bool LinuxEnvironment::requestSelectionContent(UString &selection_content, Atom selection, Atom requested_format)
	// send a SelectionRequest to the window owning the selection and waits for its answer (with a timeout)
	// the selection owner will be asked to set the MCENGINE_SEL property on m_window with the selection content
	Atom property_name = XInternAtom(m_display, "MCENGINE_SEL", false);
	XConvertSelection(m_display, selection, requested_format, property_name, m_window, CurrentTime);
	bool gotReply = false;
	int timeoutMs = 200; // will wait at most for 200 ms
		XEvent event;
		gotReply = XCheckTypedWindowEvent(m_display, m_window, SelectionNotify, &event);
		if (gotReply)
			if (event.xselection.property == property_name)
				selection_content = readWindowProperty(event.xselection.requestor, event.xselection.property, requested_format, true);
				return true;
			else // the format we asked for was denied.. (event.xselection.property == None)
				return false;

		// not very elegant.. we could do a select() or something like that... however clipboard content requesting
		// is inherently slow on x11, it often takes 50ms or more so...
		timeoutMs -= 4;
	while (timeoutMs > 0);

	debugLog("LinuxEnvironment::requestSelectionContent() : Timeout!\n");
	return false;

   This file is part of the JUCE library - "Jules' Utility Class Extensions"
   Copyright 2004-11 by Raw Material Software Ltd.


   JUCE can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General
   Public License (Version 2), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
   A copy of the license is included in the JUCE distribution, or can be found
   online at www.gnu.org/licenses.

   JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
   WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
   A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.


   To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
   available: visit www.rawmaterialsoftware.com/juce for more information.


extern Display* display;
extern Window juce_messageWindowHandle;

namespace ClipboardHelpers
    static String localClipboardContent;
    static Atom   atom_UTF8_STRING;
    static Atom   atom_CLIPBOARD;
    static Atom   atom_TARGETS;

    static void initSelectionAtoms()
        static bool isInitialised = false;
        if (! isInitialised)
            atom_UTF8_STRING = XInternAtom (display, "UTF8_STRING", False);
            atom_CLIPBOARD   = XInternAtom (display, "CLIPBOARD", False);
            atom_TARGETS     = XInternAtom (display, "TARGETS", False);

    // Read the content of a window property as either a locale-dependent string or an utf8 string
    // works only for strings shorter than 1000000 bytes
    static String readWindowProperty (Window window, Atom prop, Atom fmt)
        String returnData;
        char* clipData;
        Atom actualType;
        int  actualFormat;
        unsigned long numItems, bytesLeft;

        if (XGetWindowProperty (display, window, prop,
                                0L /* offset */, 1000000 /* length (max) */, False,
                                AnyPropertyType /* format */,
                                &actualType, &actualFormat, &numItems, &bytesLeft,
                                (unsigned char**) &clipData) == Success)
            if (actualType == atom_UTF8_STRING && actualFormat == 8)
                returnData = String::fromUTF8 (clipData, numItems);
            else if (actualType == XA_STRING && actualFormat == 8)
                returnData = String (clipData, numItems);

            if (clipData != nullptr)
                XFree (clipData);

            jassert (bytesLeft == 0 || numItems == 1000000);

        XDeleteProperty (display, window, prop);
        return returnData;

    // Send a SelectionRequest to the window owning the selection and waits for its answer (with a timeout) */
    static bool requestSelectionContent (String& selectionContent, Atom selection, Atom requestedFormat)
        Atom property_name = XInternAtom (display, "JUCE_SEL", false);

        // The selection owner will be asked to set the JUCE_SEL property on the
        // juce_messageWindowHandle with the selection content
        XConvertSelection (display, selection, requestedFormat, property_name,
                           juce_messageWindowHandle, CurrentTime);

        int count = 50; // will wait at most for 200 ms

        while (--count >= 0)
            XEvent event;
            if (XCheckTypedWindowEvent (display, juce_messageWindowHandle, SelectionNotify, &event))
                if (event.xselection.property == property_name)
                    jassert (event.xselection.requestor == juce_messageWindowHandle);

                    selectionContent = readWindowProperty (event.xselection.requestor,
                    return true;
                    return false; // the format we asked for was denied.. (event.xselection.property == None)

            // not very elegant.. we could do a select() or something like that...
            // however clipboard content requesting is inherently slow on x11, it
            // often takes 50ms or more so...
            Thread::sleep (4);

        return false;