// Input:
//   meta_parameters *meta_sar--  SAR geometry to subset the DEM
//   const char *demImg       --  DEM data filename
//   const char *demMeta      --  DEM metadata filename
//   int pad                  --  number of lines to add at the top/bottom/left/right
//   double tolerance         --  how accurate the approximation mapping needs to be,
//                                in units of pixels
//   const char *output_name  --  output filename (basename)
//   int test_mode            --  adds checks for the accuracy of the mapping, and
//                                does some unit testing
// Output:
//   no output parameters, the output is the output_name files (.img and .meta)
// Return Value:
//   return TRUE on success, FALSE on fail
int make_gr_dem_ext(meta_parameters *meta_sar, const char *demImg, const char *demMeta,
                    int pad, double tolerance, const char *output_name, int test_mode)
  if (test_mode)
  asfPrintStatus("Reading DEM...\n");
  meta_parameters *meta_dem = meta_read(demMeta);
  float *demData = NULL;
  FloatImage *fi_dem = NULL;

  int dnl = meta_dem->general->line_count;
  int dns = meta_dem->general->sample_count;

  if (0)
    demData = read_dem(meta_dem, demImg);
    fi_dem = float_image_new_from_metadata(meta_dem, demImg);

  if (demData)
    asfPrintStatus("Old method: reading entire DEM.\n");
  if (fi_dem)
    asfPrintStatus("New method: float image\n");
  if (demData && fi_dem)

  char *outImg = appendExt(output_name, ".img");
  char *output_name_tmp, *outImgTmp;

  // do not do DEM smoothing if the DEM pixel size is better or close to the
  // SAR image's pixel size.
  int do_averaging = TRUE;
  if (meta_dem->general->y_pixel_size - 10 < meta_sar->general->y_pixel_size)
    do_averaging = FALSE;
  asfPrintStatus("Averaging: %s (DEM %f, SAR: %f)\n", do_averaging ? "YES" : "NO",
  if (do_averaging) {
    output_name_tmp = appendStr(output_name, "_unsmoothed");
    outImgTmp = appendExt(output_name_tmp, ".img");
  else {
    output_name_tmp = STRDUP(output_name);
    outImgTmp = STRDUP(outImg);

  // add the padding if requested
  meta_parameters *meta_out = meta_copy(meta_sar);
  meta_out->general->line_count += pad*2;
  meta_out->general->sample_count += pad*2;
  meta_out->general->start_line -= pad;
  meta_out->general->start_sample -= pad;

  // fixing up the output metadata.  Note that we must keep the SAR section
  // intact since that specifies our geometry which is the whole point of
  // this exercise.
  strcpy(meta_out->general->basename, meta_dem->general->basename);
  strcpy(meta_out->general->sensor, MAGIC_UNSET_STRING);
  strcpy(meta_out->general->processor, MAGIC_UNSET_STRING);
  strcpy(meta_out->general->mode, MAGIC_UNSET_STRING);
  strcpy(meta_out->general->sensor_name, MAGIC_UNSET_STRING);
  meta_out->general->image_data_type = DEM;
  meta_out->general->radiometry = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
  strcpy(meta_out->general->acquisition_date, meta_dem->general->acquisition_date);
  meta_out->general->orbit = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
  meta_out->general->orbit_direction = MAGIC_UNSET_CHAR;
  meta_out->general->frame = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
  meta_out->general->band_count = 1;
  strcpy(meta_out->general->bands, "DEM");

  int nl = meta_out->general->line_count;
  int ns = meta_out->general->sample_count;

  // finding the right grid size
  int size = find_grid_size(meta_sar, meta_dem, 512, .1*tolerance);

  asfPrintStatus("Creating ground range image...\n");

  float *buf = MALLOC(sizeof(float)*ns*size);
  FILE *fpOut = FOPEN(outImgTmp, "wb");

  // these are for tracking the quality of the bilinear interp
  // not used if test_mode is false
  int num_out_of_tol = 0;
  int num_checked = 0;
  int num_bad = 0;
  double max_err = 0;
  double avg_err = 0;

  int ii, jj;
  for (ii=0; ii<nl; ii += size) {
    int line_lo = ii;
    int line_hi = ii + size;

    for (jj=0; jj<ns; jj += size) {
      double lines[4], samps[4];
      int samp_lo = jj;
      int samp_hi = jj + size;

      get_interp_params(meta_sar, meta_dem, line_lo, line_hi, samp_lo, samp_hi,
                        lines, samps);

      int iii, jjj;
      for (iii=0; iii<size; ++iii) {
        for (jjj=0; jjj<size && jj+jjj<ns; ++jjj) {
          int index = iii*ns + jj + jjj;
          assert(index < ns*size);

          double line_out, samp_out;
          xy_interp(ii+iii, jj+jjj, line_lo, line_hi, samp_lo, samp_hi, lines, samps,
                    &line_out, &samp_out);

          // random checking of the quality of our interpolations
          if (test_mode && iii%11==0 && jjj%13==0) {
            double real_line, real_samp; 
            sar_to_dem(meta_sar, meta_dem, ii+iii, jj+jjj, &real_line, &real_samp);

            double err = hypot(real_line - line_out, real_samp - samp_out);

            avg_err += err;
            if (err > max_err)
              max_err = err;

            if (err > tolerance) {
              asfPrintStatus("Out of tolerance at %d,%d: (%f,%f) vs (%f,%f) -> %f\n",
                             ii+iii, jj+jjj, line_out, samp_out, real_line, real_samp,
            if (err > .5) {
              asfPrintStatus("Error is larger than 1 pixel!\n");
          if (demData)
            buf[index] = interp_demData(demData, dnl, dns, line_out, samp_out);
          else if (fi_dem)
            buf[index] = interp_dem(fi_dem, line_out, samp_out);

    put_float_lines(fpOut, meta_out, ii, size, buf);
    asfPrintStatus("Completed %.1f%%  \r", 100.*ii/(double)nl);
  asfPrintStatus("Completed 100%%   \n");

  if (test_mode) {
    asfPrintStatus("Tolerance was %f\n", tolerance);
    asfPrintStatus("%d/%d checked pixels had error exceeding tolerance. (%.1f%%)\n",
                   num_out_of_tol, num_checked, 100.*num_out_of_tol/(double)num_checked);
    asfPrintStatus("%d/%d checked pixels had error larger than half a pixel. (%.1f%%)\n",
                   num_bad, num_checked, 100.*num_bad/(double)num_checked);
    asfPrintStatus("Maximum error: %f pixels\n", max_err);
    avg_err /= (double)num_checked;
    asfPrintStatus("Average error: %f pixels\n", avg_err);

  meta_write(meta_out, outImgTmp);


  if (fi_dem)

  // now apply 3x3 filter
  if (do_averaging) {
    asfPrintStatus("Smoothing with 3x3 kernel ...\n");
    smooth(outImgTmp, outImg, 3, EDGE_TRUNCATE);


  return FALSE;
文件: READ.CPP 项目: jbailhache/log
DEM read_dem ()
int c;
DEM f, a, b, d, x;
int i;
char buf[200];
DEM s;
DEM d1;
int flags1;
DEM used1;
extern DEM used;
	do c = readchar ();
	while (c==' ' || c=='\t' || c=='\n' || c==0);

	switch (c)
		case 'I': return I;
		case 'K': return K;
		case 'S': return S;
		case 'E': return E;
		case 'F': return If;
		case 'O': return Ord;

		case '-':
			f = read_dem ();
			a = read_dem ();
			return ap (f, a);

		case '/':
			a = read_dem ();
			b = read_dem ();
			return transym (a, b);

                case 'T':
                        a = read_dem ();
                        b = read_dem ();
                        return trans (a, b);

                case 'X':
                        a = read_dem ();
                        return sym (a);

                case '#':
                        a = read_dem ();
                        b = read_dem ();
                        return Axm (a, b);

		case 'i':
			a = read_dem ();
			return defI (a);

		case 'k':
			a = read_dem ();
			b = read_dem ();
			return defK (a, b);

		case 's':
			a = read_dem ();
			b = read_dem ();
                        d = read_dem ();
                        return defS (a, b, d);           

                case ')':
                        a = read_dem ();
                        b = read_dem ();
                        return IfNode (a, b);

                case '1': return Ext1;
                case '2': return Ext2;
                case '3': return Ext3;
                case '4': return Ext4;
                case '5': return Ext5;
                case '6': return Ext6;

		case 'e': return AE;
                case 'f': return EA0;
                        a = read_dem ();        
                        return EA (a);
                case 'm': return MP;
                case 'a': return AI;
                case 'b': return AK;
                case 'c': return AS;
                case 'r': return RPA;

                case '0': return ZeroIsOrd;
                case '+': return SucIsOrd;
                case 'w': return LimIsOrd;
                case 'p': return PredIsOrd;
                case 'n': return StepIsOrd;
                case 'W': return TfI;                

                case '<':
                        a = read_dem ();
                        return left (a);

                case '>':
                        a = read_dem ();
                        return right (a);

                case '\'':
                        a = read_dem ();
                        return rep(a);

		case '%':
/*printf ("*1*");*/
			a = read_dem ();
/*printf ("*2*");*/
                        trace_dem ("read", a);
/*printf ("*3*");*/
                        b = red (a);
/*printf ("*4*");*/
                        trace_dem ("red", b);
                        return b;
			/* return red (a); */
                case 'R':
                        a = read_dem ();
                        return red1 (a, 0);

                case '@':
                        a = read_dem ();
                        return reduc (a, 1);
		case '~':
			a = read_dem ();
			return reduc (a, 0);

		case '$':
			a = read_dem ();
			return redu (a);

                case 'x':
			a = read_dem ();
			b = read_dem ();
			return ext (a, b);

                case '\\':
			a = read_dem ();
			b = read_dem ();
                        trace_dem ("^(0)", a);
                        trace_dem ("^(1)", b);
                        d = exten (a, b);
                        trace_dem ("^(r)", d);
                        return d;

                case ']':
                	a = read_dem ();
                        b = read_dem ();
                        d = dbextens (a, b);
                        return d;

                case 'l':
                        a = read_dem ();
                        b = read_dem ();
                        return Ext (a, b);
                        /* return Lambda (a, b); */

                case 'L':
                        a = read_dem ();
                        b = read_dem ();
                        return Lambda (a, b);

                case '.':
                        a = read_dem ();
                        return DBLambda (a);

                case '!':
                        a = read_dem ();
                        b = read_dem ();
                        return DB_lambda (a, b);
                        /* return DBLambda (DBname (0, a, b)); */

                case '?':
                        a = read_dem ();
                        b = read_dem ();
                        return DB_Subst (a, b);

                case '_':
                        a = read_dem ();
                        b = read_dem ();
                        d = read_dem ();
                        return Subst (a, b, d);

                case ':':
                        a = read_dem ();
                        b = read_dem ();
                        d = read_dem ();
                        return ap (exten(a,d) ,b);

                case 'V':
                        x = read_dem ();
                        d = read_dem ();
                        a = mk_dem (node(d), 0, NULL,
                                DB_lambda (x, subdem(0,d)),
                                DB_lambda (x, subdem(1,d)),
                                subdem(2,d) == NULL ? NULL :
                                DB_lambda (x, subdem(2,d)),
                                NULL, NULL, NULL);
                        return a;

                case 'A':
                        x = read_dem ();
                        d = read_dem ();
                        a = mk_dem (node(d), 0, NULL,
                                ap (x, subdem(0,d)),
                                ap (x, subdem(1,d)),
                                subdem(2,d) == NULL ? NULL :
                                ap (x, subdem(2,d)),
                                NULL, NULL, NULL);
                        return a;

                case '"':
                        a = read_dem ();
                        /* return NoRed (a); */
                        no_red[nnr++] = a;
                        return a;

                case '|':
                     a = read_dem ();
                     no_red[nnr++] = a;
                     b = read_dem ();
                     return b;

                case 'u':
                	used1 = used;
                    used = read_dem ();
                    a = read_dem ();
                    used = used1;
                    return a;
                case '(':
                        flags1 = flags;
                        i = 0;
                        for (;;)
                            c = readchar ();
                            if (c == ')')
                            buf[i++] = c;
                        buf[i] = 0;
                        sscanf (buf, "%x", &flags);
                        a = read_dem ();
                        if ((flags & FLAG_PERM) == 0)
                            flags = flags1;
                        return a;

                case ',':
                        a = read_dem ();
                        return step (a);

                case '*':
                        a = read_dem ();
                        return rstep (a);
                case '`':
                        a = read_dem ();
                        return list_ap (a, nil);

                case '&':
                        c = readchar ();
                        switch (c)
                                case '/': return itransym;
                                case 'i': return idefI;
                                case 'k': return idefK;
                                case 's': return idefS;
                                case '<': return ileft;
                                case '>': return iright;
                                case '=': return ieq;
                                case '#': return inode;
                                case '0': return isubdem0;
                                case '1': return isubdem1;
                                case '2': return isubdem2;
                                case '%': return ired;
                                case '$': return iredu;
                                case '\\': return iext;
                                case ',': return istep;
                                case '*': return irstep;
                                        fprintf (stderr, "Undefined &%c.\n",
                                        return I;

                    case '[':
                        /* trace_dem ("read symbol", I); */
                        for (i=0; i<sizeof(buf); i++)
                            c = readchar();
                            if (c == ']')
                                buf[i] = 0;
#ifdef TRACE1
                                printf ("buf=<%s>\n", buf);
                                if (buf[0] >= '0' && buf[0] <= '9')
#ifdef TRACE
                                    printf ("\nDBVar <%s>", buf);
                                    d1 = DBVar (atoi(buf));
                                    trace_dem ("", d);
                                    return d1;
                                s = Sym(buf);
#ifdef TRACE1
                                trace_dem ("read symbol", s);
                                if (subdem(0,s) == NULL)
#ifdef TRACE1
                                    trace_dem ("return symbol", s);
                                    return s;
#ifdef TRACE
                                    trace_dem ("return value of", s);
                                    return subdem(0,s);

                            buf[i] = c;
                        fprintf (stderr, "Symbol too long\n");
                        return Sym(buf);

                        return defined_dems[(unsigned char)c];
                        printf ("Illegal character 0x%02X\n", c);
			goto loop;
