checkLinkPairCandidate(const BamAlignment& al, 
        const RefVector& refs, 
        const int32_t critTail)
    int32_t tail = readTail(al, refs);
    return abs(tail) <= critTail ? tail : 0;
processReadPair(const BamAlignment& al1, 
        const BamAlignment& al2, 
        const RefVector& refs, 
        const int32_t totalTail, 
        const int32_t critTail, 
        const bool diff_ref)
    if ((al1.IsFirstMate() && al2.IsFirstMate())
        || (al1.IsSecondMate() && al2.IsSecondMate())) {
        cerr << "Incompatible mate orders: name1 = " << al1.Name 
             << " is1stmate " << al1.IsFirstMate() << " is2ndmate " << al1.IsSecondMate()
             << " name2 = " << al2.Name 
             << " is1stmate " << al2.IsFirstMate() << " is2ndmate " << al2.IsSecondMate()
             << endl;

    int32_t total_tail = -1;
    if (! (total_tail = checkLinkPair(al1, al2, refs, totalTail, critTail, diff_ref))) {
        return false;  // reject all but link pairs
        // continue;
    if (critTail && ! checkLinkPairCandidate(al1, refs, critTail)
        && ! checkLinkPairCandidate(al2, refs, critTail)) {
        return false;  // neither read was a link pair candidate
    if (debug_processReadPair) cout << "---------------------------------" << endl;
    int32_t lpc_tail1 = checkLinkPairCandidate(al1, refs, critTail);
    int32_t lpc_tail2 = checkLinkPairCandidate(al2, refs, critTail);
    if (debug_processReadPair) {
        printAlignmentInfo(al1, refs);
        if (lpc_tail1) {
            cout << "LINK PAIR CANDIDATE ";
            cout << ((lpc_tail1 > 0) ? "--->" : "<---") << " " << lpc_tail1 << endl;
        printAlignmentInfo(al2, refs);
        if (lpc_tail2) {
            cout << "LINK PAIR CANDIDATE ";
            cout << ((lpc_tail2 > 0) ? "--->" : "<---") << " " << lpc_tail2 << endl;
        cout << "TOTAL TAIL " << (abs(readTail(al1, refs)) + abs(readTail(al2, refs))) << endl;

    return true;
void readIpc (unsigned char* bufferedData) {
    // fix the data length so if the interrupt adds data
    // during execution of this block, it will be read
    // until the next readIpc
    unsigned int tmpLen = getLength(protBuffer);

    unsigned int i=0;
    unsigned int availBytes = 0, sendMore = 0;
    unsigned char failureTrue = 0;

    //static unsigned long long timeStamp = 0;

    // Set the output size accordingly
    bufferedData[0] = (tmpLen > MAXLOGLEN)? MAXLOGLEN: tmpLen;

    // TODO: Remove debugging info from readIPC
    //if ((timeStamp % 1000)== 0){
    //	printToUart2("T: %6.0f\n\r\0",(float) timeStamp*0.01);

    // write the data
    for(i = 1; i <= bufferedData[0]; i += 1 )
        bufferedData[i] = readFront(protBuffer);

    if (getOverflow(protBuffer)>0) {
        // disable the SPI module
        SPI1STATbits.SPIEN  = 0;

        // Disable the interrupts
        IEC0bits.SPI1IE		= 0;
        IFS0bits.SPI1IF 	= 0;

        printToUart2("\n=== %s =====\n\r\n\r\n\r", "BEGIN DUMP ");
        //printToUart2("Ts: %f\n\r\0",(float) timeStamp*0.01);
        printToUart2("Ovrflw: %d\n\r", getOverflow(protBuffer));
        printToUart2("Head: %d\n\r", readHead(protBuffer));
        printToUart2("Tail: %d\n\r", readTail(protBuffer));
        printToUart2("Len: %d\n\r", getLength(protBuffer));
        printToUart2("Siz: %d\n\r", protBuffer->size);

        for(i = 0; i <BSIZE; i ++ )
            printToUart2("%d ", protBuffer->buffer[i]);

        printToUart2("\n=== %s =====\n\r\n\r\n\r", "END ");

        // Empty the buffer

        // Enable the interrupts
        IFS0bits.SPI1IF 	= 0;
        IEC0bits.SPI1IE		= 1;

        // Enable the SPI module
        SPI1STATbits.SPIEN  = 1;

