ_PUB); zmq_setsockopt(pub_socket, ZMQ_LINGER, &zero, sizeof(zero)); assert(pub_socket); GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_VERIFY_VERSION; try { po::options_description desc("Allowed options"); desc.add_options() ("help", "produce help message") ("c", po::value<std::string>(), "<config file>") ("s", po::value<std::string>(), "<symbol file>") ("o", po::value<std::string>(), "<output path>") ("nolog", po::value<int>()->implicit_value(0), "disable logging (FIX and tick)") ("d", "debug info") ; po::variables_map vm; po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm); po::notify(vm); if (vm.count("nolog")) { std::cout << "Logging disabled" << std::endl; //isLogging = (vm["nolog"].as<int>() == 1 ? false : true); isLogging = false; } else { std::cout << "Logging enabled" << std::endl; isLogging = true; } if (vm.count("help")) { std::cout << desc << "\n"; return 1; } if (vm.count("o")) { std::cout << "Output path: " << vm["o"].as<std::string>() << "\n"; argOutputDir = vm["o"].as<std::string>(); } else { // set default std::cout << "Output path file was not set \n"; } if (vm.count("s")) { std::cout << "Symbol file: " << vm["s"].as<std::string>() << "\n"; symbolFile = vm["s"].as<std::string>(); } else { // use default name for symbols file name symbolFile = "symbols.cfg"; std::cout << "Using default symbols file: symbols.cfg\n"; } if (vm.count("c")) { std::cout << "Config file: " << vm["c"].as<std::string>() << ".\n"; configFile = vm["c"].as<std::string>(); } else { std::cout << "Config file was not set.\n"; err++; } printDebug = vm.count("d") > 0; /* moved passwords to cfg files if (vm.count("p")) { std::cout << "Pass: "******"p"].as<std::string>() << ".\n"; password = vm["p"].as<std::string>(); } else { std::cout << "Password was not set.\n"; err++; } */ } catch(std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "EXCEPTION:" << e.what(); return 1; } if (err > 0) { std::cout << "Aborting due to missing parameters.\n"; return 1; } /* * @see http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_41_0/doc/html/program_options.html */ std::vector<std::string> symbols = readSymbols(symbolFile); try { FIX::SessionSettings settings(configFile); std::set<FIX::SessionID> sessions = settings.getSessions (); assert(sessions.size() == 1); FIX::SessionID sessionId = *(sessions.begin()); const FIX::Dictionary& dict = settings.get(sessionId); ApplicationConfig config; // MIC code for adding to output filename config.mic_string = dict.has("MIC") ? dict.getString("MIC") : ""; std::cout << "My MIC is: " << config.mic_string << std::endl; capk::get_config_params(g_zmq_context, "tcp://", &all_venue_config); capkproto::venue_configuration my_config = capk::get_venue_config(&all_venue_config, config.mic_string.c_str()); std::cout << "Received config:\n" << my_config.DebugString() << std::endl; // venue id as for protobuf usage to identify venue if (my_config.venue_id() == "") { std::cerr << "venue_id not set!" << std::endl; exit(-1); } else { // boost version of atoi if (qi::parse(my_config.venue_id().begin(), my_config.venue_id().end(), qi::int_, config.venue_id) == false) { std::cout << "Can't parse venue_id" << std::endl; exit(-1); } if (config.venue_id == 0) { std::cerr << "venue_id can not be 0" << std::endl; exit(-1); } std::cout << "Set venue_id to: " << config.venue_id << std::endl; } // Username and password settings config.username = dict.has("Username") ? dict.getString("Username") : ""; config.password = dict.has("Password") ? dict.getString("Password") : ""; config.sendPasswordInRawDataField = dict.has("SendPasswordInRawData") && dict.getBool("SendPasswordInRawData"); // Should use aggregated book? config.aggregatedBook = dict.has("AggregatedBook") && dict.getBool("AggregatedBook"); std::cout << "Aggregated book: " << config.aggregatedBook << std::endl; // Should we reset sequence numbers? bool bReset = dict.has("ResetSeqNo") && dict.getBool("ResetSeqNo"); std::cout << "Resetting sequence numbers: " << bReset << std::endl; // How to send market data requests - bulk or multiple messages config.sendIndividualMarketDataRequests = dict.has("SendIndividualMarketDataRequests") && dict.getBool("SendIndividualMarketDataRequests"); std::cout << "Send individual market data requests: " << config.sendIndividualMarketDataRequests << std::endl; // Fix Version string config.version = dict.has("FIXVersion") ? (FIXVersion)atoi(dict.getString("FIXVersion").c_str()) : FIX_42; std::cout << "Using FIX version: " << config.version << std::endl; // Market depth std::string depth = dict.has("MarketDepth") ? dict.getString("MarketDepth") : ""; config.marketDepth = atoi(depth.c_str()); std::cout << "Setting market depth: " << config.marketDepth << std::endl; // Update Type long updateType = dict.has("MDUpdateType") ? dict.getLong("MDUpdateType") : -1; std::cout << "Setting update type: " << updateType << std::endl; // Debug settings config.printDebug = printDebug; Application application(bReset, config); papplication = &application; application.addSymbols(symbols); // if user specified an output dir, then put files into date-sorted // subdirectories, otherwise put into the default dirs specified in // config file std::string orderBooksOutputDir = "."; std::string logOutputDir = dict.has("FileLogPath") ? dict.getString("FileLogPath") : "."; std::string storeOutputDir = dict.has("FileStorePath") ? dict.getString("FileStorePath") : "."; if (argOutputDir.length() > 0) { orderBooksOutputDir = argOutputDir; fs::path argPath = fs::path(argOutputDir); if (!fs::exists(argPath)) { fs::create_directories(argPath); } /* put both order books and message logs in subdirs, but put the store at the root dir */ fs::path logOutputPath = argPath / fs::path("log"); if (!fs::exists(logOutputPath)) { fs::create_directory(logOutputPath); } logOutputDir = logOutputPath.string(); fs::path storeOutputPath = argPath / fs::path("store"); if (!fs::exists(storeOutputPath)) { fs::create_directory(storeOutputPath); } storeOutputDir = storeOutputPath.string(); } pid_t pid = getpid(); pid_t ppid = getppid(); printf("pid: %d, ppid: %d\n", pid, ppid); std::string pidFileName = std::string(argv[0]) + "." + config.mic_string + std::string(".pid"); std::ofstream pidFile(pidFileName); if (pidFile.is_open()) { pidFile << pid; pidFile.flush(); } else { std::cerr << "Can't write pid file - exiting"; exit(-1); } // Get the bind address for zmq sockets bool isPublishing = dict.has("should_publish_prices") && dict.getBool("should_publish_prices"); if (isPublishing) { std::cout << "Collector is publishing prices to: " << my_config.market_data_broadcast_addr() << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Collector is NOT publishing prices" << std::endl; } // ZMQ initialization if (isPublishing) { zmq_bind(pub_socket, my_config.market_data_broadcast_addr().c_str()); application.setZMQContext(g_zmq_context); application.setZMQSocket(pub_socket); } application.setPublishing(isPublishing); application.setLogging(isLogging); // Set MDUpdateType application.setUpdateType(updateType); // orderbook output setup application.setDataPath(orderBooksOutputDir); // fix logging params if (isLogging) { std::cout << "Logging with FileStoreFactory" << std::endl; FIX::FileStoreFactory fileStoreFactory(storeOutputDir); FIX::FileLogFactory logFactory(logOutputDir); pinitiator = new FIX::SocketInitiator(application, fileStoreFactory, settings, logFactory); } else { std::cout << "Logging with NullStoreFactory" << std::endl; FIX::NullStoreFactory nullStoreFactory; pinitiator = new FIX::SocketInitiator(application, nullStoreFactory, settings); } //pinitiator = &initiator; std::cout << "Starting initiator" << std::endl; pinitiator->start(); char x; while(std::cin >> x) { if (x == 'q') { break; } } std::cout << "Stopping initiator..." << std::endl; pinitiator->stop(); return 0; } catch ( FIX::Exception & e ) { std::cout << e.what(); return 1; } }